Hello 1983

Chapter 559: money well spent

  Chapter 559 This money was well spent

  Liu Qingshan, who was far away on Hong Kong Island, didn't know that because of the batch of computers he got back, those gray-haired old professors in the school almost disregarded principles and fought violently.

  At this moment, he is leading Li Tieniu, and Xiao Wu and others who are watching the fun, to the gold and silver industry trading ground.

   Li Tieniu and Xiao Wu also basically came to Hong Kong Island, not because the goods over there were contacted, but because some of the goods had already been shipped, and they had no money to pay others, so they ran back to ask for money.

   It just so happens that Liu Qingshan also feels that the gold futures have almost dropped. Although they can be further reduced in the future, the range is already relatively small, and it is better to simply deliver them.

   "There are so many gold jewelry, I just bought some to give away."

  Xiao Wu was still bluffing.

   Ma Laosan laughed badly beside him and said, "Then we have to eat the big ones."

   As he spoke, everyone looked at Liu Qingshan with a smile on his face.

  Liu Qingshan glanced at these guys, and said solemnly: "Everyone is now a big boss with a lot of money, don't cry poorly like me."

   "What kind of big boss are we? The big boss is you!"

   As they spoke, everyone laughed and laughed, surrounded Liu Qingshan in the middle, and walked towards the futures trading hall.

"I'm coming!"

  In the hall, there was an immediate commotion.

   "Who's here?" Some people don't know why.

   "Golden Hand!"

  Hundreds of gazes were projected towards Liu Qingshan, some were envious, and some were as jealous as Chi Guoguo.

   It was still Manager Wang who greeted him with a smile on his face: "Mr. Liu, welcome."

  He is the dealer, and as the legend of the golden hand has been mythologized, more and more clients are looking for him, which can be regarded as a success.

  Liu Qingshan explained his purpose, and Manager Wang immediately led him to go through the formalities.

  The sell order on that day was 438 U.S. dollars per ounce, and the current gold price has become 368 U.S. dollars per ounce, with a difference of 70 U.S. dollars.

  Liu Qingshan's total profit is nearly 4.8 million US dollars.

  It was a little less than expected, but with the addition of Mr. Li's three million dollar real estate, it was considered satisfactory.

  Looking at all the money back to the account with interest, Liu Qingshan couldn't help but smile: This wave is not a loss.

  Xiao Wu and the others around them also felt relieved: finally they can pay for the goods!

   That manager Wang still didn't give up: "Gong Xi Fa Cai, is Mr. Liu still interested in continuing to play?"

   "I'll take it as soon as I see it. After I spend the millions, I might come to bother Manager Wang."

  Liu Qingshan shook hands with the other party, as if he regarded this place as a cash machine.

  But the winner is king, people now have the capital to say this, others can only be convinced.

  Of course Liu Qingshan is not talking nonsense. When the stock market crashes next year, of course he will reap a harvest.

   But at that time, the main battlefield was in the United States, so we could only entrust Chen Dongfang and the others to handle it.

   A group of people came out of the hall happily, and everyone clamored for a treat, and they all tried their best to have him a good meal.

   "The money is all in the company's books, anyway, you are eating for yourself."

  Liu Qingshan muttered, but the group changed their mouths and went to the food stall.

   They haven't been together for a long time. After getting together, they had a lively meal and then returned to the company contentedly.

  Now the second and third floors of the company have been remodeled, and even Liu Qingshan has moved here.

  Everyone gathered in the small hall on the first floor and discussed the business.

  First of all, Yu Guangming reported something to Liu Qingshan: the domestic funds of Longteng Company were sponsored by someone.

  In the past few months, Heihe’s income has been several million, and Liu Qingshan has already delegated the power, as long as Hou San, Zhang Long and Yu Guangming agree, they can use it.

  So I don’t care too much about it. Sponsorships of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars will be spent as they should.

  The country is currently a society of human relations, and all aspects of the relationship must be maintained well.

  Like the computer he bought back for Beijing University, it cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, and it cost as much as it said.

  So he asked casually: "How much did you sponsor this time?"

  Yu Dongfang waved **** up, like a gesture of victory: "Two million."

   Now, even Liu Qingshan couldn't help blinking twice: "Who has such a big appetite?"

  Two million is not a small amount, Liu Qingshan thinks there must be something wrong with it.

  Looking at Ma Laosan in the east, the latter immediately heyed for a while:

   "It's the crew of the TV drama Dream of Red Mansions. They originally had five million yuan in funds, but they have spent all of them. The actors are so poor that they almost can't afford to eat every day."

   "It happened that a friend found me, and I thought about it, no matter what, I have to support the country's economic construction, and contribute to the prosperity of cultural undertakings."

   "And the money is not free, we have signed a contract, and after the TV series returns, we will pay back our money first."

   "I also added a clause to the contract, and we will also share the future income."

  Yu Guangming also added beside him: "Although the third child took the lead in this matter, everyone has discussed and agreed."

  Well, Liu Qingshan remembered this incident, but it’s just a return to the book, and you still want to share with CCTV, haha.

  Anyway, the domestic funds are not needed so much at the moment, so let's borrow them first and make a good relationship.

   But looking at Ma Laosan's appearance, I was afraid that there might be some origin behind it, so he asked with a smile:

   "Don't let your kid fall in love with an actress from someone else's crew, and then spend a lot of money, come to Bojia people to laugh?"

   Ma Laosan's eyes widened immediately: "You know all about this!"

   "Hehe, I know you say one thing and do another, tell me who it is, maybe I can help you as a staff member?" Liu Qingshan still knows the actors in that crew very well.

  Of course, it was limited to the various memoirs and interviews that followed. Of course, he has never seen any real people.

  It’s just that among those actors, there are quite a few poor people. Their fate was changed by the Red Mansion, but most of them were too deeply involved in the play, and they lived as characters in the book.

   I don't know if this is what people call martyrdom.

   Ma Laosan was still shy and embarrassed, and everyone booed accordingly. Xiao Wu still held his throat and pointed at the orchid: "Sister Bao."

  Ma Laosan was so angry that he rushed forward, and Wang Ba punched indiscriminately.

  Liu Qingshan nodded. Among these people, both Chai and Dai have made achievements in business, and they belong to the category of strong women. It is estimated that Ma Laosan has a lot of difficulty.

  After talking about the domestic affairs, Chen Dongfang took over the conversation: "The goods purchased by the company are also in place one after another, and the rest can be supplemented by Hong Kong Island."

   "It's just a little troublesome in terms of transportation. In Eastern Europe, the ship king's company is not very willing to run away. I am currently contacting other shipping companies."

  Hong Kong Island's shipping is extremely developed, second only to the United States, especially the king of charter ships.

  Only in the past two years, the charter king has gradually shown a trend of transformation. A large amount of funds are used to invest in financial fields such as banks, and there seems to be a tendency to abandon ship and land.

  The route to Eastern Europe was originally controlled by the Soviet Union and no one else could get involved.

   "If we become stronger in the future, we should acquire a shipping company so as not to be controlled by others."

   Liu Qingshan said lightly.

  People around looked at each other: They didn't even dare to think about such a thing, but when it came out of Liu Qingshan's mouth, why did they feel so relaxed.

   How bold people are and how productive the land is.

   "Yes, since we are called Longteng Company, of course we must have our own fleet, otherwise, how can we sail across the world!" Xiao Wu slapped the table vigorously and said loudly.

  Everyone also felt something called pride.

  However, the current problem still needs to be solved. Liu Qingshan decided to contact Boss Huo tomorrow. The Huo family is familiar, so maybe he can mediate.

   After talking about the business, everyone chatted for a while, and then went back to sleep.

   Liu Qingshan read the textbook for a while as usual, and then was called by Li Tie to answer the phone on the first floor.

  The call came from China, and He Wanqing's excited voice came from inside: "Student Liu Qingshan, our principal wants to talk to you."

  Liu Qingshan did not dare to be negligent when he heard it, and called out respectfully: "Hello, Principal Ding."

  An old and steady voice came from the other end of the phone: "Student Qingshan, on behalf of the teachers and students of the school, I would like to express my gratitude to you!"

  Liu Qingshan couldn't help but straighten his back: "Principal, you are too serious. I just want to make a little contribution to my alma mater within the scope of my ability."

  In any case, he would never have imagined that these computers would alarm the principal, and he even called him personally, which can be said to be full of sincerity.

  Principal Ding’s voice came from the phone again: “As the old saying goes, one who is humble does not dare to forget about the country, but how many people can really do it. Student Qingshan, you are really good.”

  At this moment, Liu Qingshan felt that his money was well spent.

  In fact, he still has some selfishness mixed in, but in front of the feelings of the older generation, he seems a bit petty.

   After a few more words of encouragement, Principal Ding suddenly changed the subject: "Student Qingshan, you also gave me a problem."

  Liu Qingshan was taken aback for a moment, unable to answer, so he could only listen.

  Principal Ding’s voice continued to come from the receiver: “There are too few computers, not enough for those faculties and departments. Those old gentlemen are almost shirtless.”

  Think about those old gentlemen, holding monitors in their arms, blushing, this picture, tsk tsk.

  Liu Qingshan almost wanted to laugh, but luckily held back in time.

   "The greater the ability of a person, the greater the responsibility, Aoyama-san, we will have an interview when you come back."

   Putting down the phone, Liu Qingshan stood there for a long time, savoring President Ding's words in his heart: With great power comes great responsibility...

  The next day, Liu Qingshan made an appointment with Boss Huo to talk about shipping, and Boss Huo naturally agreed, saying that he would help him contact Global Shipping.

   After talking about the business, Boss Huo said cheerfully: "Brother Qingshan, I'm going to organize a private dance tonight, and you must come to join me."

   "Boss Huo, are you a professional dance party?"

  Liu Qingshan knew that Boss Huo loved to play, but he didn't expect him to be so fond of playing.

   "There are beauties."

   Boss Huo's smile contained a sense of meanness.

   Liu Qingshan rolled his eyes, not bothering to pay attention to him.

   "It's just a matter of inviting people from the global shipping company. Let's chat together then." Only then did Boss Huo express his real intention.

   It seems that this guy balances work and entertainment. I guess this is his style of life and business.

   In this way, Liu Qingshan could only agree.

  In the evening, Liu Qingshan and Chen Dongfang went together, and when they got there, Boss Huo decided to book the venue again after a disagreement.

  Many acquaintances have already come to the scene. Seeing Liu Qingshan, the four brothers who surpassed the band, they greeted him excitedly.

  Singer Huang was as excited as a student meeting a mentor: "Mr. Mountain, we have written a song these days. Goodbye Ideal, and I will give you some advice later."

   "Okay, this theme sounds good."

   Liu Qingshan looked at the big boy with a smile, and he felt that he should do something in the future.

   "Shanzi, you should bring a female partner to the dance, do you want me to introduce you to one?" The one who said this was of course Pan Mingpai, and this guy himself brought a female partner.

   In addition, there are some people from the showbiz circle who warmly came up to say hello when they saw Liu Qingshan.

  Perhaps in their eyes, this Mr. Mountain has a halo of prestige, and if he gets close, he can definitely be shrouded in this halo.

  When Huang Yueming came over to say hello with a smile, Liu Qingshan was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that maybe this person also has an extraordinary family background, which is why he was invited by Boss Huo.

   You know, Boss Huo's eyelids are very high.

   "Miss Huang is here too." Liu Qingshan greeted with a smile.

   During this period of time, although Liu Qingshan had some contact with Huang Yueming, Liu Qingshan also felt very close, but that kind of closeness was not the relationship between a man and a woman, which also made Liu Qingshan a little puzzled.

  Huang Yueming's expression seemed to be a little weird. Just as he was about to say something, Boss Huo, an unqualified master, jumped out:

   "Miss Huang, Brother Qingshan doesn't have a partner yet for today's dance."

   This guy is afraid of chaos, Liu Qingshan thinks that if he is selected as the best bad friend, he will definitely vote for him.

  But Boss Huo really couldn’t be hated. He reached out and patted Liu Qingshan on the shoulder: "Guests from Global Shipping are in the next lounge. Let me take you there to say hello."

   "Then thank you Brother Huo!"

  Liu Qingshan also raised his slap, and landed heavily on Boss Huo's shoulder, causing the other party to grin his teeth and mutter: "It's very expensive to see a doctor on Hong Kong Island."

  The two walked towards the lounge, one behind the other, and when they reached the door, Liu Qingshan realized that Huang Yueming was also following behind.

   Knocked on the door, Mr. Huo pushed the door open and walked in, saying hello familiarly: "Brother Shou Ting has been waiting for a long time."

   Then he introduced the middle-aged man in his forties to Liu Qingshan: "Brother Qingshan, this is Mr. Huang Shouting, the vice president of Global Shipping."

   After finishing speaking, he still stared at Liu Qingshan. Liu Qingshan keenly noticed that there was still a trace of mischief in this guy's eyes.

what the hell?

  Liu Qingshan was frightened by this guy, and reached out to that Mr. Huang: "Mr. Huang, nice to meet you."

  In terms of age, the other party should be a generation older, but from Boss Huo, he is talking about friendship with this Mr. Huang, so Liu Qingshan simply called him Mr. Huang.

  Boss Huo shook his head, a little bored, he really hoped to see Liu Qingshan climb up the pole, and call Huang Shouting big brother, it must be fun.

  His sinister intentions obviously cannot be hidden from everyone in the room, only to see Huang Shouting shaking hands with Liu Qingshan with a smile:

   "You should call me uncle, Yueming is my daughter."

  (end of this chapter)

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