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Chapter 572: Just say you are not convinced?

  Chapter 572 says you are not convinced, right?

  Liu Qingshan put down his chopsticks, and took the time to go home first.

   There were more than a dozen people following behind, all of whom were full first, and followed to the boss's house to have a look.

   There are Gao Lingfeng, some of Liu Qingshan's classmates, and Sister Zhang leading Amao and the others. The rest are still at the table.

   "Boss, your house must be the best in the village, right?" Little Stool asked. In his mind, the boss's family is the richest, so of course they live in the best house.

  Liu Qingshan smiled without saying a word, pointing to the yard in front: "Here we are, this is my home, welcome."

  Lights were on in the yard, and it was clearly illuminated. The squat thatched house had a layer of plastic sheets on the windows, yellow mud walls, and a few bunches of red peppers and dried mushrooms hanging from the eaves.

   It has a rather rural atmosphere, but it is a bit different from everyone's imagination, it seems a bit too shabby?

   In their thinking, they should live in a small western-style building.

  The big dog in the yard rushed out joyously, pounced on Liu Qingshan with all its strength, and made a baby-like moaning sound from its mouth.

   I haven't seen the little master for several months, and I miss him too.

  Ms. Zhang is not afraid of dogs, she even went up to pet the dog’s head, and then said, “There’s a small one behind, hey, what breed is this?”

  Firefox dodged her claws, ran up to Liu Qingshan in small steps, and rubbed his head on his thigh twice.

  At this time, everyone saw the big fluffy tail, and immediately exclaimed: "Fox!"

  Liu Qingshan took off his gloves, and gently stroked the fire fox's head with his hands. With the help of the light, he saw that the white hair around its mouth became thicker.

   "Fourth and fifth, take out a bottle of wine from my brother's bag." Liu Qingshan yelled into the room, his backpack had already been asked by the fourth and the others to carry it back.

   Soon, the two little girls ran out, the fourth child was still holding a bottle of good wine, and Shan Xing directly took out the special wine bowl for Firefox from the outhouse.

   Poured two or two taels of wine into the bowl, and the aroma of the wine overflowed immediately. The fire fox was not polite, and licked it with gusto.

  Everyone felt a little weird looking at this scene, and no one made a sound for a while.

   After the fire fox finished drinking, he staggered and went to sleep on his stomach under the firewood fence.

  The solemn look on Liu Qingshan's face dissipated, and he opened the door with a smile: "Everyone, come in, this is my home."

  The room is very warm, and it is still the same as before, except for a few more electrical appliances.

  Several old men and old ladies are sitting in front of the kang table playing cards.

  Liu Qingshan hurried forward: "Grandpa, Grandma, Grandma Qiu Ju, Grandpa, Grandpa Uncle, Grandpa Wang, I'm back!"

   "Just come back, just come back."

  Grandma and Grandma Qiu Ju waited on the bureau, cheerfully calling everyone to sit down, and handing over snacks such as melon seeds, hazelnuts, and pine nuts.

   "Grandpa, how is your body recovering?" Liu Qingshan leaned over to his grandfather and helped him pinch his thigh. He felt the muscles on his leg tremble, and it seemed that he had already felt it.

  Old Master Lin stretched out his hand to touch Liu Qingshan's head: "Now I can use crutches, your master said, and in a few months, I will be able to throw away the crutches."

   "Okay, then run a marathon with my grandfather." Liu Qingshan grinned.

   Then he turned to Mr. Huang: "Grandpa, are you still used to living here?"

  Mr. Huang just nodded his head and focused on the cards in his hand.

  He is not very proficient in card skills, and he can't read the cards. He can only read the whole card, so the cards are scattered, and Professor Wang next to him keeps looking around.

   "Grandpa Wang, no peeking!" Of course Huang Yueming was helping his grandfather.

  The old man on the kang was happy and harmonious, Liu Qingshan was also happy to see it, and greeted Huang Yueming: "Cousin, let me introduce you."

  The focus is on Lao Cui and Sister Zhang, and Huang Yueming communicated with them enthusiastically.

  On Hong Kong Island, entertainment is more developed and more formal, closer to the West.

  Like China, there are no formal brokerage companies and brokers yet.

  Huang Yueming took a cassette from the cabinet cover: "I didn't expect the tape to come out so soon. The songs in it are very good."

   "After the Spring Festival, I will contact you to try to sell it on Hong Kong Island. Mr. Cui and Ms. Zhang will also go to Hong Kong Island to see if we can hold a concert in Hung Hom."

  Since he promised Liu Qingshan to help expand the overseas market, of course he must start from Hong Kong Island.

   These days in this quiet mountain village, she has not been idle. She has already written a plan and contacted Hong Kong Island.

Liu Qingshan smiled: "The first stop is Hong Kong Island, but don't force it too much. Hong Kong Island has a high self-esteem and is relatively xenophobic. It is not the focus of our development. We should focus on Europe and the United States. "

  Huang Yueming blinked his big clear eyes: This little cousin's heart is really big enough, probably in his heart, Hong Kong Island is just a small place, right?

   While everyone was chatting, they heard the faint sound of a loudspeaker coming from outside the house. The house is tight in winter, and it was a little hard to hear clearly.

   But there are the fourth and fifth children. They went out and listened, and then ran back to report: "It's a dividend, it's a dividend!"

  The old people on the kang are still playing cards.

  So Liu Qingshan led everyone to get up, greeted the old people on the kang, and rushed to the village meeting room.

  The conference room was already full of people, and they couldn’t get in at all, so Captain Zhang’s voice came from the room:

   "Leave the storekeepers, and the rest will go to other houses first, Er Mangzi, if you little **** make trouble again, you will cut off all the little things!"

   Then I saw a few kids running out of the house with a smile on their face. The formerly famous waibajing Ermangzi was now much thicker, with his little hands still covering his crotch.

   There was a lot of space in the room before Liu Qingshan led the audience in.

   Scanning the crowd, I saw that the eldest brother-in-law Gao Wenxue was also present, and Writer Lu was sitting next to him, and the two brothers were chatting.

  Beside them, sitting a pretty figure, it is Zheng Xiaoxiao.

  He still holds a ballpoint pen and a small notebook in his hand, and seems to be writing something on it.

  Liu Qingshan couldn't find it funny: This is the beginning of learning art, have you apprenticed to a teacher yet?

  Zheng Xiaoxiaowen, although I haven't heard her say it, but Liu Qingshan knows her too well, and definitely wants to become a female writer.

   "Brother Wang."

  Liu Qingshan went over to say hello, seeing Writer Lu's complexion, he was pretty good.

   "Qingshan is on holiday."

   Writer Lu's eyes behind his glasses also lit up, sparkling with excitement.

  After several months of cultivation, he can obviously feel the changes in his body, and in this quiet mountain village, he can also devote himself to the creation. Now he has finished writing the third part of the world.

  Accompanied by like-minded friends, his wife also moved here, and was also assigned to an instant noodle factory in the county seat as the deputy director.

   All the unsatisfactory things in life seemed to disappear all of a sudden.

   All of this is of course the credit of the young man in front of him, so his heart is full of emotion.

   After chatting for a few words, Liu Qingshan was also happy for him when he heard that the manuscript was successfully completed.

  In the original trajectory, after writing this masterpiece, Writer Lu struggled to throw the ballpoint pen in his hand out of the window.

  There are so many things in it that others can't understand it at all.

   But it's much better now, and he can continue to create.

  The pen in the hands of a writer is like the steel gun in the hands of a soldier.

  A sense of accomplishment in changing history surged into Liu Qingshan's heart: "Brother Wang, the next step is to strive for the third Contradictory Literature Award. I think it is very promising."

  Writer Lu's eyes are firm, he still has this bit of confidence, and Zheng Xiaoxiao next to him is also nodding his head vigorously, as if he is more confident.

  Liu Qingshan continued: "Then we need to hire a good translation team, translate the works, sell them abroad, and compete for the Nobel Prize in Literature!"

   Everyone was stunned when they heard it: Who is this?

  Liu Qingshan heard the discussion behind him, and then introduced to everyone: "These two are writers, this is Brother Wang, an ordinary world."

   "The author of that book is not Lu..."

  Amao was a little surprised, but quickly realized, and hurriedly stepped forward to shake hands, "I like Tian Xiaoxia in it the most!"

   Liu Qingshan went on to introduce: "There is also this one, my eldest brother-in-law Gao Wenxue, whose representative work is Desire."

  Everyone was surprised again. Since last year, the two most popular novels are The World and Desire. Unexpectedly, two great writers are writing here.

  In this era, poets and writers are the most respected, and singers like them have to be in the back row.

  Introduce each other, and we are all literary and art workers, so we can still talk.

  At this time, the old branch secretary in front knocked on the table, and everyone stopped talking.

  I only heard the old branch secretary say: "Everyone has long been looking forward to the dividend, and Qingshan is back today. Without him as a leader, everyone is not safe with this money."

   I don't know who is taking the lead, and there was warm applause in the room.

  Liu Qingshan stood up and bowed: "Thank you for your trust and love."

   And those people in the company under the big tree finally knew the true status of their boss in this small mountain village.

   "Our Jiapigou Cooperative did a good job last year. The original advantageous industries have continued to develop, and some industries have also completed upgrading."

  The old party secretary wore reading glasses, and his speech became more and more level: "What's more, we played a leading role last year. Songjiang Green Rice has grown to more than 2,000 mu along the Xiaosong River..."

   "Songjiang green rice, I've eaten it, it's delicious, so it's grown here!" Amao whispered excitedly.

  Liu Qingshan gave her a blank look: "When you leave, you can take back as much as you can carry."

   "Really?" This girl has a big frame, and if she works hard, she might be able to carry a hundred and eighty catties.

  Just listen to the old party secretary continue to say: "There are also our partners in Jiapigou who have embarked on the road of characteristic development. They have succeeded in planting black fungus, breeding sika deer, wild boar, and wild geese."

  The group of people under the big tree also understood a little bit: the mountain delicacies eaten in the county probably came from this way.

  At that time, I heard from the county leaders that all of them were exported to Europa to earn foreign exchange. Unexpectedly, it was also created by this small mountain village.

  The old party secretary continued to speak: "While they make a fortune, they also generate income for our cooperative. Everyone gets rich together. This is what our country advocates."

   "In the past few days, the heads of several villages have come to our Jiapigou to discuss cooperation. It just so happens that Qingshan is back, and I will give you an idea tomorrow."

  Liu Qingshan quickly got up and agreed: "Grandpa Party Secretary, OK, let's study together then."

  Perhaps the villagers felt a little bored listening to the old party secretary's speech.

  But Liu Qingshan was quite relieved, he could feel that the theoretical level of Grandpa Party Secretary had improved a lot, it was not easy at such an age.

  Maybe in the future, he will be able to become an influential representative of rural grassroots cadres, at the same level as the old leader in Huaxi.

   Then he looked at the old branch secretary. He was wearing a Chinese tunic suit with a straight shirt collar, and his silver-white hair was combed meticulously, all of which were carried behind his back.

   Coupled with the ruddy face in the black, he has begun to take on the courage of farmers and entrepreneurs.

   "Next, I will ask Che Boss to announce the income. It is still an old rule, just give a rough outline, and post the detailed income and expenditure outside later, and everyone will take a closer look."

  The old branch secretary waved his hand, and then handed the microphone to the uncle boss.

  Boss Che coughed lightly: "Last year for us in Jiapigou, we embarked on the fast track of economic development while consolidating the foundation..."

  Hey, okay, the cadres in this village all talk in the same way, amazing!

  The group of spectators under the big tree were completely convinced. It was the first time they had heard about the fast lane, and the country had never mentioned it.

  But if you think about it, you can understand: the development level of this small mountain village is ahead of the country, so of course it is the fast lane.

  But the villagers didn't give face, and a group of people started to yell: "Boss, I'm so stupid, it will be midnight in a while!"

  The owner of the car glanced down: "Isn't that just right, go home and feed the cows twice."

  These people from the city didn’t understand, and they thought it was really adding fodder for cattle and horses in the middle of the night.

  Then Boss Che read one by one: "Songjiang green rice, we produced nearly 500 tons in Jiapigou, and exported it to earn foreign exchange. In exchange for our own money, the total is 2.4 million."

   "In addition, the sales of the green rice produced in other places, which we help to contact, also have a profit of nearly 600,000 yuan, so the total income of this area is 3 million."

  I don’t know who took the lead, there was warm applause in the conference room, and even those people brought back by Liu Qingshan clapped their hands vigorously, as if they also had a share in the money.

  Gao Lingfeng felt the deepest: 3 million, and it is still earning foreign exchange through exports. This small mountain village is really amazing!

  For today's people, millions, that is simply an astronomical figure, the kind that is unimaginable.

   After the room quieted down, Che Boss continued to read: "The second item is mainly the income from special breeding. According to the original agreement, our cooperative underwrites the sales, and we all have profit sharing."

   "This part is mainly the contract signed at the Canton Fair, which has earned a total of more than two million US dollars, and we can share half of it."

   "Of course, the country needs foreign exchange, so we have our own country's money in our hands. This is just right. Give you US dollars, and we have no place to spend them."

  Everyone calculated in their hearts: This item is more than three million yuan.

  There are more than 40 households in Xiaoshan Village, and the average household has already exceeded 100,000 yuan.

   This is not the best, the most powerful thing is that all the money they earn is in foreign exchange, just say you are not convinced?

  (end of this chapter)

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