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Chapter 575: How do you spend your money? (seeking a monthly ticket)

  Chapter 575 How do you spend the money? (seeking a monthly ticket)

   "Next time, I invite you to soak in the hot spring." Liu Qingshan waved goodbye to these people under the big tree.

   "Boss, see you after the holiday!"

  Everyone is a little reluctant to part with them, they haven't played enough in the mountains yet.

   This trip has been quite fruitful, and they have packed a lot of New Year's goods. In addition to wild vegetables and mushrooms, there are also roe deer meat, pheasant and hare, and each of them has a molted wild goose.

   Going home during the Chinese New Year, the family members are probably very happy.

  Another level of harvest is honor. After returning from the mountain yesterday, a reporter interviewed them.

  Of course, it is to publicize the deeds of these literary and art workers who donated money for the Asian Games and went to the grassroots to perform.

  Establishing this kind of positive image will benefit their future development.

  There is another focus of publicity, which is the news that each household donated 10,000 yuan in Jiapigou Village, which must become the hottest topic before the Spring Festival.

  For some singers, the biggest gain is what the audience brings them.

  When you are face to face with the audience, that feeling cannot be experienced on the stage.

  The bus slowly leaves Jiapigou. They will not go to work until the fifteenth day of the first lunar month after the new year, and then they will participate in some special training.

  Liu Qingshan wants to increase the upper limit of these people as much as possible, so he is not busy spreading them out to make money.

   But they didn’t all leave, and left two people behind: Lao Cui and Huanzi, the two brothers, who didn’t come back from the mountain yesterday, said that they had found some feeling and wanted to stay on the mountain to create.

  Of course Liu Qingshan was happy to see this situation, and he didn't care about them. He was so busy entertaining guests these two days that he didn't have time to sit down and have a meal with his family.

  When I got home, I saw the fourth and fifth children lying on the kang table, doing homework for the winter vacation.

  The two little guys each occupy one side, and on the other side there is a little white ape squatting, holding a pencil in its little paw, and it is also filling up there.

   "It's time to share the presents."

  Liu Qingshan yelled, then threw a large bag onto the kang.

   "Wow, so many books!"

  Xiao Laosi unzipped the zipper, and it was full of books.

  Liu Qingshan pulled her antenna braid: "This is food for the soul."

   "Thank you brother, it would be better if there is material food."

  Xiao Lao Si blinked his big eyes and looked at another large bag on the ground.

  You little devil!

  Liu Qingshan opened another bag, which contained all kinds of candy and snacks, and asked the two of them to distribute it in each house.

  Now there are more elderly people coming to the house, including grandpas and uncles. Fortunately, there are enough houses, otherwise I really wouldn’t be able to live there.

  Today is already the nineteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, and the New Year will be celebrated in ten days. Every household in Jiapigou has entered the countdown to the New Year. Those who start early have erected lantern poles.

  Liu Qingshan has nothing to do, just chat with everyone, and then in the afternoon, help his mother cook.

  During the meal, two tables were set up, and there were still not enough people: the eldest sister was in the factory in the county, the elder sister was busy in Hujiang, the second sister and Shan Xing’s mother were in the United States...

  Enjoying two days of peace and leisure at home, it was the young year. After eating dumplings in the morning, Liu Qingshan went for a stroll in the village. Today, all the partners of the cooperative will come.

  Walking on the only avenue in the village, I faintly heard the sound of gongs and drums from the other side of the yard. It was the Yangko team in the village, practicing.

  Behind the team headquarters, there are two large trucks parked, one is to deliver milk to the county dairy factory, and the other is specially used to pull people.

   When Liu Qingshan asked, it turned out that he was going to the county to buy new year's goods. Your family wanted to buy a color TV, and his family wanted to buy a washing machine. It was so lively.

  The cooperative has just paid dividends, and everyone has money in their hands. It is normal to improve their lives.

  When the poor become rich, they will be a little bit drifting, and these simple farmers are of course no exception.

  Liu Qingshan just wanted to remind "rational consumption" when he heard the voice of the old party secretary:

   "One by one, there is something in mind, don't have two dollars in your pocket and you will have to swear!"

  Hehe, this is true. Everyone in the car agreed happily, and some people responded with their mouths:

   "Everything is going up in price now, buy something you'll need later, and prepare first."

   "Worry, my family has tens of thousands of savings, how can I spend it?"

  Da Zhang Luo was also squeezed in the car, pretending to sigh.

  That's a good statement. Even Zhang Ganzi's family has a savings of more than 100,000 yuan. The house is built with the money of the cooperative, and there is no need for each family to pay for it. There is really no place to spend a lot of money.

  Besides, they are all poor and afraid, and finally have some savings, and you ask them to spend money lavishly, and everyone is reluctant.

  The big truck disappeared, and the old branch secretary shook his head:

   "I used to be worried when I had no money, but now I am worried when I have money. The price of goods keeps rising. Everyone is worried that the money is getting less and less valuable. Qingshan, do you have any good ideas?"

  Because inflation is relatively serious, it is the most uneconomical to save money in the past few years.

  Grandpa, the party secretary, is still far-sighted, and he also vaguely saw this problem, but he couldn't find a solution, so he could only deposit it in the bank.

  However, the interest rate on saving money in the bank is constantly decreasing. At the same time, the price of goods has risen sharply, so the depreciation is still the same in the bank.

   On the night when everyone paid dividends, Liu Qingshan had already started to think about this matter, so he smiled and said:

   "Grandpa Party Secretary, it is the worst loss to keep money in your hands. When the time comes, everyone will discuss and discuss it. It is best to invest it."

  The old branch secretary clicked the small cigarette pouch: "You mean that money generates money, and all of it is released. This is not safe, and if it is not done well, it will be easy to go to waste."

  The so-called release refers to private lending, the interest rate is frighteningly high, and it is normal to pay three or five cents.

   Captain Zhang also interjected when he heard this: "We all know that Jiapigou is rich. After winter, many people will come to our village to think about it."

  Liu Qingshan waved his hands again and again after hearing this: "This is absolutely impossible, I will give you a steamed bun, let's ask someone for money!"

  Captain Zhang hehe twice: "After discussing with the old branch secretary, I also felt that this matter is unreliable, so I drove them away. There are a few shameless ones, let me chop them off with a pickaxe handle!"

   "Haha, well played." Liu Qingshan is also very happy, although Captain Zhang is not educated, but he is not confused about big things, he is not the kind of greedy for petty gains and big losses.

   Several people entered the village while chatting, and found a place to sit by themselves. The old branch secretary continued to ask:

   "Qingshan, you are outside, you are well-informed, and your vision is higher than ours. Can you tell me what is going on with this investment?"

  Liu Qingshan is the backbone of Jiapigou, and this policy will never be shaken.

  There are of course many ways and channels of investment. The most worry-free and most profitable one is of course buying a house in a big city, and the rate of return will be dozens of times in the future.

  However, Liu Qingshan is not going to get involved in this. If Jiapigou wants to develop, it has to follow its own unique path.

  So he said with a smile: "Of course we will continue to engage in contracting, contracting mountains and forests, contracting reservoirs, contracting wasteland, and our farmers who plan to eat in the soil can't do anything else except land."

   "That makes sense."

  Captain Zhang slapped his thigh: "However, we have covered the area around Jiapigou that should be contracted?"

  The old branch secretary let out a puff of smoke: "Qingshan, you mean to cooperate with other villages and continue to expand the scope of contracting?"

  Liu Qingshan nodded: "Like Grandpa Hai and their forests, if they want to contract it themselves, they will definitely not be able to pay that much money. The money we have on hand is useless, why don't we work together to contract it?"

   "At that time, as long as we agree on the distribution of benefits, the funds we invest will continue to be rewarded in the future, and everyone will wait for the dividends."

  Captain Zhang slapped his thigh again: "This is a good way to keep the water flowing, and now we have contracted Doubao Mountain and Grandpa Ridge. There are also mountains and dense forests on both sides of the east and west. You can also contact the local people to do the contract together."

  The old branch secretary also showed joy: "Understood, Qingshan, what you mean is to spread our Jiapigou model to the surrounding area, right?"

  Liu Qingshan nodded with a smile. His ambition is even greater, and he can develop into a large group in the future: Tsk tsk, Jiapigou Group, it sounds... Domineering is impossible, and the local flavor is quite strong.

  At this time, the owner of the car suddenly said: "If this is the case, it is really hard to do with the little money in everyone's hands."

   They contracted the Doubao Mountain, and they spent several million.

   "It's okay, little by little, like a snowball, it will definitely get bigger and bigger."

  Liu Qingshan knows that this kind of thing can't be rushed. He just clarified the general development direction and framework, and everyone needs to work together to do the specifics.

   One after another, people came, some on bicycles, some on small four-wheelers, and some driving sledges, all of them were terribly cold.

  There are Shoulin Village, Dalinzi, Dingjiagou, and Qianjin Village. There are five or six village cadres in each village.

   Let him go to the conference room, pour hot tea from a tea mug, and he will warm up after a while.

   There are also prepared peanuts, melon seeds, hazelnuts and pine nuts. Everyone is chatting while chatting.

  Seeing that everyone is here, the old party secretary spoke first:

   "I wanted to invite everyone to come and sit down for a long time, but Qingshan went to university in the capital and came back only two days ago. Without him at the helm, we can't discuss Ziwu Maoyou together."

  Everyone nodded together, because they all thought so in their hearts.

  Liu Qingshan quickly stood up and nodded to everyone: "Thank you for your trust, old and young!"

   "Qingshan, don't be modest, we just want to hear what you have to say." Old branch secretary Liu took the lead in expressing his opinion.

  Old man Ding from Dingjiagou also nodded frequently while smoking his cigarette bag: "Qingshan, our village has also become a ten thousand yuan village this year. If it were in the past, I would never dare to think about it."

  The three villages that first cooperated with Jiapigou have now become million-dollar villages, making a lot of money just by exporting game.

  So everyone is convinced of Liu Qingshan.

   Only a few village cadres from Qianjin Village who joined later were silent, smoking dull cigarettes with eyes full of envy.

  Their side is next to Grandpa Ridge. It was originally contracted by Chen Dongfang, and it has not developed any characteristics.

  Of course Liu Qingshan saw it, so he said with a smile: "You Qianjin Village save money every year now."

  The village party secretary and team leader of Qianjin Village waved their hands again and again: "It's good that we can eat and use every year now. Where did the savings come from?"

   "You have a green bank. If you store it for decades, it will be worth money when the yew trees grow."

  Liu Qingshan actually admires Chen Dongfang, his vision is really good, and it is long-term enough.

   "But far away water can't quench your near thirst." The branch secretary of Qianjin Village also sighed.

  The yew is good, but it is estimated that his grandson will grow up to be able to take advantage of it.

   "It's okay. When the time comes, the geese will be raised and distributed to your village as a short-term profit project." Liu Qingshan comforted.

   Several people in Qianjin Village were overjoyed. The income from raising wild geese was tangible, and it would pay off in two years.

  But the old branch secretary Liu of Shoulin Village was not happy, and coughed lightly: "Qingshan, this..."

   It is understandable that no one wants to give their money to others.

  Of course Liu Qingshan understands this truth, so he said with a smile: "Grandpa Liu, don't worry, the scale of breeding in Shoulin Village has reached its limit. If it expands further, it will cause damage to the meadow."

   "You also know that we are following the path of sustainable development, and future generations will also have to rely on this for sustenance."

   "Moreover, the demand for these wild animals will be even greater in the future."

   After finishing speaking, he looked at the others: "Not only wild geese, but all breeding industries must be further expanded and continue to seek partners."

  The room fell silent, and everyone was thinking silently in their hearts.

  The old party secretary took a look at everyone, and said: "I understand what Qingshan means, just like a few years ago, our county developed greenhouses to grow vegetables, and now it has formed a scale."

   "At that time, merchants from other places will come to us directly to purchase. This is called forming an industrial scale, and everyone can benefit from it."

  Captain Zhang also added: "There is also Songjiang green rice. Before the rice is harvested, those old customers are waiting by our side."

  It was this reason, everyone's eyes lit up, they had a personal experience of both, so they no longer hesitated, and nodded in agreement.

  Everyone talked freely, and the more they chatted, the more speculative they became, and they all expressed that they would bring more villages into the group.

  Before I knew it, it was three o'clock in the afternoon, and Grandpa Zhang Luo, the branch secretary, went to eat.

  Liu Qingshan stood up: "I will say a few more words in the end, we want to make money, and we must remember one more thing, we must protect this piece of green mountains and green waters, which will be the most precious wealth in the future!"

   "Nowadays when people go out to travel, they still go to big cities like the capital Hujiang. In ten or twenty years, they should all go to the mountains."

   "As long as we guard the forest, we can make money sitting at home in the future!"

  Although everyone still doesn’t quite understand it now, they all believed Liu Qingshan’s words, so they all nodded in agreement.

   Went to the guest house to set up two tables. Everyone talked happily and drank the wine happily. Before they knew it, they drank all the guests down.

  It's okay, anyway, the hosts will stay everywhere, so let's go back tomorrow.

  Liu Qingshan didn't run away either. He drank a lot of wine with him, staggered back home, and fell asleep on the kang.

   "Brother drank too much!"

  The little fourth and fifth brothers helped him untie his shoelaces, took off his shoes, pulled the mattress again, and turned his head to the edge of the kang.

  The two little girls were exhausted, with flushed faces, sitting on the edge of the kang, smiling and looking at the sleeping elder brother.

   There is also the little white ape, holding a big piece of candy in its little paw, stuffing it into Liu Qingshan's mouth...

  (end of this chapter)

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