Hello 1983

Chapter 582: The building will fall, the roots are rotten

  Chapter 582 The building is about to collapse, the roots are rotten

   Liu Qingshan felt that he must have clashed with the resident of the Black Bear Gang. When he first came, he caught up with the gang.

   This time it was even more powerful, and the firearm was fired directly.

  He doesn't have any enemies here, he must be someone who has a stake in the Black Bear Gang and wants to cut off the Black Bear Gang's financial resources, and he became the fish that suffered.

  However, Liu Qingshan and the people he brought are not salted fish, but big sharks that cross the ocean.

  Rolling all the way down the stairs, the wooden stairs behind Liu Qingshan were beaten with sawdust.

  The opponent obviously miscalculated his speed, so the bullets hit behind him.

  After rolling to the first floor, Liu Qingshan also accurately judged the gunman's position, dodged all the way, and quickly approached the opponent.

   When you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins. The opponent holds a gun. If he runs away, he will definitely be a target. It is better to fight to the death.

   At the time of life and death, Liu Qingshan's body also burst out with powerful potential, and his movements were as fast as a leopard. The bearded man holding guns in both hands shot a few more times, and then the gunshot stopped, and the bullets were gone.

   Just as he was taken aback, Liu Qingshan had already stepped in, punched him hard in the ribs, and vaguely heard a crackling sound, obviously the ribs had been broken.

  The body of the bearded man immediately half-kneeled on the ground, roaring loudly:

   "We're the cops, **** it!"

   "Keep going!"

  Liu Qingshan doesn't care if they are true or not, let's put them all down first, the big deal, just run back overnight and stay away from this place of right and wrong.

  Lu Fang and the others certainly wouldn't be intimidated by the other party. One-on-one, they all knocked down the other party cleanly and pressed them to the ground without any resistance.

  At this time, there was a sound of chaotic footsteps, and Medvic was seen running in with a few gang members.

   This guy was still yelling: "Damn it, dare to attack my most honored guest, you don't want to live anymore, all of you are buried in the ice cave!"

   It seems that this guy is really going crazy. He just reached an agreement with Liu Qingshan to mine stones, and this happened. Doesn’t this cut off his money?

   "Medovich, who are you talking to?" The bearded man resisted the pain and stood up, with a particularly ferocious face.

   "You are Comrade Ivan, why are you..." Medvic was also stunned, the other party was really a policeman.

   Immediately, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and his eyes suddenly became gloomy and cold. After all, he is also the boss of the biggest gang in the city, so he still understands these little tricks.

  He had heard a long time ago that the Sergeant Yegor had always coveted the huge benefits of border trade and wanted to support a trading company.

  In the city of Buenos Aires, the person with the most power is not the mayor, nor the representatives sent by the above, but the chief of the police station. He holds the guns and is the most powerful force besides the military.

   Now sending these men over, the intention is very obvious: kill Liu Qingshan and others first, and then blame the Black Bear Gang, killing two birds with one stone.

   This is directly punishing the Black Bear Gang to death!

  Medevich’s eyes flickered coldly, and he suddenly yelled: “These guys pretended to be policemen and committed crimes, and were killed by us during the resistance. Brothers, go up, use the knife, and leave no one alive!”

  At this time, he can only give it a go, anyway, there is no proof.

   His subordinates were taken aback for a moment, and then they understood what the boss meant, and a few loyal ones drew out their knives, ready to pounce on him.

  Suddenly there was a shouting voice outside: "Everyone inside is not allowed to move, we are the police, you are already surrounded!"

   Now, those gangsters dared not move anymore, Medvic cursed a few words, and then turned his gaze to Liu Qingshan.

   Now he finally understands that the warning given to him by the young man in front of him when we met yesterday was very correct, but he didn't expect it to be fulfilled so soon.

  Liu Qingshan saw that Medvic's eyes were constantly changing, becoming more and more fierce, and it was obvious that he was planning to fight to the death.

  So he quickly shook his head at him, signaling not to act rashly. Since the other party had already prepared, it was obvious that this group of black bear gang could not resist.

  If you resist, you can only let the other party kill you by the way.

   Medvic stomped his feet, feeling extremely aggrieved. For more than a year, he was proud of the spring breeze, and he thought he could walk sideways in the city of Buenos Aires.

   As a result, in the face of real power, his strength is nothing but bullshit.

   Soon, a group of police officers with guns rushed into the building, but no one resisted. They all put their heads in their hands and squatted on the ground.

   But no one noticed that under Liu Qingshan's instruction, Lu Fang had disappeared.

   This is when Liu Qingshan came, and he explained it well. If there is any accident, Lu Fang will go back immediately to gather people and sneak in here.

  With the excellent quality of these veterans, they will definitely be able to rescue Liu Qingshan.

  A middle-aged policeman with a fine mustache walked in. He was the director of the Bukit Police Department, Egor.

  Looking around the room, Yegor waved his hand imposingly: "Take them all back!"

   "We didn't commit a crime, you can't just arrest people."

  Medovich also tried to defend himself, but was kicked by several wolf-like policemen, and someone pointed a gun at the side, but he didn't dare to resist.

   "There are also these Chinese people, take them all away!"

  Egor's eyes flashed a cold light. Of course he knew Liu Qingshan's identity, so he decided to give Liu Qingshan a slap first, and then a sweet date, so as to successfully take over the business between the Black Bear Gang and Longteng Company.

   "Sorry, Comrade Director, I can't go back to the police station with you."

   Liu Qingshan looked at the other party calmly. The chaos here was far beyond his expectations. It seems that this country is indeed hopeless.

  Egor replied coldly: "If you have anything to say, go to the police station and talk about it."

  Liu Qingshan shook his head slightly: "No, I can't go. I have already made an appointment with General Constantine, and I will be a guest at his home tomorrow. I am a person who keeps my promise and I don't want to break the appointment."

   "Which General Constantine?" Yegor couldn't help being taken aback.

   "Is there a second General Constantine in Buenos Aires?" Liu Qingshan asked rhetorically.

   You definitely can’t go to the police station. Who knows what will happen if you go there.

   At this time, we can only try to use the signboard of Katyusha's grandfather to see if we can make the other party retreat.

   "How could you know Your Excellency the General?"

  Egor was really flustered. Of course he knew that the old general still had a certain right to speak in Moscow, and he was not something that a small bureau chief like him could provoke.

  Liu Qingshan shrugged: "Comrade Director, the general's granddaughter, Miss Katyusha, is also my business partner."

  His clear eyes looked at Yegor without fear, and he could see the greed and fear in the other's eyes.

   "In our country, obey our laws!"

  Egor threw down a sentence, then waved his hand, and his subordinates quickly withdrew, and took away the wounded ones who broke in first.

   The few people brought by Liu Qingshan were all merciless in their actions, directly causing the opponent to lose the ability to continue fighting.

   When the police car left, the members of the Black Bear Gang heaved a sigh of relief, and began to curse in a low voice.

  Medovic directly drove the gang of bears away, leaving only the second leader Dadlov to accompany him.

   After being silent for a while, Medevich slammed his fist on the table: "I hate this country!"

  Liu Qingshan didn't feel much anger in his heart, only sighed: the building is about to collapse, and its roots are rotten.

   "Liu, thank you very much this time, otherwise, our Black Bear Gang might be uprooted and almost drag you down."

  Medovich finally figured it out now, the arrogance and complacency on his face were gone, leaving only sincerity.

  Liu Qingshan waved his hand: "I may suffer a little bit, but in the end, nothing will happen. After all, the other party's purpose is to fight for trade rights. It's just your black bear gang. In the future, I'd better find a big thick leg."

  Now that he has figured out the intention of that director Yegor, Liu Qingshan can basically guess some of his next methods.

  Although there was no danger this time, he still secretly made up his mind: it would be better to come here less often in the future.

  Not only him, but also the top management of Longteng Company, it is best to be like this.

   On the contrary, the employees below came over, so it should be fine.

   Medvic also wanted to understand the twists and turns inside. He raised his fist again, but in the end it fell powerlessly on his thigh.

  He has never been like this now, eager to gain strength.

  Suddenly, Medvic's eyes lit up: "Liu, can I go with you to visit His Excellency the General tomorrow?"

   After he finished speaking, he shook his head regretfully, knowing that he was thinking too much.

  The other party is in a high position. Although he is now retired at home, not everyone can get close to him, let alone an underground force like him.

  Liu Qingshan stretched out his hand and patted Lord Xiong on the shoulder: "My friend, don't be discouraged. Believe in your own strength. As long as you have more and more wealth in your hands, your power will definitely grow stronger in the future."

  As long as Medvic still has ambitions, it is not impossible to become a big boss after the disintegration of this big country.

   "Yes, I will definitely become stronger!" Medevich clenched his fists, and what happened tonight really touched him too much.

  The next day, Liu Qingshan prepared some gifts and went to Ivanov's shop.

   And Lu Fang didn’t come back last night,

  Since borrowing someone's name, it can be regarded as an acceptance of favor, so you must pay a visit at the door, otherwise, it will really become a bullshit.

  I didn't see Ivanov, but Katyusha was in the store. She was quite surprised to see Liu Qingshan, after all, they just met yesterday.

  Liu Qingshan greeted her with a smile: "Ms. Anna yesterday, Manager Hou liked it very much. After you left, he chased me and asked if the government on your side would let you go if you got married."

   "Hahaha, Hou is too impatient." Katyusha also laughed.

  Liu Qingshan nodded in agreement: "Well, he is so impatient, that's what he said."

  The two chatted and laughed for a while, and Anna led Liu Qingshan around the store. This also made Liu Qingshan feel very strange, like visiting a supply and marketing cooperative in China.

  The customers in the store are really in an endless stream. The few hired salespersons are busy with work. It seems that the business is really good.

  Liu Qingshan explained his intention: "Katyusha, I want to visit your grandfather, is that okay?"

   "Grandpa's legs and feet are not very good. The winter here is too cold." Katyusha looked a little sad, perhaps feeling that the old man's time is numbered.

  Liu Qingshan smiled: "It happened that I brought tiger bone wine. The old people drank it and it can strengthen their muscles and bones. It is especially effective for rheumatism and cold legs."

   "Okay then, thank you, Liu."

  Katyusha also smiled on her exquisite face.

   After waiting for a while, Ivanov came back with a truck, and it turned out that he had gone to pick up the goods from the warehouse.

  So Lu Fang and the others were left in the store, and the three of them got on a Lada and came to the front of the villa.

  In the cold wind, the old villa is like an old man in his twilight years.

  Liu Qingshan's senses are more acute now, he can finally feel that in a room in the villa, there are several pairs of eyes staring at him, it seems that they should be guards or something.

  He also pretended not to know, followed the young couple into the room, and as soon as he entered the gate, he saw a figure running out of the living room in a hurry, followed by a low growl:

   "Get out, I don't want to see you again!"

  The man and Liu Qingshan met head to head, and now it was Liu Qingshan's turn to be surprised.

  Because this person is the target he wants to find: the mysterious Comrade Sergey.

   But he didn't say hello, he just got out of the way.

   Sergei nodded to Ivanov and Katyusha expressionlessly, and then hurried away. When passing by Liu Qingshan, he still winked at him covertly.

   Now, Liu Qingshan is determined, he can go back with peace of mind.

Entering the room, the fireplace was very hot. This was the second time Liu Qingshan saw the old man Constantine. He respectfully went up to say hello, and handed over the tiger bone wine and monkey wine he brought to Katyusha. .

  The old man’s face was full of anger, but when he saw Liu Qingshan, there was still a smile on his face:

   "Young man, thank you for visiting me, an old man."

Liu Qingshan said respectfully: "It's my honor. I heard from Katyusha that your legs are a little uncomfortable. This is the tiger bone wine produced in our country. It is very effective for rheumatism. Drink a small cup an hour before going to bed every day. can."

  The old man smiled and nodded: "I thought you could taste it while eating."

   After chatting for a while, the old man asked Katyusha to go to the kitchen to see how the lunch preparations were going.

  Ivanov sat on the sofa foolishly without moving, but was also dragged away by Katyusha.

  She knew that grandpa must have something to say, and she wanted to talk to Liu alone.

   When Liu Qingshan left here, he still looked calm on the surface, but he felt very heavy in his heart.

  He also never imagined that this old man would entrust him to take care of Katyusha and Ivanov.

  Liu Qingshan doesn't know why this old man believes that a foreigner like him may be able to see through many things at this age.

  That afternoon, Liu Qingshan and his party returned to HH City.

  Bushi can't stay any longer, Liu Qingshan doesn't want to encounter the sudden accident like last night again.

   Sure enough, on the next morning, Liu Qingshan saw that Comrade Sergey again.

  (end of this chapter)

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