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Chapter 587: Queuing in line, not allowed to jump in line (ask for a monthly ticket)

  Chapter 587 Queuing in line, no jumping in line (seeking monthly pass)

   "Yo, Er Zi, how about taking a bath in the cold weather?"

  Two street aunts walked in through the gate, each pulled a leg, and dragged the second son out.

  There is no water in the fish tank now, but the winter snow has melted at the bottom of the tank, and the dirty water still makes Erzi look uncomfortable.

   This kid didn't run away at all. Since Master Mao was not fooled, there might be some means, and it would be best to help him make up for his losses.

  So he followed the two aunts into the house with drooping eyes, and went to the washbasin to wash himself.

  The two aunts each bought some mountain goods, and the two elder sisters wrapped the things tightly, and then they were happy.

  The second son leaned over: "Master Mao, we can't admit it, it's not about money, we can't lose face!"

  Master Lu glanced at him: "We didn't plant it again."

  The kid struggled for a while, finally plopped, and knelt down in front of Old Mao: "Master Mao, you watched me grow up, so you have to help me this time."

  Old Maoer also had a face full of hatred for iron and steel, and stretched out a hand, like carrying a chicken, pulled the second son up, and reprimanded:

   "You kid, you didn't learn well when you were a child, and it was hard to find a real business to make a living. After making a lot of money, you started to talk about it, and you will have a better memory in the future."

  Er Zi nodded again and again, this time it was really a disaster, he didn't know how to stand up in the future.

  At this time, Liu Qingshan suddenly interjected: "Maybe, this group of people is a gang with a large number of fake jade in their hands. If this matter is not resolved, how many people may be fooled."

  Since the old hat master and the second son met two groups of people, it proves that the other party is organized.

  It happened just yesterday, which means that the other party may have just started to attack, and they must not change places so quickly.

  The most important thing is that Liu Qingshan knows that this special glass is not available in China at present, and the island country has just researched it.

   Could it be that there are islanders behind the scenes manipulating it?

  Everyone discussed for a while, Liu Qingshan asked the second son to find a few more people to lead the way in the afternoon, and led Lu Fang and the others to walk around the alleys, pretending to be small goods.

   If you encounter them, don’t startle them, first ask Lu Fang and the others to find out what the other party is.

  These guys are scouts, so don't take it too easy.

  The second son also came to the spiritual leader and ran out to find someone.

  Liu Qingshan and the others were finally able to calm down and have lunch.

  Liu Qingshan said while eating: "Uncle Master, our cooperative is going to open a mountain goods store, and you and Uncle Lu will help you find a store, only buying and not renting."

   "How large?"

   Years and years later, when the film and television city stopped working, Lao Maoer and Uncle Lu resumed their old business, walking around the streets to collect things.

  Liu Qingshan thought for a while: "Of course, the bigger the better, the house should be pawned, and the location should be more prosperous. This is collectively funded by the folks in our village, and several million can still be raised."

  Last year, the country has carried out a pilot housing reform, and by next year, it will be fully promoted and deepened, and the house will also be transformed into a commodity.

   Then, and then it becomes like this in future generations.

  Uncle Lu seemed to think of something when he heard it. He rummaged on the desk for a while and found a few newspapers:

   "Qingshan, your village is in the newspaper again, tsk tsk, a small mountain village donated 400,000 yuan for the Asian Games, your village is really rich!"

  Liu Qingshan picked up the newspaper and looked at it. It was the People's Newspaper again. Looking at the signature, he was indeed a reporter from Lin Da.

  There is also a photo on it, which is the scene of the kidnapper's grandfather leaning on a cane and handing the passbook to the old branch secretary.

  He was thinking about the pole on the newspaper, which also served as a background board, revealing a blurred face, still from the side.

  Browsing through it, the first part is roughly eulogizing the noble qualities of farmers getting rich and not forgetting the country; the latter is elevated to a political level, discussing the issue of "how to spend money after it is rich".

  With the development of the economy, some people who got rich first, that is, the type currently called "big money", the capital is called Master Kuan, and the women are called sister Kuan.

  After having money in their pockets, some big money began to make money, and the social reputation was not very good. This article seems to guide this kind of article. No wonder it can be publicized in the People's Newspaper.

   As for the other newspaper, it is promoting the charity performance of singers and donating money for the Asian Games.

  The focus is on the singers under Dashuxia Entertainment Company, who go deep into the grassroots and sing for the Asian Games. All the proceeds are donated, full of positive energy.

  The names of Lao Cui, Sister Zhang and others are all listed, and even Huanzi and Amao, who are now unknown, also showed their faces.

   Liu Qingshan was also very pleased to see: Does this count as indirectly helping the company advertise?

   Moreover, this is very helpful to establish a positive image of the singers, which is very beneficial to the development under the big tree.

  After lunch, the second son arrived, all riding bicycles. Lu Fang and the others followed and left. The two of them walked the streets and alleys, just to get acquainted with the terrain of the capital first.

  Liu Qingshan got on his bicycle and went to the company first.

  After wandering around for almost an hour, I finally arrived at the place. The company has not started to renovate, and it is still a small dilapidated house, but there are twenty or thirty people lined up at the door.

   These days, queuing is very common, and sometimes you have to queue when you go to the store to buy something.

  But Liu Qingshan was a little puzzled: We are an entertainment company, and we don’t sell anything, so why line up?

  So he pushed the car and walked forward, but there was a shout from beside him: "Queue in line, don't jump in line!"

  Liu Qingshan turned his head to look, it was a young girl with short hair, bold eyes, and a hint of rebellion, staring at him aggressively.

   Looks familiar? Liu Qingshan blinked, and suddenly remembered, isn't this Tian or something, and he will grow into an existence at the level of a big sister in the music industry in the future.

   Oda with short hair, hehe, this is really the first time I have seen it. Could it be that the singing level is directly proportional to the length of the hair?

  What about the lead singer at zero o'clock, bald Xiao Zhou?

   "I want to ask, what are the hot commodities sold here?"

  Liu Qingshan still couldn't help asking, but the way of asking was more tactful.

   Sure enough, Miss Xiaotian rolled her eyes and ignored him.

  A young man in the back row was more enthusiastic: "Brother, we are all singers, and we are going to join this company."

  Liu Qingshan blinked his eyes twice: "Oh, I thought it was selling non-staple food."

  He was already happy: It seems that the propaganda in the newspaper has an effect!

  I was thinking about it, when I saw the little stool running out to ask people to come in, just in time to see Liu Qingshan, immediately cheered, ran up and hugged Liu Qingshan's arm:

   "Mr. Liu, when did you come back?"

  Those people who lined up were a little dazed. They all knew that this little girl was a signed singer of this company, so the President Liu she was talking about was the founder of Dashuxia Entertainment Company?

  Liu Qingshan reached out and rubbed the head of the little stool: "I just arrived in the morning."

   After finishing speaking, he added another sentence: "It's still a bit cold today, so don't ask everyone to line up outside, and wait in the meeting room."

   "Mr. Liu, the conference room is full." The little stool blinked.

  Although the company occupies a large area, a one-story house is really not enough. It seems that the office building must be built this year.

  At the very least, all departments must be complete, and there must be a special training room.

  Liu Qingshan recruits these singers, making money is one aspect, and he hopes that these singers can break through themselves and achieve greater achievements.

  No choice, he could only wave to the people in line: "Our company's current conditions are still very simple, so we can only work hard for everyone."

   As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the short-haired Xiao Tian, ​​who left the main team, shook the small bag on his shoulder, turned and left.

   "What are you doing?"

   Liu Qingshan didn't want to let this big fish go.

   "I offended you just now, can your company still want me?"

  Now Oda still has a rebellious vigor in him.

  Liu Qingshan didn't find it funny either: "I'm such a small-bellied person, I was just joking."

  Oda turned around and looked at him suspiciously, but he still walked back and took his original position.

   "Ahem, line up, no jumping in line."

  Liu Qingshan coughed lightly twice, and repeated the original words.

  The originally tense atmosphere suddenly became relaxed, and smiles appeared on everyone's faces involuntarily.

   "He also said that he is not narrow-minded."

  Comrade Oda grumbled, then grinned, and smiled happily.

  Liu Qingshan then followed the small stool into the room. There were still three teams taking photos in the room. There were two tables horizontally in front of the room, and there were a few judges who made temporary guest appearances.

  Here is the first trial, after passing, you will be taken to the next door, and the company's more professional teachers will conduct the assessment.

   Liu Qingshan found that Song Xue led Zhang qingyang and Wei Bing, who were also present, busy distributing forms to those waiting in line.

   Sitting in the front as judges, there are two middle-aged people in their thirties. He also doesn't know each other, and they are probably newly recruited musicians.

  Beside them, Yoshiko was also sitting there to make up the numbers.

  Based on his musical quality, he should be competent in the first trial.

  Liu Qingshan greeted everyone, and then sat in the front row as a judge.

  He sat down vigorously, and yelled: "Split to another team, and we can make progress faster."

  But those people who lined up went to each other, and none of them was willing to come.

  Everyone is thinking in the same way: so young, who knows if you understand, if you are really a layman and you dismiss him, it will be called injustice.

  Liu Qingshan also blinked: Are you all so disrespectful?

   Not only did the singer lose face, but even the two judges frowned.

  One of them didn't say a word, probably because he was very familiar with the staff after seeing Liu Qingshan coming in.

  The other one was more straightforward, and asked in Mandarin with a Cantonese accent: "Who are you?"

Before Liu Qingshan could answer, Huanzi who was sitting at the other end hurriedly said: "Brother Chen, let me introduce you, this is the general manager of our Big Tree Entertainment Company; Mr. Liu, this is Mr. Xiaoqi, who just came from Guangdong Province Resign and join our company."

  Mr. Chen looked a bit refined and bookish, and nodded towards Liu Qingshan:

   "It turned out to be Mr. Liu. It's a pleasure to meet you, but this kind of professional matter should be left to us who are more professional."

  The words are still euphemistic, but the meaning is self-evident: the layman stands aside.

  Liu Qingshan still admires this kind of person, he has his own principles and persistence.

   Moreover, he has also heard the other party's name, and he still understands the song "The Sound of the Waves".

  So Liu Qingshan nodded: "Mr. Chen, welcome, our company is starting up, and we need an excellent songwriter like you."

  The two stood up and shook hands, and Yoshiko next to him interjected:

   "Brother Chen, our President Liu, like you, also likes to create."

   "Oh, I don't know what works Mr. Liu has?"

  Chen Taosheng looked at Liu Qingshan carefully.

  When he thinks about it, it is estimated that young people like to show off, and then his subordinates flatter him, so he is a little clueless.

   Yoshiko over there flicked her long hair lightly, and said proudly:

   "The Cup of Life created by Mr. Liu last year is very popular all over the world."

   "Cup of Life, you are Mr. Mountain!"

  Chen Tao stood up with a groan, and he was indeed surprised. Although he was also conceited of his talent, he was currently only well-known in Guangdong Province, and those masterpieces had not yet been created.

  But this one in front of me has already rushed out of the country and entered the world. Compared with others, he is not at the same level at all, okay?

   "I was just writing casually, just as I like. In the future, these singers in the company will have to rely on the teachers here for dinner."

  Liu Qingshan said a few words of humility, and then he felt the figure shaking in front of him. He took a closer look, good guy, there was already a long line of people in front of him, as crowded as beanbags.

  The so-called shadow of a famous tree refers to this situation.

   Fortunately, Liu Qingshan's review speed is very fast. He looked at the form in his hand, and then asked a few casually. Even if the assessment is completed, he will either be dismissed directly, or enter the next round of review.

   Actually, he mainly looks at the name.

   Those with familiar names will pass; those who have never heard of them will basically be eliminated.

  In this era of blooming flowers, if you still can't get ahead, then you must really have no potential.

  So despite the large number of people in front of him, the progress was the fastest. After a while, the little stool called in another group from outside.

   "Oda, it's over."

  Liu Qingshan looked at the short-haired girl in front of him, and passed smoothly.

   "Thank you, Teacher Liu." Oda bowed deeply excitedly.

  The corners of Liu Qingshan's mouth could not help but curl up slightly: Am I a teacher again?

   After working for more than two hours, this side is considered to be finished. In fact, there are not many people who really entered the next round, and there are less than ten people.

  Liu Qingshan stood up, moved his stiff body, and then went to the next door, where is the key point.

  When I got to the door, I saw Amao guarding the door, and someone was singing a cappella.

  A Mao's eyes lit up, and he opened the door from the inside, but he didn't make a sound, so as not to disturb the inside.

  In the room, the singing stopped, Liu Qingshan smiled at her, and asked in a very low voice: "Why are you so good today?"

   As a result, Liu Qingshan turned a blind eye, and looked inside, and saw a thin old lady sitting in the middle, wearing glasses, polite, talking with Xiao Tian in front of her.

  God Gu!

  Liu Qingshan blinked hard, no wonder Amao looks like a primary school student, so the teacher is here.

  (end of this chapter)

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