Hello 1983

Chapter 592: The cashier is here!

  Chapter 592 Here comes the money giver!

  After returning from that garden, Liu Qingshan really drafted an application overnight.

  The name he uses is also Longteng International, which is also considered Hong Kong-owned.

   This is of course to prevent some officials from engaging in black-box operations, playing with Hong Kong capital first and so on.

  The next day, I went to the ministry and handed in the application form.

  The person who received him was the secretary of Leader Feng, who was also there yesterday. I thought this young man was just impulsive and said a few big words, but unexpectedly, he meant it for real.

  This secretary is called Zhang Yang. Seeing Liu Qingshan's behavior, he couldn't help admiring him. He received him warmly and left his contact information. Then he asked Liu Qingshan to go back and wait for news.

   Sending the application to the leader's office, Leader Feng also felt quite a headache: After all, the higher-ups are more optimistic about the Li family.

  Because the Li family has a certain influence in Hong Kong Island, if this matter is facilitated, it can play a very good leading role and attract more Hong Kong businessmen to invest. This will undoubtedly be very beneficial to the development of the mainland.

  But now there are twists and turns, he has no business with the higher-ups.

  Leader Feng held the application in his hand, read it carefully, and wondered if he could directly deprive the other party of his qualifications.

  Secretary Zhang has been with the leader for several years, and he can tell what the leader thinks just by looking at this posture.

  He thought about it, and said softly: "Leader, I went back yesterday and checked. This person named Liu Qingshan is not simple."

   "Oh, tell me."

  Leader Feng raised his head. He knew that Zhang Yang was a man who handled things calmly, and what was even more rare was that he had a flexible mind and handled things very well, so he decided to listen to the secretary's advice.

  Zhang Yang leaned down slightly: "Young man Liu Qingshan is currently a student of Peking University, but he owns a number of cooperative enterprises."

   "He is the real leader of the famous 100,000-yuan village in China. I heard that he is all in the eyes of the top few."

  Leader Feng was also taken aback when he heard this. Of course he knew that this 100,000-yuan village had been published in major newspapers several times.

   Unexpectedly, this young man has such a big background.

  Zhang Yang continued: "In terms of assets, there is a Longteng Trading Company founded by a partnership. At present, the focus is on border trade in Heihe. The income is very considerable, and it should be in the tens of millions."

   "Longteng Company also has overseas trade, which is registered on Hong Kong Island. It mainly has business dealings with Eastern Europe, and the current income is unknown."

   "There are also joint venture instant noodle factories and ham sausage factories, and the income is estimated to be tens of millions."

   "Although in terms of overall economic strength, it is not as good as the Li family on Hong Kong Island, but it is still quite influential at the top."

  What Zhang Yang could investigate was of course only some superficial appearances. Even these things made Leader Feng not dare to act rashly, and accepted the idea of ​​forking the other party just now.

  He also understood the secretary's reminder: This Liu Qingshan cannot be handled casually.

   There is no other way, so he can only hand over the conflict. As for how to deal with it, he doesn't need to worry about it.

  Although I become an executor in the end, the first priority is not to make mistakes.

   Asked Secretary Zhang to sort out the two proposals. Leader Feng made two phone calls, and then went out by car. Let the superior unit have a headache.

   After submitting the application, Liu Qingshan went to the embassy area again, and got together with old friends from the embassy to get in touch.

  Of course, the main purpose is to discuss with Mr. McCall of the United States: to prepare to study abroad at his own expense.

  Although Beijing University also has some quotas for international students every year, Liu Qingshan is not going to compete with alumni for the kind of public scholarship.

  The most important thing is that usually you will not be given the quota to go abroad until after your junior year. Liu Qingshan can't wait.

   After hearing the news, McCall was quite happy:

   "That's really great, my term of office here is coming soon, and then we can meet again in my country."

  Liu Qingshan raised his arm and shook hands with him in the air: "It's your place, you want to treat me."

   McCall laughed and said: "Man, I always think that you are the most suitable to live in America."

   "Whether you are a writer or a musician, you will let yourself live under the spotlight, and you will receive countless compliments every day, as well as little notes from beautiful girls, huh."

  Liu Qingshan blinked: "McCaul, you don't have other special tasks, do you?"

   McCall let go of his palm. Of course he knew that Liu Qingshan was joking, but he didn't understand: "Liu, what exactly is your belief, and what are you pursuing?"

   "You will definitely see it in the future." Liu Qingshan waved his hand and bid farewell to McCall.

  Two days later, it was the official opening day of Peking University, and Liu Qingshan finally returned to the campus.

  Following the three brothers who shared the same bed into the class, he greeted each other with his classmates, and he became an ordinary college student again.

  Sitting in his seat, Liu Qingshan felt a huge shadow covering him, raised his head, and saw Yu Miao's fat face.

  Liu Qingshan could not help but smile: "I heard that you haven't been home this winter vacation?"

   This is what he heard from the people in the company. During the whole holiday, Yu Miao was on night shift at Dashuxia Entertainment Company and used the computer for free.

   It is said that this girl has been possessed by a demon. She sleeps in the dormitory during the day and plays with the computer vigorously at night.

  No matter how you say it, with this strength, ordinary people really can’t do it, including Liu Qingshan.

  So for this classmate, Liu Qingshan still approves it in his heart.

   "Liu Qingshan, thank you."

  Yu Miao bowed to Liu Qingshan solemnly, and then her two small eyes were full of anticipation:

   "Also, are there any new books about computers in your company?"

  In there, some magazines are foreign computer periodicals. Of course, Liu Qingshan couldn’t get them in time, so he could only shake his head regretfully: “Where’s the school’s library?”

   "Most of the books in the library are a bit outdated." Yu Miao shook her head, and walked to her seat with regret on her face. Liu Qingshan also heard a murmur in her mouth:

   "It would be great if I could go to the United States to study abroad. It is the most computer-developed country in the world."

   Liu Qingshan's heart suddenly moved. He felt that it is necessary to find someone who understands, that is, a computer expert, to test what level Yu Miao has reached now.

  If she is really a computer genius, then Liu Qingshan doesn't mind using his connections to make her realize her dream of studying abroad.

   Of course, the premise is that you must join his company.

   Not long after, the counselor He Wanqing came to the classroom, counted the number of people, and arranged the work at the beginning of the school year.

  Liu Qingshan took the time to go to Teacher He’s house the day before yesterday, and brought some souvenirs to the dean and several vice deans of the college.

  By the way, let’s talk about studying abroad. Generally speaking, the school is still supportive.

  Because the school leaders are confident: In Liu Qingshan's situation, it will definitely not be the kind that will never return.

  At that time, nearly 60% of the international students went out and never came back.

  The remaining 40% will choose to return to China.

   Regarding the policy for international students, at that time, the old man who advocated reform and opening up said this: There must be thousands of local factions, not ten or eight local factions.

  It is precisely because of the wave of studying abroad in the 1980s that a large number of overseas students came back to serve the motherland, which promoted the rapid development of various industries.

   Another important reason is that the computers donated by Liu Qingshan are enough to exchange for a foreign student quota.

  Actually, the leaders of the college hope that Liu Qingshan can go out again in his junior year, lay a foundation for two years, and then directly send him to study abroad.

   It's just that time doesn't wait for me, so Liu Qingshan can only decline the leader's kindness.

  After school started, Liu Qingshan devoted himself to a fulfilling and peaceful study life.

  Student days are often the most nostalgic, because the emotions invested at that time, whether it is between brothers, classmates or lovers, are all sincere.

  What I miss is the "truth".

   "Qingshan, someone is looking for you." The counselor He Wanqing called out Liu Qingshan who was in class.

  After he left the classroom, He Wanqing said in a low voice: "Pay attention, it's a foreign guest."

  Liu Qingshan nodded, probably McCall, who brought him some news.

   When I entered the office, I found a handsome young foreigner with a hint of melancholy in his eyes, chatting with a teacher.

  The female teacher just returned from studying abroad last year. She had a very happy chat with this foreigner, and cheerful laughter rang out from time to time.

  Even in her eyes, Liu Qingshan found that kind of undisguised love.

  Damn guy, come here to seduce our teacher!

  Liu Qingshan opened his arms and embraced the foreigner: "Hey, Li, you are not a **** in your playful world, why did you come to us!"

  Xiao Li hugged Liu Qingshan with a look of disgust, and while hugging, whispered in Liu Qingshan's ear: "You ruined my good deed."

   "Teacher, let's go out for a while."

  Liu Qingshan couldn't help but drag this guy away.

  Obviously, I could feel the regretful eyes of the female teacher from behind.

  Outside, the two were strolling around the campus, Xiao Li muttered dissatisfiedly: "Liu, your university is too unfree."

  Liu Qingshan doesn't want to discuss this issue with him: "You don't enjoy happiness in the gentle village, tell me, what are you doing here this time?"

  He knows that Xiao Li's childhood is very nourishing now. He was born in a famous family, but now he has the halo of a best-selling author, and he is going to enter Hollywood. The female companions around him are more frequent than changing clothes.

   "Oh, Liu, you have no conscience. I traveled across the ocean to send you the manuscript fee, and you treat me like this. Oh, my heart is about to break!"

   Xiao Li obviously has bad intentions, wanting to disgust Liu Qingshan.

   It turned out as he wished, Liu Qingshan did hold the big tree with his hands, and retched for a while.

   These two people are very interesting. If you don't pinch for a while when you meet, you will always feel uncomfortable.

   After hurting each other, it really got better, Xiao Li explained the reason for coming, and it turned out that he came for the promotional song of Dachuan.

   After the song "My Heart Is Eternal" was released, it rushed to the top of the song charts with an extremely strong momentum, and then began to dominate the charts week after week.

  Xiao Li came here this time to invite the production team of the song to North America for performance and promotion.


  Liu Qingshan couldn't help being a little excited, this is definitely a very good start.

  It is a milestone for both the company and Ms. Zhang's personal overseas development.

Xiao Li shrugged his shoulders: "It's just that the publicity effect is a little too good. Investors' confidence in the big boat movie has greatly increased, and they are all waving their money and wanting to enter the market, so your investment must be gone. "

  Liu Qingshan didn't care too much: If you don't have it, you don't have it. Anyway, if you can invest in the script, you can get some dividends.

   "Liu, in order to appease your wounded heart, I specially brought you royalties."

  Xiao Li took out a check and flicked it lightly.

  Liu Qingshan took a look, and asked in surprise: "So many?"

  Two million U.S. dollars is indeed a lot for the author's remuneration alone.

  Xiao Li explained that it includes the royalties for the first part of Jurassic Park and the second part.

   Sure enough, a big IP is enough to last for several years.

   "Thank you, I just need money recently." Liu Qingshan was not polite, and directly collected the check.

   "Then do you need me to help you with a turnaround? It's only a little higher than the bank's interest." Xiao Li is quite enthusiastic, and it seems that he really regards Liu Qingshan as a friend.

  Liu Qingshan waved his hand: "I don't need it for now, but I will definitely need it in the future. I hope that by then, you will still be as generous as you are now."

   A few days ago, since he decided to compete with Young Master Li, Liu Qingshan contacted Victor and asked him to settle the Da Vinci Code's manuscript fee as soon as possible.

   Don’t be able to get money out when you need it, that would be a real joke.

   The two walked and chatted, and walked out of the school gate, preparing to go to the company under the big tree to inform the good news.

  When I was at the school gate, I happened to see the guard registering two foreigners. Obviously, they also wanted to enter the campus.

  Seeing the familiar Mediterranean hairstyle, Liu Qingshan hurriedly greeted him: "Victor, I'm here to welcome you!"

  Victor certainly wouldn’t believe him. After a hug, he rubbed his head mockingly:

   "Liu, could it be that when you were in the classroom, you saw my shiny head, which was as dazzling as the sun, so you came out to greet me?"

  Liu Qingshan was delighted: "Haha, you said it yourself. I just had a premonition that you were coming. In our words, this is called a tacit understanding."

  Victor shrugged his shoulders: "Are you talking about telepathy, it should only happen between the closest people."

   After chatting for a few words, Liu Qingshan introduced him and Xiao Li, who said they were partners anyway.

  The two people understood as soon as they heard it, and immediately stared at each other with raised eyebrows, with a look of bitterness and hatred.

  Liu Qingshan shook hands with Leo next to Victor and hugged, then blinked: "What's the matter with these two people, they seem to be enemies."

  Leo was a bystander: "It's like two roosters meeting each other. In order to compete for the hen, of course they have to fight."

   "You guy, make fun of me, right?"

  Liu Qingshan patted Leo on the shoulder, which immediately made him grin.

  Of course he also understands why these two guys are like fighting each other. They are both his partners, and they both want to continue to cooperate with him on new books. Can they not compete for favor?

  So he had to stand between the two and act as a peacemaker.

  Victor glanced at Xiao Li triumphantly, and then took out a check from his briefcase: "Liu, this is your reward."

  Xiao Li hummed twice: "I also just sent a check to Liu."

   "How much can you have?" Of course Victor knew it well, and shook the check in front of Xiao Li's eyes. The figure of five million on it was really eye-catching.

  The most important thing is that the currency symbol behind is still the pound.

  (end of this chapter)

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