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Chapter 601: Join if you can't beat it (ask for a monthly ticket)

  Chapter 601 Join if you can’t beat it (ask for a monthly ticket)

  Liu Qingshan pulled Chief Adu up from the carpet, this guy is really heavy.

   Soon, a few big and small black children ran in outside, screaming in their mouths, holding white popcorn flowers in their hands, and stuffing them into their mouths.

  The chief was clearly in shock. He talked to a slightly older son before he felt relieved. He grabbed the popcorn in his son's hand and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

   While chewing, he also nodded in satisfaction, no wonder this guy can eat so fat.

  The children ran out again, and Chief Adu followed, and saw a young man brought by Liu Qingshan, sitting there shaking a black cylinder, collapsing popcorn.

   Presumably the loud noise just now came from here.

   This is also the second gift Liu Qingshan brought to the chief, mainly considering that the chief has many wives, so he should also have many children, so he gave a set of broken popcorn flowers.

   "Cover your ears, it's ringing!"

   Xiao Wu was yelling, and saw the veteran stepped on the sole of his foot, and there was another bang, and there were snow-white popcorn flowers in the front pocket.

  The children in the tribe rushed forward, stretched out their little black hands, grabbed popcorn flowers and stuffed them into their mouths.

   A few grains of saccharin are added to the popcorn flower, so it is sweet and delicious.

   Chief Adu was obviously more satisfied with this gift, and treated Liu Qingshan and the others with more enthusiasm.

   Returned to the room, poured coffee again, and then started chatting.

   Wang Gong communicated with the chief the most, asking questions about groundwater, coal reserves, and so on.

   Liu Qingshan is more concerned about the situation of other tribes and tribes around. After all, this place is notoriously chaotic, and the first priority is safety.

  This meeting was very fruitful. The two sides reached several mutually beneficial verbal agreements: for example, to jointly build power plants and so on.

  As for the ocean fishing rights mentioned by Liu Qingshan, that is not a problem. According to the local customs: any area in your territory that faces the sea belongs to your own territory, and you can fish as you like.

  I don't care about the license at all.

  Wait until noon, the chief's wives set out a sumptuous lunch, good guy, it's all meat: beef, mutton, camel meat, no wonder the chief will eat fat.

   Everyone reported a meal, and when Liu Qingshan and the others bid farewell and left, the chief gave a return gift, which was more than ten kilograms of frankincense particles.

  Liu Qingshan thought for a while, and asked about the kind of stinky stone that can be ignited by Evera.

   Not to mention, one of the chief’s wives turned out a piece of taupe ambergris in disgust, about the size of a volleyball.

   This made Liu Qingshan so happy that he accepted it cheerfully. In his eyes, the chubby Chief Abdu seemed to have become much cuter.

  When Liu Qingshan and the others returned to the station, they were told that the cargo ship had also arrived here, but there was no wharf, and no cargo was unloaded.

  After discussing for a while, it was decided to unload the cargo at Berbera Port in the west, and then transport it here.

  Because on the cargo ship, there are small four-wheel tractors, Dongfanghong chain-track tractors, ten jeeps, and more than two dozen large trucks, so it is no problem to transport goods.

  The only thing I need to worry about is that from Berbera to here, it is hundreds of miles, and I have to pass through the spheres of influence of several tribes. I don’t know if I will be robbed.

  Since we are cooperating with Chief Adu, of course we have to seek the assistance of this local snake. Soon, Chief Adu sent Evera to lead dozens of people and boarded the passenger ship together.

  Considering the importance of this batch of goods, Liu Qingshan also personally went to **** them, and took 200 militiamen with him. The old squad leader and Zhang Long were in charge of commanding them.

  The freighter sailed for most of the night before arriving at the port of Berbera, where it finally had some urban appearance.

  In the port, you can see the large and small ships coming in and out, and you can also see various hoisting machinery and vehicles transporting goods on the wharf.

  In the city not far away, you can vaguely see the towering minaret of the mosque.

   Evera took someone to go through the formalities. I don't know how he did it. Anyway, he didn't spend a penny.

  The only cost is the loading and unloading of the hoisted goods.

  The pier was busy unloading goods, while Liu Qingshan and the others were invited by Evera to go around the city of Berbera.

   It is estimated that it is not easy for Evera to come here, so I want to take a good look around.

  Berbera said it was a city, but in the eyes of Liu Qingshan and the others, it was about the size of a town. There were basically no tall buildings, and the mosque was considered the tallest building.

   On the contrary, the livestock market here is very lively. As far as the eye can see, it is full of camel heads, chewing slowly in their mouths.

  These camels are exported to foreign countries through the port.

  The other ones with a large number are goats, bleating.

  Now that they are here, Liu Qingshan is also planning to purchase a batch of livestock and bring them back for free. They can be fed with goat milk, camel milk, or killed for meat.

   It is estimated that it is impossible to raise pigs here, so they can only raise sheep and camels.

  Ask about the currency used. The common currency here is the shilling of the country, and the maximum denomination is one thousand.

  However, the U.S. dollar is also commonly used here, and it is more popular than the national currency.

   This is just right, Liu Qingshan is not planning to use the local currency at the moment, and the currency will depreciate when there is war.

  He has seen it in later generations. The bundles of shillings are all packed in sacks, and they are not very valuable. It is estimated that they cannot be sold for a sack of grain.

  So with the assistance of Evera and the others, they purchased 200 camels and more than 1,000 goats, and they will go back together when the time comes.

   For Liu Qingshan's big handwriting, Evera can only envy.

  After learning that there is still a cement factory here, Liu Qingshan was also very happy, and went to purchase another batch of cement, which will definitely be used for the construction of a power plant.

  As for other industries here, there are basically none, not even a steelmaking plant.

   After lunch, I returned to the pier. The cargo has been unloaded. Whether it is a tractor or a large truck, it has been run-in. I can directly load a part of the cargo and set off immediately.

  Liu Qingshan also wanted to hire a convoy to transport the goods back at once, but unfortunately he couldn't find them at all.

  As soon as Evoya saw the truck, his eyes straightened. Without any explanation, he got into the cab, squeezed out the two militiamen in charge of guards, and then acted as a guide for the driver.

  So the truck team set off first, rolled up bursts of yellow sand, and quickly disappeared from people's sight.

   There are 100 veterans in charge of escorting the car, and the remaining 100 people will protect the large troops behind.

  Because they were driving the flocks of sheep and camels, the speed of this team must not be fast, and those large and small tractors also followed the team.

   There are also ten jeeps cruising around.

  Wait until evening, set up a tent and camp in the wild.

After walking for two days, it is estimated that I have only gone more than a hundred miles. I saw that the convoy of trucks had returned, dropped some supplies for them, and then drove towards the port. Throw it down.

  The flock of sheep and camels also attracted several groups of lions, and they followed them for dozens of miles. They finally gave up helplessly when they saw the crowds on their side.

  As soon as everyone breathed a sigh of relief, the sentry who had been thrown out rode a camel, galloped back, ran to the front, and slipped directly from behind the camel's buttocks to the ground.

  The camels here are mostly dromedaries, and riding them is quite strenuous.

  The sentry shouted: "Enemy attack, enemy attack, a team of about a thousand people, approaching us from the direction of two o'clock!"

  As soon as everyone heard this, they immediately became nervous. They were full of plans. There could be more than 200 people, but against 1,000 people, the pressure was great.

   Liu Qingshan also frowned, the thing he was most worried about still happened.

   Their miscellaneous army was obviously being targeted by people. Not to mention anything else, these cattle, sheep and camels alone are enough for any tribe to envy.

   "What kind of equipment does the opponent have?"

  Zhang Long is relatively calm, he has really been on the battlefield.

  The sentinel replied: "The opponent has no mechanical weapons, and a small number of people have rifles, about one or two hundred!"

   Fortunately, the situation is not as bad as imagined.

  Liu Qingshan immediately handed over the command to Zhang Long. He had never been on the battlefield, so he didn't dare to command blindly.

  Zhang Long, the old squad leader and others had a very brief pre-battle meeting, and then decided on the tactics.

  I saw black smoke coming out of the chimneys of five Dongfanghong chain-track tractors, lined up, clearing the way ahead.

  Behind the car, there are dozens of veterans hiding, holding semi-automatic rifles in their hands, forming a crude version of the armored vehicle infantry coordinated combat formation, facing the enemy.

  The tractor drove a few hundred meters forward, and found the enemy in the Gobi, and there was no formation, so it went here in such a chaotic manner, extending for more than a mile.

  These people are all wearing robes, turbans on their heads, and no uniform clothing. They are probably pirates or ordinary herdsmen who gathered temporarily.

   "I am from the tribe of Chief Adu. Which tribe do you belong to? Why are you here?"

   Evoya rode a camel, hiding his body as much as possible, and rushed up to shout.

  The tribes here all belong to the same tribe, so it can still give some face, so Evera took the initiative to petition and come to be a peacemaker.

  Someone really knows him over there: "Evoya, it's nothing to do with you. We only want the goods of those yellow-skinned people. You tell them to put down the goods and get out!"

  A **** man roared arrogantly, and many people behind him also shouted, and the momentum was not small.

   "They are the most honored guests of our tribe, Daru, are you going to fight our tribe?" Evera also started to get angry, after all, he is still a pirate and not a vegetarian.

  The **** man named Dalu laughed a few times, raised the gun in his hand, and fired twice into the sky: "Efuya, if you don't get out of the way, I will shoot you too!"

  When he raised his gun, Evera was already riding a camel, turned around and ran back, and there was a burst of laughter behind him.

  However, these big old blacks soon stopped laughing, because in their field of vision, several vehicles with black smoke appeared, rushing towards them suddenly.

  The shiny tracks scratched the ground, sending up waves of sand and dust.

   "Looks like a tank?" Someone immediately exclaimed.

   "Don't panic!" Daru yelled, "Why doesn't the tank even have a gun barrel?"

   "Could it be a new tank?" Someone said in a trembling voice.

  They were not a regular army, they were improvised. Yesterday they released camels, but today they were called up to rob.

  So when I saw the machine, I felt a little panicked.

  At this moment, there was a sudden commotion behind the team, accompanied by the roar of the engine.

  The people in front looked back, my good guy, I saw the dust flying behind the team, and there were more than a dozen chariots coming at a high speed.

  Look at that posture, it is obvious that they want to attack back and forth and wipe them all out.

   "There is an ambush, run!"

   I don't know who yelled, and then the whole team started to flee. There were enemies in front and behind, so they ran to both sides.

   But after all, they couldn't outrun the jeeps. Those jeeps were separated into fans, with black gun muzzles protruding from the windows, accompanied by roars of "hand down the gun and don't kill".

  These **** men immediately gave in, and they all squatted on the ground, raising their hands above their heads without any resistance.

this one? The veterans on Liu Qingshan's side were stunned: Did the battle end without firing a single shot?

  Is this a war, or a play?

  These outsiders, of course, don’t know the local situation, or the natives like Evoya, after handing over the guns of the captives, they ran back happily and told the truth.

  It turns out that among the tribes here, fighting is commonplace. In the beginning, they really fought, and dead people were common.

  Later, everyone also learned to be smart: they all belong to the same tribe, and living in this tribe is not much different from living in that tribe, just save your life.

  So gradually develop an unwritten rule: join if you can't beat it.

  The winning side also abides by the rules, and they are directly incorporated. Everyone is laughing and laughing, they can fill their stomachs, and they are still good brothers.

  Only when wars broke out between different tribes, would it be a real fight.

  Just like this, Liu Qingshan is also a bit tricky: how to deal with these prisoners, or just dismiss them?

  Efuya immediately became happy when he heard this: "You don't want it, I want it. I have long wanted to be a chief, but I have no money."

   Hearing this, Liu Qingshan was also taken aback: What does being a chief have to do with money?

   "If you want to be a chief, you must at least ensure that no one in the tribe will go hungry. How can you do it without money?"

  Efuya looked very excited, he pulled Liu Qingshan aside:

   "Liu, why don't you be my benefactor, don't worry, I, Efuya, is definitely a loyal and trustworthy person, and I will definitely stand by your side in the future!"

   He could see that this Mr. Liu is really not short of money. He spent so much manpower and material resources, and he also wanted to take root here.

  Of course, it is inseparable from the support of the local aborigines. They will unite for mutual benefit.

  Liu Qingshan didn't expect that he would have the day to be a benefactor. It feels a little funny, but thinking about the pros and cons of this matter, he thinks it is still very beneficial to his side.

  The power supported by himself is definitely more trustworthy than that of Chief Adu.

  So he discussed with everyone and nodded his head in agreement. Efuya also called together the leaders of the captives and announced the decision.

  The gang of big gangsters actually started cheering. As for the shame of betrayal, there is really no such thing.

After receiving a burst of cheers, Efuya happily ran back to Liu Qingshan, and said expectantly: "Can these cattle, sheep and camels be given half to our tribe? Those guys are really too poor! "

  Liu Qingshan blinked: This is when we start exercising the rights of the sponsor...

  (end of this chapter)

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