Hello 1983

Chapter 604: open to buy

  Chapter 604 is open to buy

  Back from the film and television city, Liu Qingshan is still in a good mood. Not to mention the smooth progress of the project, the company under the big tree is also on the right track, becoming another cash cow of himself.

  However, he always felt that there was something wrong, and he couldn't remember it all the time, so he couldn't help thinking all the way: What's the matter?

   Until Cao Xiaofei got off the car and went to a deli to buy vegetables, he heard the familiar melody "You are like that fire" from the tape recorder at the door of a nearby shop.

  Liu Qingshan slapped his thigh: "How could you forget such a big thing!"

  When Cao Xiaofei came back from shopping, Liu Qingshan hurriedly asked: "Xiaofei, is there a fire on the other side of Heihe?"

  Cao Xiaofei was stunned for a moment: "It's burning, it's burning!"

  Liu Qingshan felt a buzzing in his head, the blood flow accelerated instantly, and his body seemed to be burning.

  He always felt that since his return, he changed the fate of his family and the lives of the villagers, and he would certainly be able to change the fire.

   What's more, he deliberately ran to the Heihe side to firmly restrain the original culprits.

  But all these things were done in vain after all, and still did not change the final outcome.

Cao Xiaofei's voice came from next to his ear: "I heard that Manager Hou called and said that it was the fishing team, the guy named Wang Yufeng, who set fire to the reeds around the stone house in May! "

   "It's extremely dry this year, and a large reed marsh was burned, almost reaching the mountain. It is said that if it burns to the mountain, the loss will be great..."

  The more Liu Qingshan heard it, the more he felt that something was wrong, and asked quickly: "Just burned some reeds, didn't it cause a wildfire?"

  Cao Xiaofei nodded: "Later, the water truck from the city came and put out the fire. That Wang Yufeng was fined 200 yuan and detained for half a month."

   "Hahaha, well done, well done!" Liu Qingshan laughed repeatedly, and Cao Xiaofei was taken aback by the laughter: The boss must be confused, right?

  The joy in Liu Qingshan's heart was as if he had just poured a bottle of iced soda. From the inside out, he felt comfortable.

  His painstaking efforts were finally not in vain, and finally suppressed the fire in the bud.

  Although this matter, no one will credit him with credit, and he can't even share it with others, so he can only be an unsung hero in silence.

  However, none of these could stop the excitement and joy in his heart.

  He is not a primary school student. He has done good deeds and is waiting for praise.

  At this moment, the joy from the bottom of his heart is enough for him to enjoy.

   "Xiao Fei, get out of the car and buy something delicious, let's celebrate tonight!" Liu Qingshan directly grabbed a stack of Great Unity from his pocket and handed it to Cao Xiaofei.

   "Okay, boss."

  Cao Xiaofei happily took the money, looked at it and said: "Boss, now there are large bills, 50 yuan a piece, and I heard that there will be 100 yuan a piece in the coming year."

  Liu Qingshan couldn't help but his eyes lit up: the fourth set of renminbi has finally started to be issued, and the 50-yuan and 100-yuan banknotes will finally replace the great unity.

  This proves that the economy is developing rapidly, and the money in the hands of ordinary people is increasing.

  Of course, it also proves that money is getting worse and worse.

  The two made a lot of delicious food and returned to their home in Liulichang Hutong.

  At this moment, Old Maoer and Master Uncle and the others have already returned, and now they have grown to two pedals and three wheels. Lao Maoer and Master Lu each carry a set.

   "Business is not good today, so I just bought a set of old furniture from the Republic of China, which is not worth much." Old Maoer Master Uncle is leading Lu Fang and the others to unload the goods in the yard.

  This set of furniture is made of ordinary materials, but it is complete, including a table, a few stools, a cabinet, a wardrobe, a dresser, and even a wine cabinet and two swivel chairs.

  There is no place to put it in the house, so it can only be placed in the courtyard first.

  Look at Liu Qingshan, it’s not worth much to transport this thing back to the museum in his hometown, so he might as well call a big truck over tomorrow and take it directly to the film and television city.

  Master Lu also nodded: "If you receive this kind of thing in the future, you can send it there directly, so as not to have to go back and forth."

   After everyone finished their work, they washed their hands and went into the house to eat. Seeing the rich dishes on the table, the old hat couldn't help being overjoyed:

   "Xiaoshanzi, what's the happy event today, the sauced beef and roast lamb from Ma's old shop, as well as sauced beef tongue, sauced strips, sauced sheep's feet, so full of work!"

   While talking, Cao Xiaofei invited Second Master Bai to come again, followed by Zhang Chunyu, they were specially invited by Liu Qingshan.

   "Second Master, are you in good health recently?" Liu Qingshan went up to greet Second Master Bai, and looked at Second Master Bai. The old man hasn't changed much, he seems to be a little younger.

   It is estimated that the past two years have been going well, and I have accepted another precious apprentice, and I am in a good mood.

   "Qingshan is back, I have to buy you a glass of wine today, we have finally picked up all your calligraphy and paintings, and we have lived up to the trust!"

  Er Bai also looked relieved. Liu Qingshan gave him twice to repair the framed calligraphy and paintings, which was really labor-intensive.

  If Zhang Chunyu was not fully able to get started now, it would probably take at least a year.

   "Second Master, thank you for your hard work. Today I will accompany you to have a good drink."

  Of course Liu Qingshan was also happy, especially the batch of paintings and calligraphy from his grandma’s old house were seriously damaged, he had no hope at all.

   "Brother Qingshan." Zhang Chunyu also held Liu Qingshan's arm affectionately. In the past two years in the capital, he has grown into a young man, and there is a quiet breath between his eyebrows, which makes him look very calm.

  Liu Qingshan patted him on the shoulder: "That's right, from now on, be filial to the second master. Master and apprentice are like father and son."

  Zhang Chunyu nodded vigorously, full of gratitude in his heart, not only to Bai Erye for teaching him the cooking skills, but also to Liu Qingshan for leading him here.

  Second Master Bai also looked at this proud disciple with love in his eyes:

   "Chun Yu has been studying with me for more than two years, and it's time to leave the teacher. Some time ago, I put aside my old face and found him a job at the museum. I will work as a temporary worker first, and then I will gradually become a regular worker when I have the opportunity."

   "The Palace Museum, yes!"

  Liu Qingshan is also happy for Zhang Chunyu, this can be regarded as officially entering the industry, and he will be a proper expert in restoration of ancient calligraphy and painting in the future.

  When the meal was ready, Liu Qingshan was happy and asked Cao Xiaofei to take out two bottles of Moutai and pour it for everyone.

  Second Master Bai didn't drink much before. This stuff numbs his nerves, and he won't be able to do fine work by then.

  But now that the craftsmanship has been handed down, there is no need for him to learn it again, so he is open to drinking.

   As for the rule of not drinking, of course Zhang Chunyu inherited it.

  Everyone drank happily, two bottles of wine were not enough at all, so the old hat master said:

   "Xiao Shanzi, don't pick and search, and take two more bottles. There are quite a lot of them in your old house in Shijia Hutong."

   "I can't get it right now." Liu Qingshan asked Cao Xiaofei to look for it in the East Wing. The Moutai was gone, so he found two bottles of Wuliangye, opened it and continued to drink.

  The price of alcoholic beverages is still relatively low now. When it starts next year, it will be like riding a rocket, and it will keep going up.

  Now, Moutai, which costs more than a dozen yuan a bottle, has jumped to more than 100 yuan, and then it can't stop.

  So before Liu Qingshan went to Lilan, he assigned Lu Fang and the others a task: to buy old wine while walking around the streets.

   Not only Moutai Wuliangye, as long as it is a famous old wine, just buy it.

   Anyway, there is a special cellar in the old house, which is used to store liquor.

   Now a bottle costs a few dollars or tens of dollars, but after decades of storage, it will be thousands of dollars or tens of thousands of dollars.

  The most important thing is that the wine at this time is good. If you want to drink this taste in the future, you have money and no place to buy it.

   For this reason, the uncle laughed at him: "You collect antiques, why do you still collect wine?"

  Actually, do the math, the appreciation space for wine collection may be greater than that of antiques.

  Four bottles of good wine can make everyone drink well.

   After eating and drinking enough, and drinking tea for a while, Liu Qingshan led Cao Xiaofei, Lu Fang and the others to sleep in the old house in Shijia Hutong.

   Firstly, there is not room for so many people here, and secondly, he also wants to see what Lu Fang and the others have gained during this time.

  Zhang Chunyu didn't drink alcohol and happened to be driving. In the past two years, he also passed his driver's license test.

  The crowd drove to the old house, where usually Cao Xiaofei and Wang Xiaobing were mainly taking care of it.

   Entering the yard, Cao Xiaofei blew a whistle, and saw two black shadows jump out of the darkness, and they all threw themselves on Cao Xiaofei.

   They were really two big black-backed wolfhounds, their tongues kept on greeting Cao Xiaofei's face, so affectionate.

   "Da Zhuang, Da Hei!" Cao Xiaofei also rubbed the dog's head vigorously:

   "This is a retired police dog. I got two guard dogs. Thanks to Manager Wang Zhan's help, I was able to get this." Cao Xiaofei gave the two pieces of sauced beef he brought back to the two police dogs.

  Anyway, the retired dogs don’t have to be so strict when it comes to eating.

  Liu Qingshan also saw that the two dogs were good, took the beef from Cao Xiaofei's hand, held it in his hand, and went to feed one of them.

  But the wolfhound just looked at him vigilantly, and didn't pick up the beef in his hand at all.

   "Boss, this dog doesn't eat food from others." Cao Xiaofei explained with a smile.

   Liu Qingshan wanted to tease the two dogs, and stared fiercely: "You two guys, do you know who is the master here?"

   This time the two wolfhounds were **** off. They took a few steps back, bowed their bodies, and stared fiercely at Liu Qingshan with two pairs of eyes.

   It's just that he didn't get the master's order and didn't attack.

   Moreover, the keen senses of the animals also made them feel the power of Liu Qingshan, and there was awe in their vigilant eyes.

   "Da Hei, Da Zhuang, our boss, wrestling with Xiong Xiazi in the mountains, you are far behind, just stay here." Cao Xiaofei went up to pat the heads of the two wolfdogs, and brought them to Liu Qingshan.

   Of these two dogs, one has a dark back, so it should be Dahei; the other is taller, so it must be Dazhuang.

   They lowered their heads and sniffed Liu Qingshan's calf, and there was an intimate sound in their throats.

  Liu Qingshan also reached out to touch their dogs' heads, and as a result, the two were lying on the ground directly, with their feet facing the sky, showing their bellies to Liu Qingshan.

  Cao Xiaofei is also very surprised: "You are still the boss."

   Lu Fang on the side was a little annoyed. He often came here, and the two dogs liked to ignore him, but they had never been so docile.

  Lu Liang also twitched his mouth: "If you want me to say, these two guys are sycophants, and they know that the boss is the owner of this family."

  Everyone was delighted to hear that this professionally trained wolfhound was certainly not a sycophant, obviously they were subdued by Liu Qingshan's powerful strength.

  While speaking, Wang Xiaobing also heard the voice, and came out with a flashlight to check.

  He greeted everyone, and then complained in his mouth: "Xiao Fei, you are heartless, you have something delicious to feed Da Hei Da Zhuang, and you don't even think about bringing it back to me."

   "When Dahei eats the rest, it will be yours." Cao Xiaofei teased him, and then handed over an oiled paper bag. Of course, he will not forget his good brother.

   These two are together every day, really like brothers.

   Everyone went directly to a wing room where the two lived. There are usually several vacant beds here.

   After chatting for a while, Liu Qingshan proposed to visit the wine cellar, so he lit two flashlights and went out together.

   Everyone walked forward along the stone road, Da Hei and Da Zhuang, wandering around Liu Qingshan's feet, so affectionate.

  Seeing that Wang Xiaobing was also amazed: "You two are ungrateful. If you have a master, you will throw our two old masters aside, right?"

  Liu Qingshan smiled and stroked the dog's head: "You two, at most, you are **** shoveling officers."

  Although it was the first time for everyone to hear this official name, they could understand it after thinking about it, and couldn't help laughing.

  Come to the top of the cellar, open the cellar door, let it sit for a few minutes, and then go down the ladder.

  The lower part is about 100 square meters, and the height is more than three meters, which is very spacious.

   This place used to store winter vegetables, and it has been refurbished and strengthened.

  When everyone entered the room, they immediately felt much cooler. There were rows of wooden shelves on the ground, and many cartons containing liquor had already been piled up on them.

   There are also bottles scattered around. Looking around, it is estimated that there are thousands of bottles of old wine.

  The wines at this time basically didn’t pay much attention to packaging. They were all glass bottles that looked very simple, and then there were labels on the bottles, which looked so simple and unpretentious. It was incomparable with the high-end bottled wines of later generations.

  However, they have connotations. The bottles are filled with good things.

  This is exactly the opposite of the later one: one is that there are dry goods in the stomach, and the other is that there is gold and jade in it.

  Look at Liu Qingshan, in addition to Moutai and Wuliangye, there are many red stars Erguotou.

  This is a good thing. Before Moutai became the leader in the industry, this wine was the real big brother of baijiu.

  As for the later Niulan Mountain, although it was also called Erguotou, it was still incomparable with Red Star.

  In addition, there are local famous wines in some provinces, such as Xifeng Wine, Yellow Crane Tower, Songhe, etc., which are full of beautiful things and look very fulfilling.

   "Boss, we've been running all over the non-staple food stores, large and small, in the Forty-Nine City." Lu Fang sniffed, and there was a strong aroma of wine in the cellar, which was very pleasant.

  Baijiu at this time, because the seal is not so good, so there will always be wine aroma.

   "Fortunately, there is no need for a drink ticket this year, otherwise, the salesperson wouldn't sell it." Lu Liang also added.

   One after another, many tickets have been canceled in the past two years, which is really convenient.

  However, like high-end baijiu, the purchase is still limited, like Moutai, each person can only buy two bottles per day at most.

  They were able to accumulate so much, and they accumulated slowly day by day.

   "Okay, you can continue to buy in the future. If you have no money, ask my uncle." Liu Qingshan is also very satisfied. Just this room of wine, plus the tiger bone wine stored in his hometown, the value is immeasurable.

   "Boss, do you still want to buy it?" Brother Lu Fang was a little dazed, it would cost almost 10,000 yuan.

  Liu Qingshan laughed loudly: "I'll give you 100,000 yuan first, and I'm open to buy."

  (end of this chapter)

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