Hello 1983

Chapter 620: Chinatown (ask for a guaranteed monthly pass)

  Chapter 620 Chinatown (seeking guaranteed monthly pass)

  Whitney angrily led her pit bull back to the Villa, where she only moved in this year.

  The album sold well the year before, and she won the Billboard championship for 14 consecutive weeks. Last year, she won the 28th Grammy Best Pop Female Singer, which made her rich and able to afford a luxury house in Beverly Hills.

  Being famous at a young age inevitably leads to arrogance, and this morning she was severely punished by a guy, which made her very upset.

   Walking to the door of the house, she looked at the wilting Ryan, the lion has turned into a little sheep.

  Whitney cursed again in her heart: Damn guy, don't tell my old lady to meet you again, or you will look good to me!

  Taking out a few newspapers from the mailbox at the door, Whitney glanced at them, then froze for a moment: "Does this person look familiar?"

   "That's right, that **** guy just now is also a music player, okay, let's see how I play with you!"

  But when she finished browsing the newspaper, the expression on her face became very strange, and she muttered:

   "Can the music that can summon the soul surpass my soul music? No, I have to go to the TV station to hear what that guy is playing."

   At the same time, the old man of Chinese descent also brought his grandson back home. He also habitually took out a newspaper from the mailbox, and then chanted a name: "Mountain..."

  Liu Qingshan ran all the way back to his apartment, took a shower, and went upstairs for dinner.

   I have to say that the living conditions here are indeed better than those in China. At least taking a bath is very convenient.

  Breakfast was already on the table, and Liu Yinfeng and that Grace were already enjoying breakfast: milk, bread, and fried eggs.

   "Morning." Liu Qingshan greeted, pulled out the chair and sat on it, picked up the glass of milk in front of him, sipped most of it, and the temperature was just right.

   Then he felt hot eyes, looked up, and saw Grace was staring at him hard.

  Liu Qingshan wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin, and then picked up a piece of bread, while Grace was still staring at him, with that look, just like seeing Rolling Ball at the Los Angeles Zoo.

"Is your English name Mountain?" Grace finally couldn't suppress her curiosity, and began to ask Liu Qingshan. After speaking, she took out a piece of Los Angeles Times. On the front page, there was a huge image, which was exactly Photos of Liu Qingshan playing musical instruments with Lao Cui and Sister Zhang.

  In the photo, Liu Qingshan is raising his head and screaming, as if he could hear his unwilling cry from the newspaper: Hey, ah, ah, ah...

  The headline of the news is: Voice of the Soul.

  Liu Qingshan smacked his lips: "You can see this?"

  When he roared, his face was deformed, and I don't know how Grace saw it.

   Grace quickly took out another newspaper. The photo on it was of Liu Qingshan and the others playing quietly, so they could see it clearly.

   "Mountain, I didn't expect you to be a musician. It said that the piece you played yesterday was the sound of the soul. Unfortunately, we were in the library yesterday and didn't hear it."

   Grace said blah blah blah blah blah, look at the meaning, she seemed to ask Liu Qingshan to come to the scene for a while.

  Liu Qingshan quickly took over the conversation: "The record should be released soon, and you can buy one by then."

   After speaking, he turned to Liu Yinfeng: "Second Sister, what are your plans for today?"

  Liu Yinfeng also looked at her younger brother with a smile, her eyes full of pride: She never imagined that Sanfeng would make such a big commotion when he first arrived, and he seemed to be famous all over the world.

  But she has lived here for two years, so she has already adapted to it: it is good to be famous, and there will be many benefits for you.

  Liu Yinfeng took out a notebook and checked the schedule: "There is still nearly a week before the school report."

   "Tomorrow, Sister Yuzhen and the others will fly over from New York."

   "Jiang Renyi will also return from China in the near future, and your friends Li Tie and Li Tieniu called to say that they are on the side of Hong Kong Island and will come by the plane the day after tomorrow."

   "Also, Grandpa Dumb will be invited to come soon."

   "By the way, Mr. Thomas invited us to his house tonight."

  Liu Qingshan suddenly felt that things seemed to become more and more all of a sudden.

   Grace listened for a long time with her ears upright, then suddenly moved her head to Liu Qingshan: "Mounting, I think you need an assistant now."

   "You are about to become a celebrity, there must be a lot of entertainment, all of which need to be taken care of by a professional, and I happen to be studying this major."

  She blinked her big eyes vigorously, as if saying: Hire me, hire me!

  Liu Qingshan peeled an egg: "I'm here to go to school, so I don't need a secretary."

   "I'm very cheap, with a weekly salary of five hundred dollars, no, how about four hundred dollars, it's for Feng'er's sake."

   Grace tried her best to sell herself, that's what Liu Qingshan couldn't help but glance at her chest, um, maybe the name Mountain is suitable for her.

  Liu Qingshan knew that he would have more and more things to do in the future, and he really needed an assistant, so after breakfast, he reluctantly nodded:

   "Then try it for a week first, and there will be no salary during the trial period."

  Of course, Grace happily agreed, but when Liu Qingshan pushed the door to go out, she heard the girl mumbling: "The hearts of capitalists are indeed dark."

   Liu Qingshan went back to his room to tidy up, when he heard someone knocking on the door, and saw Grace standing at the door fully dressed:

   "Mounting, as your assistant, I have arranged today's schedule. First, I need to take you to familiarize yourself with the environment of this city. What do you think?"

  This proposal is very reasonable, but Liu Qingshan looked at this girl's sun hat, sunshade and so on, all ready, Liu Qingshan thought in his heart: Could it be that she went shopping in this name?

  Until the second sister also wore a cheongsam and appeared at the door, saying that she was going to visit Chinatown in Los Angeles, Liu Qingshan followed them out.

  Arrived downstairs, Grace quickly drove over a car, and when Liu Qingshan and his sister sat in it, the girl made another request:

   "Mountain, assistant and driver, shall we renegotiate salary?"

   Liu Yinfeng also looked at her and smiled: This roommate, could it be that he is interested in his younger brother?

  Chinatown in Los Angeles also has a history of more than a hundred years. Coming here, it seems that you have come to China from the United States at once, and it is simply two worlds.

  Walking on the pedestrian street, Liu Qingshan suddenly had the feeling of walking on the streets of the capital: the archway, the red gauze lantern, the front of the newly opened shop, and even a lion dance.

  The signboards on the shops are also in traditional characters; most of the people who come and go are Chinese, and the accents are mostly Hokkien and Cantonese.

   "It feels so kind to come here." Liu Yinfeng also came to Chinatown for the first time. Seeing these familiar scenes, a sense of belonging naturally surged up.

  Chinatown is the second hometown of overseas Chinese.

  Liu Qingshan also felt the same way, especially when he saw that there were tofu sellers, the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up slightly.

  Grace, on the other hand, dragged Liu Yinfeng into a tailor shop, insisting on making a cheongsam, and said it was work clothes, and asked Liu Qingshan to pay the bill.

  Seeing a guest coming to the door, a master craftsman who was busy in front of the workbench came over to say hello in a calm manner.

  The old man was in his sixties, wearing a long gown, showing a bit of elegance. He first greeted in Cantonese, and when he saw that the two ladies in front were a little confused, he switched to Mandarin, which he was not very proficient in:

   "Our old Peng's shop was handed down from my father's time. I don't know what the distinguished guests need?"

   After finishing speaking, the old man ordered into the room: "Alan, serve tea to the guests."

   Soon, there was a middle-aged woman who brewed three cups of tea and served them on a small square plate, and the scent of tea spread.

   This is called Liu Qingshan sister and brother, a sense of belonging surged in their hearts.

  The eyes of the middle-aged woman were quickly attracted by Liu Yinfeng, and she looked up and down:

   "This lady has a good temperament, and this cheongsam is hand-sewn. There are not many people who know this kind of craftsmanship."

   Liu Yinfeng is indeed very suitable for wearing cheongsam. She is tall and calm, and can fully show the external and internal beauty of Chinese women.

   It is estimated that if Grace wears it, it will look a bit nondescript, mainly because of the inappropriate temperament.

  Liu Yinfeng smiled and said a few polite words, and then helped Grace explain the purpose of her visit. The middle-aged woman named Aunt Lan led them to the inner room to measure the size.

  Although there are ready-made cheongsams in the shop, Grace's figure definitely wouldn't be able to wear them.

  Liu Qingshan has nothing to do, he is also wandering around the shop, wanting to buy a Chinese tunic suit, for some occasions, it is more suitable to wear the costumes of his own nationality.

  Master Peng enthusiastically introduced Liu Qingshan: "Not far in front, there is a statue of Mr. Sun, who is wearing a Chinese tunic suit. We Chinese, it always looks inappropriate to wear western clothes."

  This Liu Qingshan has already seen it, and he also saw a few signs saying "The world is for the public".

  After he tried on the clothes, he looked in the mirror and looked a little awkward.

   After Grace took the measurements, she was also helping the staff at the side, and she kept sneering: "Mounting, it feels like you are twenty years older."

  Although Liu Qingshan was a little upset, he could only take off his Chinese tunic suit embarrassingly, but suddenly his heart moved:

   "Master Peng, there is a Chinese stand-up collar, which is very suitable for young people. Can you process it here?"

  Master thought about it: "Chinese collar, what kind of clothing is that?"

  Liu Qingshan suddenly realized that the so-called Chinese collar will not become popular until more than ten years later.

  So he found a pen and paper, and made a simple sketch. Master Peng nodded while thinking: "Well, this collar is a bit like the official collar of the former Qing Dynasty, also called Yuanbao collar."

  Of course Liu Qingshan doesn’t understand these things, he just draws the gourd according to the shape in his memory.

  Liu Qingshan drew several styles of stand-up collars, and then there are buttons, pockets, cuffs, etc., as well as the waist.

  Master Peng is a professional. Combined with Liu Qingshan's explanation, he corrected it and quickly drew a few sketches.

  The old man was also very excited: "Young man, your design is very creative, both classic and modern. The finished clothes should be very suitable for us Chinese, especially you young people."

   There is also that Aunt Lan, holding those sketches, she can't put it down: "Mr. Liu, if you don't mind, I will measure the size for you now."

  Liu Qingshan was waiting to nod, but he saw Master Peng raised his hand: "Wait a minute, there is still a patent right issue."

   After all, you have lived in the United States for a long time. If you are in China, who cares about you?

  Liu Qingshan didn't pay much attention to it at first, and only realized this problem after being reminded by Master Peng.

   But thinking about it, he didn't plan to enter the clothing industry, so he waved his hand with a smile: "It's not my creation, it's just a little improvement on the original basis, you can use it as you like, Master Peng."

  Master Peng was overjoyed: "It's so good, then our old Peng's shop will process several sets of Chinese stand collars for Mr. Liu for free."

  Aunt Lan also added with a smile: "There is also this lady's cheongsam, we will also give it as a gift."

  Liu Qingshan was fine, he didn't care about the little money at first, but Grace was so happy, he took Liu Qingshan's arm:

   "Mounting, you are simply amazing, so versatile."

  After Aunt Lan finished measuring Liu Qingshan, Master Peng started work immediately.

  These veteran craftsmen are really good. After Liu Qingshan and the others went out for lunch, they have already finished refitting one piece and ironed it neatly.

   Liu Yinfeng and Grace seemed to be more active than Liu Qingshan, helping him put it on, and then several people in the tailor shop all gasped in amazement.

   "Oh, Mountain, you are so handsome!" Grace was like a little girl, circling around Liu Qingshan, praising her.

  Liu Yinfeng also looked at her younger brother with a smile, her face full of pride.

  Liu Qingshan also looked in the mirror, and felt that the handsome young man in the mirror was full of energy, which was indeed much better than wearing a suit.

   The two most excited are Master Peng and Aunt Lan, who can improve and produce a new style of clothing. For them, the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction is of course the strongest.

   And with this new style to support the facade, the business of their old Peng's store will definitely be more prosperous.

   "Master Peng, Aunt Lan, when you make the next piece, you can add a dragon pattern here."

   Liu Qingshan felt that adding some Chinese elements would make it more representative.

  The gentle Aunt Lan nodded lightly: "Mr. Liu, your idea is also very good, I will try hard."

   "Then I'll trouble Aunt Lan." Liu Qingshan clasped his fists together, which was much more natural than when he was wearing a suit.

   They made an appointment to pick up the clothes next week, and Liu Qingshan and the three of them were about to say goodbye. As a result, several people walked into the store. The leader was a Chinese in his thirties. After entering the store, he called out very familiarly:

   "Master Peng, is the tunic suit I ordered ready?"

   After shouting, he noticed Liu Qingshan standing opposite him, and his eyes lit up immediately:

   "Hey, what style is yours? It seems a little more handsome than me?"

  (end of this chapter)

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