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Chapter 642: To be rich is to be willful (ask for a monthly pass)

  Chapter 642 To be rich is to be willful (seeking a monthly ticket)

  After turning a corner, the eaves corner of the temple appears in front of you.

  There are ancient copper bells hanging under the eaves, shaking gently in the north wind, making a long and long echoing sound.

   "This ringtone sounds so refined... Oops!"

  Xiaoli was talking, when suddenly the hat of the down jacket on her head was knocked by someone, and she turned her head to see that it was Ma Laosan, holding a branch and looking at her with a smile.

   "You!" Xiaoli stomped her feet angrily, "I'm normal now, okay? Ask everyone, do you also feel this way?"

  Everyone also nodded straightly, and the district chief Yan still sighed: "People like us who are buried in the files all day, if they often listen to this, their hearts will be at peace."

  Ma Laosan was dumbfounded, and quickly hid behind Liu Qingshan, pointed at him and said to Xiaoli: "It was he who instigated me just now."

  Even Yu Guangming couldn't look down on him: "Third brother, you're like a monkey jumping horse all day long, so you can't keep your focus."

  Liu Qingshan smiled and waved his hands: "That's fine, he can make Xiao Li happy."

  Everyone talked and laughed, and when they came to the gate of the temple, the first thing they saw were a dozen vigorous ancient cypresses with mottled trunks, showing the vicissitudes of life.

   "I heard from the villagers that this ancient cypress has a history of thousands of years." The little leader who led the way introduced it.

  Old Liang also shook his head: "I'm afraid that such an ancient tree will not survive."

   After hearing this, everyone walked forward silently. The gates of the temple were all crooked, looking very dilapidated.

  But it’s not bad to be able to keep it until now. The young leader who led the way said that when a group of teenagers demolished the temple, a beam suddenly fell down and injured several people, and the teenagers were scared away.

  The second master also shook his head again and again: "You can hide from the first day of junior high school, but you can't hide from the fifteenth day."

   This made District Mayor Yan blush: "Mr. Liu, don't you want to move this Longxi Temple away? It's the same when you move it to your side."

  Liang's old hand twisted his beard: "It's strange that it can be the same. Without the ancient trees around here, is this temple still there?"

While everyone was talking, suddenly a khaki hare jumped out from the half-covered door of the main hall, hopping and jumping, and ran to a distance, causing people to chase after it, but of course they couldn't catch the rabbit. of.

   In this temple, there are obviously no monks living there.

  Liu Qingshan saw that Mr. Liang and the others were getting excited again, about to suffer from occupational diseases, and was about to persuade him, when Xiaoli suddenly said:

   "Actually, these trees can be preserved completely. Just build community buildings around them. At that time, they can still be called forest communities."

   This idea is obviously a good idea, Liu Qingshan nodded straight after hearing it: It is worthy of becoming a real estate developer later, this vision is far beyond ordinary people.

  If this ancient tree can be preserved, compared with those developers who dug an artificial lake later and dared to call it Tianchi Mingyuan, it is simply too conscientious!

  However, District Chief Yan looked distressed: "The planning drawings are all designed, I'm afraid it will not be easy to change."

  Liu Qingshan didn't want to remove all these ancient trees, and they couldn't make money there, so they might as well stay here, so he asked:

  "District Chief Yan, who is in charge of this community? We might as well invest money directly and ask the construction party to modify the drawings. I think we can agree."


  District Chief Yan opened his mouth and babbled a few times: If you are rich, you will be willful. If you disagree, you will immediately round up the entire community.

   And Xiaoli whispered something in Ma Laosan's ear, and the latter leaned forward in front of Liu Qingshan:

   "Xiaoli said, business shouldn't be discussed like this. Our company invests so much, we should strive for more favorable terms."

   Bargaining is really not what Liu Qingshan is good at. He had an idea:

   "Xiao Li, you're not filming now, why don't you come to our Longteng and help with this matter?"

  The large investment of tens of millions really needs someone to manage it, and there is no doubt that there is a very suitable candidate in front of him.

   "Me? I haven't done it?"

  Xiao Li was a little unconfident. After filming The Red Chamber, she took on two more films, but even she could feel that her acting was really bad.

  Although she worked very hard, she still couldn't get out of Baochai's shadow.

  Liu Qingshan waved his hand: "That's the deal, the specific salary, let Xiao Zhan decide, Xiao Li, welcome to join our Longteng!"

   Just like that, Xiaoli was abducted onto the big boat Longteng in a daze.

  There is really nothing to see in this Longxi Temple. After walking around, everyone was terribly frozen. It was almost noon, so we drove back to the city together.

  District Chief Yan graciously invited Liu Qingshan and others to have lunch, but Liu Qingshan and his brothers hadn't met for a long time, so they politely declined.

   A group of people drove to Fengzeyuan Restaurant and sat down at two adjacent tables. This is also an old restaurant with a long history and is famous for its Shandong cuisine.

  When you arrive at Fengzeyuan, one of the must-try dishes is sea cucumber with green onions.

  During lunch, Liu Qingshan asked Yu Guangming about the situation in Lilan.

  Because there is no phone, it is very inconvenient to contact, and Liu Qingshan has been thinking about it.

   After all, thousands of people were thrown there, and if something happened, he couldn't explain to the families of these people.

   Hearing from Yu Guangming that everything is relatively stable in Lilan, Liu Qingshan is relieved.

  It was cold, everyone except the driver had a few sips.

   "The elbow here is the most authentic."

  The old hat master took a piece of crystal elbow, stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it with great relish, and then said to Liu Qingshan:

"Qingshan, the place you asked me to explore, you said you were going to open a mountain goods store. I found a few places, and one of them is diagonally opposite Fengze Garden. After dinner, go and see for yourself. .”

   This is also part of Liu Qingshan's long-term plan for Jiapigou. He plans to open Jiapigou mountain goods stores one after another in the prosperous areas of big cities.

  Perhaps at this stage, people's interest in mountain products is not too great, but after a few years and people's living standards continue to improve, it will produce huge benefits.

  As for the reason for buying it so early, of course, the house is cheap now, so we should rush to occupy the wasteland first, and then we can find a good place.

   Even if the Shanhuo store doesn’t make money at that time, the house you bet on will definitely appreciate in value.

   It happens that the spare money in the hands of the villagers can also come in handy, which can be regarded as helping the cooperative to accumulate wealth.

   Otherwise, the money will become less and less valuable if it is in your hands.

  Liu Qingshan's preliminary plan is: first open a Jiapigou mountain goods store in those provincial capital cities.

   "Grilled sea cucumbers with scallions, young and old, take it easy." The waiter brought up two plates of sea cucumbers, one for each table.

  Old Maoer took over the conversation: "Chef Wang cooked the sea cucumber today?"

  After seeing the waiter smiling and nodding, the old hat also grinned happily: "This Chef Wang was often invited to cook family dinners for the leaders back then."

   "You got it." The waiter also left with a smile on his face.

  In an old capital like Maoerye, if you open your mouth to speak, you must talk about big cadres or their anecdotes.

   "Uncle, if you don't eat anymore, you will be robbed." Liu Qingshan kindly reminded.

  He himself put a piece of sea cucumber into his mouth, the soup was full of juice and delicious, it was really good, the ingredients were good, and the craftsmanship was good.

  As for the price, right now, it’s really not cheap. A plate of roasted sea cucumber with scallions costs 12 yuan. You know, the duck in Quanjude is only 10 yuan now.

   "Xiao Li, try the sea cucumber here, it's very nourishing." Ma Laosan graciously picked up a piece of sea cucumber for his girlfriend.

  Xiaoli was not in a hurry to eat. On the way back, she had been thinking about a question, and now she finally couldn't help it, and wanted to ask Liu Qingshan:

   "Qingshan, our company has spent so much money, why not develop real estate by ourselves?"

   "I have also been to the film and television city. We have enough construction machinery and workers, and we are fully capable of this."

  When Liu Qingshan heard this, he also put down his chopsticks, and secretly praised in his heart: he deserves to be engaged in real estate, he just has talent.

  So he said with a smile: "In terms of real estate, we can start buying completed residential buildings earlier, and even if we have the strength in the future, it is not impossible to buy the entire real estate."

   "But it's best not to get involved in development and construction. The water here is too deep, and if you don't do it, you will get stuck."

  Xiaoli half understood what she heard, so she could only nod her head to express her comprehension.

   And Ma Laosan said with a smile on the side: "Xiao Li, you can help Qingshan to be more careful in the future and find a girlfriend. Your Red Mansion crew has a lot of beauties."

  Liu Qingshan gave him a blank look: "Don't worry about it, Xiaoli, you have to take care of this flamboyant carrot in the future, and don't let him go around everywhere."

  Seeing his girlfriend's eyes that seemed to have a bit of murderous look, Ma Laosan repeatedly yelled: "Who am I messing with?"

   "Qingshan is so good, there are too many girls chasing him, who told you to worry about it." Xiaoli stretched her little hand under the table, and first gave Ma Laosan a small punishment.

   Everyone was playing around, and suddenly heard a crisp voice: "Wow, Qingshan, you are here too, what a coincidence!"

  I saw a figure in a white down jacket rushing over, hugging Liu Qingshan's neck, and bouncing vigorously.

  Looking at Xiaoli for a while, she whispered to Ma Laosan: "This girl must be Qingshan's girlfriend, so enthusiastic?"

   Ma Laosan curled his lips: "Xiuer is so warm to everyone."

   Sure enough, as soon as the words fell, Chu Yunxiu jumped in front of Yu Guangming again, and she was also very affectionate.

   "Xiu girl, hurry up and eat together." Seeing Chu Yunxiu, Liu Qingshan was also very happy. It's been a long time since I saw this girl, and she is still so heartless.

  Chu Yunxiu waved her small hands: "I still have guests, so let's book a table first."

  While speaking, she picked up a pair of unused chopsticks, picked up a squid roll, threw it into her mouth, chewed and said:

   "Qingshan, you don't know yet, I run a travel company, but your place is too remote, otherwise, I can take guests to your house, I miss the fourth and fifth of them!"

   "Then congratulations, you are now the boss." Liu Qingshan was a little surprised, but considering the influence of the Chu family, it is certainly not difficult to start a company.

   When old friends reunited, Chu Yunxiu also seemed very excited, chattering endlessly:

   "Qingshan, our company now specializes in receiving Taiwan compatriots who have returned to the mainland. Some Taiwan compatriots can't find their relatives, so we are responsible for assisting in the search."

   "Didn't you see that when relatives from both sides of the strait got together, the old people in their decades were crying so hard that I didn't know how many times I cried with them..."

  As Chu Yunxiu spoke, her eye circles turned red again. It must be the scene of reunion of relatives after a long absence, which really moved her.

  Taiwan compatriots?

  Liu Qingshan just remembered that since the second half of last year, cross-strait relations have finally broken the ice, allowing Taiwan compatriots to return to the mainland to visit relatives.

   Oops, sin, sin, Mr. Biao, who was strong at the Canton Fair, even agreed to invite someone to Jiapigou as a guest, but he forgot because of his busy work.

  He later left Jiapigou's phone number for Master Biao's son Zhang Xiaozhong, and he had to call back later to ask.

  But this girl Chu Yunxiu has done a meaningful job, she likes it herself, and can use her relationship to help reunite the separated relatives.

  You must know that under the current household registration system, none of them have access to the Internet. Finding someone is really like looking for a needle in a haystack.

   Good job, Xiu girl.

  Liu Qingshan silently praised Chu Yunxiu in his heart, compared to those children who relied on the elders in the family to make approvals, Chu Yunxiu was simply too outstanding.

   It's not just Liu Qingshan who thinks this way, like Yu Guangming and others, they are also thinking in general.

  They used to think that Chu Yunxiu was like a child who hadn't grown up, innocent and innocent, but now looking at this girl, it actually made people feel a surge of respect in their hearts.

   "Oh, I've been patronizing to chat with you, and I haven't ordered food yet, the guests are all here." Chu Yunxiu saw two little tour guides leading a group of people in, and then remembered the business.

  Liu Qingshan suddenly stood up from his seat, ran a few steps to meet him, and excitedly ran in front of an old man: "Master Biao, it's really you!"

  The old man wore an otter hat on his head, a straight woolen overcoat on his body, and a cane in his hand. He looked like a returning overseas Chinese.

   As a result, when he opened his mouth, it made people want to laugh: "Xiao Shanzi, you little bastard, you agreed to lead me back to my hometown, where did you go?"

  While cursing, he raised the crutch in his hand and lightly pumped Liu Qingshan's **** twice.

  Liu Qingshan didn't hide, just kept giggling: "Master Biao, your legs and feet have recovered, and you can stand up and teach others?"

  Zhang Debiao laughed loudly: "Xiao Shanzi, thanks to your tiger bone wine, I said, I want to walk into the village of my hometown, of course I will do it!"

   "It's just a pity, there are not many old people left in my village, and the graves of my parents can't be found."

  Master Biao was still smiling just now, but tears fell in the blink of an eye.

   "Grandpa Biao, everyone said that we should not cry, we are pulling the hook for nothing!"

  Chu Yunxiu ran between the two of them, with her waist akimbo, looking at the meaning, she wanted to pull her beard.

   "Okay, okay, listen to you, you have become a little aunt." Master Biao muttered, which also attracted smiles on the faces of several old people behind him.

  Chu Yunxiu turned into a smiling face: "Grandpa Biao, you're so good. I'll give you sea cucumbers with green onions later."

  Master Biao waved his hand: "Girl Xiu, if you get me a plate of scallions dipped in miso, Master Biao will be happier."

  Liu Qingshan also felt a little bit embarrassed when he heard it just now, and seeing Chu Yunxiu coaxing Lord Biao well, he said:

   "Master Biao, you have to go to my house to eat the authentic miso. I will fry delicious egg sauce for you."

  (end of this chapter)

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