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Chapter 660: Midas touch (seeking monthly ticket)

  Chapter 660 Midas touch (seeking monthly pass)

  Han Huohu couldn't figure it out: Isn't this just two big trucks passing by? The people in Wangjiawei are crazy, and they want to protect these people even if they risk their lives?

  Although he also brought twenty or thirty people, he looked at the villagers who were coming in a steady stream, holding shovels and picks in their hands.

   There are still quite a few kids running here with wicker sticks in their hands. Han Huo really doesn't have the guts to do it.

  So he shouted at the top of his voice: "Wang Dafu, are these people your father or your grandfather, and you are working so hard to keep them?"

   At this time, a young woman ran up to him with her head bare, and it seemed that she didn't even bother to tie her headscarf.

  She ran to him and grabbed Han Huhu's arm: "Father, tell everyone to go back quickly. How can you rob Qingshan's car? Fortunately, Qingshan and the others were not injured, otherwise I would have to fight with you all."

  Girls are extroverted, this girl is a loser, and she turns her elbows out when she gets married.

  Han Laohu shook his arms angrily: "What the **** is that Qingshan doing? I can't do it!"

   "Father, our Wang family raised deer to make a fortune. The funds and methods are all provided by Qingshan." His daughter stretched out her hand to grab the father's arm again.

  This time, Han Huohu didn’t give up any more. He suddenly understood: Those young people in his village have moved the God of Wealth, so it’s no wonder they didn’t fight with you.

  At this time, Liu Qingshan also asked the villagers who were in front of him to make way for a passage, and walked straight to Han Huhu.

  Although the villagers in Xiawa Village all raised their eyebrows at him, Liu Qingshan didn't take it seriously, but stared at Han Laohu and said:

   "Uncle, we showed mercy yesterday. Besides, your business is not a righteous way."

   After finishing speaking, he pointed towards the big truck: "Our drivers are all retired from the Heihe Frontier Defense Army. If something happens, believe it or not, we will directly pull the regular army over with a military vehicle."

  Han Huohu also felt chills on his back, he was really scared, don't look at the foreign cannons and shotguns in their hands, in the eyes of the regular army, they don't even count as fire sticks.

   These blind **** dare to intercept any car!

  He hasn't figured it out yet, thinking that he has intercepted the wrong car, but he doesn't realize that this behavior itself is wrong.

   "Uncle, you are next to the Wang family, and you are related to each other, so let's forget about it, but I still have to persuade you, if you do this, you will end up in trouble sooner or later."

  Liu Qingshan didn't want to talk to them, anyway, what should be said has already been pointed out to the other party.

  Han Huohu's big eyes stuck for a long time, and then he waved his hand behind him: "You all go back, stop at home and squint."

   "Second Uncle, you can't just let it go, Brother Xiaojun's leg is about to break!" The limping young man was still not reconciled.

   "Hurry up and get lost!" Han Huo opened his eyes again, and the group all left dejectedly.

  Seeing that the conflict dissipated, Wang Dafu felt relieved and walked up to Han Huhu:

   "In-law, that's right, let's go, go to my house to drink some hot water first, and then ask your daughter to cook two dishes. I want to take a long trip with the car, so I won't accompany you."

  In the end, he was grabbed by Tiger Han: "No, you can't go."

   "You're not done yet, are you!" Wang Dafu was also annoyed, and he flicked his sleeve vigorously.

   And the few villagers behind him also rolled up their arms and sleeves, ready to rush forward. They are not our old father-in-law anyway, so they beat him up.

  Han Huohu was all smiles, walked up to Liu Qingshan in a few steps, arched his hands, bent down and bowed:

   "Brother Qingshan, brother, I will apologize to you. We did not behave properly in this matter."

  The villagers were taken aback, and even Wang Dafu was a little dazed: This Han Huhu, isn't he usually so easy-going?

  Liu Qingshan also smiled: "Uncle, don't say that, we don't know each other without fighting, just call me Qingshan."

   "Then I'll make a big fuss and call you Qingshan, Qingshan, don't leave today, go to our village, and I will serve wine to apologize."

  Han Huohu pulled Liu Qingshan's arm, which was called affectionate.

  Wang Dafu next to him reacted: "You old boy has no good intentions, abducted Qingshan to your village, and then wants to take revenge, isn't it, there is no way!"

  Han Huohu stomped his feet: "Dear family, you can't think of me. I don't think about it. Qingshan is capable, and he can help our village make up ideas and find a way to make a fortune."

  He also knows that relying on picking up a car or something will not last long after all, and he might kick it on a steel plate one day.

  However, limited by his vision and knowledge, he really couldn't think of any good ideas, so he could only look at the Wang family's surroundings. Those days were like noodles, bulging and greedy.

  Liu Qingshan didn't want to care about their messy things either: "Uncle, I'm not a fairy, I have a bit of ability to turn stones into gold."

  Where is Han Laohu willing to agree: "Qingshan, I represent the old and young men of Xiawa Village, please, if you are not feeling well, I will give you one right now."

  Looking at the little old man squatting down, how could Liu Qingshan really ask someone to kowtow to him, and quickly grabbed Han Huhu's arm.

  He pulled a little too fast, and Han Huohu only felt a strong force coming, and his body was directly lifted into the air, his legs were suspended in the air, and he kicked a few times subconsciously.

   Everyone was dumbfounded at this moment. Although Han Laohu was dry and thin, he weighed more than 100 catties, so he just picked it up like this?

  You know, carrying it is not like holding it. How much strength is this?

  Han Huohu was also quite surprised: Fortunately, there was no fight just now, otherwise, it may not be clear who will win and who will win.

  Liu Qingshan put the person down again: "Uncle, then I'll go over and have a look, but let's agree in advance that I don't dare to guarantee this kind of thing."

   "Zhong, if you can take a trip to Qingshan, we will miss you forever." Han Laohu was overjoyed.

  He did this because he was really greedy for the development of Wangjiaweizi, and wanted to ask Liu Qingshan to help him see if there was any way to make money.

  The most important thing is to repair the relationship, he was really scared by Liu Qingshan's words.

   They all belong to the Heihe region. If they really offend the army, it would be a waste of time.

   In this way, Liu Qingshan and the others will definitely not be able to walk today.

  Wang Dafu simply asked someone to hitch two sledges, and he called Shang Wang Paoman and a few capable fighters in the village to follow along, after all, he was still a little worried.

   There were also Xiao Hao and Lao Ma, who were also worried and insisted on going together, and finally got three big sledges, which pulled everyone together.

   They don’t need to take the road, they just took a shortcut, and the two villages are only fifteen or six miles away. It took less than an hour to arrive.

  Liu Qingshan took a look at this village, which was smaller than Wangjiaweizi. It was basically mud houses, and it seemed that it was not rich.

   On the way here, he looked at it all. There are depressions and hills here, like plastic greenhouses, and it must not be done.

   Everyone went to Han Laohu's house together, his wife was cold and angry.

  Originally, my son's ankle was swollen like a steamed bun, and he was still lying on the kang.

  "The old lady is a family. I don't have any knowledge at all. Hurry up to boil water and make tea." Han Huo glared at the old woman and added:

   "Qingshan is the way to help us find a fortune. Hurry up and slaughter an old hen for stewing!"

  When his wife heard this, she didn't dare to neglect, and hurried to work.

   "Don't be busy, let's go around first." Liu Qingshan suggested.

  So everyone warmed up in the house for a while, and then went out together. After walking around the village, Liu Qingshan didn't think of any good way to adapt to local conditions.

   Seeing that it was already afternoon, Han Laohu hurriedly went home to have dinner first. He didn't have much hope at first, but he was still a little disappointed in his heart. After all, everyone is looking forward to a good life, isn't it?

  Back to Han Laohu's house again, everyone sat on the edge of the kang and drank water.

  Liu Qingshan looked at the furnishings in the house, and found that it was similar to his own home, with no furniture or electrical appliances, except for a radio on the cabinet cover.

  Wait, there is something beside the radio, which caught Liu Qingshan's attention.

  He walked to the cover of the cabinet and looked it over carefully. It was a jade carving of an old birthday star. In his opinion, the carving was relatively ordinary.

  However, the jade used is of high quality, crystal clear, with restrained precious light, and golden red, golden yellow and other colors are distributed on it.

  Liu Qingshan followed Uncle Lu, and also knew a little bit about jade, so he could see that it was carved with high-quality agate.

  In the museum of ancient human remains in their commune, there are some jade ware carved from agate, but the quality is not as good as this.

   "Qingshan, if you like this thing, I will give it to you." Han Huhu's voice came from behind.

   As a result, Wang Dafu was very dissatisfied: "You old boy, I want you to have a cigarette holder, and you are still picking and searching. This time, you are generous."

  Of course Liu Qingshan would not accept other people’s things casually, so he smiled and waved his hands: “Old Uncle Han, this thing is not cheap, it’s worth two or three hundred yuan.”

  Han Laohu shook his head: "If it was worth a little money ten years ago, no one would want it these few years."

  After speaking, he told Liu Qingshan that there was a mountain not far from their village, and the common people called it Bald Ridge because the vegetation on the mountain was sparse.

  In the late 1970s, a geological team discovered a rich agate mine on the mountain, saying that the agate inside was of high quality and worth mining.

  So Xiawa Village invested tens of thousands of dollars in it, and invited several engravers from other places to carve some objects.

   As a result, when it was sold, people did not recognize it at all, saying that your agate from the north is basically a stone, and they recognized the southern red agate from the south.

  In this way, Xiawa Village has received a lot of money, and it has not been slowed down for many years until now.

  After Liu Qingshan heard this, he began to worry about it. He knew that in a few years, Northern Red Agate would also be recognized by the industry.

  The ornaments and accessories carved out of fine northern red agate are also of great value.

  Even if the super-high-quality ones like Laoshouxing are now, they can be easily sold for a few thousand yuan on Hong Kong Island.

  The point is that there is no such channel in Xiawa Village, so this situation of begging for food with a golden rice bowl, no, it should be said to beg for food with an agate rice bowl.

  Xiawa Village doesn’t have it, but he does. Wow, with the current network of Longteng Company, if you try to sell it to those big jewelry companies, they will definitely give you some face.

  Thinking of this, Liu Qingshan asked Han Huhu:

   "Old Uncle Han, who in the village still has these agate carved objects, you ask everyone to send them over, let me see how the quality is, maybe this is a way of making money."

  Han Laohu couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard this, and hurriedly sent people out, going door-to-door to inform that their village didn't even have a loudspeaker.

   After a short while, villagers came over to deliver things, mostly small objects, small carved animals, small ornaments and the like.

  The carvings are relatively rough, but the quality is indeed good. They should all belong to the gem level, and they are definitely not ordinary stones with no value.

  So Liu Qingshan said: "Old Uncle Han, can you see if this is okay? As for these items, I will take them away first, and help to contact the salesperson."

   "The quality of these agates is good, but the carving is a bit poor, which will definitely affect the value."

   After finishing speaking, he asked Xiao Hao to take out a stack of fifty-one bills from his bag, and counted out twenty bills: "These money will be counted as deposit money first, and if there is a market, more money will be refunded and less money will be made up."

   Several villagers in the house saw the wad of money, their eyes were a little straight.

  Han Huo Huo’s eyes were also bright, but he still waved his hand with difficulty: “Qingshan, you take this money back first, and let’s count it together after the things are sold.”

  Liu Qingshan put the money directly on the lid of the cabinet. He knew that this thing is the most convincing right now.

   Especially farmers, most believe in tangible benefits.

  However, the interests are touching, Liu Qingshan still wants to remind Han Laohu:

   "Old Uncle Han, if these agates are really valuable, I'm afraid that others will be jealous, so you Xiawa Village, you have to think of a way."

   "It's best to set up a cooperative, and then contract out the few hills near Bald Ridge, as well as mining licenses, etc., and start large-scale production and processing after everything is completed."

  Han Huohu nodded again and again, and first said to the villagers: "No one is allowed to tell outsiders about this matter."

   Then he said to Liu Qingshan with a bitter face: "Qingshan, we also want to do what you said, but we really can't afford the money."

   "Or, we will be like Wang Jiaweizi. You invest money, and when there is profit, we will share it."

  He also thought it over, the power of Xiawa Village obviously couldn't handle such a major event, so he wanted to tie Liu Qingshan together, so he didn't have to worry about Liu Qingshan's lack of effort.

   "Old Uncle Han, I won't invest in this personally, but the investment in our village happens to be collective, so it makes sense."

  Liu Qingshan was worrying about how to invest in the cooperative. This is a good project.

  As for himself, he really didn't like it, so he thought it was doing welfare for the folks.

   "Middle!" Han Laohu was overjoyed. He also heard from his in-law Wang Dafu that Jiapigou was a village of 100,000 yuan, and there was plenty of money.

  His daughter-in-law also stood at the door listening for a long time, she was also smiling, and hurried to the outhouse again, trying to make some more good dishes.

  At this moment, a group of children ran in snoring, and one of them raised a stone the size of an egg in front of Liu Qingshan:

   "If you want this transparent stone, just give me a dime, and we can buy sugar **** to eat."

  (end of this chapter)

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