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Chapter 668: lion open mouth

  Chapter 668 The Lion Opens His Mouth

   Seeing his cousin getting **** luck, Li Zeming also felt sick, but he still found a stick from the side of the road and helped Young Master Li remove the dirt in front of the toe of the shoe.

  After pulling, Li Zeming quickly threw the wooden stick to the side of the road, cursing: "Damn **** stick."

  Liu Qingshan blinked: Although I did come to spoil the situation, it is too shameless for you to accuse Sang and scold Huai like this.

  Li Zeming took out his handkerchief and began to wipe his hands. At this time, some dirty little dolls from the village came up to see if they could mix two pieces of candy.

   "While going, you look like a little beggar." Li Zeming kept waving his hands, very annoyed.

  Even though the children were young, they could still hear good words, and one of the leaders started barking like a dog.

   Soon, a big yellow dog rushed over with a stick in its mouth, which was exactly the one Li Zeming threw out just now.

  Li Zeming felt a yellow shadow flashing in front of his eyes, and felt his calf being touched. When he looked down, he was also rubbed with a piece of shit.

   "Lost your mother!" Li Zeming finally swears.

  The child threw the stick out again, and the big yellow dog ran over to catch up, and it was estimated that he would bring it back happily soon, so frightened Li Zeming hurriedly stayed away from the gang of little punks.

  Liu Qingshan was overjoyed, took out a lot of toffee from his pocket, and asked the child to share it with his friends.

  I tell you to call a **** stick, but let you taste the taste of a **** stick.

   On the other side, Young Master Li is still a bit of a clean freak. He refuses to wear the leather shoes under his feet, but there is nothing to change, so he can't walk barefoot, right?

  The villagers were still kind, an old man with a goatee took out a pair of cloth shoes from home and asked Young Master Li to put them on.

  As for the pair of leather shoes, of course the old man took them away. When they got home, they washed them with water and put them on for their son. The old man was still happily saying:

   "These leather shoes look good at first glance, and they cost at least ten or eight yuan."

  Ten and eight? These shoes cost more than 5,000 Hong Kong dollars!

   Young Master Li couldn't tell the country old man what luxury is, so he put on cloth shoes reluctantly, looked down, and looked awkward, it was simply too LOW.

   As the saying goes: without shoes under the soles of the feet, half of the poor, there is some truth to this statement.

   An old man next to him looked at the old man's white leather shoes, and was a little bit greedy, so he approached Li Zeming and said, "Young man, do you want to change your pants?"


  Li Zeming resisted the urge to hit someone, but nodded.

  The accompanying leaders at all levels also felt a little embarrassed. Among them, the highest position was Director Gao of the Municipal Government Office, and he quickly explained:

   "Mr. Li, the sanitation conditions in this kind of rural area are a bit poor."

   "Because of this, a powerful enterprise like your company is needed to build this place into a high-end community."

   "Mr. Li has contributed a lot to the construction of the capital."

   Director Gao's flattering words finally made Young Master Li feel better, so accompanied by leaders at all levels, Young Master Li continued to walk towards the village.

  Liu Qingshan also followed behind. Although the leaders were a bit strange, no one said a word.

  There is no office in the village, so all the guests can only be sent to the house of Village Chief Li.

  The village chief is a middle-aged man who looks quite simple and honest. The father of the family has been ill in the kang all year round, and the ventilation in the room is not good. The smell directly smoked everyone out again.

  The village chief simply moved a few stools, and everyone sat down in the courtyard.

  The lowest-ranked village chief, Fan, also felt ashamed, and waved impatiently at village chief Li: "Call all the households and sign the contract quickly."

   "The adults have all gone to work, and the rest of the family are old and young, so it doesn't count." Village Chief Li spread his hands, and then added:

   "If you hadn't told me, the mayor, to stay in the village and wait, I would also go to work on the construction site. It costs fifteen yuan a day, and I will provide a meal at noon."

   "Four dishes and one soup, and there are big oily pieces of meat inside."

  Mr. Fan quickly interrupted Mr. Li: "That's all right, all right, don't talk about those useless things, it's okay if there are old people at home, anyway, it's just a matter of fingerprinting."

  Cun Zhang Li went out and walked around, followed by twenty or thirty old men and women, some with walking sticks, and some with small benches.

  After entering the courtyard, everyone found a place to sit.

  Village Chief Li spoke first: "Everyone knows about the demolition of Wapenyao Village, right? The contract is officially signed today."

   "Er Gouzi, I can't write?" an old man said tremblingly, and even called Village Chief Li by his nickname.

   "Third Master, just print your fingerprints." Village Chief Li replied.

  The third uncle shook his head straightly: "Don't make your fingerprints, once you do, I'll hear Yang Bailao, it's just a good day, I don't want to drink brine."

  Other old people also spoke out and responded one after another, so that the village head didn't recruit him. They are so old that they can't be beaten or scolded.

   Still Li Dashao's team is rich in experience, I saw Li Dashao winking at his subordinates, and immediately there was a man in a suit with eyes opening his bag, which was full of bundles of banknotes.

  The man in the suit is slightly buck-toothed, holding a stack of banknotes and waving them twice:

   "Folks, we pay a signature fee here, come here, and you will be given a hundred yuan for your signature!"

   There is also a good thing, those old men and old ladies immediately went up to line up, and there were also many children mixed in.

  Looking at Liu Qingshan's joy: Even the signing fee has been paid out, it seems that it has been prepared for a long time.

  The leaders are also completely relieved: they still do business with the Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce.

   "Come one by one!" The township head helped to maintain order and took out all the little kids in the team.

  Bao Ya began to give money to the first old man, and counted out ten big unity: "Old man, after signing, this money is yours."

  The old man stretched out his index finger, poked it in the ink pad box, and then pressed it on a piece of paper. He happily took a hundred yuan, and went to the side to count one by one.

  A total of 20 or 30 households, with signatures and fingerprints, are all in triplicate, and it was completed in a few minutes. The leaders present and Li Dashao's team secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

  It was easier than imagined, and the signing process was done easily.

  No matter what era it is, demolition is a difficult task, and there will never be a shortage of nail households.

  Just as he was about to close the stall and leave, Village Chief Li suddenly yelled: "Third Master, why did you put your handprint on my family card, and I only found out after I signed it."

  The villagers put the money in their pockets, then looked at the demolition agreement in their hands, and shouted in a mess: "I was wrong too, it belongs to Li Dahu's family."

   "Whose handprint is this, it must not be mine. My handprint is not a bucket, but a dustpan!"

  People at this time are more concerned about the shape of fingerprints. There are generally two types, namely buckets and dustpans.

  Some elderly people like to pinch the little boy's fingers to help check. There are several buckets and dustpans.

  Everyone believes that the more fights, the better, and there are jingles: one fight is poor and two fights rich, three fights and four fights grind tofu, five fights and six fights open a **** shop, seven fights and eight fights are carried away, nine fights and ten fights enjoy happiness.

  At that time, there were few things to play, so the kids got together and checked how many buckets the other party had.

   Boys especially like to help little girls check.

  After a period of turmoil, the head of Li Ergou village sweated profusely and reported: "It's wrong, it's all wrong, it's all about money!"

  The cadres didn't find it funny either. Director Gao said: "Then just invalidate and do it again, which brings a lot of blank agreements."

  Li Dashao's team could only take out some printed agreements, and despised these ordinary people in their hearts: a bunch of bumpkins, have you never seen a banknote?

  It would be even better if there were a handful of melon seeds, and Liu Qingshan happily sat on the small bench to watch the excitement. He taught these to the village chief Wang Daniuwang yesterday.

  As far as Li Dashao and the others are concerned, it is still possible to fool the common people nowadays. In Liu Qingshan's eyes, the grade is too low.

  That's right, he just wants to train all the villagers in Wapenyao Village to become nail households, so that Young Master Li can enjoy it.

  Li Dashao's people were still kept in the dark, trying to ask the villagers to re-sign the pledge.

   "Wait, what does it say, I can't read, don't fool us." The third master was not in a hurry to print his fingerprints this time, and just stood there holding the agreement.

  You know it's all upside down?

  Baoya read it aloud just now. There are quite a lot of articles on it, and it took me a long time to finish reading:

   "Old man, it's clear this time, hurry up and print your fingerprints, our time is precious!"

  The third master shook his head: "I don't agree."

   "We don't agree either!" The old men and women yelled.

   Village Chief Li Ergou slapped his thigh anxiously: "Didn't you say it well two days ago, why did you change your mind again?"

  The leaders who came with them were also a little dumbfounded. What they were worried about still happened.

   "You have to be trustworthy!" Bao Ya was also very dissatisfied.

  The third master tapped the ground with a walking stick: "Move us all to live in the countryside, and the land is gone. How can we live in the future?"

   "Third Master, didn't you say that each household is given a quota to go to work in the factory." Village head Li continued to pretend to be a good person, which was also studied yesterday.

  The old people shook their heads: "That's not enough to support a big family."

  The old man with the goatee said: "Why not, if you give us pension money every month, we will agree."

   "Yes, everyone in the city has a pension, and we also want it!" The old people expressed their support one after another.

  The cadres remained silent and looked at Young Master Li.

  No one dares to make decisions about this kind of thing lightly. If it takes ten or twenty years to raise it, who will pay for it?

   Young Master Li couldn't help being a little annoyed, and whispered to Li Zeming: "Ask how much they want, and make a one-time compensation."

  After speaking, he glanced at Liu Qingshan, and had a rough guess in his heart: he must be behind the trip.

  However, Young Master Li didn't care too much. How much money these ignorant peasants can ask for, about a thousand or eight hundred.

  After Li Zeming got his cousin's instruction, he was unwilling to argue with these old men, so he directly used Baoya to talk.

  Baoya spent a long time arguing with the old man and old lady, and finally asked these old people to accept a one-time compensation.

   Then, the third master counted with his fingers:

"My current monthly expenses are 100 yuan, 12 months a year, two days ago I met a fortune-teller who told me that I still have 30 years to live, Er Gouzi, do the math for the third master , how much is this?"

  Village Chief Li couldn’t figure it out either, so he found a pen and paper and calculated for a long time: “Third Master, the total is 36,000 yuan, my mother, why are there so many!”

  The more Li Zeming listened to it, the more angry he became: you are a bad old man, you can be blown down by a gust of wind, and you still live for thirty years?

   But he wasn't stupid enough to argue with others. If he dared to say this, the old man would have to beat him with a walking stick.

   At this time, an old lady tremblingly began to add:

   "His third uncle, you can't calculate it like this. In the past two years, the price of everything has increased, and now pork has almost doubled compared to the previous two years."

   "Who knows what it will be like in 20 or 30 years?"

  The old people nodded repeatedly: "Yes, the 36,000 yuan seems to be a lot now, and it may not be worth much in a few years."

  "If it doubles in three years, it will have to be doubled in thirty years. Thirty-six thousand becomes three hundred and sixty thousand."

  The leaders were dumbfounded: I have seen a lion with its mouth wide open, but I have never seen such a big mouth. Why are you trying to eat people?

  Village Chief Li also scratched his head: "Everyone wants too much."

  The village head Fan also reprimanded him angrily: "How did you become the village head?"

  Li Ergou spread his hands together: "I've done enough to be the village head, so I'm not going to do it!"

   "Also, my father is a medicine jar. He lies on the kang every day and has to be taken care of by a special person. If I don't give me half a million yuan, I will definitely not move!"

  Anyway, after the village was relocated, he, the village chief, had come to an end, so there was nothing to miss.

  Li Ergou smashed the cans and smashed them, and took the lead in driving up prices, which made the head of Fan very angry, and the emperor's temper also came up:

   "If you don't move, you have to move. Let's see who dares not to move, and call the police station to arrest them!"

   "Major, if you take my father away first, I have to thank you."

  Cunchang Li squatted on the ground, as if a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

  Other old men and old ladies are not afraid at all: "We are all eager to find a place to eat for us, or else don't bother the police, we can go by ourselves."

  Major Fan just wanted to frighten people. He dared not catch these old men and old ladies.

  The leaders at the upper levels also felt that it was difficult, and they all looked at Director Gao of the municipal government. After all, he has the highest position here.

  Director Gao also bit the bullet and persuaded a few words, but the third grandpa responded with one sentence: "Why is there no old man in your family?"

  No way, the leaders can only look at Young Master Li again, waiting for him to make up his mind.

   Young Master Li also frowned, and he figured it out: These villagers are trying to kill.

  However, he has seen this kind of situation a lot. After all, the company has always been engaged in real estate. Why hasn't it experienced it?

  So Li Dashao said to those leaders with a cold face: "Let's do this for today."

  He is well aware that local leaders attach great importance to attracting investment. He does not believe that these leaders will easily give up a large investment of hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars.

  Leave these minor conflicts to the leaders.

  The accompanying leaders at all levels also looked very unsightly, and they had already begun to ponder in their hearts. After returning, should they cut off the water and electricity here first, or should they send the police first?

   At this moment, Liu Qingshan, who had been watching the show, suddenly stood up from the small bench:

   "Leaders, please wait a moment, our company also intends to invest and build a factory here."

  (end of this chapter)

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