Hello 1983

Chapter 690: The most wonderful memory (seek monthly ticket)

  Chapter 690 The most wonderful memory (seeking monthly pass)

  Xiao Guo was really shocked by the figures reported by Liu Qingshan. His project has dozens of tons of construction steel, which is enough.

   You have tens of thousands of tons in one mouth, and I really can't digest it.

  Chu Zhengnan couldn't bear it anymore: "Cow hides are flying all over the sky, your family produces steel?"

  His brothers also laughed in unison.

  Under the current situation, even people with such energy as them can't get steel, let alone Liu Qingshan, a small person in their eyes.

  The border trade is a bit too far away, so a lot of news has not come through.

  Thus, Chu Zhengnan and the others did not know that Longteng Company actually set up such a large stall in Heihe.

   This time there is no need for Liu Qingshan to help, Wang Zhan directly took out his big brother to help connect.

  Wang Zhan has been at odds with Chu Zhengnan and his group all this time, how could he let this chance of face-slapping go by?

  He made a few phone calls, and then contacted a special steel distributor in the capital. It happened that the other party also had relatively low-end construction steel products, so he agreed immediately.


  Wang Zhan put away his big brother, and happily glanced at Chu Zhengnan and the others opposite him.

   It still feels so cool!

  Wang Zhan felt that when dealing with Chu Zhengnan and the others before, it was at most a final fight or something, which was really too bad.

  It’s still the most refreshing like now, a bit of a feather fan scarf, talking and laughing, the feeling of masts and sculls being wiped out.

  Chu Zhengnan and the others looked at each other, looking at Wang Zhan in disbelief.

  That feeling, as if the opponents were all shoulder-high opponents, but the opponent suddenly became an unattainable giant.

  When did people like Wang Zhan, who were originally inferior to them, become existences that they needed to look up to?

  Wang Zhan still did not forget to make up the knife triumphantly: "Chu Xiaoba, I didn't say that you all have too shallow eyelids."

   "I feel like I'm a person when I spend some scarce supplies all day long. In fact, you are the toad squatting in the well and looking at the sky!"

   These words are really a bit hurtful, Chu Zhengnan and the others all changed their complexions greatly, wishing they could go up now and give Wang Zhan a hard time.

   Fighting or something, Wang Zhan was the least afraid, his finger almost poked Chu Zhengnan's nose:

   "Chu Xiaoba, let's open our eyes a little bit in the future. As far as the supplies you waste are turning around, aren't they going around in the country? Apart from raising the price, is there any benefit for the country and the people?"

   "If you are really capable, learn from my brother and go out to earn money from foreigners."

   "Do you know where these steels come from, let me tell you, they are all bought in cans and wool, this is my skill!"

   A few words shocked Chu Zhengnan and the others to the point where they were terrified, but they couldn't find a word to tell the difference.

  Song Lei's face was cloudy and cloudy, and what happened just now touched him too much.

  He also suddenly realized: Compared with the other party, the structure of people like himself seems to be a little too small.

   "Xiao Zhan, let's do the serious business first." Liu Qingshan saw that Wang Zhan had also beaten the opponent hard enough, so he accepted it as soon as it was good.

   Then he turned to Xiao Guo: "Brother Guo, does the 20% discount you promised include shopping malls?"

   It involves hundreds of millions of funds, even a percentage point is not a small amount, so there must be some bargaining.

  Xiao Guo also smiled wryly: "Brother Qingshan, your knife is too harsh."

  Seeing that this side has entered into a substantial price negotiation, Chu Zhengnan and the others also left with embarrassing expressions.

  They are so regretful now that their intestines are green. If they knew this, they would be fools who followed them all the time.

  Song Lei also had a gloomy expression, thinking in his heart, after returning, he should investigate the origin of this Liu Qingshan.

  In the end, Liu Qingshan handed over the bargaining to Miss Xiaoli. Women have an inherent advantage in such matters.

   In fact, the girl is also fooled, such a huge sum of money, whoever it is, will feel trembling.

  But once she entered the bargaining session, the girl quickly regained her composure and began to perform her duties seriously.

  Liu Qingshan didn’t have anything to do with him, so he just strolled around Wangfujing area,

   When he turned to the entrance of the capital painting store, he saw a group of people gathered together, as if they were studying something.

  Nothing to do, Liu Qingshan also squeezed in, it turned out to be a seller of paintings, on the paper were three or five small shrimps, a clump of aquatic plants, all with a few strokes, but quite charming.

   "This is the original work of the old man Baishi, 10,000 yuan, no bargaining." The seller is a middle-aged uncle, responding to those around who asked the price.

  Liu Qingshan was a little tempted, but he still resisted the urge to buy it, and called the public phone in the alley, asking Uncle Lu to come over and palm his eyes.

  Uncle Lu was also resting at home these two days, and was soon pulled over by the old hat master with three rounds.

  But after Uncle Lu went up to take a glance, he retreated and shook his head at Liu Qingshan.

   What a risk!

  Liu Qingshan couldn't help but secretly rejoice, luckily he stopped just now.

  In the past two years, signs of counterfeiting antique calligraphy and paintings have gradually begun to emerge, and this industry will definitely become more and more difficult to mix in the future.

   When the Panjiayuan flea market is established, then if you want to find real things, you will be able to choose one in a thousand, one in a thousand.

   Taking advantage of the late 1980s and early 1990s, I can still find more, so let’s start with more.

   "Xiao Shanzi, if you have nothing to do, go home quickly, there are guests at home." Old Master Master Maoer greeted Liu Qingshan.

   "Who is here?" Liu Qingshan was also a little puzzled.

  The old hat master wiped his bald head, and he said hey, as if I won't tell you.

  Liu Qingshan didn't ask any more questions, just rode on three rounds, and led Uncle Lu and Uncle Shi back home.

  If he takes a car and asks his uncle to pull the car, it doesn't seem to be the case.

   There was also a yell from the uncle behind him: "Turn the corner slowly, if I hadn't used a jackhammer just now, you would have overturned the car!"

   I have always been afraid of riding in a car, which seems to make sense.

   "Three rounds, three rounds!"

  Liu Qingshan was riding vigorously, when a call came from the side of the road, and he tapped the brakes twice.

  He looked back and saw Uncle Shi and Uncle Lu, who had jumped out of the car for a long time and were strolling about a hundred meters behind.

   It is estimated that the old brothers are worried, I am really afraid that he will overturn the car.

   "Take me to the old furniture market, how much?" The middle-aged man who stopped the car has already started asking Liu Qingshan for the price.

  Look at Liu Qingshan, there is a wooden box next to this person, the corners of the box are wrapped with engraved copper pieces, it seems to be quite old.

  So he asked: "Are you going to sell this box at the old furniture market?"

  The man nodded, and then asked: "Are you going?"

   It seems that Liu Qingshan really regards Liu Qingshan as a three-wheeled master.

   "Wait for me to take a good look at it. If I see it, I will accept it directly, and it will save you running errands."

   Liu Qingshan took a look at the old box, probably from the Qing Dynasty, so he just took it away.

  The middle-aged man looked at Liu Qingshan again, and he probably also noticed that his attire did not look like a three-wheeler.

  So he said: "My box is made of red sour wood. It is left by the old people. The price is not low."

   While talking, the old hat master and Uncle Lu also caught up, and Uncle Lu looked at the box:

   "Well, in the late Qing Dynasty, the materials used are average and the workmanship is okay, so it is only worth a hundred yuan."

   "One hundred yuan, then I'll take it to the old furniture market, and I can sell it for one hundred and fifty." The man habitually began to argue.

  Uncle Lu is not easy to fool: "Your box must have been useless for many years, and it might be moldy inside."

  Uncle Lu said as he opened the side lock, and just opened a crack, there was a musty smell from inside, hitting his nose straight.

  He vaguely saw that the box contained old newspapers, which had become moldy.

   Ah Choo! Uncle Lu sneezed hard, then waved his hands again and again: "One hundred yuan is not worth it."

  The seller didn't bargain this time: "Okay, one hundred yuan is one hundred yuan, so you don't have to worry about it."

  This box of his was left by his father, and it has been piled up in the courtyard. Everything is piled on top of the box, and it is not considered a fun thing.

   Cleaning up the yard today, my wife saw that the box was an eyesore, so she asked him to see if I could exchange it for two dollars.

   "Eighty." Uncle Lu made a gesture.

   This kind of box is not made of too expensive wood, and there is not much room for appreciation. It is okay to keep it at home.

  Finally, Liu Qingshan bought the box for ninety yuan, and the middle-aged man went home happily.

  Liu Qingshan noticed that while walking, the middle-aged man rolled the fifty-yuan bill into a small roll, and then stuffed it into the sock.

   This is hiding money, Liu Qingshan couldn't help but shook his head with a smile, and then he and the old hater uncle lifted the box onto the tricycle.

   After all, it is made of mahogany, and there are many copper corners and copper pieces inlaid. The box is quite heavy.

  With this box on the car, the two old brothers sat on the tricycle with confidence and walked home slowly.

  The afternoon sun fell head-on, feeling like it was on fire. The leaves on the side of the road were motionless, and there was no wind. Liu Qingshan soon broke out in a profuse sweat.

  Suddenly, there was an exclamation from behind, causing Liu Qingshan to twist the handlebar in fright, and almost hit a cyclist next to him.

  Liu Qingshan stopped the three rounds, looked back, the two brothers were sitting on the three rounds, did they not fall off?

  He looked again, only to see that the lid of the box he just bought had been opened, and Uncle Lu stuck his head into the box, as if he was checking something.

  Liu Qingshan went around to the back of the car: "Uncle Lu, what's wrong?"

  Master Lu raised his head, his face full of surprise: "Qingshan, you have found a treasure!"

  Liu Qingshan also looked inside the box, the tattered newspapers on it had been cleaned up, and a few scrolls were exposed underneath.

   "Qingshan, I saw an inscription just now, it's a painting by Ren Bonian!"

  Uncle Lu said while looking back, as if he was afraid that the box seller would catch up.

  Liu Qingshan couldn't help but be overjoyed, he didn't expect to have such good luck, he bought a box that was worthless, and he also sent a few paintings and calligraphy by famous masters, which is worth a lot.

  As for the person who sells the box, if he treats the treasure as garbage, he will die for ninety dollars.

   "I'll look at it when I go home. I haven't kept these paintings properly. I have to ask Bai Erye to help clean them up." Uncle Lu put the lid on the box again and urged Liu Qingshan to ride his bicycle quickly.

  Old Maoer Master Uncle also got excited, and directly replaced Liu Qingshan, pedaling three rounds, and returned to Liulichang's home in one breath.

  As soon as he entered the alley, Liu Qingshan saw two little girls standing at the door of his house, looking around, who else was it?

  He jumped out of the car with a whoosh, the two little girls saw him and ran over like a gust of wind.

  Xiao Lao’s four legs were fast, and he was still a few meters away from Liu Qingshan, so he swooped forward, was caught by the elder brother, and hugged him in his arms.

"elder brother!"

  The little fourth put his arms around the elder brother's neck, and kissed Liu Qingshan on the face.

   I haven't seen her for several months, and it feels like the little girl has grown half a head taller.

  Placing Xiao Lao Si on the ground, Liu Qingshan rubbed her braids, and then opened his arms to Lao Wu Shan Xing.

  Shan Xing has also grown, but is a little shorter than Xiao Laosi, and it reaches Liu Qingshan's chest.

  The little guy's face was flushed, but he didn't ask Liu Qingshan to hug him, but instead called him big brother happily.

  Liu Qingshan reached out and rubbed her watermelon head: "Are you guys on summer vacation?"

   "Brother, you don't want to go back to see us, so we have to come." The fourth child took Liu Qingshan's hand and walked into the courtyard.

  Shan Xing also followed, holding Liu Qingshan's other hand.

  In the yard, Lin Zhi was looking at her son with a smile.


  Liu Qingshan also stepped forward happily.

  A handkerchief appeared in Lin Zhi's hand, and he wiped the sweat from his son's forehead, his eyes were full of love.

  Liu Qingshan didn't move, just bent his knees slightly so that his mother could wipe his face. He enjoyed this feeling very much.

   "Brother, many people have come to the village. They are all at the film and television city. They are organized by the cooperative to travel to Hong Kong Island."

  The little old fourth started to report with his mouth babbling.

  In the past two years, the folks in Jiapigou have been to the capital and the two big cities of Hujiang in batches. This time, they went further and went directly to Hong Kong Island.

   "Have all the procedures been completed?" Liu Qingshan couldn't help asking.

  The youngest and fourth rushed to say: "It's all done, it was done by Big Brother Dongfang, and the people who are going this time are mainly old people and children."

  With Chen Dongfang and Yu Guangming on their side, Liu Qingshan is quite at ease.

  At this time, the old hater and his uncle also pushed the tricycle into the yard, Liu Qingshan helped unload the box, and the teacher happily went to invite Erye Bai.

  Liu Qingshan accompanied his mother and two younger sisters into the house, and then took out a cardboard box from the cabinet.

   "Brother, what is this?"

  Xiao Lao Si and Shan Xing each hold a handle, this is the first time they have seen this thing.

   "Game console, I bought it specially for you." Liu Qingshan connected the game console to the TV.

   This is the FC game console produced by Nintendo, which is commonly known as the red and white machine.

  The fuselage is classic red and white, with a yellow cassette inserted.

  There are two rectangular handles inserted on both sides of the fuselage. The handles can be pulled out, and each handle is connected to the back of the host by cable. You can play classic games such as Tank Wars, Contra, Super Mario, and Red Fortress.

   This thing is the most wonderful memory of the post-70s and post-80s.

  Back then, anyone who knew how to adjust thirty Contras would gain a lot of admiration from his friends.

  (end of this chapter)

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