Hello 1983

Chapter 702: A small goal of 100 million!

  Chapter 702 A small goal of 100 million!

   "Hahaha!" In the luxury hotel where Young Master Li and others stayed, hearty laughter broke out.

  The Manager Zheng of Zhou's Jewelry opened a bottle of red wine excitedly: "Come here, let's toast our victory!"

   Young Master Li's cheeks also flushed with excitement: "Let's not be too happy too early, after all, it's just started."

   "Brother Li, don't worry, they will never stand up again this time."

   "That's right, how we lost in the past, we won it this time, and we won it twice!"

   This group of people are all overjoyed. With this kind of first-day box office, it is estimated that it will be released for about a week before it will be offline.

   At that time, the box office will only look like a few million, of course they will win.

   At the same time, after the Hurricane Film and Television Company got the box office on the first day, the atmosphere in the company suddenly became extremely depressing.

   This box office is roughly the same as the first-day box office of the Dolphin Girl they filmed last year.

  As for that movie, the final box office was more than five million.

"how so?"

   Chambers felt his head buzzing, obviously the audience responded very well, those children liked to watch it very much.

  Thinking that CAA may have to pay nearly 100 million US dollars, Chambers has an urge to jump off the building now.

   "It seems that our company is going to go bankrupt."

   Lucy from Hurricane Girl spreads her hands towards Maria.

  Lucy knows very well that if the company goes bankrupt, Maria will definitely go solo, and Hurricane Girls will definitely be disbanded.

  The other two girls also covered their faces, sobbing softly.

   "No, we won't throw in the towel, I'm going to write a song, we're going to sing, and pay off the company's debt!"

  Maria, on the contrary, was aroused to refuse to admit defeat. This stubborn girl will not be easily defeated.

  Even Xiao Li, who was always optimistic, couldn't sit still anymore, and rushed to Liu Qingshan's rented apartment:

   "Liu, I think we should do something."

   Boss Huo also came with him, and he also had a serious face: "Qingshan, can you buy box office or something like that here?"

  Liu Qingshan is not in a hurry: "You should go to the cinema to see it, instead of just staring at the lagging box office and the media that is playing with the wind."

   Makes sense!

  Xiao Li and the others left in a hurry, and then drove to several theaters.

   Seeing the entrance of the theater, many adults led their children in and out, and these people finally felt more at ease.

   On the second day, that is, the fourth day of the movie screening, the box office of the next day was finally released.

   "Look how much, haha, it's still more than half a million, okay, okay, it's stable now!"

   Manager Zheng looked at the numbers above, and immediately had the urge to open the red wine again.

   Young Master Li also took the paper sheet and looked at it. It was indeed the number five, but he still felt that something was wrong. After counting carefully, he immediately exclaimed:

   "More than five million?"

  Several other people gathered around and counted them carefully. Sure enough, the box office of 5.4 million was already squeezed into the top ten of the day.

   "Could it be that the statistics are wrong?" Young Master Li murmured.

  But he knew in his heart that the statistics would definitely not be wrong.

  Others also have a bad feeling: Compared with the box office on the first day, it is a leap, what does this indicate?

  Li Da Shao forced himself to be calm: "Let's see tomorrow..."

   At the same time, in the headquarters of Hurricane Film and Television, there was joy.

  The employees who had secretly packed their things yesterday started working again.

  Chambers immediately called Liu Qingshan: "Boss, we have seen the dawn!"

   CAA President Ovitz also smiled slightly after reading the data: "This kid is quite naughty."

  The most impatient person was Xiao Li, who went to Liu Qingshan's apartment again, and had to drag Liu Qingshan out to celebrate, and asked Liu Qingshan to be kicked out directly:

   "If you don't leave, I'll let you try the power of the pinball gun."

   Not to mention, the children's toy pinball guns on the market suddenly became very popular, and they were sold out in almost three days.

  The rumors in the newspapers, as Liu Qingshan expected, began to change, and there were fewer and fewer bad-mouthings.

  Only the Los Angeles Times still used yesterday's headline: The ridiculous kid is still 94 million short of the small goal of 100 million US dollars at the box office.

  But when the box office came out on the third day, the headline of the newspaper became:

  Ridiculous kid, he is still 80 million short of the small goal of 100 million US dollars.

   That's right, the box office on the third day reached an astonishing 14 million US dollars.

  From one hundred thousand to one million, from one million to ten million, one big step a day, the stride is astonishingly large.

   On the fourth day, it was a new week, and the box office directly exceeded the 20 million mark, reaching the top of the list.

   At this moment, the entire North American region became a sensation, and newspapers and TVs began to discuss this movie.

   This movie, like a big tornado sweeping past, is already unstoppable.

   "Let's go, go back to Hong Kong Island first."

   Young Master Li and his group are no longer as energetic as they were two days ago, and they have already seen from this trend that this time, they are bound to suffer another disastrous defeat.

   Living here for a day, they all felt extremely tormented, so they could only go back to Hong Kong Island and lick their wounds silently.

   No, absolutely not back to Hong Kong Island!

  They can imagine how much humiliation they will suffer when they return to Hong Kong Island. They have experienced it once last year. This time, they don't want to try again.

  After discussing with several people, Hong Kong Island said that they could not go back, and had to go to other places to take refuge first.

  Boss Huo is also preparing to go back, the general trend has come, it's time for them to go back and reap the fruits of victory.

  Liu Qingshan didn't keep these two, and he returned home rich and honored, so maybe these two brothers are so embarrassing.

   When the box office statistics for the week came out, the headline of the Los Angeles Times had become:

  Lovely kid, successfully reached the little goal of 100 million!

   I have to say that the integrity of this newspaper is really gone.

   According to this trend, 100 million is indeed only a small goal. Some experts have predicted that the box office of this movie will reach 500 million.

  Experts, hehe, Liu Qingshan thinks that experts all over the world are the same.

  The final box office may be higher than that of the previous life, but it would be good to break through 300 million at most.

   On the day when the box office exceeded 100 million, Xiao Li finally went to Liu Qingshan's apartment again. This time, he couldn't help but drag him to Hurricane Company.

  As soon as he entered the company's gate, Liu Qingshan turned around abruptly, pushed Xiao Li in front, and shrank behind Xiao Li.

   There was a spray of champagne head-on, and Xiao Li immediately became a drowned chicken.

  Liu Qingshan stood up now, flicked the foam splashed on the jacket lightly: "Don't forget, I am the screenwriter of Home Alone, and those little tricks that trick people are all from me..."

  Pfft, there was another champagne rain, and this time Liu Qingshan was not spared.

   "Haha, boss, don't forget that I was also there on the day when the plot was discussed."

  Maria happily rocked a large champagne bottle, as happy as a child.

   "You seem to have forgotten that I know kung fu!" Liu Qingshan made a pose, then his feet slipped and he almost fell.

   No matter how skilled you are, you are afraid of slipping and falling.

  In the hall, it instantly turned into a sea of ​​joy.

  After cleaning the battlefield, Liu Qingshan and Xiao Li, the big boss and the second boss also changed their clothes, and then everyone sat together and chatted happily.

  Chambers changed from the decadence of the previous two days, but became full of confidence:

   "Boss, we are going to start filming Home Alone 2 immediately, and try to release it on Christmas!"

   This is also the most commonly used routine in Hollywood movies. To catch a toad, you must urinate.

  As long as a movie is successful, then what kind of sequel, prequel and postquel, etc., anyway, until the filming fails.

   In Chambers’ view, money and fame are what are needed now, and Hurricane is considered a little famous now, and there is no reason for the second film to fail.

  Liu Qingshan smiled and shook his head: "Two movies a year, it's a bit too much consumption, it's better to let the audience have a sense of anticipation."

   "But boss, if we don't film Home Alone, what else can we film?"

   Chambers also knew that he was a little impatient, but there was nothing he could do. He used to be poor and afraid, but now he finally fought a turnaround, so of course he had to pursue the victory.

  Liu Qingshan took out a stack of papers from his bag with a smile. During these ten days, he has not been idle in the apartment, and he has already produced a new script.

  Xiao Li was quick and grabbed it straight away: "Let me see if it can be adapted into a novel."

  So several people surrounded Xiao Li and watched together.

  At this time, some employees of the company led a few people in. They were all friends of Liu Qingshan, so there was no notification.

  Liu Qingshan hurriedly got up to greet him: "Director Zhang, Brother Long, and Miss Gong, welcome."

   "Mr. Liu, congratulations!"

   Director Zhang wrinkled his face with a smile, grabbed Liu Qingshan's hands, and shook them vigorously, his excitement was beyond words.

  He is really happy and proud of Liu Qingshan, the box office of 100 million US dollars, in his current opinion, that is simply a lofty mountain.

  A few days ago, they also went to the theater to watch this movie. How do you feel, anyway, it had a great impact on Director Zhang.

  The movie does not show any profound social themes, it is just fun to watch, and I feel very happy after watching it.

  This kind of movie, from Director Zhang's point of view, he doesn't even bother to make it.

   But what he didn't understand was that such a movie had a box office of over 100 million, and now it seems that the momentum is not abating.

  So for the past two days, Director Zhang hasn't slept well at night, and has been thinking about this issue.

   But this does not affect his respect for Liu Qingshan. After all, in this era, people's thinking is relatively simple. As long as their compatriots win international honors, they will be happy and encouraged.

   "Qingshan, so you are so good at making movies!" Brother Long also smiled and stepped forward to congratulate.

  Liu Qingshan waved his hand: "Brother Long, don't wrong me, I didn't take the picture, I just wrote the story."

  Brother Long is from Hong Kong Island. He pays more attention to entertainment and is closer to commercial movies, so he is more convinced by Liu Qingshan.

  Because he knows better how difficult it is to get a high box office.

  Just like the movies he made, many of the shots are almost as desperate as they are, and they have earned their current reputation, but compared with others, they are far worse.

  Brother Long has secretly decided in his heart: If he wants to develop in Hollywood, he will rely on this Hurricane Film and Television Company.

  However, with so many people present, it is not easy for him to bring up this topic, so he is going to have a private chat with Liu Qingshan, and let's talk about it first.

   "Wow, that's a great idea!"

  Suddenly, Xiao Li, who was sitting on the sofa, let out a strange cry, which attracted everyone's attention.

   "Second boss, what's your name?" Maria snatched the script, and the four girls and four little brains got together and continued to read it very engrossed.

  Xiao Li rushed to Liu Qingshan excitedly: "Liu, this movie is definitely not inferior to the Terminator!"

   "Oh, how did your head grow to think of such absurd things, which makes me wonder whether we also live in the matrix."

  That’s right, the next movie Liu Qingshan plans to make is The Matrix.

   Today, personal computers are on the rise, just right.

  The most important thing is that Liu Qingshan's movie is also preparing to create momentum for his own technology company.

  Because at that time, his company will release the world's first anti-virus software in conjunction with the film's release.

  The special effects of the movie Hacker are still difficult to shoot, such as the most famous "bullet time".

  So the shooting cycle may be longer, but Liu Qingshan doesn't care, it's faster than the big boat, right?

   "Is it an action movie?" Brother Long couldn't help being moved, because he had also seen The Terminator.

   Liu Qingshan nodded with a smile: "How about it, Brother Long, are you interested in playing a role?"

  Of course, for Hollywood, the current Long Ge is still a newcomer, and he definitely can't play the leading role, not even the male lead.

  However, in the hacker series, there is an actor surnamed Zou who participated in the performance. This actor is the one who plays Chang Wei in Chang Wei Da Lai Fuli.

   In the hacker, he plays the prophet's bodyguard Seraph, also known as the seraph, who is very capable of fighting.

   It is said that when filming the hacker series, I also approached Brother Long and the one who played the Shaolin Temple, but at that time, the two of them rejected this role because they had too few roles.

  As for the current Brother Long, he is quite suitable, after all, it is his test of the waters in Hollywood.

   Liu Qingshan considered this issue when writing the script, so he made some changes.

  Even if Brother Long doesn’t act, he will find other Chinese actors to play it.

  Hearing that Liu Qingshan took the initiative to invite him, Brother Long was of course overjoyed: "My good brother, I will remember this affection!"

   At this time, Xiao Li interjected: "Liu, I thought this role was designed for you, and you can play it very well."

  Liu Qingshan waved his hand: "I can't act, I can beat people, Li, do you want to try?"

  Xiao Li quickly waved his hand: "I'll forget it, but that boxing champion challenged you again in the newspaper."

   These days, with the popularity of movies, Liu Qingshan, a Chinese screenwriter, has also sparked heated discussions. Several TV stations have invited him to record programs.

   Even the latest and most popular Oprah talk show, invitations were sent out.

  Liu Qingshan originally didn't want to be in the limelight, but people from Hurricane Company persuaded him to take the opportunity to promote the movie, and Liu Qingshan agreed.

  It seems that the recording time is tomorrow, and Liu Qingshan has to fly there.

  But Liu Qingshan didn't know that there was also a heavyweight waiting for him there.

  (end of this chapter)

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