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Chapter 704: What a show!

  Chapter 704 is really a show!

  The appearance of Muhammad Ali made Liu Qingshan stunned for a moment, then went up to meet him and stretched out his fist lightly.

   Ali also stretched out his fist and touched it in the air.

   This is a real boxing champion, not only boxing skills, but also charisma.

   It’s just that Ali suffers from Parkinson’s disease, so he has retired for several years, and he walks unavoidably, trembling, which makes people look respectful and sad.

  His Parkinson is different from those old people. Ali was punched by his opponent abruptly.

  At the Olympic Games in Atlanta in 1996, Ali held the torch and ignited the torch tremblingly, leaving a classic scene.

   It can be said that Ali is an iconic figure in the history of sports.

  His arrival also caused the atmosphere of the scene to explode instantly, and the audience all stood up and cheered.

  By the time Ali was seated, the guests on the stage had already changed, and everyone in the music industry had left. Only Ali and Liu Qingshan were sitting on the sofa.

  Oprah first paid tribute to Ali, and then began to enter the topic: "Ali, if you and Liu had a match at your peak, what would the result be?"

   Ali raised his fist slowly: "In the ring, no one can beat me."

  Although his movements and voice were slow, his resolute eyes revealed an extremely powerful heart.

   In fact, in many of his fights, Ali started out at a disadvantage because his punches were not powerful enough.

  However, Ali will always use his own skills and tenacious perseverance to persist until the end, turn defeat into victory, and defeat powerful opponents.

  The audience applauded warmly.

   Then, Oprah asked Liu Qingshan the same question: "Liu, what do you say?"

  Liu Qingshan must also face this problem directly, not to show weakness, but not to boast, he stood up from the sofa: "Where is my substitute?"

  Amidst the laughter of the audience, Liu Qingshan sat back down again, his complexion became serious, and slowly raised his right palm:

   "If it wasn't for the ring, I think I would have won!"

  At this moment, the aura Liu Qingshan displayed was equally powerful, and the audience applauded again, wishing that the two of them could have a fight on stage right now.

  Unfortunately, this is not possible.

   Regarding Liu Qingshan's answer, Ali also nodded, expressing his approval: "Competition has rules, and boxers can only speak with their fists."

   "However, Liu's kung fu uses many parts of the body to attack the opponent. This is the difference between the two."

  Liu Qingshan also said with a smile: "In fact, Kungfu came from the battlefield, and the ultimate goal is to kill the enemy; later, two paths gradually evolved."

   "One is actual combat, and the other is routine. The former pays attention to practical results, while the latter is for better viewing."

   Liu Qingshan invited Brother Long again, and the two performed while talking, winning bursts of applause from time to time.

  After the rehearsal was over, the two of them bowed their hands and saluted, and Brother Long had successfully completed the task.

  He has gained a lot of popularity, which has given him a lot of confidence in entering Hollywood in the future.

  Liu Qingshan returned to the sofa and sat down again: "In fact, our film company, the next film, is going to shoot a different action movie."

  Such a good opportunity, of course we need to publicize it.

  Oprah continued to lead the topic: "I heard that the most powerful thing in China is not kung fu, but medical skills. Is that true, Liu?"

  Liu Qingshan smiled: "It can be said that, just like Mr. Ali's Parkinson's, there are actually ways to treat it."

   "Oh, no, no, it's impossible." Ali shook his palm.

   "Can I invite my master?" Liu Qingshan asked Oprah.

   "Of course, is he also a warrior?" Oprah nodded, she knew that this guest was also arranged in advance.

  Liu Qingshan said with a smile: "My master is a warrior who can hurt people; but he is also a doctor who can save people."

   After speaking, he stood up and greeted the mute grandpa who was walking slowly from the runway, followed by the black detective James.

  There were audiences on both sides of the runway, and everyone gave polite applause.

  However, there were also tricksters. Two bad boys shot at both sides of the runway at the same time, each grabbing an ankle of the dumb grandpa.

   You know, here, not all friends, there are also people who are hostile to other ethnic groups.

  Even the boxing champion Ali suffered such unfair treatment back then.

   This time, even Oprah's expression changed: She really didn't arrange this!

   In her opinion, the dumb grandpa is just an old man who was dragged by two young people and forced to lie down on the stage.

  In that case, the show will be completely ruined, and it will have a bad influence.

  James subconsciously drew his gun, but found that he did not have a gun today.

  The two bad boys smiled and tried hard together, trying to overturn the dumb grandpa.

  One of them was still shouting: "Hey, old man, let us see your kung fu."

   Even if someone makes trouble for a while, they can evade it as a joke to avoid sanctions.

  The dumb grandpa's feet were firmly planted on the countertop, and he still had that simple smile on his face.

  The two bad boys strengthened their hands, but found that it was like a dragonfly shaking a stone pillar.

  Liu Qingshan was not in a hurry at all, just watched this scene quietly: Where are these two stunned youths, dare to provoke Master, isn't this purely self-defeating.

  The two bad boys still didn't believe in evil, and wanted to knock down the old man on the stage, but suddenly felt a strong force coming from their arms, and when they looked again, they had already left their seats and their bodies were hanging in mid-air.

  The two guys immediately screamed in fright, and even hugged their thighs tightly, not daring to let go.

   Oh, the audience at the scene exclaimed in unison, including Oprah, covering their mouths.

  They couldn't believe that an old man could possess such powerful power.

  Two strong men weighed more than three hundred catties together.

  The dumb grandfather vacated his body, turned his body slightly, and then landed on the stage steadily.

  The two unlucky guys naturally followed and lay on the stage, with their arms still around the dumb grandpa's ankles.

  The dumb grandpa stretched out his hands, and the two guys hugged their heads in fright. At this moment, they finally knew how to be afraid.

  The dumb grandpa pulled them up from the ground one by one with each hand. There was no trace of anger on the old man's face, and his smile remained the same.

  It seems that these two guys are two mischievous little dolls.

  Patting them on the shoulder, the dumb grandpa continued on.

  At this time, the audience reacted, and Qi Qi clapped their hands: Today's show is really a show!

  Even boxing champion Ali stood up with difficulty, and clapped his palms slowly to pay respect to the old man.

  Based on the strength and technology shown by the old man just now, Ali knew that he could not do it at all.

  Even in actual combat, if the old man kicks, he doesn't know if he can block it. The power is too terrifying.

   "This is my master, he can't speak, so I act as his interpreter."

   Liu Qingshan introduced, and asked Master to sit on the sofa next to Ali.

  Oprah just came back to her senses: "Oh, old man, you really surprised me. Let me explain in advance that the two bad boys just now were really not arranged by our program group."

  The dumb grandfather waved his hand, indicating that there is no need to bring up this topic again. He stretched out his finger and put it on Ali's wrist.

  Liu Qingshan introduced next to it: This is called Qiemai in Chinese medicine, and the condition of the body can be judged through the pulse condition.

  Of course he would not let go of such an excellent opportunity to promote Chinese medicine.

  This is also this year. If next year is passed, when the relationship between the two countries becomes tense, this kind of thing will never be shown on TV.

   "Don't need a stethoscope?" Oprah was also a little confused.

  Liu Qingshan smiled and shook his head: "Actually, there is a great misunderstanding of traditional Chinese medicine in the world. Today's program is not to argue whether Chinese medicine or Western medicine is better or worse."

   "I just want to declare that the Chinese herbal medicines used in Chinese medicine all come from nature, so they are more in line with the origin of life."

  Complicated theory, even if Liu Qingshan talked about it, these foreigners must have heard it in a cloud, and it is useless to talk about it.

   Oprah frowned: "Is it understandable that Chinese herbal medicine is still a relatively low-end product?"

   This is also a common perception. Oprah is not picking criticism, she is just asking out the doubts in the hearts of foreigners.

  Liu Qingshan shook his head lightly again: "Man comes from nature, and only by pursuing nature can he achieve the unity of man and nature, just like my master."

   After speaking, he looked at James again, and this buddy told his own experience: "Actually, a year ago, I could only sit in a wheelchair..."

  James' experience also caused a burst of exclamation from the following, and many people were incredulous.

  Liu Qingshan took out a few more boxes of medicine, smiled and waved his hand at Oprah Yang: "Does this count as an advertisement?"

  Oprah smiled and motioned for you to continue, and Liu Qingshan said: "Actually, these kinds of medicines are selling very well in health care stores."

   "Users who have used it also responded that the treatment effect is quite good, especially this kind of treatment for influenza, and this kind of treatment for acute heart disease, and control of diabetes."

   "As for the name of the medicine, I can't say it, so as not to be suspected of advertising."

  The audience chuckled and whispered to each other, and a very small number of them had used these medicines, especially the quick-acting cold tablets. In this place where the flu can kill people, the effect is really very good.

  After Liu Qingshan finished showing, the dumb grandfather had already checked Ali's pulse, and then gestured to Liu Qingshan.

  Liu Qingshan acted as an interpreter: "My master said that Mr. Ali's disease is called tremor or tremor in our Chinese medicine, and it can be treated with acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine."

   "I dare not say a cure, but it is still possible to prolong life and alleviate symptoms."

  After Ali changed his Parkinson’s disease, the doctor told Ali: You can only live another ten years, go home and wait for God’s notice.

   But Ali lived for another thirty-two years and did not pass away until 2016.

   What happened in the meantime?

   In fact, it is traditional Chinese medicine that has played a huge role.

  Ali had a Chinese friend who introduced him to Chinese medicine. It is recorded in the classics of Chinese medicine that there is a tree called Yuanbaofeng, which is a kind of maple tree.

  Using the tree species of Yuanbao maple to extract oil, after taking it, it can prevent and relieve Parkinson's disease.

  At that time, a professor Wang extracted a kind of nervous acid from it, which proved that it could indeed repair damaged nerve fibers.

  Ali got this prescription, out of distrust of traditional Chinese medicine, he did not dare to take it rashly, so he entrusted a hospital to conduct tests and research.

  Researchers abroad also extracted an acid called Nervonic acid, which was later called shark acid.

  Because it is said that this thing usually only appears in the brain of sharks. Sharks suffer severe head injuries in the sea and recover quickly, which is also due to this acid.

  Later, maplene squalic acid was further extracted. Boxing champion Ali took this for a long time, so he managed to survive.

  But the dumb grandfather obviously had a more clever method. He picked up the prepared brush, swished a prescription, and handed it to Ali.

  Although he couldn't understand it, Ali still reached out to take it tremblingly: "Thank you, I will try."

   It's not that he has completely believed in Chinese medicine now, but because of his respect for the strong in his heart.

  The dumb grandfather gestured a few more times, and Liu Qingshan introduced that he was going to give Ali a needle.

  Ali has no objection, because acupuncture and moxibustion are accepted by foreign countries after years of demonstrations.

  Then the dumb grandpa specified the acupuncture points, the acupuncture method and the depth, and Mr. Song Yizhen performed the specific acupuncture.

   Not long after, a dozen silver needles were inserted into the boxing champion's head, causing some audience members to cover their eyes.

  Around fifteen minutes, Mr. Song Yizhen took out the silver needles one by one, wiped and disinfected them again, and put them into the wooden box.

  The dumb grandpa massaged Ali's neck and the back of his head for a while, and then patted Ali on the shoulder.

  Ali shook his neck a few times, with a look of surprise on his face, he tried to stand up, and found that he was much more agile than before.

  He set up his fists again and punched a set of combined punches. Although the speed was not as fast as before, he was still vigorous, almost like a normal person.

   Oh my God!

  The audience in the audience all stood up, the current Ali is completely different from just now.

  The dumb grandfather gestured a few more times, and Liu Qingshan translated: "Mr. Ali, don't get excited, and don't use too much force. Please sit down. This is just a temporary effect obtained by stimulating the nerves with silver needles."

  Ali sat back on the sofa with some reluctance. He could only recollect this long-lost feeling in his dreams.

  Liu Qingshan continued to translate: "However, if you persist in acupuncture for a period of time and at the same time use Chinese medicine for conditioning, you should be able to return to the current state."

  Ali couldn't help being excited. At first, he was just out of respect for the strong, but now, he has no doubts.

  Oprah acted as a spectator for half a day, and only then remembered her duty, so she said:

   "Oh, I couldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, Mr. Ali, congratulations."

   After finishing speaking, she turned to the dumb grandfather again: "Dear doctor, I want to pay tribute to you even more!"

  The dumb grandfather smiled and waved his hand, Liu Qingshan also continued to translate: "My master said that saving people is a happier thing than beating them."

  The audience immediately responded with thunderous applause.

   And more audiences were watching this scene in front of the TV, and their conceptual impact was no worse than that of the live audience.

  The Oprah Show that Liu Qingshan participated in will be considered the most interesting and meaningful one for a long time to come.

  (end of this chapter)

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