Hello 1983

Chapter 719: It's worth the price! (seeking a monthly ticket)

  Chapter 719 It's worth the price! (seeking a monthly ticket)

  As the National Day approaches, the capital becomes more and more lively.

  In Zhushikou West Street, people found a new shop opened.

  After several times of panic buying, people have learned to be smart. Many elderly people are carrying baskets and queuing at the door of the store.

   "Old sister, what do you sell in this mountain goods store?"

  The two old ladies next to each other started chattering, and the old lady in front pointed to the sign of Jiapigou mountain goods store and asked the old lady behind.

  The old lady at the back was also blindfolded: "I don't know about his big sister, don't care what it sells, just buy it back first and then talk about it."

  The flow of people in line moved forward quite fast.

   Just those who came out of the store, mostly empty-handed, very few bought anything.

  The old lady was curious, and she grabbed a person who came out and asked, "Brother, what are they selling?"

   "You'd better stop queuing up and take a stroll when you have some free time." The man replied, shaking his head and leaving.

  The two old ladies were reluctant to leave after all. After entering the store, the old lady in front immediately laughed: "So it's a vegetable seller. Look at that radish hanging on the wall."

  Another old lady shook her head: "It's not good, this radish is wilting."

  Following the flow of people, I soon saw a rice seller, and the old lady was happy again:

   "This is good, buy it quickly, and call my second boy to carry the bag later!"

  At this time, the girl behind the salesperson said: "Ma'am, our rice is called Songjiang Green Rice, and the price is two yuan and five catties."

  The old lady was taking out a handkerchief bag from her pocket, and there were more than ten yuan in change in it. Upon hearing this, she put the handkerchief bag back: "Your rice is made of silver?"

  The girl who sold the goods was also amused: "Ma'am, the rice we produce in Jiapigou is specially exported to South Korea."

   "It turned out to be exported to domestic sales. No wonder the price is so expensive. Come on, old sister, and look at other things."

  The two old ladies muttered silently, and continued to walk forward.

   There are a lot of good things, but the price really made the two old ladies feel distressed, and finally left with an empty basket.

  Similarly, people queuing outside the store also asked them.

  The old lady shook her head and said angrily: "There are many good things, but the price is too expensive."

   "No, I have to sue them. They have said that price gouging is not allowed, and they dare to commit crimes against the wind. I really think that our little feet detective team is idle!"

  While the old lady was talking, she saw a few foreigners with big noses getting out of a car and walking towards this side.

   "Liu, an old friend is coming to see you!",

  On the first day of opening, Liu Qingshan was greeting customers at the door. When he heard the greeting, he quickly followed the prestige and saw Victor had opened his arms and rushed towards him.

   "Long time no see, Victor, thank you for coming."

  Liu Qingshan patted Victor on the back affectionately, scaring Victor to let go and jump away:

   "Oh, Liu, I've seen the news that you knocked out a boxer, so please don't touch me, your Chinese Kung Fu is very powerful!"

Liu Qingshan looked down at his palms: "Victor, there is a kind of internal strength in our kung fu, now you have suffered internal injuries, and you have been hit by my bone-transforming palm, and the bones in your body will become as soft as noodles. "

  Victor also shook a few times in cooperation, and then his whole body became limp, and he was about to fall to the ground, but he was supported by Leo behind him.

   Several people laughed together, of course, they were old friends meeting and joking.

  Liu Qingshan shook hands with several other foreigners, vaguely familiar, they should all be distributors under Victor or something.

   After exchanging pleasantries, Liu Qingshan led them into the store, and he did not forget to explain to the citizens in line:

   "These are foreign friends in our store, let's go and have a look around first, do you have any objections?"

  People at this time are still very friendly to foreign guests, especially in the capital, where they are often seen.

   Entering the store, Victor and the others couldn't help shouting, the Qikua store was decorated with an artistic atmosphere.

  Leo likes the pairs of jumbled antlers on the wall the most, and he even asked Liu Qingshan to help him find a pair to bring back and put them in his living room.

  These antlers are all dry branches, adult male deer will shed a crop every year, so Liu Qingshan also fully agreed.

  Other foreigners looked at the mountain goods they needed and were greedy: these things are shipped back, and the profit is several times.

  Victor was also a little puzzled: "Liu, all the items produced in Jiapigou can be exported to earn foreign exchange. Why do you want to retail here?"

  He also noticed that the price of some goods is lower than the export price.

  Liu Qingshan smiled, there are some things that cannot be explained clearly to Victor.

   Could Liu Qingshan tell him that next year, exports will be strictly restricted?

  And with the continuous improvement of domestic consumption capacity, Liu Qingshan must also make arrangements in advance to make the name of Jiapigou mountain goods store.

  Because what is represented here is not just a village in Jiapigou, but the entire Jiapigou complex.

  As the scale of the consortium becomes larger and larger, the things produced will also continue to increase.

  If the export line breaks one day, the consortium will have to be disbanded if there are no new sales channels.

   When he turned to the medicinal wine counter, Victor was immediately elated: "Oh, Liu, it turns out that you have started producing tiger bone wine again, and this time you must give me half of it!"

  Victor himself drank it, so of course he knew the value of this medicinal wine. He thought there was a way to make this tiger bone wine more expensive than the aged Lafite.

   "The quantity can't be too much." Liu Qingshan didn't mind handing over to Victor to market tiger bone wine.

  Because since the trade with Maozi started, their Longteng Company has exchanged a lot of tiger bones, and they will continue to produce a batch every year.

  Only for this item, Victor felt that the trip was worthwhile, he winked at Liu Qingshan: "Such a good thing, of course the quantity should be controlled, Liu, this is what you said before, hunger marketing."

  This old boy is definitely a profiteer.

  Liu Qingshan also decided: when selling Tiger Bone Wine to Victor, the price will be raised by a large amount.

  Actually, there are several kinds of health medicinal wine sold here. Apart from tiger bone wine, the more precious one is deer antler blood wine.

  When the velvet is cut, a small amount of velvet blood will also ooze out, which is the essence of velvet antler. If the velvet blood is directly dropped into high-grade white wine and sealed, the medicinal effect is far better than that of medicinal wine made with velvet antler slices.

  Liu Qingshan was visiting with Victor and the others when he heard someone arguing in the store, so he hurried up to check.

  I saw that in front of the counter selling wild ginseng, there were several people gesticulating there, all of them speaking Mandarin with a strange accent.

  Most of the little girls at the counter couldn't understand, and they were babbled by several people, their faces were flushed, and tears rolled in their eye sockets.

  Liu Wenjuan is also explaining something here, but she also can't talk to these people.

   "Sirs, what's the matter?" After Liu Qingshan came over, he communicated with those people directly in Cantonese.

  One of the middle-aged men wearing gold-rimmed glasses glanced haughtily at Liu Qingshan:

   "We want to see that old mountain ginseng, and ask them to open the box to verify the authenticity, but they refuse, how do you do business!"

  Because the three old wild ginseng plants on the wall are too precious, Liu Qingshan has ordered: Do not open them easily.

  These are all Hong Kong businessmen doing business in the capital. They usually feel superior to others. After being rejected, of course they feel dissatisfied.

Liu Qingshan smiled slightly: "Excuse me, these wild ginseng plants can be seen, but not used, please rest assured, the quality of the products in our Jiapigou Shanhuo store is absolutely guaranteed, and we will never mess with them. False."

  Those are all businessmen, and they judge others by themselves, so of course they don't care about this kind of guarantee.

  Especially the middle-aged man named Liu Wenxiang just now, who was about to give a gift to a wealthy man on Hong Kong Island, so he fell in love with this old mountain ginseng at a glance.

  At that moment, Liu Wenxiang said bluntly: "Young man, I don't know you, so stop using such nonsense to deceive people."

   A Hong Kong businessman next to him also chimed in: "And you even dare to ask for five million Hong Kong dollars, more than ten million Hong Kong dollars. Are you mainlanders poor and crazy?"

  The customers around heard this sentence, and they all cast angry eyes.

  Although they all felt just now that the goods in this mountain goods store are indeed a bit expensive.

   But we say yes, you Hong Kong Islanders say that, then you are looking down on people.

  Liu Qingshan's expression darkened, and he was about to reason with the other party when he heard an old voice:

   "Liu Sheng, do you know how to do it? This old ginseng is worth the price!"

   Liu Wenxiang turned around: "Who are you, what qualifications do you have..."

  The companion next to him had sharp eyes and quick hands, and quickly reached out to help him cover his mouth, and bowed to the person coming: "Mr. Song, you are also here."

  Liu Wenxiang finally saw the person here. He really has the qualifications. The most prestigious Chinese medicine doctor on Hong Kong Island has recently become famous in the United States. Do you think he has the qualifications?

  So he bowed quickly, he couldn't figure out why Mr. Song Yizhen appeared here?

   "Junior brother, these people don't understand the rules, you have a lot of adults."

  Song Yizhen stepped forward and took Liu Qingshan's hand, very affectionately.

   Liu Wenxiang and others were dumbfounded: This young man turned out to be Song Yizhen's junior?

  Liu Qingshan also called senior brother, and then saw the dumb grandfather and others who came in together, and hurried up to say hello: "Master, why do you have the time to come here?"

   During this period of time, he went to the hotel to look for the mute grandpa, but he didn't see anyone, so Liu Qingshan guessed something, unexpectedly, the master came today.

  The dumb grandpa waved his hands with a smile, then looked at the old wild ginseng on the wall, and when he saw the price, he made several gestures towards Liu Qingshan.

  Liu Qingshan couldn't help being stunned for a moment: "Master, it seems like..."

  The dumb grandfather gestured a few more times. This time, Little Six couldn't bear it, and loudly helped to translate:

   "Grandpa said, make the best use of everything. Although this old wild ginseng is expensive, but you mark such a high price, people who want to use it can't afford it. This thing has lost its value."

  After she finished translating, she raised her face and asked, "Grandpa, I don't understand what you're saying?"

  The dumb grandfather lovingly stretched out his big hand, stroked her little head, and made two more gestures: You will understand when you grow up.

   "Yes, Master!"

  Gap, this is the gap!

  Of course Liu Qingshan could understand, so he couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.

  Even Song Yizhen and other members of the medical team next to him nodded their heads.

   That's why they follow the dumb grandfather, not only to improve their medical skills, but more importantly, to improve their morality.

  Liu Qingshan took a label and asked Master to change the price, but the dumb grandpa waved his hand again, and gestured again:

  Actually, there is not much difference between 5 million and 500,000. If you can't afford it, you still can't afford it.

  Therefore, there is no need to change the price. When you meet someone who is destined, you can discuss the price in detail.

  Whoever needs it, give it as a gift.

   Those who are useless will not be paid.

  Then, the dumb grandfather glanced at Liu Wenxiang and the others. Those people all lowered their eyebrows and were pleasing to the eye, and they never dared to mention the old mountain ginseng again.

  They also recognized this old man. In the past two years, he has been called a "miracle doctor" on Hong Kong Island. Those rich and powerful people can't invite them, let alone these little shrimps.

  In order to show their respect, they still purchased tens of thousands of supplements at the Jiapigou Shanhuo Store.

  At first, they were purely out of face, but after listening to Song Yizhen's advice, they were all elated: It's so embarrassing to take this thing back to Hong Kong Island as a gift!

  After these Hong Kong businessmen left, the citizens in the store realized that the things here are expensive for a reason.

   Didn’t you see that those foreigners and Hong Kong businessmen are all willing to pay?

  It's a pity that I have too little money in my pocket, so I can only stare at it.

   And Liu Wenjuan and the salesperson in the store also breathed a sigh of relief. They have been busy for a long time just now, and they basically didn't sell much. Can you not be anxious?

   Now it's better, and the turnover has reached nearly 50,000 yuan.

  But just as they were happy for a while, they heard a noise at the door, and an aunt's loud voice came in:

   "It's this black shop. The price is extremely expensive. It's obviously driving up prices. Your law enforcement team must deal with it seriously!"

   Soon, a group of people came in at the door, all wearing various uniforms, and they were a joint law enforcement team composed of industry, commerce and taxation.

  Liu Wenjuan immediately went up to meet her. One of the team leaders first checked the business license and other certificates, all of which were in compliance with the regulations, and then asked about the price.

  Liu Wenjuan explained to them: "Comrades, many of our products here are specially exported, and the export price is higher than the price we sell now."

   "It's just that we opened a store in the capital for the sake of domestic consumers."

   At this time, Secretary Wang and Lao Zhou from Bishui County also came forward to testify, but local officials in a small county like them were not believed at all.

   The two parents and officials were also very angry: I didn't know until I arrived in the capital that my officials were too young.

  Liu Wenjuan was also anxious, and stomped her feet: "Comrade, why don't you believe it? We export these materials with contracts. If I knew it, I would show you the contract and see if you believe it or not!"

  She was still in a hurry. It seemed that Little Pepper was getting angry and wanted to quarrel with others.

  Liu Qingshan stepped forward with a smile, pulled Liu Wenjuan back, and then nodded to the law enforcement personnel:

   "Comrades came at a good time. These foreign businessmen want to place an order, and I would like to trouble everyone to be a witness to see what procedures need to be completed."

  The comrades of the law enforcement brigade looked at Victor and the others, and they were all in a daze: Really?

  (end of this chapter)

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