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Chapter 722: A good brother for life!

  Chapter 722 Good brother for life!

   On the National Day, the sky was clear and bright, and the entire capital was filled with festive joy.

  Longteng Film and Television City is also very lively today, with lights and festoons, beaming with joy.

  Maybe because of the holiday, there are also a lot of tourists visiting the film and television city today.

  In the majestic buildings of Tang City, tourists soon discovered that there were big red happy characters pasted on the gate of the city, and people on both sides set off long firecrackers.

  A tourist couldn't help but bluffed: "Hehe, this is the emperor who is going to marry the empress. You have to watch this excitement."

  There were also people who expressed different opinions: "Bai nonsense, didn't you see that there is a camera next to it, there are crews filming here every day."

  For a wedding this year, if you can hire someone who can take a photo, and take a few photos of the wedding, it will be regarded as high-end.

  Under normal circumstances, the young couple finds a photo studio, puts red flowers on their chests, and takes a wedding photo directly, and the job is over.

   As for the wedding photo or something, hehe, sorry, don’t even think about it.

  If you are in a small remote county, there are no color photos, and a black and white photo is basically the only commemoration of your marriage.

  So tourists thought they were going to make a movie, and some of them usually liked to read publications like "Popular Movies", and they quickly recognized it:

   "Look, isn't that director Zhang of "Red Sorghum", this is another big production that is going to be made!"

   "And that bald head, isn't it Yuko, this hair falls out really fast."

   "Also, that group of people, it seems that many of them are actors in the TV series "Dream of Red Mansions"!"

   There are also those who don’t like movies and TV, prefer to listen to tapes and pop songs, and soon found surprises in the crowd:

   "Haha, the one with the big head and thick neck, isn't that Yoshiko?"

   "That, that, is Amao who attended the Spring Festival Gala!"

  With continuous discoveries, surprises have also continued. Fortunately, these tourists are more conscious, worried that it will affect the filming, and they are all talking there in a low voice.

   "Look, the young man standing next to Director Zhang looks really energetic. He must also be an actor, but I don't know his name?"

   Someone next to him explained: "It looks like a newcomer, and I had a good chat with Yuko, so I guess it's a rivalry."

  Liu Qingshan didn't know that he was also regarded as an actor by the enthusiastic audience, and he was talking nonsense with Uncle Ge:

   "Let me just say, it's still the same shape, it's pleasing to the eye."

   It was he who suggested some advice to Uncle Ge, to shave his head straight away, so as not to look blind.

   It turned out that he was pleasing to the eye, but Uncle Ge was not used to it.

  Uncle Ge stroked the top of his bare head with his hands: "I went to the old man's house that day, and I was trained by Hao, saying that I had a duck eggshell head and came out to dawdle."

  People around couldn't help laughing, but Uncle Ge was talking there in a serious manner, which felt very funny.

   "It's interesting." Liu Qingshan nodded in satisfaction.

  At this time, another group of people joined in. The leader also had a big bald head, shining brightly in the sun, and his eyes dazzled.

  While walking, he cupped his hands and grinned: "It's late, it's late."

   Followed by Lao Mao with thick eyebrows, big eyes and a slightly crooked neck.

   Now even the audience around cheered: Chen Xiaoer, who often appears in the Spring Festival Gala, is so popular.

   This group is from Qingshan Advertisement, led by Lin Zizhou and He Min, to attend the wedding.

  As for Chen Xiaoer and Lao Mao, they are the queen advertising stars of Qingshan Advertising, and of course they also have to come to support them.

  Liu Qingshan dragged Chen Xiaoer over, and stood side by side with Uncle Ge, the two brothers looked at each other, and then they both burst into laughter.

  Liu Qingshan also laughed and joked next to him: "Let's hold hands, you two, it can be said that you are shining for a while!"

   Then, Liu Qingshan greeted He Min, Lin Zizhou and the others:

   "Little aunt, little uncle, are you here to greet the relatives, or go inside to accompany those old men?"

  He Minai was busy and said that he was here, but Lin Zizhou asked softly, "Who is in there?"

   "The old men from every family are here today." Liu Qingshan was also a little puzzled, like Yu Guangming, Xiao Wu, Wang Zhan and others, the old men in the family seemed to have made appointments with them.

  You must know that these old cadres usually rarely see each other after they retire.

   "Then I'll go in first and say hello." Lin Zizhou patted Liu Qingshan on the shoulder: "You still have face, Qingshan. I guess it will take a while. Those old men will definitely look for you."

  Is that so, Liu Qingshan also understood a bit: it was his Longteng Company, which gathered people like Xiao Wu and developed it for several years before it finally reached the scale it is today.

  These old men, appearing collectively today, is to show an attitude.

  Beep beep, the car horn sounded, and I saw a few cars driving towards this side, followed by several buses.

  The front of the car is tied with big red flowers cut from red paper, which are bigger than the mouth of a bowl.

   "It's coming, it's coming, all departments pay attention." Director Zhang gave an order, and people immediately took action.

  The lively audience also wondered: Is this an ancient costume, or a modern drama?

  The vehicles stopped steadily, firecrackers blared, and a group of drummers in ancient costumes were blowing and beating, so it was very lively.

  In the three cars lined up in front, three couples walked out, holding hands with each other, and greeted the cheers of the crowd.

  The grooms are all handsome guys, all wearing festive Chinese stand-up collars; the three brides are dressed in bright red wedding dresses, with red hijabs on their heads.

   "Brother Monkey, why don't they wear wedding dresses?" Anna, who was in the crowd, also asked Hou San, her name for her husband was also quite interesting.

  Hou San explained to his daughter-in-law: "In China, we wear red for happy events, and white for white things."

  Anna still shook her head, expressing her incomprehension, and Liu Qingshan laughed beside her:

  “The West believes that white is holy, but we don’t have that belief, so we don’t have that habit, and red is festive.”

  After setting off the firecrackers, Hou San rushed forward: "Let me check first, they are all covered with hijabs, and see if anyone has got the wrong ones, and if they got the wrong ones, change them back!"

  He made a fuss about removing the hijab, and then Xiao Wu picked him up by the waist and carried it directly on his shoulders.

  A group of girls next to them all booed: "Take off the hijab and tell us to see the bride!"

  Liu Qingshan just noticed that the one who shouted in the front was not Miss Xiaoxu, she was the one who yelled the most.

  It seems that this girl has completely come out of the shadow of Sister Lin now.

   Don't know who is taking the lead, so the group of singers opened their voices and sang:

   "Pick up your hijab and let me take a look at your eyebrows. Your eyebrows are thin and long, like the treetops bending the moon..."

  Among the joyful songs and laughter, Ma Laosan, Gang Zi, and Fei Ge also stretched out their hands to uncover the bride's hijab, and then revealed three of today's most beautiful faces.

   Yes, the bride is the most beautiful, beautiful because of happiness.

  The crowd cheered for a while, and I don't know who took the lead in shouting: "Kiss one", and then the shouts rang out.

  This time is not like decades later, everyone is more conservative now, if you hold hands in a relationship, you have to let go immediately when you see acquaintances, let alone making out in public.

   Director Zhang was also afraid of making too much noise, so he quickly began to control the scene: "The bride gets on the sedan chair, the groom gets on the horse, and enters the city!"

   As expected of a film and television city, everything was complete, and three sedan chairs were soon brought up, and there were special people leading three big white horses with red flowers.

  Then the bride was helped onto the sedan chair, and the groom also mounted the horse. Three teams of people entered the city gate, churning and beating.

  Hundreds of relatives, friends and tourists who watched the excitement around, all clustered on both sides, very lively.

  Tourists now understand that it is not a filming, but a real marriage. They did not expect to catch up with such a lively event. Today is the right time, and they don’t even need to spend the entrance fee.

   At the front of the line, there are a few singers singing and dancing together. The little stool is the most fun, and they even started singing:

   "In order to save Li Lang from leaving his home, who would have thought that he would be the number one scholar in the imperial list, the number one scholar, wearing a red robe, with palace flowers on his head, I like it so much."

   "I have also been to the Qionglin Banquet, and I have also been in front of Ma Yujie. Everyone praised me for Pan An's appearance. It turns out that the gauze hat photo is beautiful..."

  Don't say it, it's really festive.

  The crowd came all the way to the front of the largest palace, where the ceremony was held.

  Dismounting from the horse and getting out of the sedan chair, the three couples, surrounded by their relatives and friends, stand still and prepare for the ceremony.

   As a result, there was a burst of laughter from below, Liu Qingshan took a look, quickly called the two girls, and pulled Chen Xiaoer and Uncle Ge aside: "You two ran up to be light bulbs!"

  Everyone was even happier, Qi boasted that the word "light bulb" was used too appropriately.

  A happy event, in fact, this kind of atmosphere is needed.

  Director Zhang picked up his familiar microphone again: "Guests, relatives and friends, three couples are holding a group wedding here today. Let us congratulate them with the warmest applause..."

  Next, the witnesses appeared on the stage, and then the representatives of relatives and friends spoke, one after another. Hundreds of people present witnessed the happy moment of the three couples together.

  Director Zhang's hoarse voice sounded again: "The newlyweds pay homage to the church, to the heaven and the earth."

   "However, today is a special day, so we changed this first worship to a worship to the motherland, and wish our motherland will always be prosperous and strong!"

   At this moment, the audience cheered, and the three couples turned around and bowed in the direction of Tiananmen Square.

  Not only them, all the guests present also looked solemn, silently presenting gifts to the motherland.

   "Second worship, I hope you will be filial to both parents in the future, all good filial piety comes first!"

  Three new couples, a total of six elders of the family, all smiling, looking at their children, they are all married and established.

   "Husband and wife pray to each other, this is no need to pray, just hug each other, I hope you respect each other and work together for a lifetime!"

  The warm applause echoed for a long time.

  After the ceremony was over, the crowd surrounded the three couples and went to the Royal Garden to take pictures with relatives and friends.

   This Liu Qingshan doesn't need to follow along, he just stays in the main hall and greets the guests.

   "Director Zhang, thank you for your hard work. Come, drink a bottle of water." Liu Qingshan handed a bottle of water to Director Zhang, and then told the others to do it themselves.

   "Mr. Liu, you're welcome, there's no filming these days, and I'm still itchy, haha."

  Director Zhang also knows Liu Qingshan's roots, so he dare not neglect.

  Liu Qingshan also nodded: "If Director Zhang wants to make movies in the future, he can cooperate with the Film and Television City."

  The film and television city can not only provide venues, but also funds. Of course, there is no problem.

  Director Zhang also clearly understood the meaning of Liu Qingshan's words, and his face was wrinkled with a smile: It seems that today's work was not in vain.

   "Qingshan, I'm calling you, you, the boss of Longteng Company, you must follow to take pictures!" Wang Zhan came over and dragged Liu Qingshan away.

  The two of them came to the garden all the way. The elders of each family had already finished taking photos and went to rest in the cafeteria. The rest were all young men and women.

   "Mr. Liu is here, let me tell you, Mr. Liu is still single now, you can get it quickly, but you won't be able to grab it if you are slow!"

  A female voice sounded, and Liu Qingshan shook his head helplessly: I didn't expect Miss Xiaoxu to have such a naughty side.

   Someone really believed in evil, and two girls ran over, one on each side, hugged Liu Qingshan's arm, and pulled each other, causing a lot of laughter.

   "Don't make trouble, little stool, don't make trouble, and little six, why are you joining in the fun?"

  Liu Qingshan simply picked up the little six, put them directly on his neck, followed Ma Laosan and the others, and took a few group photos.

   Wait until noon, everyone gathered in the cafeteria, good guy, dozens of tables were set up.

  Liu Qingshan led the couple to toast around and saw many familiar faces.

  Especially when I saw Senior Brother Hai sitting among Writer Shu and the others, he looked very cheerful, and he was no longer the lonely boy who used to dream as a horse.

  Liu Qingshan was very pleased. He had transferred Senior Brother Hai out of his original school through his connections and into a unit under the Federation of Literary and Art Circles to start a new life.

  Liu Qingshan also saw the families of Gangzi and Xiaomei as well as Brother Fei and Li Xuemei. During the toast, Gangzi's parents expressed their gratitude to Liu Qingshan.

  In their view, it was this young man who led his son to the right path, managed to do business abroad, and even bought a house in the capital, which was beyond his imagination.

  Finally finished the toast, Ma Laosan leaned into Liu Qingshan's ear and said, "Those old men in the room called you."

  Liu Qingshan nodded, and then followed Ma Laosan to the private room together.

  The two of them knocked on the door and entered the room. The dumb grandfather was also present, and the elderly people at the table had basically finished eating and were chatting.

  Yu Guangming, Xiao Wu and the others stood by and waited, without even a seat.

  Seeing Liu Qingshan, Yu Guangming hurriedly introduced him, and Liu Qingshan went up one by one to meet him: "Hello, Grandpa Yu, Hello, Grandpa Ma, Hello, Grandpa Wu..."

  The faces of the old people are full of kindness at this moment, and they can't tell at all that they were all murderers on the battlefield back then.

   "Qingshan, come, sit down next to your master." Grandpa Wu waved to Liu Qingshan, this position happened to be between him and the dumb grandfather.

  Liu Qingshan saw that Yu Guangming's brothers were all standing, so he said with a smile: "Grandpa Wu, we juniors, we can do it standing up."

   "No, you are different from them." Grandpa Ma was very happy because his grandson got married today:

   "These are the most incompetent of our family, and now they are all mixed up with you. We are very relieved, so of course you are qualified."

   Several other old men also nodded slightly, they officially recognized Liu Qingshan.

  It is very rare for this young man to lead these juniors to start their own career without relying on the strength of their families.

  Even now, several of their families need these few children who were originally the least capable to provide financial support.

  Many old folks were envious, and they made some old men proud.

  Liu Qingshan also understood, he came between Yu Guangming and Xiao Wu, held hands with each other, Liu Qingshan said with a smile:

   "Elders, please rest assured, we juniors must be good brothers for a lifetime!"

  (end of this chapter)

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