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Chapter 733: Every opponent must be taken seriously

  Chapter 733 must pay attention to every opponent

  In front of the gate of Uni-President Food Factory, trucks were coming and going, and it was very busy.

  When Liu Qingshan arrived here, he was just in time for a shift change, so he saw that many workers entering and leaving the factory were riding bicycles and wearing uniform work clothes in an orderly manner.

   From the relaxed and happy faces of these workers, it can be seen that they are relatively satisfied with their current jobs.

  Liu Qingshan saw that there were many workers at the gate of the factory, so he simply parked the jeep outside, led Lu Xiaolong, and walked into the factory.

   "Xiaolong is here, oh, Mr. Liu, you are here too!" A man in a security uniform came up to meet him, and his eyes lit up immediately when he saw Liu Qingshan.

  Liu Qingshan shook hands with him: "Director Shunliu, long time no see, how are you doing, how are you doing smoothly these days?"

   This person is Liu Shun, who once made a contribution to uncovering the incident of mixing Liuliu powder into flour, so he was also promoted to the deputy factory director in charge of safety and security.

  Liu Shun nodded with a grin: "Mr. Liu, it's alright, I'm married to a wife, who is also a female worker in our factory, and she gave me a little padded jacket, ha ha."

   Lu Xiaolong smiled and said beside him: "Shunliu's daughter-in-law, that is a flower in our factory, I wonder if this kid is using power for personal gain?"

  Liu Qingshan patted Shunliu on the shoulder: "That's good. In addition to security, you should also learn more about production management. There will be more branches in the future, and you will all have to be sent out to take care of yourself."

   "Yes!" Shun Liu was born in the army, so happy, he couldn't help saluting.

  Liu Qingshan took out two hundred-yuan bills from his pocket and handed them to Shunliu: "For your baby, don't refuse."

  Following the issuance of the 50-yuan note last year, the 100-yuan note was finally issued in May this year.

  Different from the later red bills, this one hundred yuan has four great men on the front.

   "Thank you, Mr. Liu." Shunliu didn't refuse, took the money, and watched Liu Qingshan walk to the office, Shunliu secretly made up his mind: Do it well!

   Liu Jinfeng was busy in the office when he heard someone knock on the door and called out to come in, and then saw a familiar figure walking in.

   Startled for a moment, Liu Jinfeng rushed forward with a loud cry. Liu Qingshan has been back for several days, and this is the first time that the two sisters have met.

   "Sanfeng, when did you come back?"

  Liu Jinfeng held his younger brother's shoulders and looked him up and down. His appearance was similar to that of his mother Lin Zhi.

  The eldest sister is like a mother. In this era, there are many children in the family, and the older ones coax the younger ones, so the feelings are very deep.

  Liu Qingshan also looked at the eldest sister cheerfully, and then nodded with satisfaction. The eldest sister exudes the charm of a mature woman from top to bottom, and already possesses the temperament of a strong woman.

   Not to mention being placed in a small county like Bishui County, even in a big city like the capital, it is definitely an eye-catching existence.

  The only shortcoming of Liu Jinfeng in the past was that his education was a little low, and he only graduated from junior high school. However, he has enrolled in TV University for a few years, and he has graduated now, and he has a little more intelligence.

  Liu Qingshan couldn't help but wanted to compare it with his previous life, and he came to the conclusion: They are two completely different people!

   Of course, he can only be happy about this.

   "What are you smirking at?" Liu Jinfeng helped his younger brother tidy up the shirt collar inside.

  The smile on Liu Qingshan's face became even brighter: "Sister, do you want to venture into a wider world?"

  Liu Jinfeng obviously thought about this question a long time ago, she shook her head firmly:

   "You and Yinfeng are floating outside. If I go out again, I won't worry about leaving my mother and grandparents at home."

   Sure enough, Liu Qingshan had already guessed that the eldest sister still made a choice for this family.

   But this is also good, the affairs of Bishui County can be safely handed over to the elder sister to manage.

   You know, in the future, like the dairy factory, fermented bean curd factory, etc. in the county, Liu Qingshan is ready to take over when it can't go on.

  And he plans to continue to develop some food brands, and Bishui County is the foundation.

   "Sister, since you don't want to go out, you have to add more burdens. I just came back from the government and plan to contract the winery."

  Liu Qingshan definitely doesn't have time to deal with these things. When Hou San comes over from home, Liu Qingshan will go to Heihe with him.

  In January next year, the port will be temporarily closed. This will last nearly three years, so the matter over there must be dealt with.

   "The winery, you should ask Uncle Li to come back." Liu Jinfeng also joked, she still called the big old Li Uncle Li, after all, the age is there.

   Unlike Liu Qingshan, although he is young, he was once a middle-aged person, so there is no pressure to call him a brother and brother with Big Brother Li.

  Of course it is impossible for Big Old Li to be transferred back. Most of the new instant noodle and ham sausage factories outside were built by him.

  Liu Qingshan told the eldest sister about the future development of the winery. The key is to formulate a system, use the system to restrain people, and use the system to manage people.

  It’s like the employees of wineries who deliver bulk liquor to the towns below. When the large tank trucks with wine leave the factory, they first find a hidden place to release the wine.

   Put out a few barrels, and then add a few barrels of water to the big tank. You said that the wine can be drunk without water, right?

  The two sisters chatted for a while, and then went to the cafeteria to have dinner. The food was okay: noodles in hot soup, mahua, and two dishes, one meat and one vegetarian.

  The noodles are cooked with scraps cut from instant noodles, and they are eaten cold, and Liu Qingshan tastes quite delicious.

   Seeing chopped ham sausage on top of the noodle soup, Liu Qingshan asked about the situation of the ham sausage factory.

  The sales situation is getting better and better. With the price increase in the past two years, the price of ham sausage has also been accepted by more people.

   But according to Liu Jinfeng, there is a province in the Central Plains that has also started producing ham sausages, which means that competitors have emerged.

   At this time, we can see the benefits of developing first. Uni-President Ham Sausage is the first to occupy the market, and it has an absolute advantage.

   Liu Qingshan asked, and it really was Chundu, the first ham sausage in memory.

   Later, Shuanghui came into existence again, and the competition between the two sides was so fierce that even the rumors of human flesh came out.

   This also brought some vigilance to Liu Qingshan: we must pay attention to every opponent.

  The day after Liu Qingshan returned to Jiapigou from the county, Jiapigou organized a mountain picking team of hundreds of people to pick yew seeds in the forest.

  In addition to the villagers of Jiapigou, members of the Dingjiagou, Dalinzi, and Shoulin villages also sent young and strong.

   A large army of more than 300 people participated in this large-scale battle.

  More than 300 people gathered at Mukeleng, and it was a **** area, which was quite spectacular.

  Captain Zhang spoke first, emphasizing the precautions, mainly because such high-altitude operations must pay attention to safety. Be sure to fasten the safety rope before collecting.

  The other thing is to protect those yews, not to damage the leaves and branches, so as not to affect the growth of trees.

  This work is not a one-off deal, and it may be collected once a year in the future.

  Finally, I announced that I would have lunch at Mukeleng at noon, and that some people would go down to the hot spring valley, where they would start a fire and cook their meals under the valley.

   Anyway, they are all ready-made dry food, the main thing is to boil some soup and stir-fry a la carte.

  The person in charge of each village quickly divides the teams into groups of five or six people. Half of the people go up to the tree to collect seeds, and the other half work under the tree to support them. When they get tired, they take turns.

   In addition, there is a special transport team, which carries the picked yew seeds down the mountain in a back basket, and then directly transports them to the wild vegetable factory on four wheels or large trucks for drying.

  Liu Qingshan saw that among the crowd, there were many women, one by one, with forks in their back baskets, and they seemed to be preparing to climb trees.

   This is quite normal in the local area. In the past, women were also good at climbing trees and hitting pine cones.

  That's why there is such a local saying: a girl with a big cigarette bag in her mouth, an old lady can climb a tree faster than a monkey.

  The yews on the mountain have been checked before, so villagers like Zhang Dashuai can remember the approximate location and know where it is.

   So they acted as guides one after another. The team of hundreds of people saw that there were many people scattered in the forest, just like raindrops falling in the sea.

  Liu Qingshan's team was the largest, with about a hundred people. Led by the dumb grandfather, they headed to Hot Spring Valley.

  From Duan Hun Cliff down to the valley, there are few people here all year round, so there are no paths. There are grasses, trees and wolf forests everywhere, and the withered yellow grass is basically as high as half a person.

   Along the way, the dumb grandpa would roar a few times from time to time. His special tone echoed in the woods for a long time.

   After getting into the woods, there is no so much weeds on the ground, and it is much easier to walk.

   "Yuan Mushroom!"

   "Yellow Umbrella!"

  Everyone let out a burst of exclamation. On those fallen tree stumps, there are layers of fat mushrooms and golden yellow umbrellas, which are very eye-catching.

  This kind of yellow umbrella, scientifically known as the multi-fat scale umbrella, is also a kind of mushroom that only emerges in late autumn. It grows together in clusters, and the color is particularly bright.

   On the side of the hot spring valley, almost no one comes down at ordinary times, so no one collects the mushrooms here, and there are a lot of mushrooms here.

   "Get down to business first." Someone yelled that these mountain hunters couldn't move when they saw the mountain goods.

  Then everyone continued on their way, Liu Qingshan pondered whether to fry some mushrooms with the pork he brought at noon, wild mushrooms are really delicious.

   "Sable, sable!"

   Soon there was another bluff. There were animals scurrying around in the tree. At first I thought it was a squirrel, but after a closer look, it was indeed a squirrel, but it was chasing a sable.

   "In the past two years, there seem to be more and more sables in the forest."

  Ding Xiaomao was also in this team, looking at the sable on the tree, he was quite moved. The price of a mink fur is still very attractive.

  Ding Laohei next to him knocked his companion on the head: "Then don't play tricks, you have to protect it, understand?"

   Yipin Mao nodded vigorously: "Understood, I am thinking about getting a fur collar for my daughter-in-law."

   "Then tell me, should I make the sable jump around the tree, or wrap it around your daughter-in-law's neck?"

   "Qingshan has said that protecting the environment in the mountains is the best savings!"

  Ding Laohei admits to death, anyway, he has always believed in Liu Qingshan's words.

  Ding Xiaomao chuckled: "If it were my daughter-in-law, I would definitely be happy with the whole fur collar, but with my temper, I can get used to her."

   Dahuo burst into laughter. Everyone knew that Ding Xiaomao was a well-known beloved daughter-in-law. Of course, this was bragging.

  Liu Qingshan is well aware of this point. After several decades, there will be only forests left in the forest. There will be no birds or animals. It will be a dead forest.

  A middle-aged woman in the team interjected: "Xiao Mao, I will tell your wife when I get home."

   "Don't, aunt, you are my own aunt." Ding Xiaomao panicked and begged for mercy.

   Everyone was laughing and joking, and they were not lonely along the way. They quickly bypassed the hot spring and entered the depths of the valley.

  The ecological environment in the valley is very different from the outside. It is darker and more humid here, and because there are few people, it retains the most natural state.

   "This can't be a mallet, can it?" Ding Xiaomao rubbed his eyes vigorously, and then yelled: "A mallet!"

  This is also the rule in the mountains. When you find old ginseng, you must roar and stop the stick.

   "Don't make a fuss, keep going." Liu Qingshan yelled at him.

   "No, isn't this mallet digging?"

   Where can Ding Xiaomao move his legs? From the leaves of the old ginseng, it can be seen that this is already a sixth-grade leaf, and it can be lifted out.

  The rules in the mountains, you don’t need to dig up any erjiazi and 3huazi, but you must not be polite to the fifth-rank leaves and sixth-rank leaves.

   "Dig it when you need it later, and keep it in the forest, it will save money." Of course Liu Qingshan knows that wild ginseng will become more valuable in the future.

  But he also noticed that there was a trace of greed in everyone's eyes, which is human nature.

  So he said with a smile: "Don't think about wild ginseng, this is where our Jiapigou contracted."

  Everyone came to their senses when they heard this, but some people were still thinking about crooked ways in their hearts.

  Liu Qingshan continued: "Today we are led by my master, so we can come here smoothly. If you came here by yourself, you would have died countless times."

  People naturally didn’t believe it, the journey went smoothly, the worst thing was seeing a few sables, those things didn’t dare to attack people.

   "Master, please don't call Shan." Liu Qingshan yelled at the dumb grandfather in front of the line.

  The voice of the dumb grandpa stopped, and the forest suddenly became much quieter.

   After walking a few hundred meters further, everyone seemed to feel nervous all of a sudden. They were all old mountain hunters, and their ability to perceive danger was of course far beyond ordinary people.

   "Wolf!" I don't know who yelled, and everyone was shocked, and they all clenched the belongings in their hands, such as poles and hooks with wooden handles.

  Someone raised their panniers and stood in front of them.

  In the forest, a dozen or so wild wolves flashed past, staring at the crowd unkindly.

   That is to say, there were a large number of people, so the wolves did not attack. If it was a small team of several people, the wolves might have pounced on them by now.

   "Ah Yah!"

   When the dumb grandpa yelled, the wolves immediately disappeared into the jungle without a sound, as if they had never appeared before.

   Then everyone felt that their tense bodies relaxed a lot. The pressure brought by the wolves is the greatest, even more severe than tigers and leopards.

   "I got it this time." Before Liu Qingshan could say anything, Da Zhang Luo shouted:

  Zhang Ganzi is also afraid of chaos in the world, so he took the opportunity to fan the flames:

   "Tell you, there are still tiger mothers and big horse bears here. There is no dumb uncle to lead the way. No one is used to those wild animals. Don't wait until then, and the family members want to collect your corpse, but they can't find the bones!"

   This really frightened everyone, everyone quietly followed the large army, and never dared to think of other ideas.

  (end of this chapter)

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