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Chapter 736: Everyone is in a hurry

  Chapter 736 Everyone is in a hurry

  The middle of the night on Liu Qingshan's side happened to be the morning on the other side of the ocean, so Kevin's contact with the headquarters went smoothly, and he finally got the company's authorization.

  Pfizer agreed to the deal in principle. They value paclitaxel more, although limited by production, there is not much profit margin.

  But this high-end drug is a weapon used to make friends with the rich and powerful, and it is very helpful to the company's development.

  As for the sildenafil, it was tasteless in the first place, and it was quite appropriate to use it as a bargaining chip.

  Pfizer's top management didn't know how stupid their decision to throw away the watermelon and pick sesame seeds was, and it became a laughing stock used by their peers to laugh at them in the future.

  The next day, the two parties finally signed an agreement, and Kevin became energetic again, feeling that the trip was worthwhile.

   As for Liu Qingshan's work in this area, he has just started: the contracts are signed, and the equipment and technical personnel will be in place one after another in the next step, but his biopharmaceutical factory has not been seen at all yet.

   But Liu Qingshan is not in a panic, there is Gao Feng's junior brother, Gao Feng's grandfather and father both work in the Capital College of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

   Gao Feng's father is also the vice president of the college.

   This university was renamed Capital University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1993, and it is also a leader in the industry.

   Moreover, during the period when the dumb grandfather was in the capital, he also went to this school for exchange, and was respected by the school leaders and several well-known professors.

  I believe that the dumb grandfather led Gao Feng to seek cooperation with the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and it should not be a problem to ask a group of helpers to save the scene.

  So Liu Qingshan went directly to the mountain, found Master and Junior Brother Gao Feng, and discussed the matter.

   "Brother, don't you have piercing ears and eyes when you get on the sedan chair?"

   Gao Feng was also taken aback when he heard it, could it be more unreliable?

  Liu Qingshan waved his hand: "Don't talk about these useless things, our pharmaceutical factory should also expand in scale, and you should take care of the newly established company first."

   "What about Jiapigou Pharmaceuticals?"

  Gao Feng has a lot of affection for the pharmaceutical factory. Now that the pharmaceutical factory is booming, of course he is reluctant to let go.

   "Jiapigou Pharmaceutical Factory, you are still in charge. Let Lu Xiaolong take charge of the specific affairs for a period of time. This kid has been training for several years, so he should take on the big responsibility."

  Liu Qingshan quickly made a decision that the newly established company should be considered as a subsidiary of Jiapigou Pharmaceutical.

  The location is still located in Qingshan Town, so that it is convenient to obtain local materials when processing yew.

  The north and west sides of the pharmaceutical factory are all vacant land, and the expansion will continue in the coming year.

  As for the research on sildenafil, it has already entered the stage of clinical trials, and it will continue to be carried out in Laomei.

  Liu Qingshan's plan is to firmly hold the project and the patent right in his hands, and then fund himself and entrust Pfizer to continue to improve it.

  He knows the general direction, and of course he will not engage in clinical research on heart blood supply.

  It is to directly develop the utility of that aspect, and strive to put it into production as soon as possible, so as to benefit people earlier, haha.

   Anyway, this thing is not going to be sold in China for the time being.

   For this matter, he doesn't need to go there himself, just entrust Hong Yunsheng over there to handle it.

   This is good in the United States. As long as you pay, there will be a professional team to help you solve your troubles.

  After discussing the matter of the pharmaceutical factory, Gao Feng was about to leave for the capital with his master. He also felt that it was quite difficult:

  A research team must have at least a dozen people, and there must be experts at the level.

  Now he only hopes that the paclitaxel project can attract people's interest.

  After seeing off Kevin, Liu Qingshan was also preparing to leave. It was already the beginning of November, and if he didn’t go to Heihe, all the ports would be closed.

  As for Victor, he also left Jiapigou with satisfaction, and transported more than 10,000 kilograms of truffles, worth more than three million U.S. dollars.

  The Jiapigou Consortium can make a profit of 2 million US dollars from it, which can be regarded as a newly developed economic growth point this year.

  Two days later, Liu Qingshan walked out of Heihe Airport alone, and immediately felt the chill blowing towards his face.

  The temperature here is almost twenty degrees below zero.

   Get into a Lada taxi and head straight to the city.

   "Boss, come to our Gada to do business. You didn't come in time. The port will be closed on New Year's Day."

  The taxi driver chatted with Liu Qingshan with a local accent.

   "How can this port be closed as soon as it is said to be closed?" Liu Qingshan had nothing to do, chatting with the driver.

   "I heard that there will be chaos in Maozi, and the common people will rebel." Of course, the driver had the most gossip, and he began to chatter again:

   "Once the port is closed, there will be no one in our taxi. You say that those **** are doing nothing."

   Liu Qingshan had to comfort the driver: "It's okay. It is estimated that the port will be reopened in two or three years. At that time, it will definitely be more prosperous than it is now, and it will pass."

   "I would like to borrow your good words."

  The master driver sent Liu Qingshan to the front of Longteng Company's building. After Liu Qingshan got off the car, he looked at the familiar building and the big hotel next to him, feeling a sense of reluctance in his heart.

  For more than three years, Longteng Company provided a steady stream of funds for his career development.

  It can be said that the main domestic industries rely on blood supply here.

   Now that it is said to stop, it is about to stop, of course Liu Qingshan is reluctant.

  But there is no permanent banquet in the world. There are hundreds of people here, so they can't wait here for another three years, right?

  While thinking about the future development here, Liu Qingshan stepped into the gate of Longteng Company.

   "Mr. Liu!"

  The veterans in the guard room quickly recognized Liu Qingshan, and shouted: "Mr. Liu is here!"

   With a clatter, a large group of people poured out from each room, surrounding Liu Qingshan in the middle.

   "Mr. Liu, you are finally here!"

   Everyone was yelling, from their faces, Liu Qingshan could also see panic and uneasiness.

  The fact is indeed the case. The news that the port is about to be closed has made everyone panic.

  Originally, every day is a day to make money, if there is no livelihood, I really don't know what to do for a while.

   Now that Liu Qingshan came, everyone immediately felt that they had a backbone.

   Liu Qingshan also warmly greeted everyone. These are the backbone of Longteng Company. They have been working hard for several years. Their dedication deserves Liu Qingshan's thanks.

  But now everyone is most concerned about whether the port can be reopened.

  Liu Qingshan saw that everyone was in a hurry, and knew that the most urgent thing was to stabilize people's hearts, so he said with a smile: "Don't worry, we will arrange the way out for everyone."

   "Our company has purchased a building in the capital and plans to open a shopping mall and supermarket. Everyone will move to a new position soon."

   "Mr. Liu, are we all going to the capital?" A veteran asked excitedly.

  Liu Qingshan nodded: "Yes, our consistent strategy is to encircle the cities from the countryside."

  Everyone was also happy, and the uneasiness on their faces dissipated.

   Instead, I was moved by the emotion in my heart: It turns out that the company has already arranged for us, so why worry about it?

  Everyone's sense of belonging to Longteng Company has become stronger.

   Most of the people present are veterans, and their loyalty is higher than that of ordinary people.

   Afterwards, everyone started to discuss enthusiastically, going to the capital, in this era, that is almost the dream of the people of the whole country.

   "My family is local, and I'm used to it here, what should I do?" Of course, some people are not happy.

   Liu Qingshan’s voice sounded familiar, but after a closer look, it’s not Wang Yufeng, the big brother with fire attributes, who is now the captain of the loading and unloading team.

  If Liu Qingshan really worried about leading him to the capital two years ago, if he went to the capital to set fire, the crime would be even greater.

   But now, this guy should have changed his sex, so he smiled and said:

   "Those who are not willing to go to the capital can stay here. I estimate that the border trade will open again within two or three years."

  Liu Qingshan has already made a decision: the foundation that has been built with great difficulty here must not be thrown away easily.

  Old Wang Daxi: "Mr. Liu, don't worry, we are definitely optimistic about the family business here."

   "However, I can't stay here all day. I might as well go back to my old job and go fishing in the river."

   Of course, this is not necessary. The office building of Longteng Company can't be left unused. Doing some small business will be enough for the left-behind staff to eat and drink.

   After chatting for a while, everyone went back to work in their own rooms with peace of mind. This time they felt completely at ease.

   Liu Qingshan followed Ding Shan to the manager's office and asked Hou San. It turned out that he was going to the riverside to check the situation of Fengjiang.

  The river surface of the Longjiang River is now frozen, but people can leave, and heavy vehicles, etc., cannot pass through for the time being.

  This is also why there are so many people in the company, because border trade is being suspended during the closure of the river.

   "Let's go, let's go to the riverside too." Liu Qingshan had nothing to do at leisure, so he called Ding Shan out, drove a jeep, and came to the riverside.

   There are quite a few people here, and they probably all came here thinking about the situation.

  Looking to the opposite side again, Liu Qingshan finally understood: Maozi over there is even more anxious.

  Someone has already driven a large truck and ran on the ice, probably to test the load-bearing capacity of the ice.

  It's understandable when you think about it: For them, Feng Jiang is at most a delay in making money.

   But for Mao Zi, it is not just about making money, but about living.

  But these brats are really brave. You said that you drive big trucks and run around on the ice. What if you fall into the river?

  Liu Qingshan was soon among the crowd and saw Hou San's figure surrounded by a group of people, talking in plain language.

  Come closer to listen, they are talking about the closing of the port, only to see white breath from their mouths, and they are talking in vernacular:

   "Everyone put their hearts into their stomachs. In three years, the port will have to be opened. At that time, let's make a fortune together!"

   "Manager Hou, how do you know?" A distributor still didn't believe it.

  Hou San said twice: "My wife is from there, of course I know it best, if you don't believe me, ask Mr. Liu, haha, boss, you are finally here!"

  At first sight of Liu Qingshan, Hou San hasn't reacted yet.

  "Mr. Liu." Everyone greeted one after another. These are basically Longteng's distributors, and they are all familiar with it.

  Liu Qingshan also nodded with a smile: "Everyone happens to go home and rest for two years, watching over the wives and children to warm up the kang. After a few years, we will get together again."

   Everyone felt at ease now. They all knew that this Liu of Longteng was always capable, and he must have gotten the news from above.

   After chatting for a while, the crowd dispersed. Looking at this situation, the ice surface will be open to traffic in three to five days. We have to seize the last two months to get another ticket.

  Hou San then approached Liu Qingshan: "People are panic these days, and everyone is reluctant to let go."

   Doing business here is hard work, but it really makes money.

   Seeing that there were no outsiders around, Hou San said softly:

   "Boss, two days ago, Medvic from the Black Bear Gang came over and said that after the port was closed, he was going to continue doing business. He asked for our opinion, but I didn't dare to agree to him first."

  Liu Qingshan understood as soon as he heard it, this is going to be done regardless of the official.

  How to say this matter, Liu Qingshan doesn't mind.

   At the most, the Longteng signboard will not be used, and it will be transferred from the open to the underground. Of course, the scale will definitely not be as large as it is now.

  The only thing I am worried about is that the official situation will not be fair.

   "Medevich said that their side will definitely be settled, but I don't know how our side is going?"

  Hou San seems to be quite excited, after all, the profit here is too big.

  Liu Qingshan pondered for a while: "Even if you want to do it, you can't stand out. The shopping mall in the capital is about to be renovated, and then you can continue to be the manager."

   "If you really want to do it here, let someone take charge of the overall situation. I'm afraid that the border guards will not be able to speak."

  Hou San chuckled: "Based on our relationship with the border guards, it goes without saying, it's just a tacit understanding."

   "The best thing is that we can sneak back the things the country needs like before. Then we can make money and contribute to the country at the same time."

  This guy really dares to think about it, but it's not impossible. The more messy Maozi is, the more good things he can get.

  The riverside was still too cold, so a few people walked towards the car. Liu Qingshan asked as he walked, "Tie Niu, Li Tie, and Jiang Shuichang's group, have you contacted them?"

  Hou San nodded: "When the port is opened, you can see them. For the specific situation, you should ask them yourself."

   "By the way, there are dozens of Maozi experts and technicians you are looking for, and they may come together at that time, but the visa period is too short, the longest is half a year."

  Liu Qingshan didn't care too much, but asked instead: "Then what about your Anna?"

  Hou San blinked and blinked his small eyes: "Of course we can't live in two places, anyway, we just stay here and won't go back. Could it be that the other side can come and arrest people?"

  Liu Qingshan also laughed: "The reason is the same. After Maozi's technicians come, they don't plan to go back in the past few years. If they have the ability, tell them to arrest the experts."

   After finishing speaking, the two looked at each other and laughed: Maozi's side is getting more and more chaotic, the common people can't eat or drink, they are making noise all day long, and they can't take care of themselves at all, so how can they care about these things.

  Liu Qingshan still has a word to say: In two years, this behemoth will disappear, where will they have their own motherland?

  (end of this chapter)

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