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Chapter 742: everything fits in here

  Chapter 742 Everything is contained here

  Liu Qingshan knew that as long as he showed a little interest, Korolev would kill the 10 million price and not let go.

  Although those special steels are indeed worth the price.

   In terms of military materials research, Maozi really has a way, and he can't accept it.

  Like decades later, the aircraft carrier we got back from Ukraine has been soaked in seawater for several years.

   However, the steel inside the aircraft carrier basically shows no signs of corrosion.

   As far as this technology is concerned, the country has not mastered it by then, so if you want to build an aircraft carrier, you have to import steel, and of course you have to suffer.

   This situation of being controlled by others was not resolved until a few years later, when we devoted ourselves to research.

   It is conceivable that what Korolev provided is of great value.

   But Liu Qingshan can't be spoiled with him, he only has 10 million dollars to open his mouth, his appetite is too big.

  Even in the United States, a million dollars is considered a small rich man.

  Liu Qingshan is still unable to judge whether the other party is an individual or a small group.

   This is very important, because if Korolev is alone, it will be easier to satisfy, and there will be a lot of room for bargaining.

   Sure enough, after seeing Liu Qingshan's indifference, Korolev became a little anxious:

   "Liu, these are very valuable things. Although you don't need them, your country definitely needs them. You can resell them to the country. It's not a problem to double the price."

  Liu Qingshan stared at Korolev with a smile, and became a little more vigilant towards this person: Didn’t this guy push people into the fire pit?

   Doing business with your own country, even if you make money, you will definitely not get any benefits in the end.

   Korolev was a little scared by Liu Qingshan: "Liu, what's the problem?"

  Liu Qingshan shook his head: "No problem, no problem at all, Comrade Korolev, how about this, I know people from our military here, let me introduce you to them, and then you can talk directly."

  Korolev wanted to trick him, so Liu Qingshan dug a hole for him, because once he did that, the whole nature would change.

  Even if Korolev goes to the ends of the earth in the future, he will not escape the pursuit of the KGB.

  Obviously, Korolev also realized this, and his face suddenly became ugly: "Liu, I can't do that, I will be regarded as a traitor."

  Let’s not talk about him, even if it is Sergey, he still has to find Liu Qingshan as an intermediary.

  Some things are like this, although the result is the same, but the process is very important.

   "Then there is no way. Unfortunately, Comrade Korolev, I can't help you either. You should fulfill the duties of an engineer."

  Liu Qingshan knew that Korolev would definitely not agree, so he frightened the other party.

  But Korolev is not reconciled. He has completely lost hope in his homeland, and this guy is influenced by some ideas in Western countries, and he envies the life there.

  The premise is that he must have a sum of money, a large sum of money, in order to live better there.

  Korolev has learned about Longteng Company from a side, and its strength is very strong, so it should be able to meet his requirements.

   Who knows, this young general manager is not tempted. This is also called the old and cunning Korolev, who has a slippery feeling.

  He knew that he must seize this rare opportunity, so he said cruelly, "Liu, I want to know how much money you can offer?"

   After saying these words, Korolev knew that he would immediately be passive, but there was nothing he could do.

   "I'm a businessman. When it comes to business, how much I pay depends on how much your goods are worth?"

  Liu Qingshan also knows a little about steel, so he is going to find out the details of the opponent first.

   If there are some low-end products, then there is no need to waste saliva.

  Korolev thought for a while, and knew that the other party was the one who didn’t see the rabbit or scatter the eagle, so he said:

   "Let me first talk about a special steel with a strength of about 600 MPa or more, including the metal ratio of the steel and various data indicators of the special electroslag furnace."

  Liu Qingshan was a little confused. He really didn't understand these terms.

  Of course Korolev knew that the other party was a layman, so he explained: "For example, it's like the steel used on an aircraft carrier. The strength should not be lower than 500 MPa."

  So that’s the case, wouldn’t you just say that it’s special steel for aircraft carriers?

  Liu Qingshan was overjoyed: No wonder this guy dared to call out a high price of 10 million US dollars.

  Thirty He was not in a hurry to bargain with Korolev, but said eloquently: "I have studied in Los Angeles in the United States, and I still know the situation there."

  "The average middle-class family has an annual income of only tens of thousands of dollars, so as long as you have half a million dollars, you will be able to live well there in the future."

  Although half a million yuan cannot be spent for a lifetime, Korolev has skills and can easily find a job with a good salary, and it is no problem to support his family.

   From 10 million to 500,000, this gap is a bit big for Korolev: This is the kind of exorbitant price that your country talks about. Do you pay back the money on the spot?

  He shook his head vigorously: "Liu, your joke is not funny at all."

  Liu Qingshan explained to him very seriously: "You know, our country has no plans to build an aircraft carrier now, so your good things are of no value to me."

   "A commodity with no value, of course it cannot be sold at a high price, it's as simple as that."

   Korolev was also in a hurry: "Even if you don't use it, you can sell it to the island country or Tianzhu country, and they will definitely rush to get it!"

  Like the two countries above, the special steel used in the construction of warships is actually imported from the United States or the Soviet Union.

  Liu Qingshan also stared: "Comrade Korolev, are you asking me to be a traitor?"

   Korolev's face flushed red: "You, are you accusing me of being a traitor?"

  The old boy finally became angry with embarrassment. Although his behavior was indeed like this, it would certainly make people lose face if he said it in person.

  Liu Qingshan despises the other party in his heart: he wants to be a female cousin, and also wants to set up a memorial archway, so let you take all the good things by yourself, right?

Old Jiang next to    quickly reminded: "Comrade Korolev, please pay attention to your words."

   Only then did Korolev realize that he was in someone else's country, and this was not his homeland.

  A person who leaves the motherland is like duckweed without roots.

  Even if you have your own great career, even if you have huge wealth, your heart is always wandering.

  Since Korolev wanted to take this step, of course he refused to turn back, so he could only sit back and continue bargaining with Liu Qingshan.

  One million dollars, this is the final price agreed upon by both parties.

  Although there is still a big gap from Korolev's expectations, in Liu Qingshan's view, this amount of money is already quite a lot.

   But of course we can’t pay now. Liu Qingshan first pays a deposit of 100,000 US dollars and transfers it to the account designated by Korolev.

   Then it was up to Korolev to perform his duties, and he needed to hand over the information he had in his hands.

   And Korolev pointed to his head: "Everything is contained in it."

  Liu Qingshan admires this guy a little bit, he is scheming and has more perseverance. If it were an ordinary person, he really couldn't remember such a huge and complicated thing.

  Things are in his head, and that information needs to be sorted out, which may take several months.

  Liu Qingshan is not in a hurry, anyway, after verification, he will settle the final payment to Korolev. This process will definitely not work every three to five years.

  Let this guy work honestly first. Regardless of his character, this old boy has good abilities and is a very competent tool man.

   After the negotiation was settled, Korolev went back to the hotel to sort out the materials, and Lao Jiang arranged a single room for him.

  These technicians will live here for a few days to adapt to the environment here, and then most of them will go to the capital first to join Jade Bird Company to do research work.

  The remaining small part will go to Jiapigou Pharmaceutical and the reorganized Bishui County Machinery Factory.

  Liu Qingshan conveyed the news to the border guards.

   Leader Yu and Leader Wang didn't dare to make decisions on such an important matter, so they immediately reported it layer by layer.

   It is estimated that the above will definitely be painful and happy again, the key is that they have to pay for it.

  Of course Liu Qingshan can’t spend this money on his own, it’s not bad to confiscate some hard work.

  Of course, if you make up for the losses here, with the border guards covering you, you can continue to do business with Maozi, which is the big money.

   It wasn't until more than ten days later that Ding Shan brought people back from Dongshan Village. The initial renovation work had been completed, anyway, it was enough to deal with the residents in advance and purchase goods.

  It’s freezing cold, and there’s no way to start construction. The rest of the work will be done when the spring warms up next year.

  Li Tieniu also came back with the convoy, Liu Qingshan was surprised to find that the girl named Xiao Cui'er also came, shyly following behind Li Tieniu.

  What's the situation?

  Now is not like decades later, if you take other girls out casually, it is absolutely impossible.

  Ding Shan came over and whispered to Liu Qingshan, "We're engaged."

   So fast, the acquaintance has been less than a month, right?

  According to the customs in the local countryside, it is no problem to get engaged. Even if the girl goes to the man's house and stays together for two nights, no one will gossip.

  Liu Qingshan couldn't help but look at Li Tieniu Le: This silly boy is quite capable!

  So she asked Anna to accompany Miss Cui Er to stroll around the city, shopping for clothes and so on.

  Liu Qingshan was about to take money out of his pocket, thinking it was an engagement gift, when Li Tieniu pulled out a stack of money from his pocket and patted it on the girl's hand:

   "Xiao Cui'er, just buy whatever you like, don't be reluctant to spend money!"

  Looking at the girl looking at him with watery eyes, Liu Qingshan understood: As for the bold temperament of Junior Brother Tie Niu, which girl doesn't love it?

  How did Guo Daxia fall in love with Miss Huang at the beginning? Didn’t he give away hard-earned BMWs and gold?

   Waiting for Anna to lead Xiao Cui'er away, Liu Qingshan beat Li Tieniu's chest in a circle: "Good boy, you did a good job!"

  Hou Sanze approached with a smile: "I think Miss Xiaocui's face looks like a Wangfu, and she has a thin waist and big buttocks, so she must be easy to give birth to."

   Then he said while talking: "Tie Niu, have you touched it, is it big?"

  Li Tieniu kept shaking his head: "I haven't pulled my hand yet."

  This kid is quite conservative in thinking, Hou San shook his head dissatisfied: "Tie Niu, I have to teach you, you live in Xiaocui's house, so you have to sleep in a bed..."

  Liu Qingshan hurriedly pulled Hou Sanpa aside, don't teach my junior brother badly.

   Then he said to Li Tieniu: "Since they are both engaged, if you have no objections, try to get married on New Year's Day. When the time comes, master and little six will be brought over, and the wedding will be held here in Heihe."

  Li Tieniu has no family either, so Liu Qingshan, who is a junior brother, has to give Zhang Luo this matter.

   "Success, I will listen to my little brother."

  Li Tieniu kept giggling. In fact, living in someone else's house these days, he felt very itchy.

   "When I send Xiao Cui'er back in two days, I will go with you to discuss with Xiao Cui's family and set the date."

   This kind of thing, cut the mess quickly, because after the New Year's Day, Liu Qingshan was about to leave Heihe.

  At that time, most of Longteng Company's people will go to the capital together, and Li Tieniu will of course go back together.

  If you don't get married, it would be too shameful to take other girls away casually.

  Liu Qingshan returned to his room, took out several boxes from his bag, and handed them to Li Tieniu.

  Open it and see, the box is full of golden light, a string of gold necklaces, a gold ring, a pair of gold earrings, and a pair of gold bracelets.

   This was brought by Liu Qingshan from Shanhaizhai, in case of a rainy day, so it really came in handy.

   There are actually some more in the bag, which are all Liu Qingshan is going to give away.

  When Xiaocui and the others came back, they bought a whole set of clothes and shoes for themselves without buying anything.

   Instead, she bought a lot of things for her grandfather and younger brother.

   It is probably the first time to go shopping like this, and the girl's little face is still flushed with excitement.

  Li Tieniu handed over the gold jewelry box, saying it was a congratulatory gift from the little brother.

  Seeing the gold necklace in the box, Xiao Cui'er waved her hands in shock:

   "No, no, these are too expensive, I can't take them."

  Liu Qingshan laughed beside him and said, "Tie Niu doesn't have any relatives in his family. I'm his little senior brother, so it's an engagement gift for you on behalf of his parents."

  Hearing what he said, Xiao Cui'er finally accepted it, her eyes were still a little red:

   "Thank you little brother, I, I will definitely live a good life with Brother Tieniu."

  Liu Qingshan also laughed happily: "You're welcome, we will be a family from now on."

  Well, Xiao Cui'er lowered her head and held Li Tieniu's hand tightly, while the latter was grinning wide, and kept being silly.

  But Liu Qingshan suddenly stood up from his seat, and in the next moment, he had already appeared at the door.

  As soon as the door of the room was opened, wrapped in a gust of cold wind, a figure walked in. He was covered in a thick coat and hat so tightly that he couldn't see his face clearly.

  Liu Qingshan stretched his arms and embraced him: "Haha, Tiezi, I finally hope you back!"

  (end of this chapter)

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