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Chapter 751: We have a surprise for you! (seeking monthly ticket)

  Chapter 751 We are going to give you a surprise! (seeking monthly ticket)


  Mason screamed strangely, and Zhang Ganzi was startled: "What are you doing, thanks to the rubbing of your ears just now, or else I would have pulled them off."

   "You immediately become the one in the cartoon, yes, one ear!"

  Mason's mouth was wow, his expression was very excited.

  Zhang Ganzi couldn't understand, but Liu Qingshan could understand, pulling Mason who was squatting on the ground:

   "You said you felt a squeak just now, right? Then there is no problem. It proves that the blood circulation above the ear has been smoothed again."

   Is this really the case?

  Mason wept with joy, hugged the pole in front of him, and kissed the other person's face vigorously:

   "Oh my friend, thank you, thank you so much!"

  Although he is also engaged in medicine, he really has no research on frostbite and the like, and he was really frightened just now.

   Zhang Ganzi wiped his face with his sleeve in dissatisfaction, and muttered: "I'm being kicked by the nose of an old sow."

   "Friend, what did you say?" Mason asked doubtfully, unable to understand Zhang Ganzi's words.

  Liu Qingshan coughed lightly, and explained to him in English: "Uncle Ganzi told you, you are welcome, this is what he should do."

  Then patted Mason on the shoulder: "It's all right now, I will apply some frostbite medicine prepared by my master in a while, and your ears will fully recover in less than a week."

   So everyone was happy, and they entered the restaurant of the team headquarters together.

   There were plates and big bowls, and everything was served, and the table was full.

   "Come, sit down."

  Liu Qingshan arranged for everyone to sit down, plus the accompanying guests from the village, there were four or five tables in total.

   "Oh, very rich, thank you."

  Kevin, Liu Qingshan, Professor Zhong and the old party secretary sat at a table, and when they saw the table full of dishes, they thanked them repeatedly.

  Liu Qingshan made a toast, said a few words, and finally wished everyone a good meal and drink.

  Those **** all drank high-grade white wine; experts from the United States poured monkey wine, and they were usually reluctant to drink as much as they wanted. Today it is free, so of course they should drink a few more glasses.

   "Don't just drink, eat vegetables." He was in charge of accompanying guests at Zhang Ganzi's table, and there were several foreigners and two college students.

  Cheng Zhi from the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine can speak English, so he happens to be Zhang Ganzi's interpreter.

   Sitting next to Zhang Ganzi is Mason, who is quite close to Zhang Ganzi.

  Zhang Ganzi also took good care of him, and took a piece of big blood sausage stuffed with fatty sausage: "Lao Mei, come and taste this, it's fragrant and tender, dip it in garlic."

   These days, Mason has also learned how to use chopsticks, holding a trembling blood sausage, dipping it in garlic juice, and stuffing a large piece of blood sausage into his mouth.

   "Good, it tastes great."

   This guy nodded while eating, and finally gave Zhang Ganzi a thumbs up.

  After swallowing it, I realized that I didn't know what I was eating, so I humbly asked Zhang Ganzi for advice.

  Zhang Ganzi also picked up a large piece of blood sausage and put it in his mouth: "This is blood sausage, made with pig's blood."

  Cheng Zhi is also an honest person, so he translated Mason truthfully.

  As soon as he heard that it was pig blood, Mason immediately changed color. They generally don't eat pig blood.

  Zhang Ganzi didn't pay attention to the face of the other party, and he was still talking happily: "There is also the outer layer of skin, I know what it is, it is pig intestines."

  After listening to Cheng Zhi's translation, Mason felt his stomach was overwhelmed, and he felt like vomiting.

  This time Zhang Ganzi found out, stretched out his palm, and patted Mason on the shoulder: "Old Mei, you've already taken one slice anyway, so just take a few more slices, and you'll get used to it after eating."

   Mason grimaced, and gnawed on another big bone stick.

   The students who ate the most delicious food were those students from the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Usually they can eat meat with their stomachs open. Today is a good time to eat.

  If you are tired of eating, drink a bowl of sauerkraut soup to relieve the greasy, it is not too comfortable.

  For these students, this period is their happiest time.

   There are even a few students who have already had such an idea in their hearts: It would be great if they could stay in Jiapigou Pharmaceutical Factory all the time.

   After Liu Qingshan was half full, he made a round of toasting around the tables. When the toast came to Maozi's table, Li Tieniu rushed in from the outside wrapped in cold air. He had just come down from the mountain.

   "Little brother, I'm here to toast, it's just because it's cold, drink a cup to warm your body."

   Li Tieniu approached him with a big cup, but those brats waved their hands again and again. They all knew this guy's drinking capacity, so they would never dare to drink with Li Tieniu no matter what.

   "Tie Niu, come, let's drink together."

   There are really people who are not afraid of death, so they take the initiative to greet Li Tieniu.

   It was that Ms. Catherine, those eyes looking at Li Tieniu seemed to be able to drip water.

  This Ms. Catherine is quite open. If she failed to hook up with Liu Qingshan, she changed her target to Li Tieniu, a strong man.

  Li Tieniu shook his head: "I'm already married."

   It made everyone snicker, but Catherine didn't care, she still smiled coquettishly: "You Chinese men are really too conservative."

   Liu Qingshan refuted her with a smile: "It's not conservative, it's responsible for the family and wife."

   After finishing speaking, he picked up the wine glass and touched Catherine.

  The dinner ended in a pleasant atmosphere. The old branch secretary put down his chopsticks, packed a bag of cigarettes, and said to Liu Qingshan:

   "Qingshan, tomorrow will be a young age, and we haven't paid dividends this year. It happens that everyone is full today, so I will use the loudspeaker to announce."

  The main reason is that Liu Qingshan didn’t spend much time at home, so he just waited for him.

  In fact, it is the same whether Liu Qingshan participates in the dividend meeting or not, but the villagers do not agree:

  If the biggest heroes of Jiapigou did not participate, they would feel ashamed to take money.

   "Grandpa Branch Secretary, you can arrange it."

  Of course Liu Qingshan has no objection, it just so happens that there is nothing to do at night, and after the dividends are distributed, everyone can celebrate the New Year with peace of mind and joy.

  The old party secretary immediately went to use the loudspeaker to announce, and after Kevin understood it, he also showed great interest and asked to attend as a non-voting attendee.

  When he took the lead, those foreigners also wanted to watch the excitement, and Professor Zhong and those college students also stayed.

  Everyone turned to the big conference room together, and the villagers came one after another, all with beaming faces: Who is unhappy when the money is divided?

  Just as it was about to start, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and Gao Wenxue and Lu Writer walked in excitedly.

  Behind them, there was a large group of people who were about to rush in, but found that the room was full of people, and they couldn't squeeze in at all.

   The little girl in front jumped up in a hurry, and waved vigorously at Liu Qingshan: "Mr. Liu, I am coming, we are all coming!"

   "Small stool!" Liu Qingshan followed the prestige and saw familiar faces, all of whom were singers under the big tree.

  Even Lao Cui and Sister Zhang were mixed in, and they all looked at him cheerfully.

  Liu Qingshan rushed up to meet him, and said to Gao Lingfeng, the team leader: "Brother Gao, why didn't you call in advance?"

   After speaking, he waved to the people behind: "Everyone is here, let's go to the cafeteria to eat first."

  The little stool hugged Liu Qingshan's arm: "Mr. Liu, we are going to give you a surprise!"

  This girl, Liu Qingshan rubbed her little head, and suddenly felt that with this girl's lively temperament, if she danced in the square, she would definitely succeed.

  Gao Lingfeng said with a smile: "Many people have performances during the Spring Festival, knowing that you can't go to the capital to celebrate the New Year, so they came together, just in time to pay New Year's greetings to the folks."

   "Boss, what's delicious?" Yoshiko asked with a big grin.

  Liu Qingshan waved his hand: "A total of 20 pigs were killed today, enough to eat."

   Oh, this group of people cheered, and then they were taken to the cafeteria by the villagers. They were all ready-made, and they could serve meals as soon as they were heated.

   Seeing these singers, the villagers were also very happy from the bottom of their hearts: How can listening to the tape be as enjoyable as watching me sing live?

   This group of people went to eat first, leaving only Gao Wenxue and Lu Writer, and a young man who was nearly thirty years old.

   "Qingshan, this is Writer Yu." Gao Xuexue introduced to Liu Qingshan.

   "Hello, hello, welcome to Jiapigou."

  Liu Qingshan smiled and shook hands. This is the winner of this year's Jiapigou Literature Award.

  The later masterpieces mainly include Alive and Xu Sanguan Selling Blood. Since last year, he was studying at Lu Xun Academy of Literature, so Liu Qingshan entrusted Gao Lingfeng to invite people to Jiapigou. Unexpectedly, these singers also came to join in the fun.

  Writer Yu is one year younger than Gao Wenxue. He has small eyes and a simple and honest appearance. He shook hands with Liu Qingshan very politely.

  Liu Qingshan introduced the old branch secretary, Captain Zhang and others. Seeing that there were many foreigners present, Writer Yu couldn't help feeling uneasy: Could there be foreigners judging awards together?

  He was born in an ordinary small county in the south, and he liked literature since he was a child.

  After resuming the college entrance examination, he took the college entrance examination, but failed, so he was arranged by his family to work as a dentist in the town.

  Later, I began to write short stories one after another, and became famous, so I was transferred to the Cultural Center, and last year I went to the Academy of Arts for further study.

  By the way, among the classmates, there is one named Mo Yan.

  Writer Yu is still a bit self-aware. In terms of fame and influence, he feels that he is far behind Lu and Gao, and he only writes short stories.

  You know, in the literary world, if you don’t have a full-length masterpiece, you can only be regarded as a small fish and small shrimp.

  So he was a little surprised that he won the Jiapigou Literature Award.

  After two years of fermentation, the Jiapigou Literature Award has already gained a high reputation in the industry.

  The most important thing is that the bonus is high enough.

  Writer Yu also wondered: How could such a good thing happen to me?

  With this kind of question in mind, he was about to ask the ridiculously young Mr. Liu in front of him, when Liu Qingshan told his eldest brother-in-law to lead the guests to dinner first.

  Writer Yu could only keep his doubts in his mind for the time being. After eating, he heard the singers chattering, saying that they wanted to see the dividends of the cooperative, so they all crowded into the conference room.

  I saw the uncle boss in front of me, who was reading about the income of the cooperative this year, when Zhang Ganzi yelled:

   "Boss, hurry up and divide the money, the money grabbers are coming!"

   Everyone burst into laughter, the small stool squeezed in front of Zhang Ganzi, and stretched out a small hand to him: "Hand over all the banknotes and passbooks!"

  Liu Qingshan couldn’t help laughing because he remembered the later line: ICIPIQ card, tell me the password.

   Zhang Ganzi smiled hippie: "Wait a while, when I get the money, I will donate 10,000 yuan to you, but you still have to sing us the little girl under the street lamp."

   "Good!" The little stool clapped his hands and applauded.

   Singing is allowed, but donations are not necessary, as I have already donated the year before.

  Boss Che also finished reading the income of this year, and according to the usual practice, he was the first to read Zhang Ganzi's name:

   "Gaozi, the total income of the two of you this year is 320,500 yuan."

  Wow, there was an exclamation in the house, and the villagers were also very excited: it has passed 300,000!

   Outsiders were shocked. Professor Zhong, Professor Zhang and those students couldn't believe their ears. To them, this was an astronomical figure.

  Even those foreigners, after being surprised, clapped their hands vigorously, and some people whistled a few times vigorously.

  300,000, converted into U.S. dollars, there are also 100,000 U.S. dollars. Among these foreigners, except for the executive Kevin, the rest can't reach this income.

  After whistling, Mason took his fingers out of his mouth, and muttered: "Whoever wants to say that this country is poor and backward, I will definitely give him a big neck first."

   Sure enough, staying here was not in vain, and I even learned the neck tricks.

  Writer Yu was also shocked. Now he finally understands why the Jiapigou Literary Award is so generous.

Even those singers clapped their hands enviously. They can be regarded as a high-income group, but except for Lao Cui, Sister Zhang and a few people, their annual income can reach this amount, and the rest are even worse. .

  This year's dividends are a bit more than last year, because in addition to the original industry, there is also an additional income from truffles.

   In addition, as the scale of the pharmaceutical factory and unified food factory grows larger, the dividends received by the cooperative are also increasing year by year.

  Zhang Ganzi squeezed to the front, took the passbook, and waved it twice. Naturally, Er Biaozi clicked and took a picture of him.

  After taking the photo, Zhang Ganzi directly returned the passbook to the old party secretary: "Second Uncle, our family doesn't need this money for the time being, so let the cooperative continue to invest."

  Da Zhang Luo in the crowd shouted: "The pole, you have to take it home first, warm it overnight, and hand it in tomorrow."

  Zhang Ganzi thought for a while, and it was the same reason. He should make his wife and children happy together.

   Afterwards, every family began to come forward to collect money, and most of them earned more than Zhang Ganzi's family.

  The ones with slightly more shares all went for 400,000 yuan.

  Of course there are lesser ones, such as Shan Xing, who only received 200,000 yuan, and then happily handed it over to Lin Zhi, asking Erniang to keep it first.

   "Oh, it's amazing that even kids can get so much money!"

  Foreigners are a bit confused.

  The other lesser ones are Mr. Wang Jun and Tian Jing who joined after the village primary school. They have all worked here for three years this year, so they have also started to participate in dividends normally.

  However, take the lowest value, which is about the same as the amount of apricot.

   Now, even the two professors are a little envious: We two professors, can’t earn enough money as elementary school teachers?

   "Wei Tiezhu!" The boss uncle read Wei Tiezhu's name, and Wei Tiezhu stepped forward with his head held high, and brought back a passbook of 250,000 yuan.

  Liu Qingshan introduced to the surrounding college students of Chinese medicine colleges: "This Comrade Wei Tiezhu is a college student from the Agricultural University. Professor Wang brought them to our internship and stayed voluntarily."

  The college students headed by Cheng Zhi opened their mouths wide involuntarily, and looked at Wei Tiezhu with envy, and many people's thoughts came alive.

  Professor Zhong next to him smiled and coughed lightly: "Qingshan, you are planning to poach our wall."

  (end of this chapter)

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