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Chapter 765: Why are you everywhere?

  Chapter 765 Why are you everywhere?

  Liu Qingshan has already pondered in his heart, how to lay a thunderbolt on Young Master Li.

   Liu Qingshan still warmly welcomes this rich boy.

   So much so that when I heard Young Master Li's name, I couldn't restrain my excitement, and I almost cheered: Welcome, welcome, welcome to send money.

   At this time, Deputy Director Liang and Comrade Zhang also got up and shook hands. It seemed that they were going to leave and go back to study a suitable price before further negotiation.

  Deputy Director Liang still knows well: he dare not say if there is too much, but he is still sure that it will be reduced by 100 yuan per square meter.

   Calculated in this way, it is about 900 yuan per square meter.

  This price is still out of reach for ordinary people. A set of buildings costs 100,000 yuan, which is definitely not something ordinary families can afford.

  However, in the past few years, a group of people who have become rich first have emerged in the capital. For these people, the price of 100,000 yuan is still acceptable.

  Liu Qingshan was not in a hurry, he said haha:

   "Deputy Director Liang, it was just a joke just now. The country is running the Asian Games and it is a time when money is being spent. If we take the opportunity to ask for a price reduction, isn't it taking advantage of the country, and the people of the whole country will poke us in the back."

  The two comrades were taken aback by what he said: What's going on?

  Just listen to Liu Qingshan continue to say: "It is incumbent on everyone to support the country's construction, so I think that the subscription of the buildings in the Asian Games Village not only cannot reduce the price, but also has to increase the price."

  Price increase, Mr. Liu, did you get it wrong?

  Deputy Director Liang and Comrade Zhang looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to understand what was going on with Mr. Liu: You must have taken the wrong medicine, right?

  Even Wang Zhan kept winking at Liu Qingshan.

  Liu Qingshan glared at Wang Zhan: "In the face of righteousness, how can you care about personal gains and losses?"

   After finishing speaking, he turned to Deputy Director Liang: "Director Liang, I think the subscription price needs to be increased. How about this? I'll go with you to discuss this matter."

  Liu Qingshan stood up and walked directly to the door.

  Deputy Director Liang and Comrade Zhang looked at each other, but could only follow behind in a daze.

   On the contrary, Wang Zhan was a little sober, and followed happily. He knew: Qingshan must have a reason for doing so.

   As for the reason, Wang Zhan couldn't figure it out now, so he simply didn't waste that brain cell.

   Over the past few years, including Wang Zhan, the senior management of Longteng Company has reached a consensus:

  As long as it is Liu Qingshan's proposal, it must be right.

  This kind of trust is accumulated through repeated successes.

  Deputy Director Liang and the others also drove here, and Liu Qingshan and others drove another car, and they went to the Asian Games Village together.

   They are all neighbors, and they will arrive soon. Under the guidance of Deputy Director Liang, they came to the temporary office of the organizing committee.

  The lobby of the office is quite spacious, with people coming and going, a busy scene.

  As for big customers like Liu Qingshan, Deputy Director Liang directly led them to a small meeting room inside.

  In the conference room, a group of people were sitting around the round table, chatting and laughing.

   Seeing Li Dashao's familiar face, Liu Qingshan couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

   And Young Master Li also seemed to feel something, looked towards the door, then shivered subconsciously, and stood up directly.

  Liu Qingshan waved: "Brother Li, what a coincidence, we meet again."

   Young Master Li looked constipated, and greeted him bravely: "So it's Brother Qingshan, what a coincidence."

  Actually, Young Master Li was almost bored to death: Unlucky, why are you everywhere?

  The people sitting next to First Young Master Li are all the team he brought, and naturally they all know Liu Qingshan, and many of them frowned secretly.

   It is estimated that Liu Qingshan is regarded as the **** of plague in his heart, and it must be a bad thing to meet him.

   On the opposite side of the round table are some leaders of the Asian Organizing Committee. Because this matter is relatively big, even Director Wu, the executive chairman, is present.

  Seeing that Young Master Li, who was still chattering just now, suddenly changed his face, as if he was a different person in an instant, Director Wu couldn't help being a little surprised, and cast his eyes on the young man at the door.

   Sure enough, he is a very special young man, with a handsome face and a pure smile on his face, which makes people feel like a spring breeze is blowing on his face.

  The most important thing is that the other party is obviously able to sit on an equal footing with the Li family in Hong Kong Island. Even this Young Master Li stood up to greet him just now.

   Director Wu would have misunderstood this. Young Master Li just reacted subconsciously. When he saw Liu Qingshan, he was really a little scared, and he was so frightened that something went wrong.

  At this time, Deputy Director Liang hurriedly introduced Liu Qingshan, Wang Zhan, and the leaders of the organizing committee to each other.

   Liu Qingshan respected Director Wu, a highly respected elder, and greeted him respectfully.

   Director Wu has also heard about Longteng Company and Liu Qingshan, after all, there are many donations.

  So he shook hands with Liu Qingshan cordially: "Comrade Qingshan, thank you for your support."

  After exchanging pleasantries for a while, they were seated. First Young Master Li and his team had already filled the seats. Liu Qingshan and Wang Zhan sat next to the leaders of the organizing committee.

  Deputy Director Liang first explained to Director Wu and others why Liu Qingshan and others came:

  "Mr. Liu heard that we are engaged in subscription, and he strongly supports it. He expressed his willingness to undertake the building of 10,000 square meters, so he came here to discuss."

  When the leaders heard this, they all showed joy and nodded slightly.

  Just a murmur came from the opposite side: "Small family, a mere 10,000 square meters, what's there to show off."

  Liu Qingshan soon discovered Li Zeming on the opposite side. This guy is Li Dashao's loyal follower.

  So he said with a smile: "Our Longteng Company, of course, can't compare with the real estate tycoons in Hong Kong Island. You are laughing at me. There is no way, the funds are limited."

   To Young Master Li's words, it seemed a bit harsh: You are ashamed to say that the money you won from me alone is worth hundreds of millions, okay?

  Director Wu also noticed a little bit: It turns out that the relationship between the two parties does not seem to be harmonious, and maybe they are still rivals.

  From his point of view, of course he doesn't want the two sides to fight. After all, Director Wu must take charge of the overall situation and raise enough funds is the most important thing.

  Thinking of this, Director Wu led the topic: "As long as it is beneficial to the cause of the Asian Games, we will warmly welcome it, and then do our best to satisfy all parties."

   "Especially in terms of the subscription price, for large customers, there will definitely be the best price. The price we set is..."

   Before saying the final price, Liu Qingshan suddenly interrupted: "Director Wu, I want to say a few words."

   This seemed very impolite, and a few contemptuous glances were cast on the opposite side.

   Director Wu, on the other hand, has a big heart, and raised his hand to Liu Qingshan with a smile to signal: "Comrade Qingshan, please speak."

  Liu Qingshan nodded apologetically: "Director Wu, our Shanhai Jewelry is processing gold and jade medals for the Asian Games for free, so look..."

   Oh, Director Wu raised his eyebrows: "It turns out that the medals are also produced by the company under Mr. Liu, so we are more like a family."

  The samples of the medals for this Asian Games have been produced. After seeing them, all parties praised them. They will definitely become a highlight of this Asian Games.

  The Li Dashao and the others on the opposite side couldn't sit still, thinking that Liu Qingshan came up to make a relationship, and maybe he could really get an extremely low price.

   Young Master Li motioned to Li Zeming, and Xiao Lizi said:

   "Director Wu, leaders, we are also here to support the Asian Games, and the subscription amount is huge, so we should also enjoy the same discount."

   This is a bit difficult to deal with. If we negotiate alone, there is no comparison, so it is easy to talk about.

  Now that everyone is present, if one party favors the other, there will definitely be dissatisfaction from the other party.

  Seeing Director Wu showing embarrassment, Liu Qingshan chuckled: "Brother Li, there is no need to compare this. Everyone talks about their own things, and the well water does not violate the river water."

   Young Master Li didn't express his opinion, and he had learned his lesson: To deal with Liu Qingshan, it's best to ignore this guy, otherwise, at some point, he would just bang and step on the landmine planted by the other party.

  Li Zeming played the role of charging forward: "We are all descendants of Yan and Huang, and we must not treat them differently. If we feel unfair treatment, wouldn't it be chilling?"

   "I'm afraid the investment enthusiasm of the majority of compatriots on Hong Kong Island will be affected."

   Now it involves a matter of principle, and no one dares to underestimate it. If it is labeled as such a big hat, no one can bear it.

  Liu Qingshan could only shake his head helplessly: "Forget it, Brother Li, are you sure, you really want to enjoy the same price as Longteng Company?"

   "Of course!" Xiao Lizi answered first.

   Young Master Li didn't say a word, he was scared by Liu Qingshan, he had a better memory, and was thinking about whether there was some trap in what the other party said.

   "Your Li family, who is in charge?" Liu Qingshan muttered.

   Young Master Li couldn't hold his breath for a while, because he suffered repeated setbacks in the past two years, and there have been some unfavorable rumors in his family.

  So Li Dashao stood up and said, "I am fully responsible for this subscription. Since Brother Qingshan is also interested in this, then the two of us can advance and retreat together."

   "This is the only way to have fun." Liu Qingshan gave him a thumbs up.

  It’s just the leaders of the organizing committee, who are quite dissatisfied: This young man doesn’t know how to advance or retreat, how can he get over his age?

   You know, this is the most taboo in the officialdom, so the leaders are a little upset.

  Director Wu also sighed in his heart: Young people still need to hone their skills.

  He was very optimistic about this young man at first, but with the deepening of contact, he still showed the common problem of young people: not being stable enough when things happen.

   After Liu Qingshan successfully lured Young Master Li into the urn, he nodded to Director Wu:

   "Leaders, on behalf of Longteng Company, let me say a price first for reference."

   "We, Longteng Company, are planning to subscribe for the buildings in the Asian Games Village at a price of 1,500 yuan per square meter. We also ask the leaders for approval."

  In the conference room, it suddenly became extremely quiet.

  Director Wu blinked, then looked at Deputy Director Liang: Did you not clarify the price?

  The subscription price is basically 1,000 yuan per square meter. How come it turned into 1,500 yuan?

  Deputy Director Liang was also puzzled: Like I said, basically it can be reduced to 900 yuan per square meter. What's going on with Mr. Liu?

   And Young Master Li, who was opposite Liu Qingshan, trembled violently in his heart, he seemed to understand Liu Qingshan's intentions a little bit.

  Li Zeming couldn't hold back, stood up abruptly, stretched out his hand and pointed at Liu Qingshan angrily: "How can you do business like this, you want to drag us into the water, dreaming!"

   No wonder he was angry: Your Longteng company can subscribe for 10,000 square meters at most, how much more can you spend?

  But our Li's real estate is different. With an area of ​​more than 100,000 square meters, it would cost nearly 100 million yuan.

  Li Zeming also understands now: Liu Qingshan has no good intentions at all, he goes around and leads them into the ditch.

  Liu Qingshan also stood up slowly: "In your eyes, is this a business?"

  “Nowadays, the Asian Games are held by all people, and even children donate their pocket money. Is this a business?”

  “As a businessman, when the country needs us, we should stand up and share the country’s worries.”

   "Instead of sitting here, haggling and making money!"

  Liu Qingshan's finger also pointed at the faces of Li Zeming and Li Dashao, not polite, the awe-inspiring aura made the other party look away, and they didn't dare to look at him.

   "I think back then, Mr. Chen, a patriotic overseas Chinese on Hong Kong Island, organized overseas Chinese to donate planes and cannons for the sake of the War of Resistance. What kind of feelings did you have?"

  The descendants of Yan and Huang have attached great importance to the feelings of family and country since ancient times. Without a country, how can there be a family?

   "Could it be that the businessmen on Hong Kong Island now pretend to be full of money?"

  In the meeting room, there was silence, only Liu Qingshan's loud words echoed for a long time.

  The leaders of the organizing committee all felt emotional, and they finally understood:

   It's not that this young man named Liu Qingshan is ignorant and doesn't know how to advance or retreat, but that he has righteousness in his heart!

   On the other hand, Young Master Li's team all looked ashamed, drooping their heads, unable to lift their heads.

   Young Master Li's face also turned from white to red, and then from red to purple. He felt that he had been greatly humiliated, but he couldn't refute it.

  He also wanted to fight against the case, and shouted: Liu Qingshan, whatever price you offer, I will pay whatever price!

   It's just rationality telling him that he must not be so impulsive, because in that case, he would just fall into the trap designed by the other party.

   Being tricked a few times, Young Master Li has a memory to some extent. If he really said so, the company will spend hundreds of millions more in funds and return to Hong Kong Island. There is no way to deal with the board of directors.

   But he is still a young man after all, facing the almost humiliating scolding, he feels righteous indignation in his heart.

  Director Wu has a lot of experience, so he can see the delicate situation now, and he doesn't want to mess up the largest subscription at the moment, which will be of no benefit to anyone, so he said with a smile:

   "Comrade Qingshan, on behalf of the organizing committee, thank you for your support for the country and sports."

   "We can all feel our intentions, but in terms of business and business, everyone has already contributed, and we can't suffer any more economic losses. That's unreasonable."

   "Well, let me make a compromise and raise a price to see if everyone can accept it. If not, we will discuss it again."

  Liu Qingshan immediately expressed his opinion: "Director, you said, our Longteng company definitely has no objection, but I don't know what you say, Brother Li?"

   Young Master Li's thoughts are very simple now, he just wants to turn around and leave, as far away from that annoying guy as possible.

   This is under such circumstances, and he is not free to leave if he wants to. He and his company have been kidnapped by Liu Qingshan.

  At this moment, Young Master Li was suffering so much that, a few years later, when he was actually kidnapped by gangsters on Hong Kong Island, he felt quite relaxed.

  Because in his heart, Liu Qingshan is the most hateful and terrifying person.

  (end of this chapter)

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