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Chapter 834: What if it's too popular?

  Chapter 834 What should I do if it is too popular?

  After the top ten outstanding young people got to know each other, they gathered around the chessboard and continued to watch Nie Qisheng's torture dishes.

  Just now, Teacher Wei played with Chess Sage Nie. At first, he let the third son go, but later he let the fifth and sixth sons. Teacher Wei was still killed.

   Teacher Wei is in a good mood, always cheerful, and muttering:

   "I'm happy to win and happy to lose. It's a big deal to be able to compete with a chess master."

   Chess Master Nie won’t be interested in winning, so he pushed his glasses and said, “Why don’t we play bridge?”

  Bridge is not very popular in China, let alone everyone. Nie Qisheng is good at bridge and is often invited to play cards with old people.

   "We are here, only the later Xiao Liu didn't play, Xiao Liu, you go."

   A middle-aged uncle gave Liu Qingshan a hand. This man was surnamed Li and named Denghai. He was the father of compact hybrid corn and later established the quite famous Denghai Seed Industry.

  Liu Qingshan has also had itchy hands for a long time. He is not bad at Go, and he is also an amateur master.

  Since meeting a chess master level, of course I can't help but want to compete with the chess master.

  So Liu Qingshan and Chess Nie sat opposite each other. As usual, let the third son start first, professional against amateur, that's how confident he is.

   Chess Sage Nie didn't pay much attention at first, he chatted with everyone while making moves, but in the end, a big dragon was beheaded by Liu Qingshan, and it seemed that he was defeated.

   "Xiao Liu's chess is very good, he won the chess master, this is enough for you to brag about for half your life." Teacher Wei smiled and beat the side drum.

   "Come again."

   Chess Master Nie also started to get serious, and he didn't even handicap in this game.

  After dropping dozens of pieces, Master Chess Nie smiled and took a sip of tea: "Xiao Liu, I'm afraid you won't survive this piece of chess."

  Liu Qingshan frowned slightly, thought for a while, and then continued to make moves. He rushed left and right, fought chaotically, and finally magically saved that piece of chess.

   This is exactly what followed the zombie stream.

  Although the chess game came to the end, Liu Qingshan was still a small loser, but even Chess Master Nie was amazed:

   "Excellent, Xiao Liu, you are really hiding your secrets. This is at the level of obtaining a professional rank."

   "I didn't pay much attention just now, and I didn't remember how you got out of the siege. Can you review it?"

  Liu Qingshan also shook his head: "I was too busy playing chess, but I don't remember much."

   Teacher Wei interjected: "It's nothing serious, let our Dongfang Computer review the disk for you."

   After finishing speaking, he pointed to the operator. Comrade Xiaogou is really good, and he started to re-arrange the chess on the chessboard.

   "Awesome!" Everyone praised in unison, showing their admiration.

   Liu Qingshan also praised in his heart: If he participates in programs such as the strongest brain in the future, he will be the champion.

   Chess Sage Nie stared at the chessboard in a daze. He belongs to the kind of wise and foolish type, and he looks a little stupid on the outside.

   After playing for a while, Chess Master Nie began to mutter to himself: "Your chess is weird, your sword moves eccentrically, but you can catch your opponent by surprise."

   After chanting for a while, he looked away from the chessboard and turned to Liu Qingshan: "Xiao Liu, it really is a hero who turns into a boy, amazing!"

   It is already quite high to get such an evaluation from a chess master.

  Liu Qingshan also laughed: "I used this wild way, and I even beat the amateur masters of the island country, and won all the Gouyu worn by the opponent."


  Everyone also praised in unison, and a representative in his thirties patted Liu Qingshan on the shoulder affectionately:

   "Our Little Brother Liu is called a young hero. We are fellow villagers. I will tell everyone about his deeds."

  Liu Qingshan took a look, the representative who spoke was Wang Zhenguo, who was also from Changbai Mountain in Kyrgyzstan, and he was indeed a fellow villager.

  The main achievement of this person is in the application of traditional Chinese medicine, he developed the "Tianxian" series of anti-cancer traditional Chinese medicines, and won the 30th anti-cancer drug award in the United States for this reason, and later created his own pharmaceutical group.

  Everyone became interested when they heard what Wang Zhenguo said, and they all put on a look of listening attentively.

   Those who can win the title of Top Ten Outstanding Youth are all the elites in their respective fields. They are also very curious about what great achievements this young man, who is clearly a dozen years younger than them, has achieved.

  Wang Zhenguo took a sip of tea first, and put on a posture for a long conversation: "Brother Liu is in the pharmaceutical field, and I am in the same industry, but I can't compare with Brother Liu."

   "Jiapigou Pharmaceutical Factory, I don't seem to have much impression, Xiao Liu, what kind of medicine do you buy there, don't they sell counterfeit medicine?" Teacher Wei was rather humorous, joking.

  Wang Zhenguo said with a smile: "Jiapigou Pharmaceuticals, founded by brother Liu, produces traditional Chinese medicine products, which are basically exported abroad, earning foreign exchange for the country's exports."

  Ms. Wei gave a thumbs up: "This is amazing. It is amazing to be able to sell Chinese medicine abroad."

  Others also nodded. In today's world, those who can export and earn foreign exchange are all talented people.

   "It's nothing. The most powerful thing is that brother Liu cooperates with Pfizer in the United States to produce and refine the anti-cancer drug paclitaxel. The price is worth more than gold."

  Wang Zhenguo’s face was also full of envy. Fortunately, he didn’t know the situation in the country of America. If he knew that Liu Qingshan still had the gold mine of Sidinafil in his hands, he would probably die of envy.

   "Brother, so you are still a rich man." Teacher Wei patted Liu Qingshan's shoulder with a smile, and then said to Wang Zhenguo:

   "Old Wang, listen to your remarks, brother Liu has made achievements in other fields?"

  Ms. Wei is like talking about cross talk, with him, he will definitely not be left alone.

   "That's natural." Wang Zhenguo's eyes wandered around in the crowd, and he fell on the Fairy Tale King: "Brother Liu and Writer Zheng are still going together."

  The fairy tale king was also taken aback: "Xiao Liu is also engaged in creation, what aspect?"

   Before Liu Qingshan could speak, Wang Zhenguo laughed loudly: "Brother Liu's pen name abroad is Mountain."

  The Fairy Tale King was sitting there drinking tea with a teacup in his hand, when he stood up abruptly, the tea splashed onto Teacher Wei’s lapel:

   "Mounting, the shepherd boy's fantasy journey is a collaboration between you and others, and Harry Potter, which has recently become popular in Europe, seems to be your collaboration with others. It's amazing, my brother Liu!"

  Liu Qingshan was a little embarrassed by the praise: "I just came up with some ideas, and they were all written by others, so I can only cooperate."

  While speaking, he took out a handkerchief and helped Teacher Wei wipe off the water stains on his skirt.

   Teacher Wei was not idle: "Creativity is the most important thing, it is equivalent to the soul of a book, brother Liu, we both belong to soul engineers when we shake hands."

   "I envy you who are engaged in literature, Xiao Liu can go abroad to write books, I admire you!"

  Athlete Huang was also very excited. He stretched out his hand and patted Liu Qingshan's shoulder vigorously, and then he realized: "Xiao Liu, you see, I'm used to it. My hands are strong, are you okay?"

  Liu Qingshan smiled and shook his head: "Sister Huang, I can hold on."

  This is Liu Qingshan. If it were replaced by other representatives in the room, it is estimated that he would have to go to the hospital right away.

   "Xiao Huang, you don't know Xiao Liu. He was in the country of America. He knocked down a boxer, and he is also a trainer." Wang Zhenguo let out a hearty laugh.

  It seems that he knows Liu Qingshan quite well.

  When Athlete Huang heard this, his eyes lit up immediately: "That's it, then Xiao Liu, let's shake your wrists."

   Then without any explanation, he pulled Liu Qingshan to the front of the table and got ready.

   Born as an athlete, his temperament is generally straightforward.

   "Let's make friends with martial arts today, so we can't get hurt."

   Teacher Wei was acting as the referee, and he was also worried that Athlete Huang would dislocate Liu Qingshan's arm if he tried too hard, so he reminded him first.

"ready, go!"

   Teacher Wei gave an order, and Athlete Huang's thick arms remained motionless, and he continued to mutter: "Xiao Liu, work hard!"

  Liu Qingshan didn't exert his strength either, he didn't want to dampen the confidence of an outstanding athlete.

  Athlete Huang didn’t want to bully others, so he didn’t use his strength. He could only persuade him: “Xiao Liu, you’re a man, so you have to take the initiative. Use your strength!”

  The audience around had strange expressions on their faces, and they all held back their laughter.

  Liu Qingshan also added a little strength to his hands, and was immediately counterattacked by Huang Athlete.

  It is not for nothing to say that the arm is strong and strong. The strength of the hand is worthy of playing with the shot put every day.

  Liu Qingshan didn't dare to be careless, he sank into his dantian and stood up to resist.

  For a while, the two were at loggerheads, and the table with their elbows on them was rattling.


  Everyone couldn't help but look at each other with admiration. Although Liu Qingshan's arms were not as thick as Athlete Huang's, they seemed to contain infinite power.

  Athlete Huang blushed and charged wave after wave. As a result, Liu Qingshan stood tall, motionless.

   "No comparison, no comparison." Athlete Huang let go of his hands, took a few breaths, and then laughed heartily:

   "It's still Xiao Liu who is amazing, don't worry, our athletes are very capable of withstanding setbacks, you don't have to save face for my sister."

   This is true, just like those real rich families, when looking for a wife for their son, they don't like to look for any movie star, but like to look for a sportsman.

   There are still many examples in this regard.

  The reason for this is that the willpower of athletes is more tenacious, which will have a good influence on future generations.

  After the arm-wrestling exchange, everyone was obviously getting closer, but Wang Zhenguo still had something to say:

   "Brother Qingshan is a treasure. Have you read the news a few days ago? It is the one that developed a new type of mobile phone in our country. The Jade Bird Technology Company was opened by Brother Qingshan!"

  Oh, so that's the case, everyone is completely convinced this time.

   No wonder he can become one of the top ten outstanding youths at such a young age.

  Teacher Wei patted Liu Qingshan on the shoulder cheerfully: "Brother Qingshan, if you ask me, you are the most outstanding one among our ten outstanding youths."

   "Let's discuss something with you. When you research the Blue Bird Palm Zhongbao, each of you will give us one?"

   "That's not a problem."

  Liu Qingshan also borrowed Teacher Wei's catchphrase. Although the other party was joking, Liu Qingshan still likes these representatives very much, and they all have real skills.

   Seeing that Wang Zhenguo wanted to continue talking, Liu Qingshan quickly stopped him: "Brother Wang, you have shaken me out of my old ways."

  Wang Zhenguo laughed loudly: "Brother Qingshan, otherwise you will have to tell yourself that after the commendation meeting, we have to do a few more presentations."

  In this era, there are still many various report meetings, most of which are advanced deeds and heroic deeds.

   Like the top ten outstanding youths, of course there are no less.

  But Liu Qingshan really didn't have much preparation, it seems that he has to find a time to organize manuscripts, and choose some insignificant deeds to talk about.

  Before I knew it, it was noon. Everyone went down together and went to the restaurant for lunch.

  Ten people, just a large table, needless to say the food, of course it is exquisite enough.

  After eating, each went back to his room to rest. Liu Qingshan basically didn't have the habit of taking a nap, so he sat at the desk, ready to write a speech.

  Dangdang, there was a knock on the door, Liu Qingshan said please come in, and then stood up.

   It was Chess Sage Nie who came in, wearing big glasses: "Brother Qingshan, you haven't rested, how about we just talk about a game?"

   It’s really not that Lao Nie’s hands are itchy. The main reason is that Liu Qingshan’s chess style is very strange. As the head coach of the Go team, Lao Nie is mainly training new players now, so he wants to seek a breakthrough.

   "Okay, old Nie, as long as you don't think I'm a bad chess player." Liu Qingshan nodded in agreement.

  Lao Nie beamed with joy, and was just about to pull Liu Qingshan away when there was another knock on the door.

  The one who came in this time was the King of Fairy Tales. He greeted Sage Nie and said, "Brother Qingshan, you have experience in publishing books abroad. Tell me about it?"

  Fairy Tale King certainly has swept thousands of troops in China, but he also hopes to enter the international market.

   After all, whether it is in terms of economic interests or popularity, domestic and international are two different levels.

   "Okay, I really have some experience in this regard. The works of my eldest brother-in-law and writer Lu are all translated and published abroad."

  Of course Liu Qingshan will not refuse this kind of thing, the more Chinese writers go abroad, the happier he will be.

  But Lao Nie was not happy: "I still want to play chess with Brother Qingshan?"

   "Playing chess is for entertainment, I'm here for business." The fairy tale king argued with the other party.

  Lao Nie began to retort: ​​"For me, playing chess is work."

  The two of them were entangled, when there was another knock on the door, Liu Qingshan opened the door and saw that it was Wang Zhenguo.

  Seeing several people in the room, Wang Zhenguo was also taken aback: "Everyone is here."

   Then he turned to Liu Qingshan: "Brother Qingshan, I have recently developed a new anti-cancer drug. Can you help me sell it abroad? I am also wondering if it can be exported to earn foreign exchange."

  Liu Qingshan nodded with a smile: "Brother Wang, of course this is no problem. It is also my pursuit to promote Chinese medicine to the world."

   "That's great, let's go, let's have a chat." Wang Zhenguo was overjoyed and grabbed Liu Qingshan's arm.

  Old Nie took a look, not to be outdone, grabbed Liu Qingshan's other arm: "Still playing chess."

   "No, first talk to me about publishing a book." The Fairy Tale King stopped doing it, and directly grabbed Liu Qingshan's skirt from behind.

   It made Liu Qingshan sweat: This is too popular, what should I do?

  (end of this chapter)

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