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Chapter 852: The Miracle of the World Cup

  Chapter 852 The miracle brought by the World Cup

  With the end of the first stage of the competition, Liu Qingshan's bets in the group stage can all be settled.

  Wu Tong led Lu Fang and Lu Liang brothers, and after a busy day, all the income was recorded in the account.

   After deducting the spinach company's commission, Liu Qingshan reaped a total of nearly five times the income in the first stage.

  The reason why it is so high is that Liu Qingshan bets on unpopular matches, and the scores are relatively accurate.

  Excluding the funds occupied by the top four, top eight, top sixteen and top scorer, Liu Qingshan spent a total of more than 6 million US dollars in the group stage, and it has now become more than 30 million.

   This also made Lu Fang brothers extremely excited: This is simply picking up money!

  In the knockout round of the second stage, they are also preparing to continue to fight hard.

  Liu Qingshan is always sober, he knows that he can have such a harvest, it is all because of his foresight.

  Otherwise, it’s no wonder I went to grandma’s house.

   I don’t know which reporter with great powers dug out the inside story from the spinach company, and then disclosed a piece of news in the newspaper:

   So far, who is the biggest beneficiary of this World Cup?

   I have to admit that this title is still very attractive.

  In the article, the reporter revealed the income of Liu Qingshan's girlfriend and servant in the gambling company.

  30 million dollars, I don’t know how many audiences’ eyes were blinded.

   This also changed people's inherent impression. In the eyes of most people, this Mr. Mountain is a representative of a fool with a lot of money.

  But this news completely overturned people's cognition: it turns out that they are the real winners!

   And it’s not just that, the article also discloses: So far, Mr. Mountain’s total spending on the World Cup is nearly 20 million US dollars.

   This includes donating 10 million marks to the West German team, which will not be cashed until after the World Cup is over.

  As for the reason, it is very simple. When the two German currencies are unified at that time, the East German mark in Liu Qingshan's hands can be used as the West German mark.

   Then there is the two million dollars sponsored by the Cameroon team, and the three spokespersons: Uncle Mira, Schillaci, and Baggio's three million dollars.

  The rest is advertising fees.

  With an investment of 20 million yuan and an output of 30 million yuan so far, who dares to say that he is a prodigal son?

   Not only that, many people have begun to study Liu Qingshan's marketing methods in this World Cup.

  The more you study, the more you will be amazed: This is probably the most successful marketing in the history of the World Cup, enough to be included in textbooks.

  Whether it is Uncle Mira or Schillaci, they are by far the most outstanding players in the World Cup.

  West Germany and Cameroon also advanced all the way to the top 16.

  The effect brought about by this is that the blue bird mobile phone represented by the strange bird with three legs has become the most impressive commodity during the World Cup.

   There have been suppliers with a keen sense of smell for a long time, and they have begun to contact the domestic Jade Bird Company for purchases.

  Currently, Jade Bird mobile phones have begun to be sold in several developed countries in Europe, and the sales are said to be pretty good.

  People have gradually begun to like this kind of mobile phone with stronger battery life and smaller and more convenient size.

  By the end of the group stage, more than 100,000 Jade Bird mobile phones had been ordered and sold.

  I believe that with the deepening of the World Cup, this kind of sales will become more and more popular.

  The benefit generated by this advertising effect is immeasurable, it may be hundreds of millions of dollars, or it may be billions of dollars.

  As soon as this report came out, Liu Qingshan turned around brilliantly, from a layman who didn't know how to play football to a prodigal son with a lot of money, he instantly became a successful entrepreneur.

  The more it is like this, the more it attracts people's attention. What people are talking about now is Liu Qingshan's two bets of 10 million US dollars.

   There is a bet, and Liu Qingshan has already won.

   It was the referee, who finally couldn't hold back and blew his whistle in the group match between Argentina and the Soviet Union.

  At that time, Maradona was in his own penalty area, and he used his arm to block the ball. The referee had a whistle in his mouth, and he puffed up his cheeks, but in the end he still didn't blow the whistle.

  Although Mr. Referee always keeps in mind the bet with Liu Qingshan, but his body is honest.

   This penalty was also questioned by public opinion after the game, coupled with Liu Qingshan's push, the referee bid farewell to the green field from now on.

  Liu Qingshan won again.

  The Soviet team sadly did not show up, but for the players, what was even more tragic was that when they were sweating on the court, news suddenly came from the country:

  The Russian Federation declared its independence from the Soviet Union.

  As the largest member country of the Soviet Union, this move basically marks that the Soviet Union has fallen apart.

  Before this, as early as March 1st, Lithuania announced its withdrawal from the Soviet Union, which opened the curtain of the disintegration of the Soviet Union.

  Liu Qingshan won a bet, and then the focus of people's attention is Liu Qingshan's other bet.

   It is the one with Mr. Pele: Can the Brazilian team enter the quarterfinals?

   Now it seems that it is a little bit hanging, because in the first knockout match, the Brazilian team met a strong opponent: Argentina led by Lao Ma.

  It's really hard to say who will win the battle between these two powerful teams.

  The outside world generally believes that the players of the Argentine team are aging, with one win, one draw and one loss in the group stage, barely appearing as the third place in the group.

  The Brazilian team is strong and strong, with three victories in the group stage, and their morale is in full swing.

  So in terms of strength on paper, the Brazilian team obviously has the upper hand.

  But the Argentine team has old horses, so there are all possibilities.

  The quarter-finals also attracted the attention of fans all over the world, and Liu Qingshan was even invited to watch the match.

   But before that, there was another very important match for Liu Qingshan: Cameroon, which he sponsored, took the lead in the quarter-finals.

  Cameroon's opponent is the mighty Colombian team.

  Colombia at this time is strong, with the golden lion king Valderrama in the midfield, and the team is full of talents.

  Even the goalkeeper is that crazy Iguita.

  The craziest thing this guy has ever done was facing the opponent's shot. Instead of catching the ball with his hands, he threw himself forward and swung a scorpion tail with his feet to block the ball out of the goal.

   It is estimated that the coach off the court will have a heart attack when he sees this scene.

  And as a goalkeeper, Higuita often dribbles forward to attack. What he likes most is to dribble in front of the opponent's penalty area and then shoot vigorously.

   Not to mention, as a goalkeeper, he has scored dozens of goals in his career, probably more than the forwards of the Huaxia team later.

  So before the game, people were generally optimistic about the Colombian team, but Liu Qingshan put a heavy bet on the Cameroon team.

   And before the game, he also said in a high profile: If he wins, he will add another one million sponsorship fees.

  After the start of the game, the two sides played back and forth. The Colombian players had better skills and cooperation, and gradually took the initiative.

   No goals were scored in the first half, and the head coach of Cameroon finally replaced Uncle Mira in the second half.

  But Uncle Mira also seemed to be miraculous no longer, the two teams still failed to score in the second half.

  So we took a break and started to enter overtime.

  Uncle Mira’s miraculous performance finally began. In the 16th minute of overtime, Mira got the ball in the frontcourt, passed the opponent’s two defenders, calmly kicked and shot, and the football hit the net.

  After scoring the goal, Mira ran to the corner flag again and danced.

  The excited team members also gathered around, and two players pointed to the three-legged blue bird on Mira's jersey. This is the best advertisement.

  Uncle Mira's performance was far from over. Three minutes later, Cameroon kicked the ball into the opponent's backcourt with a big foot in the backcourt.

  At this moment, the madman Higuita couldn't hold back his offensive heart for a long time. He ran outside the penalty area, took control of the ball, and was ready to invest in the attack.

  He first passed the ball to his defender, and the defender passed back. At this time, Uncle Mira suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the goalkeeper Higuita.

   Higuita is also unambiguous, he has experienced a lot of such scenes.

   Glancing at Uncle Mira, Iguita muttered in his heart: Old Clapper, let me see how I can get over you.

  He was about to dribble past Mira. Unexpectedly, Mira was so fast that he stretched out his foot and snatched the ball from Higuita's feet.

   There is an open area ahead, Mira dribbles the ball forward quickly, and then lifts his foot to send the ball into the empty goal.

   In this way, a goal enough to be recorded in the history of the World Cup was born.

  Whether it is the live audience or the audience in front of the TV, they are all dumbfounded: the title of Uncle Mira resounds all over the world.

  Although the Colombian team pulled back a goal in the end, they still lost in the end.

  Cameroon team took the lead to break into the quarterfinals, creating the history of African teams.

  The newspaper commented like this: Cameroon won, and Mountain won again!

  Liu Qingshan is indeed a winner, because of the success of Mira, the order volume of Jade Bird mobile phones has also increased sharply, and the number of sales and orders has exceeded 500,000.

   But the matter is far from over. There is also the battle between Baya and Afghanistan. Liu Qingshan also went to the scene to watch the battle.

   I don’t know if the organizers deliberately arranged that the seats of Liu Qingshan and his old enemy Pele are next to each other.

  Before the game, the director even showed the two of them in the same frame: Liu Qingshan still smiled and waved, and Bailey still looked disgusted.

  As the referee blew the whistle of the game, the game officially started. As expected before the game, the Brazilian team quickly gained the upper hand.

   But it's a pity that they had three shots, either on the crossbar or on the post, a little less luck.

  Bailey has also been in a state of excitement, and looking at that appearance, he almost got off the field himself.

  Liu Qingshan is as stable as Mount Tai, he knows that the old horse will definitely change the situation.

  The last World Cup was definitely Maradona's World Cup. This time, his brilliance is gone, only occasional flashes of inspiration remain.

  But even such a flash of inspiration is enough to change the fate of the two teams.

  At the 81st minute of the game, Maradona suddenly dribbled the ball forward in the middle circle, first passed a player with a yellow vest and blue shorts, and rushed forward with the ball.

   At this moment, all Argentine fans went crazy, as if they saw the Maradona from four years ago again.

   Then Lao Ma skillfully avoided a flying shovel from Deng Jia of the Brazilian team and successfully dribbled the ball to the frontcourt, attracting the four defenders of the Brazilian team to surround him.

   At the critical moment, the old horse made a wonderful pass through the crotch, and the ball was passed to the unmarked Caniggia. This pass was a peerless pass.

  Caniggia, who has the title of Son of the Wind, of course would not waste such an opportunity, passing the opponent's goalkeeper and hitting the ball into the empty goal.

  The Argentine team miraculously took a one-to-zero lead in an extremely passive situation.

   At this moment, I don’t know how many fans of the Argentine team cheered.

   I don’t know how many Brazilian fans there, stamping their feet and beating their chests, holding their heads in their hands.

  Bailey was one of them. He hugged his head and beat it hard twice.

  As a generation of football champions, he knows that Maradona is a shooter of the same level as him, as long as he is on the court, he has the ability to change the fate of the team.

   In the next few minutes, the Brazilian team had no fighting spirit and could only swallow the bitter fruit of failure in the end.

  Argentina won, and so did Liu Qingshan!

   Seeing Bailey's painful face, Liu Qingshan didn't hit him again, but just patted Bailey's shoulder lightly.

   "I will keep my promise." Bailey shook his head, still not getting out of his disappointment.

   They are all famous football champions, of course he won't be sloppy and can't afford to lose that person.

  Liu Qingshan smiled and left the court.

   This battle between Baya and Ah has also become the protagonist of the news the next day, and of course the bet between Liu Qingshan and Bailey is indispensable.

  One newspaper ran the headline: Mountain Wins Again.

   Bailey was also single, so he found Liu Qingshan's hotel the next day, and under the witness of the reporter, he took a one-dollar bill from Liu Qingshan.

  Of course, a Jade Bird mobile phone is indispensable. Liu Qingshan has already prepared it for him, and asked Bailey to take the mobile phone and shoot the advertisement screen.

  After struggling all night, Bailey also wanted to open up now, and while making a phone call, he yelled:

  "Tell those players that you are the best, and you must win back next time!"

   This Crow's Mouth really hit the mark. In the next World Cup in the United States, the Brazilian team finally won the championship for the fourth time.

  Liu Qingshan did not run on Pele, but shook hands with him in a friendly way: "Wait for the next round, we, Jade Bird Mobile, will definitely sponsor your team."

   "Okay, it's a deal." Bailey stretched out his hand and shook hands with Liu Qingshan in mid-air.

  As Liu Qingshan won the ball king Pele, it also made Jade Bird mobile phones completely popular, and sales began to soar. Even the number of orders added together has exceeded one million!

   This is the miracle brought about by the World Cup.

   But what is a bit out of the chain is that the output of Jade Bird mobile phones is a bit behind.

   At present, less than 200,000 units have been produced, which is far from meeting the needs of fans.

  In the past two days, Liu Qingshan has often received calls from China, some from He Wanqing, some from Lu Zhi and Li Yifan.

  On the phone, everyone's voice was full of excitement and joy.

  They all agreed that they should step up production and increase production as soon as possible. Together with Liu Qingshan, the islanders who won the victory have nothing to say.

  Liu Qingshan also warned on the phone that the quality must be strictly controlled, and unqualified products must not be released.

   Such a gambling involving a huge amount of money, the little devil will definitely not be safe, and he may come up with some tricks, Liu Qingshan has to guard against it.

  He knows one truth best: the closer you are to success, the more you must remain calm. The easiest time to fall is often the moment before victory.

  (end of this chapter)

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