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Chapter 861: robbery!

  Chapter 861 Robbery!

  The performance of the Heart to Heart Art Troupe in London was also welcomed, and the newspapers were full of praise.

  In addition to the original program, because of the return of the Beyond band, the IWantItThatWay they sang has also become the most popular song.

   Since this song became a hit in North America, it has also been on the major charts in Europe, and its popularity is very wide.

   There is also a song called Glorious Years, the song with a bit of vicissitudes also deeply moved the audience.

  The performance of the Twelve Women’s Band is also very impressive. They adapted from Teacher He Zhanhao’s Liang Zhu Huadie, with beautiful tunes and a touch of sadness.

   In the next day's newspaper, it was evaluated as "the Romeo and Juliet of the East".

  The evaluation of The Times is like this, the Heart to Heart Art Troupe from China, let the Chinese style sweep London.

  This evaluation is already very high for the conservative Great Britain.

   In this way, Liu Qingshan can rest assured that the art troupe will perform five performances in London, and Liu Qingshan just took time to go to the Netherlands.

   This trip, he only brought Lu Fang and Boban, and flew over there quietly.

   Boban contacted the other party and made an appointment to visit tomorrow, and the three of them stayed in the hotel for one night.

   The next day, the hotel car was used to deliver it to the location. It was also a single-family villa, which also looked a little old.

  According to Boban, the ancestor of this family was a baron named Van Hemmert, who was sent to Beiping at the beginning of this century as the commander of the embassy's guard.

  The antiques at home were all brought back by the baron at that time, and they have been passed down in the family for three or four generations, which can be said to be passed down in an orderly manner.

   Entering the yard, they were greeted by a young man who was tall and mighty, but behaved politely.

  Bo Ban introduced in the middle, he did not introduce Liu Qingshan's English name, but directly said that he was Mr. Liu from China.

  After all, if the other party knows that Liu Qingshan is a billionaire, it is inevitable that the lion will open his mouth.

   Boban introduced this young man again, this is the fourth generation heir of the family, Thorsten, this young man, wants to sell the old antiques at home.

  Liu Qingshan asked Lu Fang to bring the two cans of tea. After all, it is not good to come to someone's house as a guest, empty-handed.

   "Oh, thank you, thank you very much, Mr. Mountain, my great-grandfather, he liked drinking tea very much back then, so we have always had the habit of drinking tea."

   The great-grandfather Torsten mentioned was, of course, the Baron Hemmert.

   And from what he called Liu Qingshan, he obviously recognized him.

  While letting the guests into the house, Torsten said: "I am also a football player, but I injured my thigh later and can no longer appear on the field."

   "But I like this kind of sport the most. I have also seen a lot of news about Mr. Mountain in the World Cup. I heard that you made a lot of money from the spinach company. Congratulations."

  Yes, people know your background.

   "It's just a fluke." Liu Qingshan responded with a smile.

   Entering the living room, Liu Qingshan took a look around, the furnishings were simple and unsophisticated, making one feel instantly quiet.

  Liu Qingshan also nodded secretly: It seems that the family that can be passed down to the present still has some foundation.

   While watching, his eyes were attracted by something. It was a big blue and white pot in the corner, which was very big. Judging from the pattern on it, it was Ghost Valley Downhill.

  Liu Qingshan struggled to look elsewhere, he didn't want to be too obvious and give the other party too many opportunities to raise the price.

  After being seated, someone brought tea soon. Liu Qingshan took a look at the tea set, which turned out to be an official kiln made of famille rose in the late Qing Dynasty, which was very elegant.

  It seems that Mr. Baron used to swipe back a lot.

   After drinking a cup of tea, Liu Qingshan started talking, "Mr. Thorsten, I heard that your ancestors lived in China and brought back some antiques. Can I have a look?"

   "Mr. Mountain, I know you. I heard from friends that you bought a large number of antiques and oil paintings in the island country. You spent hundreds of millions of dollars. It's really a big deal."

  Torsten really knows Liu Qingshan's deeds quite well, and he even knows about this.

   It is estimated that they are both young people, so pay special attention to peers with higher achievements.

  Liu Qingshan could only say a few words modestly, with a faint feeling in his heart: he has a good family, so it may be difficult to get a bargain this time.

   Soon Liu Qingshan calmed down: Since you can’t pick up the loopholes, then just trade normally.

  Based on the current price, Chinese antiques are still the price of cabbage.

   Dispelling the mentality of worrying about gains and losses, Liu Qingshan became more calm, chatting with Torsten happily, from songs to football, and from football to art.

  Torsten originally wanted to be a football player, but after being injured, he gave up martial arts and started to study painting. It is said that he is now a little famous.

  The two chatted happily, and Thorsten got up and said: "Mr. Mountain is indeed versatile. Such a person is qualified to visit our family's treasure room."

   It turns out that this has to be tested, and Liu Qingshan really doesn't know what to say. These nobles have a sense of arrogance in their bones.

   On the top floor of the villa, a room is specially opened up as a collection room.

  After Liu Qingshan and others followed Thorsten in, they were also slightly shocked.

  The nearly 100-square-meter collection room is filled with all kinds of antiques and artworks. It can be described as a dazzling array, but I don’t know the taste and value?

  Torsten turned a celestial globe lightly, and it was suddenly golden, with gold foil on the surface, and the celestial bodies on it were inlaid with various gemstones:

   "This is the royal property of His Royal Highness Napoleon. I think when His Highness turned the celestial globe, he was thinking about the stars and the sea?"

  When Napoleon conquered Europe, he also collected a large number of treasures and put them all in the Louvre. Otherwise, where do you think the treasures in the Louvre came from?

  Although Liu Qingshan didn't know whether Torsten's words were true or not, judging from the luxurious materials used in this celestial globe, it must be worth a lot.

   "There is also this one, which is a fine piece of Chinese porcelain. It is said that there are less than 20 pieces in the world."

  Torsten carefully took down a small cup from the bogu shelf, continued to smile and said:

   "Because it is too precious, I didn't take it out to entertain Mr. Mountain for tea just now, please forgive me."

  Liu Qingshan blinked: "Drinking tea in a chicken cup, I never thought about it."

  Chenghua Doucai Chicken Crock Cup has been sold for 280 million yuan. Liu Qingshan never imagined that he could see one here.

   "Me, can I get started?"

  Lu Fang was also a little nervous. This was the first time he had seen such a precious porcelain with his own eyes.

   "Of course." Thorsten nodded, and then added:

   "A few years ago, experts from Christie's auction house came to me and asked for a million dollars to buy this small cup, but I did not agree to them."

  Lu Fang nodded solemnly: "I will be careful."

  Chicken bowl cups, there are 8 in the museum on Baodao, and two in the Palace Museum in the capital.

  There are a total of five European and American museums, and there are four or five in the hands of private collectors, all of which are collected by collectors in Europe, America and island countries. This is basically the total number of existing chicken bowl cups.

  Lu Fang also had to be careful, if it was accidentally damaged, there was really no place to pay for it.

   There are also many imitations of chicken cups in later generations, so Lu Fang also identified them very carefully. After looking at them carefully for more than half an hour, he nodded to Liu Qingshan.

   "Everyone can take a look at other collections." Thorsten saw the eyes of Liu Qingshan and Lu Fang, all nailed to the chicken bowl cup, and introduced with a smile.

  Is it necessary to see other collections?

  The feeling is like eating honey just now, and then eating watermelon, it is also tasteless.

  However, Liu Qingshan and Lu Fang quickly rejected this idea, because the collection of the Torsten family is really not simple.

   There is also a sword used by Emperor Qianlong here, and an exquisite Yushanzi.

  The outer shell is very beautiful, and the carving depicts an old monk practicing in a cave. The design is exquisite.

   Judging from the exposed jade flesh, it is the best mutton fat jade among Hetian jades.

  Lu Fang even had an idea: robbery!

   Liu Qingshan's heart was also shocked: Any one of these is a treasure. It seems that this family really has a profound heritage.

  The more this is the case, the more worried Liu Qingshan is: there are too many treasures, I am afraid that the other party will not easily make a move.

   This point can be seen from Torsten's murmuring for a long time before he brought them in.

  People know the value of these antiques, and they don't seem to be short of money.

   After watching for more than two hours, I left the treasure room, returned to the living room, and drank tea again.

  Liu Qingshan turned the tea cup in his hand, the chicken bowl cup he saw just now still appeared in his mind.

   "Mr. Thorsten, are you interested in transferring these collections?" Boban finally got to the point.

  I saw Thorsten smiling and shaking his head, looking at his expression, it really didn't seem like a fake.

  Alas, Lu Fang could not help but sigh.

  In Liu Qingshan's heart, there was also a deep sense of loss and unwillingness, as if he had entered Baoshan and returned empty-handed.

  Whether it's a chicken cup or a big blue and white jar, he wants it all.

  Torsten took a sip of tea slowly: "Mr. Mountain, I heard that you bought a sunflower from Vincent in the island country?"

   "You know, I'm also studying painting now, so I'd love to see this work."

   Vincent Willem van Gogh, isn't he the most outstanding painter in the Netherlands?

  Liu Qingshan couldn't help feeling refreshed: "That's right, it's a vase and fifteen sunflowers, Mr. Thorsten, maybe we can get what we need."

   He didn't buy those oil paintings for collection, the main purpose was to barter.

   Now it seems that the other party probably has the same thoughts.

  Torsten also nodded with a smile: "Mr. Mountain, I have exactly the same intention."

   Then there is still talk, Lu Fang is also refreshed, and Boban is secretly relieved, if he can't make a deal, his busy work will be in vain.

  Since Torsten knew that Liu Qingshan was buying oil paintings from the island country, there was no need for Liu Qingshan to make false price reports. Doing so would really be a bit of a loss.

  Nine million dollars is the price he paid for the painting.

  After listening to the price given by Liu Qingshan, Thorsten smiled even stronger, and reached out to shake Liu Qingshan:

   "Since Mr. Mountain treats people with sincerity, I can't hide anything. The items in the treasure room just now are free to choose."

   "As for the price, the auction house has given an evaluation, so let's follow the above price."

   It's not bad, and it can be regarded as reciprocating.

  Liu Qingshan took a few pages from Thorsten, and checked them one by one: the chicken bowl cup gave the highest estimate, which was US$1.5 million.

  In addition, the imperial sword used by Emperor Qianlong is estimated at 500,000 yuan, and the price is also within an acceptable range, even if it is the current market price.

   It is impossible to pick up a bargain, but it also did not cost a high price. This is a relatively fair transaction for both parties.

   While discussing with Lu Fang, Liu Qingshan sketched items on it, and selected more than 30 Chinese antiques, which can reach nine million US dollars.

   What puzzled Liu Qingshan was that there was no big blue and white jar from Guigu Xiashan on it.

   After thinking about it, Liu Qingshan still asked: "Mr. Torsten, the jar in the living room should also be an antique from China, right?"

  Looking at his fingers, Thorsten nodded: "According to the appraisal of the auction house, it is a blue and white pot from the Ming Dynasty in your country. They offered two thousand dollars to buy it, so I didn't sell it."

   While talking, Torsten walked up to the jar, picked it up, mouth down, and with a splash, a pile of debris was poured out of the jar.

   Liu Qingshan and Lu Fang's hearts were hanging in their throats: Don't sell them!

  At the same time, I couldn't laugh or cry: it was regarded as porcelain from the Ming Dynasty, no wonder it was used to hold sundries.

  I only heard Torsten's voice coming over: "Mr. Mountain, it seems that there is only five hundred dollars short of nine million just now, so I use this jar to cover it."

  Liu Qingshan was completely speechless: the majestic Ghost Valley went down the mountain with a large blue and white pot, and there were times when it was regarded as a topping?

  Anyway, this is the best news I heard today, and of course Liu Qingshan readily accepts it.

  Torsten called a lawyer, and the two parties signed an exchange contract on the spot.

  In fact, this transaction is similar to the communication between Tibetan friends, which is the normal state of many transactions.

  In short, both parties have their own place, and they are all happy.

   Liu Qingshan entrusted Lu Fang and Boban to handle the rest.

   When the real exchange is made, Uncle Lu needs to fly over with the painting of Van Gogh, and by the way, conduct another final appraisal.

   This kind of thing has to be guarded against. In the antique shop, package dropping is too common.

  Even including Boban, they can’t be completely trusted now. What if he and Torsten join forces?

  The day after signing the agreement, Liu Qingshan flew back to London.

  The performance of the Heart to Heart Art Troupe was very smooth and successful. After Liu Qingshan came back, Gao Lingfeng placed a large stack of invitations in front of him:

   "Qingshan, you are invited to attend these banquets, and it is said that there are many nobles among them."

  Liu Qingshan shook his head with a smile: "I don't have that much time, so you can take care of these noble lords, brother Gao, and you can take Lao Cui and Jiaju with them. It's not rude."

   "I must know that you want to hide quietly." Gao Lingfeng also smiled, and then took out one from the invitation:

   "I'm afraid you won't be able to avoid this. It's an invitation letter from the Chairman of the Football Association, Mr. Martin."

  Liu Qingshan's mouth also showed a smile: "This is because the drunkard's intention is not in drinking, but in football."

  (end of this chapter)

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