Hello 1983

Chapter 883: That's really on point

  Chapter 883 This is really on point

  I love my family's crew, the studio set up here in the film and television city.

  It’s all in one’s own home, it’s convenient to use everything, and you don’t need to spend money on meals, which can save a lot of money.

   Moreover, the investment in this film itself is not large. It does not rely on big scenes to attract audiences, but relies entirely on actors and plots.

  Liu Qingshan came to the studio, the home is about less than 100 square meters, living room, kitchen, two bedrooms. Below is the auditorium.

   There was a large group of people sitting, many of them were familiar faces, and Gao Lingfeng and others under the big tree were also present.

   Seeing this scene, Liu Qingshan immediately felt very familiar and familiar: the sofa, furniture, and the banner hanging on the wall "Old man, aspiring for thousands of miles", this feeling was found at once.

  Liu Qingshanniao quietly sat in the auditorium, everyone just nodded to each other, because the family in the room was performing.

  Seeing Comrade Fu, who looks like a retired veteran cadre, with his hair combed back, sitting on the sofa, shaking a big cattail fan, Liu Qingshan felt sad.

  Behind the sofa is Lao Fu's granddaughter, played by Xiao Lao Si, who is arguing with her grandpa.

   There are also the Heping couple, the second child Liang Xiaoyan, etc., also appearing one after another.

   It is estimated that it is just at the beginning, everyone has not cooperated tacitly, and it seems that it is not so smooth.

  Old Comrade Fu has a resonant voice, and his temperament is also very good, but Liu Qingshan always feels that something is a little awkward.

  Yes, this is the tone of speaking, without that official tone.

  While acting, the fourth child suddenly saw Liu Qingshan in the audience, and immediately the play started, and he forgot the words all at once.

  The audience burst into laughter and reshot.

  The director and executive director also felt a little dissatisfied, so they asked everyone to take a break.

  Liu Qingshan then stood up and greeted everyone: here are the screenwriter Liang Wenshi, the chubby director Yingzi, and the executive director is a woman, Director Lin.

   "Brother, I forgot my words as soon as you came!" The little fourth ran over and hugged Liu Qingshan's arm.

  Liu Qingshan patted her head: "Don't delay your studies when filming."

  Yeah, Xiao Laosi nodded his head, and then ran to pour water for everyone.

   "My daughter is sensible." Sister Dandan leaned in front of Liu Qingshan, boasting about her little brother.

   "Sister, you are taking advantage of me, aren't you?" Liu Qingshan also teased her.

   After chatting with each other happily, Director Ying asked the audience below: "How do you feel?"

   "I always feel that it's not so interesting." This one is not polite at all, telling the truth.

   Liu Qingshan took a look, this is not Master Shuo.

  Master Shuo's mouth is not forgiving, he loves whoever he loves, and he agrees to it, and what the key people say is the truth.

  The past few years have also been the most beautiful time for Master Shuo.

  It was the first time Liu Qingshan met him, so he introduced him, Master Shuo nodded: "I heard that novels sell very well abroad, better than me."

  Who has Master Shuo served before? Being able to say this proves that he really took a high look at Liu Qingshan.

  After the introduction, the topic changed back. Director Lin was more careful and analyzed: "Our crew has just been established and we are not very familiar with it, so it doesn't feel like a family."

   This really hit the point, and everyone nodded together.

  In fact, this problem is easy to solve. After shooting for a while, I am familiar with it, and naturally there is no such jerky feeling.

   But it takes time, and for any crew, time is an important cost.

   Liu Qingshan saw that everyone was silent, so he said with a smile: "Should I consider the script reading?"

   Director Ying's eyes lit up: "You mean to read the script, you can try it."

   This kind of shape has just been developed abroad, and there are basically not many domestic applications.

  Especially in sitcoms like this, where language is the main focus, the effect of reading the script will definitely be good.

  So the whole family gathered around the dinner table, each with a script in his hand, and you started talking one by one.

   As you read and read, you can get the feeling, and the old actors can even find problems.

   "Stop for a moment." Liu Qingshan suddenly interrupted, "Mr. Wen, you can change the tone of your speech. It feels a bit too formal, like acting in a drama."

  Old Comrade Fu shot his eyes from the top of the reading glasses: "How to change it?"

  Liu Qingshan also adjusted his tone: "Ah, it can be changed to this way, ah, you are a veteran cadre, of course you have to speak with a bit of bureaucratic accent."

  Everyone couldn't help laughing when they heard Liu Qingshan's tone.

  Pa, someone clapped their hands vigorously: "Yes, I want this tune!"

  Liu Qingshan took a look, it was Master Shuo applauding there.

   "Then I'll give it a try." Teacher Wen is also a seasoned veteran, so of course he realized the benefits of speaking like this. After a little deliberation, he stretched out his hand and pointed at Liu Qingshan:

   "You little comrade, we are in a meeting, don't talk nonsense, ah!"

  Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then clapped their hands together. The effect was much better than before.

   Director Ying and Wen Wenshi Liang also gave their thumbs up. This proposal is really good.

   Then he continued to read the script aloud. After Comrade Fu changed his tone, he felt that the laughter suddenly increased a lot.

  Laughing and laughing on the stage, the English director and others off the stage also got together with Liu Qingshan to study.

  They originally thought that Liu Qingshan was the investor, but now their concept has completely changed: it turns out that he is also an expert, so they all want to listen to Liu Qingshan's advice.

  Of course Liu Qingshan has an idea: "It's best to invite more stars to assist in the performance, and try to invite one in each episode. It will definitely add a lot of color."

  Watching this show again in future generations, the extravagant supporting stars are simply unimaginable and even more unforgettable.

  You can never imagine that so many stars can be put together in one play.

  Like Uncle Ge's play of the **** Ji Chunsheng, it's absolutely perfect, especially when he slumps to the sofa, it's so classic.

   "In this way, I'm afraid that the shooting cost will increase?" Director Ying pushed the big glasses with his hand, and of course he must pay the star to invite the star.

  Liu Qingshan smiled: "It doesn't take much, we rely half on feelings and half on relationships, as much meaning as we need."

   Now invite a star to come and make a guest appearance, the price is really not high, only a few hundred yuan for one episode.

  For example, Uncle Ge participated in two episodes, and the final reward was 800 yuan, do you dare to think?

  So Liu Qingshan's plan is to catch all the stars and leave an unsurpassable classic for future generations.

   "Money is not a problem." Gao Lingfeng interrupted suddenly.

   It is said that literati are less important to each other. In fact, every circle is similar. Gao Lingfeng can also see that the people in the crew still have some contempt for the company and representatives under their big tree.

  So he smiled and said: "To tell you the truth, the singers of our company under the big tree have earned tens of millions of dollars in tours in Europe and America, so when filming this movie, you don't have to worry about financial issues."

   There was a sound of air-conditioning around, and in the eyes of everyone, tens of thousands of dollars is a lot of money.

  It’s like Master Shuo, who wrote a novel script or something and sold it for 18,000 yuan, which was already very remarkable at the time.

  In the industry, it is simply amazing. If you really compare it, it is nothing.

   Master Shuo clicked his lips twice, as if he wanted to say something, but in the face of the huge gap in numbers, all words were powerless.

  People can only open their mouths to tens of millions, which is still in US dollars. It really is rich and powerful.

  Especially Director Ying, his face suddenly became much more relaxed, and he felt more confident when he had money to do things.

  Gao Lingfeng is also quite satisfied with this effect: "Actually, this is nothing to Mr. Liu."

   "Mr. Liu has a film company in Hollywood. Everyone has heard of The Matrix, which was a big hit in the last two months. It was prepared by Mr. Liu's film company, and the box office is hundreds of millions of dollars."

  Damn it, everyone is completely speechless, only this sentence is left in their hearts.

   And Gao Lingfeng proceeded to the final level in a timely manner: "There is also Jurassic Park, which is currently being screened. It is also written by Mr. Liu and invested in the filming. The box office is almost one billion."

   Everyone is used to the successive blows. It feels so far away, so don't think about it.

   After a long time, Master Shuo sighed: "When will we be able to achieve this in our country?"

  He is planning to buy a building recently, but he doesn't have that much money on hand.

  In the future, it will definitely be, but at that time, Master Shuo had already passed his prime.

   "There will definitely be such a day. Everyone will persevere in the industry, and sooner or later they will be able to enjoy this kind of benefits."

  Liu Qingshan smiled and brought comfort to everyone.

   "Brother Qingshan, let's have a good chat."

  Master Shuo has never concealed his love for money. Originally, this is also a normal pursuit of people, so there is nothing to hide.

  He was really tempted. Seeing that Liu Qingshan is so much younger than himself, but can make a lot of money, and he is still making money from foreigners. This must be learned from experience.

  The whole morning was spent in the script reading meeting, and everyone felt quite familiar with it.

   At noon, we ate at the big restaurant in the film and television city. Everyone sat at several tables. The dishes were the standard four dishes and one soup.

   Liu Qingshan was also happy today, and specially asked the cafeteria to add four hard dishes.

  Old Comrade Fu pointed to the sumptuous dishes on the table and said, "This seems to be a bit beyond the standard. Don't do it like this. The tradition of hard work is still necessary. Let's not make an example, let's not make an example, ah."

   "Grandpa, they have robbed all the pork knuckles." The little fourth reminded with a smile.

  Mr. Wen hurriedly lowered his chopsticks, but came back with a big bone stick: "You guys, you are too outrageous, you don't know how to respect old comrades at all."

  In fact, Mr. Wen is only in his fifties, and his make-up is relatively old, but he has a good appetite for eating, and his appetite is not small at all.

   "Grandpa, let me be filial and leave a piece of meat for you old revolutionary." The fourth child picked up the meat that was buried in his bowl.

   "Okay, it's better to be Yuanyuan, Zhi Guo Zhi Xin, you all learn a little bit."

  Everyone is also very happy to hear it, this is really into the drama.

  In this state, the shooting in the afternoon became much smoother, and the auditorium can feel this: everything is developing in a good way.

   In this way, the centripetal force of the crew is getting stronger and stronger,

  Liu Qingshan also mobilized connections and began to recruit people. Acquaintances like Uncle Ge were naturally among the first to be recruited.

  After Uncle Ge played the role of Ji Chunsheng, the second bastard, everyone looked at Zhi Le, and the comedy effect was really useless.

  The most important thing is that they leave after the performance, and they don't even take labor fees, just eat a few meals.

  Liu Qingshan was also very sorry, before leaving, he issued a ticket to Uncle Ge, he could go to Jiapigou Shanhuo Store to pick up a box of tiger bone wine, just to honor the old man at home.

  Even Lao Jiang’s crew was invited by Liu Qingshan to play a guest role, and Director Zhang’s side was also contacted.

  Originally, the crew had a lot of contacts, and with Liu Qingshan's help, they invited them as much as they could.

  Even Chen Xiaoer and his partner were found by Liu Qingshan.

   These two are dedicated advertisers for Uni-President Food, so the relationship is naturally extraordinary.

   There are also two leading actors of the Red Chamber crew, who are currently working in Liu Qingshan's company, so it's just a matter of one sentence.

  As for the characters, there are a total of 120 episodes, and there is always a suitable character.

  Even if not, these screenwriters are all present, and now they have a first- and second-level script to catch up.

  The assistants who can come are basically a few hundred yuan in labor fees. If it is really calculated in the end, it will only increase the cost by two to three hundred thousand yuan. This is not a big deal for Dashuxia Company.

   There are still many people who say that they don’t need money, it doesn’t matter, Liu Qingshan will send shopping coupons from Jiapigou Shanhuo Store, or shopping cards from Longteng Shopping Mall.

  In short, you can't ask people to work in vain, and give them some comfort.

   In fact, the screenwriter team spent the most. The screenwriters of this show are all well-known characters, which is also the foundation of success.

  There are many bad movies in later generations, in the final analysis, it is still not possible to start from the script.

   Liu Qingshan pays more attention to this point. Instead of spending money on stars, it is better to invest more in scripts and persuasive ways.

  The singers of Dashuxia Company paid great attention to the treatment of songwriters when they were developing.

   Now involved in the film and television industry, it is also necessary to carry forward this fine tradition.

   I have to say, I love the scale of my family’s drama, which is quite large, and contains a lot of content that criticizes current events. In the future, it will definitely be 404.

  But at the time, it was passable. After all, some TV dramas reflected social reality, which was more sharp and profound than this.

  Liu Qingshan has something to do. If he has nothing to do, he will come to this crew to hang out, spanking and chatting with everyone, but it is also leisurely.

  Going home that night, Wu Tong solemnly handed a newspaper to Liu Qingshan.

  Liu Qingshan glanced at it, and then let out a long sigh. What should happen, happened after all.

  As the Iraqi army attacked the country of Kuwait, the Prince Fahd finally died for his country.

  For Liu Qingshan, he lost a good friend.

  Although he doesn't know much, he is someone Liu Qingshan respects very much.

   Wu Tong patted Liu Qingshan's arm lightly, she could feel her lover's sadness.

  Liu Qingshan nodded, this nostalgia and respect can only be kept in his heart forever.

   It wasn't until the next day that Uncle Lu, Uncle Maoer and the others came back that Liu Qingshan's mental state returned to normal.

  Because I brought a lot of things, I contacted in advance and needed to pick up the station.

  Liu Qingshan called Wang Xiaobing and Cao Xiaofei to drive two passenger cars, and he drove a car to pick up the plane together.

  Thinking about the cultural relics brought back this time, Liu Qingshan is also full of anticipation.

  (end of this chapter)

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