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Chapter 885: The point is one

  Chapter 885 focuses on one

  Liu Qingshan and his party returned home and put the treasures they brought back into storage, only to find that the treasure room was full again.

   "Xiaoshanzi, this can't work. Your museum has to be released sooner. If you guard this treasure, you won't be able to sleep well at night." The old hat master muttered.

  Li Tieniu is sincere: "Master, I see that you sleep soundly every night."

   "OK, honey, your sleep quality is really good." Emma also nodded in agreement.

   "Old lady, don't interrupt." The old hat gave Emma a look, putting on a masculine look.

  Emma didn't care, she hugged Lao Mao'er's arm and acted like a baby: "Honey, I like your temperament, you are so masculine!"

   It made Liu Qingshan and the others look down on them a little, so they hurried to get out of the way.

   There are guests at home, and the dinner is naturally extraordinarily sumptuous. There are two tables in total.

   "Second teacher, you should try this roast duck." The fourth child finished filming early today, and she was next to Emma, ​​trying to pick up vegetables.

  The little girl is very close to this foreign teacher's wife, mainly because the old hat's uncle has been alone all this time, and now that he has a companion, the little girl is happy for him.

   "Thank you, Caifeng, you eat too."

  Emma skillfully rolled a roll of roast duck for the fourth child, and rolled another for the fifth child. Look at this posture, she did not eat less before.

  The dinner table was full of fun, and even Boban was infected by this family atmosphere. He relaxed a lot, opened his belly, and ate a round belly.

  When it was time to go to bed at night, the old hat was still blah, and told Emma to go to the fourth and fifth's room to sleep together.

   In the end, Liu Qingshan stopped him: "Master, you are wrong, this is not your home, you should hurry up and lead Master's wife back to your own home."

  Old Maoer used to have two rooms of his own, but they were always empty, and they couldn't live in them at all.

  Emma also hugged Old Hat's arm, but she let it go. Seeing that, she must be sleeping with Old Hat.

  There are more and more people here. It seems that they have to move to the old house. After all, there is more space there. For now, let the old hat master go there.

   Waiting for Lao Maoer to leave with Wang Xiaobing and the others reluctantly, Liu Qingshan joked with a smile:

   "Uncle, you have to work hard, try to get me a junior brother next year."

   "I..." Old Mao didn't know what to say.

   Emma winked at Liu Qingshan, and she seemed quite interested. She was only in her thirties, and she had no problems with childbearing.

  The next day, Liu Qingshan picked up Xiaoli by car, and went to see the house together. Last night, he made a phone call.

  Go out of the city to the Asian Games Village. As the time enters mid-September, the pace of the Asian Games is getting closer and closer.

  Especially this main road leading to the Asian Games Village, full of thick Asian Games atmosphere everywhere.

  Panda Panpan’s shape can be seen everywhere, and there are many slogans along the way, which are bilingual in Chinese and English, such as "Welcome to the Capital".

   I don’t know if in another two years, it will become "Welcome to the Capital" and then "Welcome to the Capital".

   "In two days, the delegations from various countries will arrive, right?" Liu Qingshan asked Xiaoli.

  Miss Xiaoli has been in charge of the real estate construction of Longteng Group and has been in Beijing all year round, so she should be familiar with it.

   "It's almost time, the countdown to the last half month of the Asian Games has now entered."

  Xiao Li sat in the passenger seat, inserted a tape, and soon the familiar Asian heroic song sounded.

  Liu Qingshan nodded, it seems that some publicity should also start, the money from foreign friends is not for nothing.

   When the car reached Shanhaizhaijia Workshop, the car turned to the auxiliary road below and stopped.

  Xiaoli raised her hand and pointed to the west side of the road. The original jewelry processing factory could no longer be seen because it was blocked by two buildings to the back.

   "This building is going to be a jewelry building for wholesale and retail of various accessories." Xiao Li pointed to a building and said.

  This Liu Qingshan knew that it was already in the plan, so he pointed to another building: "What's there for?"

   "There is no project yet, and it can be rented out." Xiaoli explained with a smile.

  Liu Qingshan couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and decided to go over and have a look. He was still looking for a place to open a private museum in the Forty-Nine City, forgetting that his own home was also under construction.

  The first floor of the building is the hall. Looking at the area, Liu Qingshan feels very satisfied. It is several thousand square meters, and it is no problem to be a museum.

  And there is a basement below, which can be converted into a storage room.

  There are several floors above and several small halls, which are also good for special exhibitions.

  Liu Qingshan became more and more satisfied the more he looked at it: "There is no need to rent out, I have rented out this building!"

  However, if it is used as a museum, it needs to be rebuilt, mainly in terms of security, which needs to be further strengthened.

   It is also necessary to order a large number of showcases and recruit security personnel.

   This is the easiest way to recruit veterans with the highest quality.

   Moreover, it is not far from the urban area, and it is not far from the film and television city, and there is also a science and technology park opposite, which can form an industrial circle.

  Seeing Liu Qingshan nodding frequently, Xiaoli also smiled: "If you want to rent Qingshan, the price can't be cheap. Our real estate department has never had any income."

  Longteng's real estate department has been in and out for the past few years. Of course, there is no income. Xiaoli spends a lot of money every year, and now she is desperate to make money.

  Liu Qingshan waved his hand: "Then I won't rent it anymore, I will buy this building."

   After all, it is a private museum, belonging to Liu Qingshan's own industry, and cannot be confused with Longteng Company.

  As the company continued to grow and grow, Liu Qingshan also consciously divested his own assets slowly.

   "Okay, then we brothers and sisters will settle the accounts clearly. The development of this building cost a total of more than 20 million yuan. I will give Qingshan you the cost price."

  Of course, Xiaoli can't blackmail Liu Qingshan's money, this deal, at most, is not a loss.

   "How can I do that?" Liu Qingshan shook his head straight, "In this business, it is normal to earn twice as much; if you have a solid relationship, you can earn 50%; if you sell at cost price, it is equivalent to a loss."

  So dark? Xiaoli blinked, it seemed that she didn't know enough about this industry.

  Liu Qingshan also lamented: "If a real estate developer is as kind-hearted as you, those ordinary people who buy houses will be blessed."

  Speaking of which, Xiaoli still won't make money from Liu Qingshan.

   In terms of rebuilding the museum, Liu Qingshan only knew superficially, so he simply entrusted Xiaoli directly to ask her to help find professionals to carry out the construction.

  In addition to the beautiful atmosphere, the key point is one: safety must be ensured.

  Xiaoli wrote down one by one, and then the two drove to the other side of the main road.

   Several buildings have risen here, and they are still under construction in the distance. Look at it, the area is estimated to exceed a thousand acres.

   "Qingshan, according to your plan, the Jade Bird Science and Technology Park will be built here, isn't it a bit too big?" Xiao Li pointed to the empty space and said.

  Jingniao Science and Technology Park is a big project of Liu Qingshan. Originally, he just wanted to build a few laboratories, such as lithium battery laboratories.

   But later, Lao Xiao, who was in charge of the Longteng Aid Society in the United States, called and said that the first batch of funded international students were about to return to China, and asked Liu Qingshan to take over.

  At present, the returning international students mainly join universities or national scientific research units, and few of them start their own businesses independently.

  The large-scale tide will not be formed until after the second speech next year.

  Joining a university, the salary is too low, earning a salary of several hundred yuan.

  If you join a scientific research institution, it is more common to discuss seniority on the spot, and the overall scientific research level is relatively backward.

  The most important thing is that the autonomy is not strong. If you want to study something on your own, it is useless.

   It is this situation that has caused many international students to go out and never come back.

  In developed countries, with high salaries and relatively free research projects, it is easy to give full play to their strengths and obtain achievements.

  Since Liu Qingshan subsidizes these overseas students, he just wants them to return to China to make contributions. If all of them live unsatisfactorily, then I feel a little sorry for them.

  So Liu Qingshan came up with an idea: to establish a large-scale scientific research center to create good scientific research conditions for these returned overseas students.

  Although the investment is larger, once the results are converted, it can create great wealth.

  Of course, this is also a voluntary choice of international students: Liu Qingshan does not stop those who are willing to stay in the system; Liu Qingshan welcomes those who come to the science and technology park.

   Just like the Jade Bird mobile phone in the past two years, although there was no output in the early stage, hundreds of millions of funds were invested.

  But once the mobile phone is developed, it will represent billions or tens of billions of benefits.

  Liu Qingshan is well aware of the future direction: the proportion of technology transforming wealth is getting higher and higher, so he has to plan ahead.

  In the past, the most worrying thing was the lack of research talents, but with the return of a large number of international students, why worry about it?

  Xiaoli didn't know Liu Qingshan's overall plan, so she felt that this place was a bit empty.

  Liu Qingshan shook his head: "This is far from enough, Xiaoli, if you have time, go to the district and try to get some more land. It's up to you to make up your own mind."

   Want more?

  Xiao Li was a bit puzzled, but the executives of Longteng Company knew one thing: listen to Mr. Liu, you must be right.

  In terms of strategic vision, other people may not be able to reach the height of Mr. Liu when they are bundled together.

   Liu Qingshan was drawing a grand blueprint in his mind, when he saw several cars driving past, heading straight for the laboratory building not far away.

  There is currently the only institution settled in the science and technology park: lithium battery research and development center.

   It’s not easy. Originally in the dilapidated Wapenyao Village, in dilapidated houses, the world’s most advanced lithium battery was developed.

  This time, the shotgun was finally changed and moved to a brand new laboratory.

   "Go, let's go and have a look."

  Liu Qingshan was a little curious when he saw that there seemed to be foreign guests in the car just now.

  The Lithium Battery Research Center has just moved here. It is heavily guarded, surrounded by a large circle of iron fences, and there are many eye-catching signs hanging:

   They are all "no smoking" and "dangerous, please do not approach".

  In the four corners of the courtyard, there is also a small two-story building for looking out.

   This is definitely not a decoration. Liu Qingshan saw that there are veterans standing guard in every small building.

  Looking in through the iron fence, because I just moved here and there is no plan in the yard, so I look over a flat river.

  Wait until spring and autumn, then transplant some trees and shrubs, plant lawn flowers, and make greening.

  The door was closed tightly, and the four veterans in the guard room inside were negotiating with the visitors.

  Longteng company's guards are all uniformly dressed, especially the lithium battery laboratory. They have applied to their superiors and are even equipped with firearms. They are definitely not decorations.

  In this group, there were really five or six foreigners looking around curiously.

   There were two foreigners with cameras hanging around their necks.

  Liu Qingshan also got out of the car and came to the front, and heard two staff members in suits talking to the guard inside:

   "We are from the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade. This is our certificate. Today we mainly bring foreign guests to visit."

  Captain Zhao, who was in charge of the security at the gate, took a look at the ID, and then said with a serious face: "Report to Comrade Wang, we refuse to visit here."

   Secretary Wang, who led the team, couldn't help being a little annoyed: "This is an order from the ministry, and you must carry it out!"

  Captain Zhao still has a sullen face: "Comrade Wang, this is an important scientific research institution. Without the order of our company director, outsiders are strictly prohibited from entering. Please understand and support our work."

   Secretary Wang felt a bit like a scholar meeting a soldier, so he could only wave his hand impatiently: "Then call your leaders."

   "Don't shout, just talk to me about anything."

  Liu Qingshan walked up cheerfully. Captain Zhao is a veteran of the border guards. When he saw Liu Qingshan, his eyes lit up and he saluted: "Mr. Liu, you are here!"

   Secretary Wang looked at Liu Qingshan, and then smiled all over his face: "So it's Comrade Liu Qingshan, hello, hello."

  In the officialdom, they generally pay more attention to the news, so they naturally know about this top ten outstanding youths.

  Liu Qingshan reached out and shook hands with the other party: "Hello, the situation here is quite special, so it cannot be opened to the outside world, Comrade Wang, you understand."

  During foreign affairs activities, some institutions are not allowed to visit inside. Since Secretary Wang is a comrade of the Ministry of Foreign Trade, he should be familiar with this discipline.

  So Liu Qingshan has reason to suspect that this guy may have ulterior motives.

  Secretary Wang's face was neither red nor white, and he smiled: "Mr. Liu, this is also a strong request from foreign guests. These are representatives of Motorola in Asia."

   "This is Mr. Wilson, President of Asia. Their company wants to purchase your lithium batteries, so the Ministry sent us to negotiate."


  Liu Qingshan's thoughts changed sharply, and he suddenly became concerned, and then stretched out his hand to that Wilson:

  "Hello, Mr. Wilson, welcome to visit, but if you want to visit, we can go to the factory that produces lithium batteries, and there is no need here."

  Visit the factory, if you are interested, you can discuss cooperation, this is the normal process.

  But if you come to the laboratory, people will doubt your intentions.

  Peers in the same industry are enemies, and the competition between each other is sometimes even crueler than a bayonet.

  Liu Qingshan is well aware of the barriers set up by those developed countries in later generations, and now it is finally his turn to set up barriers, and of course he must guard against thieves.

  Want to visit the lab, no way!

  (end of this chapter)

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