Hello 1983

Chapter 904: A rare drunk in life

  Chapter 904 A rare drunk in life

  The serious appearance of the little six made Liu Qingshan a little confused: Ear award, whether there is a small eye award, I guess you will definitely win the top three.

  Liu Qingshan looked up at Wu Tong, Wu Tong couldn't help but laugh too.

  Since this matter involves Writer Lu, Liu Qingshan basically has some guesses, so he asked with a smile: "Sixth, is it Nobel?"

   "Yes, this is it."

  Little Six finally remembered.

   "Haha, this is the name of a scientist, don't make any mistakes with the six sons in the future."

  Liu Qingshan was also overjoyed, picked up Little Six, and kissed her on the face: Finally, this day has come!

   Putting down the little six sons, Liu Qingshan rushed to Wu Tong again, and kissed him: "Haha, Brother Wang finally got his wish!"

   Not only did Lu writer get his wish, this news also fulfilled the dream of the Chinese people for decades.

  Especially at present, Chinese people attach great importance to national honor and have the strongest sense of national pride.

  Thinking about future generations, if the first award-winning writer is so loved, let alone at this stage, the whole country will be delighted.

  Liu Qingshan's heart is also full of a sense of accomplishment, because he has always been a participant in this matter.

   "How did you get the news, can you make a mistake?" Liu Qingshan asked Wu Tong.

  Wu Tong also had a sweet smile on his face: "It shouldn't be wrong. It was from the Writers Association, who called directly to the village."

  Liu Qingshan nodded. The Nobel Prize is basically announced in October and awarded in December.

  At this moment, in Jiapigou, the villagers have already started to carnival.

  Writer Lu was lifted up by the villagers and thrown into the sky with all his strength, his glasses didn't know where they fell.

   "This award sounds amazing, it must be better than winning the gold medal in the Asian Games!" Zhang Dashuai's bald head seemed to be extraordinarily bright because of his excitement.

  Zhang Ganzi snorted: "Let's not talk about the Asian Games, it's even better than winning gold medals in the Olympics."

   "One Olympic Games, you can win several gold medals. I heard that no one in our country has ever won this award. Old Wang, what award did you win? I can't remember it?"

  Writer Lu was finally put down by the enthusiastic crowd. He muttered, "Where are my glasses, where are my glasses?"

   "This is it."

  Da Zhang Luo handed over the glasses, "Old Wang, I'm really sorry, I didn't look at it just now, and I stepped on the temple of the glasses. It's okay, I will find you an elastic band later, and it will work just as well."

  Writer Lu waved his hand: "It's okay, it's okay, just change another pair."

   "Yes, get a new one. I have heard that this Nobel prize is higher than our Jiapigou Literature Prize." Zhang Ganzi yelled again.

  Dashuai Zhang became impatient when he heard this, and wiped his bald head vigorously: "That's not acceptable, the price of our Jiapigou Literature Prize has also increased, and it must exceed this Nobel Prize!"

  However, it is not easy to exceed it. The prize money of the Nobel Prize was initially 30,000 US dollars, and then the prize money continued to increase. In the 1970s, it reached more than 200,000 US dollars, which is already quite impressive.

   Entering the 1990s, the prize money surged to 6 million crowns, worth millions of dollars.

   Since then, it has gradually increased to 10 million crowns, which has exceeded one million US dollars.

  Writer Lu was equally excited. He waved his arms vigorously: "The prize money for our Jiapigou Literary Award should indeed be increased."

   "All the prize money I won this time will be donated to our Jiapigou Literature Award!"

   "Good!" The villagers applauded thunderously. They had long regarded Lao Wang as a member of Jiapigou.

  Writer Lu’s mood was also very exciting. It was the Jiapigou Literature Award that changed his life.

  The 50,000 yuan bonus allowed him to completely get rid of financial troubles, and also saved his family, allowing him to devote himself to creation.

  So he is very grateful to this small mountain village and to the Jiapigou Literature Award.

  The best way to repay this small mountain village is to donate the prize money you have won, so that more people who have the same experience as yourself can benefit.

  This is the feeling of writer Lu, and it is also the unique feeling of people in this era.

  Their thoughts and behaviors have not been corrupted by money and fame, each has its own unique personality charm.

   "Okay, Lao Wang, you have this kind of intention, we can't just look at Jiapigou, and the cooperative will use some funds to reward award-winning writers!"

  The old branch secretary also expressed his opinion that the public accumulation in cooperatives is now too much, and several million can still be taken out.

  Dashuai Zhang is also excited: "Such a big happy event, we must kill a pig to celebrate, pole, pole, don't run away, catch the pig!"

   "I'm just guessing, there must be another brother who wants to sacrifice, my life." Zhang Ganzi didn't run away, so Da Zhang Luo grabbed his collar and could only look up to the sky and sigh.

  Liu Qingshan at the wild vegetable factory also received a call from the village. Since the village slaughtered pigs, he should not have dinner at the wild vegetable factory and simply led Wang Zhenguo and others back to the village.

  As well as these experts from the pharmaceutical factory, they were also invited to come. There was no room for two cars, and there happened to be small four wheels for delivering mountain goods.

   "Brother Wang, haha, congratulations for getting what you want!" Liu Qingshan hugged Writer Lu and spun around a few times vigorously.

   Then I realized that Writer Lu’s glasses are very unique. Without the temples, half of the elastic band is tied on the back to cover the back of the head.

   "Qingshan, the person who should be most grateful is you!"

  Writer Lu was a little dizzy. He wanted to pat Liu Qingshan on the shoulder, but in the end he patted him on the forehead.

  He knows best in his heart, if there is no help from Liu Qingshan, if he finds a professional team for translation and promotion, how can he have international influence?

  Liu Qingshan smiled and waved his hands: "Brother Wang, let's not talk about this, do we have to change our glasses, don't wear them when receiving awards."

   "It was stepped on just now!" Everyone laughed together.

  Liu Qingshan saw Gao Wenxue also happily standing beside Writer Lu, there was no jealousy in his eyes, only the joy of being a good friend.

  So he walked up and said with a smile: "Brother-in-law, come on, the next one may be you."

  Gao Wenxue pushed his glasses hard with his hand: "I will!"

   Afterwards, Liu Qingshan introduced Wang Zhenguo and the others. As for the experts from the pharmaceutical factory, they usually come to Jiapigou to eat and drink, and they are basically acquaintances.

  It’s like Mason, who doesn’t look outside at all. He went into the garden to pick a few tomatoes just now, and he’s eating them.

  Wang Zhenguo also heard about winning the Nobel Prize, and he has also read The Ordinary World.

   Never imagined that the author actually lives in this small mountain village. Isn’t he from the northern part of Shaanxi? Why did he come to the northeast?

  Wang Zhenguo now has only one thought in his mind: This place really is a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger.

  Several foreign experts also came forward to express their congratulations. As the highest standard award in the world, the winners will naturally be respected by the whole world.

   After the greetings were over, they went directly to the team headquarters. In the yard, a big fat pig had been cleaned up on the chopping board.

  Every household is dividing the meat. Each household, according to the size of the population, carries three catties and five catties back, which is enough to eat.

  In the cauldron in the cafeteria, the pork bones have been put on top, and large pieces of pork belly are also thrown into the pot.

   All the big pots were used, the four big elbows were all braised, and the heart, liver, intestines, etc. were all boiled.

  Two ribs are also stewed with soaked morels.

  In addition, with wild vegetables such as mushrooms and fresh truffles, the dinner is very rich.

   There are ten tables in the cafeteria, and a lot of young and old people from the village came, basically one or two representatives from each family.

  Everyone gathered together to celebrate Lu's award-winning writer.

   Only Zhang Ganzi was a little dissatisfied, and shouted:

   "I counted with my fingers just now. From the beginning of the new year to now, whenever there is a happy event, pigs are slaughtered. Whenever there is a happy event, pigs are killed. Twenty-five pigs have been slaughtered. My brothers have suffered heavy losses."

   After finishing speaking, he gnawed **** the big bone stick in his hand, tore off a piece of meat, and chewed it in his mouth.

   "You can pull it down, when you eat, you taste better than anyone else." Da Zhang Luo revealed the old story beside him.

   "I'm turning grief into strength." Zhang Ganzi dealt with it.

  Dashuai Zhang took over the conversation: "I see you are turning grief into appetite."

  If so many pigs are killed in a year, if two or three pigs are killed in a month, there will be basically no more meat.

  Wang Zhenguo and Dr. Wu sighed in their hearts as they ate: It is really enviable to see how people live these days.

  Although pork has not been in short supply in the past two years as it was in previous years, no one eats meat regularly, so they just open up to eat a few meals during the Chinese New Year.

   And it’s not just meat, look at the dishes on the table, fresh fish, mountain delicacies, venison, wild geese... things that fly in the sky, things that run on the ground, things that swim in the water, things that grow on the mountains, everything is missing.

  It’s impossible to compare, it’s impossible to compare, so let’s eat first.

  Drink until dark, and the banquet ended.

   As the protagonist of today's banquet, Writer Lu drank too much for the first time.

   There is no way not to be too many. If you offer a cup, he will offer a cup, which cannot stand the crowd.

  Liu Qingshan called a few young men, carried Writer Lu home, put him on the kang, and said: "Sister Wang, I am happy today, I drank more, take good care of me at night."

   "It's rare to be drunk in life..." Writer Lu mumbled unconsciously.

  Liu Qingshan was also full of emotion in his heart: Yes, Writer Lu has endured too much suffering and pressure, which made him turn into a butterfly.

  Many times, the hardships in life are also wealth.

  The next day, Liu Qingshan got up for morning exercises as usual, and the master came back, of course he had to go up the mountain.

  The mute grandpa led the little six sons back to the wooden house on the mountain last night.

  As a registered disciple, Wang Zhenguo also followed, apparently to discuss the prescription with the master.

  When Liu Qingshan ran up the mountain, the dumb grandfather also led the little six up, and was standing in front of the wooden carving.

  Big Bear also pretended to stand behind Little Six, raised his two front paws, and Liu Qingshan wanted to laugh: Is this also practicing?

   But Big Bear was obviously not paying attention, and his small eyes kept aiming at Little Six's pockets.

  Wang Zhenguo also got up, yawning, apparently chatting with Master late last night.

  However, his face was full of excitement. Needless to say, his prescription must have been greatly improved with the help of the dumb grandfather.

   "Little brother, next time you go to the United States, please call me." Wang Zhenguo said happily when he saw Liu Qingshan.

   "That will definitely have to wait until the next year. Old Wang, you should conduct experiments in the provincial hospital first, and write down the cases in detail."

  Liu Qingshan knows that the United States sees people with colored glasses, so it must be convincing.

  Wang Zhenguo nodded. He had already established his goal: just like Master did in treating AIDS, using facts to make those arrogant foreigners bow their heads.

  After the morning exercise, Liu Qingshan ate breakfast on the mountain, porridge and wild vegetables, indifferently, containing the simplest way of nature.

  When going down the mountain, Wang Zhenguo went back to the village with him. He wanted to go to the provincial capital immediately to try new medicines.

  In his backpack, there are a few thick manuscripts, all of which are accumulated by the dumb grandfather over the years, and he needs to go back and experience them carefully.

When    and Liu Qingshan parted, Wang Zhenguo asked Liu Qingshan for his opinion: "Little brother, should I ask Master to name this medicine?"

   "Old Wang, this is mainly your research result, it is equivalent to your own child, it is better for you to name it yourself."

  Liu Qingshan knows the temperament of the master, so he doesn't care about these false names at all.

  Wang Zhenguo also understood what Liu Qingshan meant, and felt more magnanimous in his heart. He waved goodbye to Liu Qingshan, and set foot on the way home with that Doctor Wu.

  For him, coming to Jiapigou this time has gained a lot, not only making breakthroughs in anti-cancer drugs that have been studied for many years.

   More importantly, thanks to the dumb grandfather as a teacher, I have a deeper understanding of character.

  In the next two days, Jiapigou became lively. The news that Writer Lu won the literary award quickly attracted the attention of the media after it fermented.

  Songjiang Daily had the advantage of being close to the water, so they dispatched an interview team first, led by Lu Xiaolong's sister, Lu Xiaofeng, of course.

   Then the reporters from the provincial newspaper also came, and finally even Lin Zizhou brought the reporters from the People's Newspaper.

  With Lin Zizhou's current status, of course he doesn't have to run away in person. He mainly wants to visit Jiapigou, and he has too much affection for this small mountain village.

  Wave after wave of interviews annoyed Writer Lu. After being interviewed by the People's Newspaper, he and Gao Wenxue played disappearing together.

  The reporters who arrived later could not find anyone at all. When they asked people in the village, they all said that the two had gone out.

  The information is not smooth these days, where can I find it?

  Now that they are here, the reporter is of course not reconciled, so he interviews the villagers. At least he can collect more anecdotes about the writers.

   "What the hell, you ask what Lao Wang likes? I know this best. Lao Wang likes to eat my pork the most. He can write such a good book because he eats my pork."

  The reporter looked at the middle-aged man in front of him, foaming from his mouth in vernacular, not sure how credible his words were.

   Let’s interview another villager, this is a short man with a big bald head: "Tell me, fellow, how does Writer Lu usually work so diligently?"

   "Diligent, who said Lao Wang is diligent, this guy, he gets up late every day."

  This answer also left the reporter speechless: These villagers seem to be unreliable.

   It is better to interview the old party secretary in the village. Older people are sure to be accurate.

   "You said Lao Wang, Lao Wang is a fastidious person, and he has decided to donate all the prize money to our Jiapigou Literature Award."

  Looking at the old party secretary happily smacking the small cigarette pouch, the reporters sighed in their hearts: It was not easy, and they finally discovered valuable news.

  Winners donate prize money, this is good, the glorious image of the writer will rise up at once.

  Then I heard the old party secretary continue to say: "Our village can't ask Lao Wang to take the money himself, so let's make a regulation, and when the time comes, we will take more from Lao Wang."

  The reporter was a little dizzy: "Comrade Party Secretary, do you know how high the prize money of the Nobel Prize is?"

  The old branch secretary waved his hand: "It's less than one million dollars, it's okay, our village can afford it."

  The reporters all looked at each other in blank dismay: The people in this village seem to be really unreliable.

  (end of this chapter)

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