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Chapter 906: Strict teachers lead to outstanding apprentices

  Chapter 906 Strict teachers lead to outstanding apprentices

  The day after seeing off Field Manager Lu and the old branch secretary, Liu Qingshan drove to the county to attend the inauguration ceremony of the No. 1 Middle School teaching building.

  The ceremony was very grand. All the teachers and students of the school stood neatly on the playground, looking at the brand new teaching building excitedly.

  County leaders also came to participate. Liu Qingshan saw many old friends, including Secretary Wang, and Lao Zhou, etc. Naturally, it was a good time to exchange pleasantries.

  In the past two years, Bishui County has developed fairly well, with the pillar industry of Uni-President Food, which has greatly solved the employment problem of the county staff.

  However, many enterprises and factories are facing transformation, and a bigger change is already brewing.

  People are in good spirits on happy occasions, and the bearded headmaster is also very energetic today. He even hung his beard on purpose, making him look much younger.

  At eight o'clock in the morning, Principal Xu invited the leaders of all parties to sit on the rostrum.

  The rostrum is a row of tables covered with red flannelette.

  Secretary Wang and the others insisted on letting Liu Qingshan sit in the middle, they were all fellow villagers, Liu Qingshan was ashamed, and finally sat on the side next to Principal Xu.

  Principal Xu presided over the meeting. According to the usual practice, it was naturally the leader's speech.

  First, the leaders of the Education Bureau spoke, then the leaders of the county, and the finale was arranged by Liu Qingshan.

  Liu Qingshan stood up and bowed, then held the microphone in his hand: "Hello, leaders, teachers, and students."

   There was warm applause, and the teachers and students all knew how the building was built.

   "I'll just stand up and say this, because standing below is my teacher. The No. 1 Middle School is my alma mater. Teachers, you will always be my teacher."

  Liu Qingshan bowed again, the applause became more enthusiastic, and the teachers also applauded vigorously.

  As a teacher, I like those students who still remember them after leaving the campus.

Liu Qingshan's speech continued: "Due to some reasons, my time in the classroom is limited, so I feel that I owe our school too much, so I thought of this way to make up for it, hoping to create a better future for the students. learning environment."

  Many people had smiles on their faces, because there were many stories about Liu Qingshan circulating on campus.

  Especially these students like to discuss gossip.

  In their minds, Brother Liu Qingshan is their best role model.

"Our country is undergoing reform and opening up. This will be a major change that has never been seen before. Each of us, in the midst of such a major change, should work hard and gather everyone's strength to make our country become stronger..."

  Liu Qingshan knows that the lack of information now limits the imagination of the students. They don't know what the real world looks like.

  So Liu Qingshan tried to use an objective and fair attitude to introduce the current development of the world, the development of the country, and the development of individuals.

  He wants to broaden the horizons of these young students as much as possible, so as to really inspire the students' learning motivation.

   "Finally, I would like to send a word to my juniors and younger sisters, keep the motherland in mind, look at the world, and study for the rise of China!"

  The endless applause expressed the students' gratitude and respect to Liu Qingshan: It turns out that the outside world is so vast and wonderful.

  Everyone has a clearer goal in mind.

  Not only the students, but also the people present, in terms of broad vision and knowledge, no one can compare with Liu Qingshan.

  So even the leaders of the county have received some inspiration.

   Principal Xu also applauded vigorously. He has already made a decision in his heart:

   Hang the eight words "with the motherland in mind and the world in mind" above the blackboard in each class to motivate students all the time.

  After attending the ceremony, the county leaders hosted a banquet in the guest house for Liu Qingshan.

  This is a must to participate in. It is an old relationship that needs to be maintained from time to time.

  After finishing this task, Liu Qingshan's mission to return to his hometown is basically completed.

   Time has also entered November, and Liu Qingshan is also preparing to pack up and return to the capital.

   It's just that there are a lot of things that need to be cleaned up this time.

  His plan is to transport all the antiques in the Dinosaur Fossil Museum to the capital, and the museum over there, after the reconstruction during this period, is almost ready.

  Building the museum earlier will be more conducive to the conservation of cultural relics.

  After years of collection, there are more than 12,000 pieces of antiques here. Even if they are all packaged, it is still a big project.

   There is no other way, Liu Qingshan can only transfer Uncle Lu, Uncle Lao Maoer and Wang Xiaobing from the capital, and even Bai Erye led Zhang Chunyu to help.

   Just in time, Zhang Chunyu also went home to have a look.

  When Uncle Lu came, he invited two helpers, both of whom are professionals in the museum, and they had good acquaintances.

  Liu Qingshan has been worrying for the past two days. At the beginning, the more things he collected, the better. Now, after sorting out, he realizes that there are too many things, which is really troublesome.

  Just all kinds of cartons and wooden boxes have to be shipped back from the county by several trucks, and foam boards and other fillers are also needed.

  When Uncle Lu and the others arrived at the Dinosaur Fossil Museum, they saw Liu Qingshan leading more than 20 people, busy there.

  There is also Gu Junshan, a researcher at the museum, who also leads a few people to help here.

  All of them sat on the small benches and packed the antiques. After packing, they also had to affix labels and record numbers.

   "The rain is coming in time!"

  Liu Qingshan straightened his waist and wanted to stand up, but he sat for too long, his legs were numb, he staggered, and almost fell down.

   "You are still a martial arts practitioner." Old Mao'er snorted twice.

  Liu Qingshan stretched his legs and feet, and then stepped forward to salute: "Second Lord, I've been tossing you all the time."

   He shook hands with two museum experts again: "Welcome Researcher Li, sorry for the trouble."

   As for the other young fat man, Liu Qingshan is even more familiar: "Mr. Jin, you have worked hard all the way."

   "Don't call me teacher, you can still call me Xiaojin." Fatty Jin and Liu Qingshan are about the same age, and have had contact with each other before, so of course he didn't dare to trust him, so he said cheerfully:

   "I'm okay, I'm a fleshy body, and I'm not afraid of being bumped in a car."

  Liu Qingshan nodded: "Okay, then I will trouble Researcher Li and Big Brother Jin."

  Those two said a few words of politeness, they didn’t help this time for nothing, and they also got labor fees.

  Second Master Bai is also straightforward: "Leave the painting and calligraphy to us. It's best to draw a box with each painting, and ship it flat. Even good paintings are afraid of being rolled."

   "You'd better take a rest first, and start tomorrow." Liu Qingshan was worried that the old man would be tired all the way.

  Er Ye waved his hand: "I won't come if I'm afraid of trouble, and I will work when I come."

   Liu Qingshan has no choice but to work hard to do a good job in logistics.

   Seeing that the old man is working hard, the two experts are not lazy.

  Researcher Li said: "Let's start working too. There are quite a lot of things, but some of them are not on the table, so there is no need for such elaborate packaging."

  In the eyes of professionals, especially in this era, some things are not antiques.

  The demarcation line at that time was the objects after the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, so they were not considered antiques.

  Uncle Lu knew that most of the things here were collected by them, so he replied with a smile: "Let's bother more."

  Researcher Li was still a little puzzled, but after he had a few items in his hands, he finally understood: the things here are basically high-quality goods.

   "This big pot is so beautiful, huh? It can't be Yuan blue and white, right?" Fatty Jin exclaimed, attracting Researcher Li.

  Looking at the huge blue and white jar with exquisite patterns, especially the main picture, the grandpa is fishing, and King Wen is visiting the virtuous, which is very lively and vivid.

   "Good thing, really good thing!" Researcher Li's main item was porcelain, and he immediately fell into it, unable to extricate himself. After looking at it for more than an hour, his eyes were straight.

  Old Mao'er curled his lips: "I invite you to help with work, not to admire."

  But these words must be in vain, because Researcher Li is completely deaf to him. For him, all the disturbances from the outside world are blocked by his brain.

   "Yuan Qinghua, there is no doubt that it is Yuan Qinghua!" Researcher Li yelled fiercely, startling those who packed it.

  The utensil in a young girl's hand clattered and fell to the ground.

   Fortunately, it is not a fragile product such as porcelain and jade, but a wood carving.

  Researcher Li was still yelling there: "Yuan blue and white big pot, no one has been found in China so far, this is a country's most important weapon, and it must be escorted by a special car!"

   With the size of this big tank, you should really enjoy this kind of treatment.

  However, there are too many good things. If one item is one car, Liu Qingshan probably needs to buy a hundred or eighty cars.

   "Lao Li, calm down, calm down." Uncle Lu comforted the other party with a smile.

  The old hat murmured: "We have another one in the capital, it's nothing unusual."

and also?

  Researcher Li was completely stunned. He originally thought that most of the places here were worthless rags, and he didn't really want to come here.

  Who would have expected that this place does not show mountains and dews, and there are really treasures hidden here.

  Researcher Li immediately corrected his mentality, no longer underestimated, and said solemnly: "These porcelains are too expensive, I should pack them myself."

   "Then you can be busy." The old hat said hey twice, he knew best the quantity of porcelain here, which basically accounted for one-third.

   At the same time, on the other side of the hall, Second Master Bai led Zhang Chunyu and was also busy on two large tables.

  Most of Liu Qingshan's calligraphy and paintings were restored by Bai Erye, so he is most familiar with them.

  Even so, seeing these treasures that are mostly made by famous masters, Second Master Bai is still very careful.

   "Second Master, take a break and drink some tea here." Liu Qingshan and Wu Tong turned into support staff.

   On a coffee table in the corner, there is tea and fruit.

  Second Master Bai straightened his waist, pounded his hands for a while, and then slowly strolled over to drink tea: "Xiao Shanzi, you have collected good things in recent years, it's not bad."

  As a cultural relic restoration expert, of course, he has an incomparable love for cultural relics, so Bai Erye is very pleased.

   "It's not everyone's help." Liu Qingshan passed an apple to Bai Erye, and Wu Tong had already peeled it.

   "Half is enough, Chun Yu, you can eat too, don't worry, I will definitely let you go home in the evening."

  Second Master Bai is really kind to this precious apprentice, and he can see that Zhang Chunyu is eager to return.

  Zhang Chunyu nodded, and filled Master's teacup again.

   After chatting for a while, Erye Bai saw that there were two square wooden boxes in the cabinet next to him, and he couldn't help but feel a little strange: "There are also paintings and calligraphy in there?"

  His framed works, whether they are banners or vertical scrolls, are mostly rectangular, and there seems to be no square ones in my memory.

   Liu Qingshan couldn't help but blinked twice, feeling a little tangled in his heart.

  Looking over there, other people are far away from the calligraphy and painting area, so he lowered his voice: "Second Master, you should calm down for a while, don't make any noise."

  Second Master Bai has been in this business for most of his life, so of course he knows that most of the things come from wrong sources.

  The old man couldn't help frowning, feeling a little dissatisfied in his heart, he didn't want Liu Qingshan to engage in crooked ways.

  And Liu Qingshan carefully carried the box out, placed it on the tea table, opened the lid, and untied the outer protection, revealing an antique color painting on silk.

  The half apple in Bai Erye's hand fell directly to the ground. The old man blinked vigorously, his eyes full of disbelief:

   "This, this is impossible!"

   "Old man, keep quiet." Liu Qingshan quickly reminded.

  Er Bai returned to his senses, nodded slightly, glanced over there, and didn't notice their side, then the old man stood up suddenly, took out the magnifying glass, and leaned over to carefully look at the picture of red hibiscus.

   Restoration experts are, to some extent, even more powerful than appraisers.

  Because they have disassembled too many cultural relics in their hands, they know more details than appraisers.

   Zhang Chunyu supported Master behind him. Of course he also knew the origin of this famous painting, and glanced at Liu Qingshan in amazement from time to time.

  Red and white hibiscus picture, as long as anyone in the industry knows that this thing is collected in the island country.

   But now, right in front of my eyes, it is unbelievable.

  If Zhang Chunyu was not familiar with Liu Qingshan and knew that he would not do anything he was not sure of, he would definitely have decided that the painting in front of him was a fake.


  Er Bai let out a long breath, looked up at Liu Qingshan, nodded slightly, his eyes were full of smiles.

  Seeing Master's expression, Zhang Chunyu was agitated instead, shaking his body a few times, his brain was a little dizzy due to lack of oxygen.

  Liu Qingshan helped him, and Bai Erye gave his apprentice a look: "The old guy can bear it, but the young man almost stumbled. Chun Yu, the heart still needs to be honed!"

  Even though Second Master Bai is usually closer to his apprentice than his son, but when it's time for training, he will never be polite.

  Strict teachers produce excellent apprentices, this is the reason.

   "Yes, Master." Zhang Chunyu bowed his head to be taught.

  Second Master Bai turned to Liu Qingshan, his eyes filled with relief.

  At the beginning, Bai Erye was still pissed, complaining that Liu Qingshan shouldn't get such an unknown thing.

  But this painting is different. It belongs to the returning national treasure, and it was returned from the hands of a little devil. Besides being gratified, Second Master Bai is still gratified.

  He raised his hand and patted Liu Qingshan's shoulder lightly: "Xiao Shanzi, you have done a good deed, it's really gratifying!"

  At this time, suddenly there was an abrupt voice: "Hey, who imitated the red hibiscus picture, can it be fake?"

  (end of this chapter)

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