Hello 1983

Chapter 917: be patient when fishing

  Chapter 917 Be patient when fishing

   At four o'clock in the afternoon, the grand awards ceremony at the Stockholm Concert Hall officially kicked off.

  At the moment, live TV broadcasts are not so popular, so there are not too many countries and regions where the broadcasts are broadcast, and the reports are mainly based on reporters.

   Unlike decades later, you can watch live broadcasts on the Internet.

  In the middle of the front stage, there is a bronze bust of Mr. Nobel, with a flower basket on both sides.

  The gladiolus and lilies in the flower basket are white and yellow, solemn and solemn.

  These flowers were transported by air from San Remo, because Mr. Nobel lived there for a long time in his later years, and finally passed away there.

  On the stage, there are several rows of seats arranged in a circle. The members of the awards committee are at the back, and the front row is specially prepared for the winners. This is their glory.

  At this moment, all the winners of this year's awards are already seated. Writer Lu is sitting there, with black hair and yellow skin, which is particularly eye-catching.

  On the other side, there are several gold and blue seats, which are the seats of the royal family members.

  Behind the stage, there is a band, and they are responsible for all the music performances throughout the awards ceremony.

  Among the solemn and soothing music, the audience stood up, because members of the royal family appeared on the stage, led by the king, followed by several heirs in line.

  Among them, Grace was just behind the king, wearing a blue evening dress and a Tiara on her head, which is the kind of hooped crown with diamonds on it.

  Grace smiled at Yan Yan, with elegant manners and noble temperament. This is a real princess.

  The corners of Liu Qingshan's mouth also curled up slightly: Unexpectedly, I hired a princess as my attendant.

  Wait until the members of the royal family were seated, the chairman of the Nobel Prize Committee walked behind the podium and delivered a speech first:

   “Today we honor the laureates for their enormous contributions to science, literature, and beyond…”

  After another piece of music, the winners were introduced. Starting with the Physics Prize, the winners were three gray-haired old gentlemen. They stood up from their seats with mutual support, with solemn expressions.

   After the chairman announces their achievements, they step up to accept the award in turn.

  At this moment, the audience stood up and applauded rhythmically to pay respect to the old gentlemen.

  The old gentlemen received certificates and medals from members of the royal family, and each winner received a gold medal.

  Then there is the bonus. This year’s bonus is 700,000 US dollars, which is increasing year by year.

   The award ceremony was going on without a hurry, and the band was busy enough.

  Finally, the literary awards began to be awarded. Writer Lu stood up amid applause and walked slowly towards the middle of the stage.

  His Chinese tunic suit is very eye-catching among the tuxedos.

  His steps are steady, and every step he takes is heading towards glory and glory.

  As the saying goes: It is a small step for him, but for the whole of China, it is a big step towards the world.

  Liu Qingshan and others also clapped their hands excitedly, everyone's faces were filled with pride and pride.

  The Huaxia reporters in the press box also quickly pressed the shutter to record this solemn moment.

Writer Lu received the medal from the king and bowed to thank him. At this moment, a simple smile bloomed on his face, just like the thousands of people living in that ancient land, they yearn for wealth and are full of vitality .

   "Okay, that's great!" Leader Geng wiped the corners of his eyes lightly, and then found that the compatriots present were basically doing the same movements as him.

  There were also tears in Liu Qingshan's eyes, but the smile on his face had never been so bright.

  At this moment, the glory belongs to China.

   "That's great, Comrade Qingshan, you must continue to work hard to become the next winner."

  Leader Geng applauded, but at the same time he did not forget to encourage Liu Qingshan beside him. In the past two days, he had a thorough understanding of Liu Qingshan's situation.

   "I will work hard!" Liu Qingshan also nodded solemnly.

  Before this, he didn't have this kind of thought, but after feeling the atmosphere at the scene, Liu Qingshan's thought also changed.

  Because this not only represents personal honor, but also represents the glory of the country.

   After the awards ceremony, take a break and go to the city hall to attend a grand dinner.

  This dinner is also very famous, known as the "most crowded banquet" in the world. The participants include members of the royal family, award winners and their relatives and friends, as well as some dignitaries and celebrities, as well as representatives of ordinary people.

  In the quaint Great Hall, in the middle is a long dining table, where some of the main characters dine.

   There are densely packed dining tables on both sides, and the tableware is all dedicated, with the Nobel Prize logo on it.

  As a group of relatives and friends, Liu Qingshan and the others were of course invited to the table in the middle. The standard of dinner is of course very high, but when everyone comes here to eat, it is more of a communication and communication.

  According to the usual practice, at the end of the dinner, the winners will give a speech, and the speech of the literary award has always been the most concerned.

  Writer Lu symbolically took out the speech script, but in fact, he had already mastered it by heart.

  The requirement for the speaker is that it must be completed in the native language. Of course, writer Lu must use Chinese to speak.

  However, this is not the first time Chinese has been spoken at the Nobel Prize Ceremony.

  Before, when the American scientist Mr. Ding won the award, he proposed to the awarding committee that the speech should be made in Chinese.

  But it was rejected on the grounds that the official language of the country must be used to speak, and Mr. Ding is an American, so he was required to speak in English.

  Mr. Ding insisted: "I am from Huaxia, so I must speak in my mother tongue."

   After many discussions with the committee, it was approved.

  However, the requirement is to speak in Chinese first, and then in English.

  And this time, Writer Lu finally stood here, finishing his speech in Chinese with dignity.

  In his speech, he reviewed his creative path and also explained the great changes taking place in China.

  At the end, Writer Lu said affectionately:

  “For ordinary people, the world of each of us is ordinary, but if we want to become the masters of our own world, our life will become no longer ordinary.”

   "I sincerely hope that everyone can become the master of their own world, thank you."

  The audience applauded warmly, thanking the winners for their great feelings.

   After the dinner party, there will be a dance party. It is a bit difficult for this writer, who has lived for decades and has never learned to dance.

  Not only him, but leaders like Geng and the others dared not end.

  Liu Qingshan saw this posture, so he sat here to accompany everyone and chat together.

   Unexpectedly, someone came over and invited him to dance. It was Grace.

   Then there was no other way, Liu Qingshan could only accompany him, a pair of handsome men and beautiful women quickly attracted the attention of the audience.

   "Boss, so you dance so well." Grace said softly, but her heart was a little complicated.

  She and Liu Qingshan have known each other very early, and have witnessed the whole process of Liu Qingshan's start-up. She admired this boss even more, and even had admiration in her heart.

  But Grace knows that she cannot control her fate. She is the heir to the royal family, and she can only find a partner among the nobles in Europa.

   This is the helplessness of being born in the emperor's family, and Grace can only hide this feeling deeply in her heart.

   "Of course your boss is the best." Liu Qingshan was also joking, but he had no other thoughts and was frank.

  Wait until the end of a song, but Grace seemed a little unsatisfied: "Boss, I'm coming back from America, so I'm afraid I won't be able to be your assistant in the future."

  After her study abroad career is over, Grace will of course have to return to China. In fact, it is very rare for her to have such a few years of relatively free time.

   "Come back to be a princess, then be a princess with peace of mind."

  Liu Qingshan also knows that this is Grace's path, and it cannot be easily changed by anyone.

  Grace didn't make a sound, but just nodded. At this moment, a trace of helplessness and a touch of sadness flashed in her eyes.

  The next day, everyone took a good rest for a day, and then set foot on the way home.

  As the news of the award ceremony spread to China, it made headlines in many newspapers. It can even be said that the whole country was full of joy and encouragement.

   For Chinese people who are eager to be recognized by the international community, it is undoubtedly a shot in the arm.

  The name of the Lu writer also overwhelmed all the current domestic writers and became a benchmark figure in the literary world.

  Liu Qingshan and his party are still returning to England for a transit, this time they are not in a hurry to return to China, it is a rare trip.

  At the airport, Lu Fang and Boban came to pick up the plane early.

  After discussing the strategy of exchanging cultural relics with Liu Qingshan, Boban first went to France, and then moved to England to start the layout.

   Zheng Xiaoxiao and Xiao Jian also came together, holding flowers in their hands, waiting with Lu Fang and the others with smiles on their faces.

   Hey, Zheng Xiaoxiao is holding Little Six in her hand, and the little girl is smiling, making people feel happy just seeing it.

  Liu Qingshan greeted him first, pretending to reach out to pick up the flowers: "We are old friends, don't be so polite."

  Little Six smiled: "Brother, it's not for you."

  Of course Liu Qingshan knew, bent over and picked up Little Six: "If I had known earlier, I would have taken you there. I have met many friends."

   "No, I want to be a sounding board for grandpa." Little Six is ​​quite serious.

   While they were talking, Zheng Xiaoxiao greeted Writer Lu with flowers in his hands: "Master, congratulations!"

  Writer Lu also took the bouquet with a smile: "Xiao Xiao, you are also very good."

   "The two masters taught well."

  Zheng Xiaoxiao gave another bouquet of flowers to Gao Wenxue: "Second Master, the next one should be yours soon, come on!"

  Gao Wenxue nodded solemnly. This time his friend won the award, which also inspired him even more.

   "Let's go, go back to the hotel first." Liu Qingshan waved his hand and was about to leave, but a few reporters surrounded him and conducted some interviews before letting him go.

   Sitting in the car, Boban hurriedly began to report: "Boss, the Musée d'Orsay has agreed to sell the two animal heads. Thanks to Mr. Victor, he said he wanted to keep them privately."

   "Good job!" Liu Qingshan was also overjoyed, as a result, he already has seven animal heads in his hands, and the reunion of the twelve zodiac signs is expected.

   Boban continued to announce the good news: "Boss, the price is a little more expensive."

  Liu Qingshan waved his hand: No matter how expensive it is, can it still be as expensive as the auction price decades later?

   "The Musée d'Orsay said that these two animal heads were donated by someone at the beginning, and the money from the sale was used to maintain the building of the museum, so they can't be too cheap. Each one is priced at 50,000 U.S. dollars."

   Boban muttered in his mouth, showing dissatisfaction. He participated in the whole process of the first few animal heads. The price is really not expensive, which is basically an extra.

   And these two are the most expensive, and he feels a little aggrieved by not saving money for the boss.

  Hahaha, Liu Qingshan is also very happy. This price cannot be described as cheap, and it is similar to Bai Jian.

  So he reached out and patted Boban on the shoulder: "This is already very good, don't be greedy."

   Boban nodded: "As for the Louvre and the British Museum, I have already let the wind out. They are very interested in Van Gogh's oil paintings. Now it depends on who gives the better conditions."

  After following Liu Qingshan, Boban also felt that he had improved his skills, at least this kind of trick that was up for grabs, which he couldn't play before.

  Actually, Liu Qingshan didn’t have the nerve to tell him: This is like someone marrying a girl in the past, and whoever gave a rich gift will marry him.

  And for Boban, the more important change is that he no longer needs to be the kind of street mouse that everyone shouts and beats.

  He is now the overseas agent of Qingshan Museum, and has a legitimate identity and status.

  In the past, when he was going to a museum or something, he was guarded like a thief, but now he can conduct business negotiations with the other party in an upright manner.

  Because of this, Boban also cherishes this hard-won job.

   "Don't worry, you have to be patient when fishing."

  Liu Qingshan told Boban again that this kind of thing should be normal for a few months or a year or two, so as to ensure the maximum benefit.

  Western museums, oil paintings and sculptures are their favorites.

  At present, the overall valuation of Huaxia's cultural relics is relatively low, so now is a good time to start.

  In these large museums, most of the collections are actually hidden in the warehouse and rarely exhibited.

  There are too many things, and only a part can be selected for exhibition.

  However, it cannot be sold at a public price, which will definitely be criticized by the public. Therefore, "communication" between museums is a good channel.

  This is why Liu Qingshan established the museum earlier.

  Entering the urban area and arriving at the hotel, Liu Qingshan finally saw the dumb grandfather, Song Yizhen and others.

  Liu Qingshan came forward to greet him, and found that the master's face was a bit dignified, and the peaceful smile on his face in the past seemed to have faded a bit.

  Having been with Master for so many years, Liu Qingshan understands the temperament of the dumb grandfather too well, everything goes with the flow, he has nothing to ask for, and naturally has nothing to worry about.

   This is a very high state of life, anyway, Liu Qingshan thinks he can't reach it.

  After sitting down, Liu Qingshan simply asked the dumb grandfather directly: "Master, is it not going well with the lecture here?"

  Liu Qingshan knows how difficult it is to promote Chinese medicine, so he plans to persuade Master.

  The dumb grandpa raised his hand, waved it, and then gestured.

  Xiao Liuzi also habitually acted as a small translator by the side, and after speaking a few words, he remembered that the eldest brother understood grandpa's gestures, so he stuck out his tongue and stopped talking.

  Looking at the dumb grandpa's gestures, Liu Qingshan's expression also became serious.

  (end of this chapter)

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