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Chapter 920: Are these two difficult? (seeking a monthly ticket)

  Chapter 920 Are these two things so difficult? (seeking a monthly ticket)

  In the past two days, guests have been coming from all directions to the small mountain village of Jiapigou.

  Liu Qingshan's house was already overcrowded, and the guests had to be scattered to live in the dormitories of the wild vegetable factory and the pharmaceutical factory.

  On December 30th, a few more cars drove into Jiapigou. There was a car in front, and two buses followed behind.

   "Good guy, here we come again." Zhang Ganzi was coming back from the pig farm, and hurriedly stood on the side of the road and waved to welcome him.

  The car in front stopped with a squeak, and then I saw the little brother in a down jacket jumping out of the car:

   "We are back, Uncle Ganzi, did you kill the pig?"

  Zhang Ganzi rejoiced: "It's Caifeng, you came back late, and you just killed two heads yesterday."

  Old Wushanxing also jumped out of the car: "Uncle Ganzi, look who's back."

   "Xiaoman, haha, my daughter is back, so I must kill a pig to feed her pork!"

   Zhang Ganzi saw Zhang Xiaoman also jumped out of the car, and immediately smiled.


  The little fourth child also said with a smile, of course she knew that Uncle Ganzi was joking with her just now.

  The people in the car got off one after another, including Lao Maoer and Uncle Lu, as well as Chen Dongfang and Yu Guangming from Longteng Company.

   There are also Lin Zizhou and He Min's family, and the writer Lu's family in the capital, as well as Gao Wenxue, etc., all came back together by car.

   Those who got on and off the bus were Gao Lingfeng and his wife from the company under the big tree, accompanied by a large group of singers.

  Chu Yunxiu was also in the mix, and these two buses belonged to her travel company.

   "Why is this kid so dark?" Xiao Di Li, led by Xiao Wu, is the most eye-catching, with a dark and shiny face.

  Little Di Li was raised by Xiao Wu to be lively and healthy. After getting off the car, she ran to the side of the road, yelling: "Snow, snow!"

  Living in Africa, this was the first time she saw Bai Xue.

   As a result, the snow in the gutter was relatively deep, and the little guy stepped in and lost most of his body.

  Everyone hurriedly dragged her out, and while pulling the pole, Zhang Zhang said, "Thanks to her being black, she stands out in the snow."

   "Uncle Ganzi, have you slaughtered a pig? Eat pig dishes!"

  Chu Yunxiu jumped over and helped little Di Li pat the snow on her body. The little guy was skinny and smiling with his white teeth bared.

   "Xiu girl, sauerkraut blood sausage can be made!"

  Zhang Ganzi slapped his chest vigorously. Chu Yunxiu would sometimes take tourists to Jiapigou for a trip, so he was already familiar with everyone.

  There are more than one hundred people in the big army, led by the fourth and fifth, they walked to Liu Qingshan's house in a mighty way.

   Walking halfway, Liu Qingshan came up to greet him. Seeing so many people, he felt a little dizzy.

  Chu Yunxiu rushed forward: "Haha, Sanfeng, we are all here to eat the big family!"

   "Girl, your belly is yours."

  Liu Qingshan was also happy, and then greeted everyone. There are so many people, and it’s freezing, and they can’t shake hands one by one, so they can only wave:

   "They're all here, welcome, let's go home to warm up first."

  The youngest fourth interrupted: "Brother, I can't stay at home, so let's go to the team headquarters first."

  Yes, yes, there are so many people, the room really can’t fit, Liu Qingshan touched the hat of the fourth child, and then said to Shanxing: "You go home first, your mother is back."

   "Okay!" The fifth child ran away, ran for two steps, turned around, pulled Xiao Di Li and ran home together.

  Liu Qingshan led everyone to the village headquarters, but as a result, fewer and fewer people left. People like Chu Yunxiu and Lin Zizhou who came and went frequently were directly dragged away by the villagers.

  Liu Qingshan's family was doing errands, and the whole village followed suit.

   It's not bad to spread out like this, Liu Qingshan didn't care about them, chatting with everyone while walking.

   When they arrived at the team headquarters, there were only twenty people left. They went into the house, took off their coats, sat down and drank tea and chatted.

  Writer Lu and Gao Wenxue introduced a stranger they brought to Liu Qingshan.

  This person is less than forty years old, with long hair, just like bad young people in society.

   But if you look carefully, you will find that his eyes are deep, which is a kind of rebellious criticism.

   "You are Writer Wang, welcome to Jiapigou." Liu Qingshan stretched out his hand enthusiastically, this was invited by Writer Lu on his commission.

  Writer Wang Xiaobo reached out to shake hands with Liu Qingshan: "Why did you choose me?"

  After he learned that he was named the winner of the "Jiapigou Literature Award", he hadn't thought about this question for a long time, so he had to ask it clearly in person.

   "The Jiapigou Literary Award is different from other awards. We pay more attention to the future development of writers." Liu Qingshan explained with a smile.

  He knew that the person in front of him was a maverick, just like a novel he wrote: a maverick pig.

  Writer Wang nodded with a serious face: "Then I understand, thank you for your trust, I think, I will not discredit you for this literary award, and strive to reach the height of Writer Lu in the future."

  To reach the height of writer Lu is to win the Nobel Prize for Literature. This is a proud writer, and also a writer with pursuit.

  Liu Qingshan knows that the creative peak of writer Wang was in the 1990s, and the era trilogy he wrote, Golden Age, Silver Age, and Bronze Age, are all very remarkable works.

  In short, among writers, he is a very unique existence.

  If it hadn't been for the sudden death of illness in 1997, it would have been possible to win the Nobel Prize. You must know that Writer Wang was only forty-five years old at that time, which was the golden age of creation.

  Thinking of this incident, Liu Qingshan's heart also moved: Writer Wang seemed to have died of a heart attack, it seems necessary to ask the dumb grandpa to help him take a look.

   So far, the Jiapigou Literary Award has been held five times. The winners are Writer Lu, Brother Hai, a poet, Writer Yu, the one who writes alive, and Writer Chen, the one from Bailuyuan.

   It can be said that this award has changed the fate of writers and poets invisibly.

  Although the masterpieces of writers Yu and Chen are still being created, once they come out, they will definitely shake the Chinese literary world.

   After learning that this long-haired person is the winner of this year's literature award, the old branch secretary also came up to say hello.

  Writer Wang, despite his rebellious appearance, respects the old man very much: "Old man, just call me Wang Er."

   After speaking, seeing the smoking pipe pot in the old party secretary's hand, Writer Wang was immediately happy: "Old man, your tobacco leaves smell very strong, I will try it."

   Yes, he was also a smoker, maybe his early death has something to do with this.

   Soon Writer Wang got along well with the villagers. He had been to the countryside, worked as an educated youth, and worked as a private teacher. There was no obstacle to contacting farmers.

  Liu Qingshan watched Writer Wang puffing and smoking a cigarette, and couldn't help frowning: staying up late and smoking are two major killers of the heart.

  So he went outside to greet a little kid, and told him to go, the dumb grandpa.

   Soon, the fourth and fifth children led a large group of dolls in, and the youngest was Xiao Yueyue, whose cheeks were red from running.

   "Brother, who is going to see a doctor, I don't need grandpa, I will try first."

  Little Six yelled as soon as she entered the door, her little eyes scanned the crowd, they were all acquaintances, so in the end her eyes fell on Writer Wang.

  Writer Wang pointed to himself: "Do you think I'm sick?"

  Little Six stared at him carefully for half a minute: "You are sick."

  Writer Wang Dale: "Hey, then you have to talk about it carefully. If what you say is wrong, I won't agree and spank your ass."

  He didn't know what Little Six was capable of, so he took it as a joke.

  Liu Qingshan coughed lightly: "Second Brother Wang, don't underestimate Liuzi. You have studied in the United States, so you should know about MJ. Little Liuzi even saw a doctor for him."

   Now, Writer Wang also put away the smile on his face, and then bowed to Little Six: "Then I will trouble you, little miracle doctor."

  Little Six cheerfully waved his little hands: "My grandfather is a genius doctor, but I'm not good enough yet."

   "Look, smell, ask, look, the first thing is to look, your lips are purple, which proves that the blood flow is not smooth; the eye sockets are blue, sleep is irregular, qi stagnation and blood stasis must be stagnant."

  Xiao Liuzi said in the same way, while speaking, he stretched out his little hand to check Writer Wang's pulse, and nodded while feeling the pulse:

   "The pulse condition is floating and weak, and the heart pulse is relatively weak. When you are just about to fall asleep at night, do you occasionally feel jolted?"

   Writer Wang Er nodded seriously, he is now convinced.

   "Don't smoke, don't stay up late, and ask grandpa to prescribe medicine for you, and you should be fine." Little Six clapped his little hands, indicating that he had finished reading.

   Writer Wang Er had a wry smile on his face: Are these two things so difficult?

   "You must listen to the doctor's words." The little six urged again, then put on the hat and cotton gloves, followed the little fourth and the others roaring away.

   Writer Wang Er sighed: "You are really a little girl like the wind. When you grow up, you must be a strange woman."

  He likes Tang Chuanqi the most. There are many strange women in Tang Chuanqi, such as Nie Yinniang.

  Liu Qingshan took over the conversation: "Second brother Wang, this matter is not for children's play, I will ask my master to take a good look at it later."

  Writer Lu also nodded in agreement: "That's right, my body was treated thanks to Mr. Sun."

   "Brother, the body is the capital of the revolution, you must not be careless, I am still waiting for you to surpass me."

   "Okay, I'll listen to Big Brother."

  Writer Wang Er nodded vigorously, and then laughed again: "This time I received the bonus, I will buy more melon seeds, and keep my mouth occupied, so I don't want to smoke. By the way, is your bonus really 50,000 yuan?"

  At present, Writer Wang Er is teaching at a university, and his salary is moderate, so 50,000 yuan is also a huge sum of money for him.

  Liu Qingshan smiled and shook his head: "It's not fifty thousand."

   "Let me just say, the prize money for the Contradictory Literature Award is only 5,000 yuan." Writer Wang Er didn't care.

  Liu Qingshan continued: "Brother Wang won the Nobel Prize this time and donated 700,000 US dollars to the Jiapigou Literature Award."

   "Then the branch secretary also decided that the cooperative would match another 700,000 US dollars, raising a total of 1.4 million US dollars, and set up a special foundation to use this money for investment."

   "Bonuses are distributed according to the income generated by the investment, so this bonus may snowball, getting bigger and bigger, but from the beginning with you, Second Brother Wang, you can only get 50,000 US dollars."

   Liu Qingshan decided to personally take charge of the investment of this money, not to mention anything else, it is very possible to increase it by dozens or even hundreds of times.

  Although the amount is still 50,000, it has become US dollars.

  The current exchange rate is about 1 to 4.7, that is to say, 50,000 US dollars is more than 200,000 Huaxia coins.

so much?

   Writer Wang Er was also quite surprised, and looked at the old branch secretary, Writer Lu and others. Seeing that they all nodded together, Writer Wang became even more restless:

   "No, no, too much, too much, I can't take so much."

   After thinking for a while, he said, "Let's do it this way. I'll just get 10,000 US dollars. When we were studying abroad two years ago, we still had some debts to pay off."

   "The rest will be kept in the foundation as the principal. Brother Wang can donate 700,000 yuan. I don't have that much ability for the time being."

  Everyone nodded again and again: It seems that this writer Wang Er is very frank, and this is the true nature of a man.

  Liu Qingshan smiled and waved his hands: "Second brother Wang, the bonus is just the bonus, this must not be less, and it still needs to be paid at 50,000 US dollars."

   "But if you donate, you don't need to donate back. You can donate anywhere else."

  Liu Qingshan knew that he couldn’t start with this, because it would be more troublesome for future award-winning writers.

   When someone wins an award, should they donate or not?

   "Okay, then I will build a school for the village where I jumped in the queue." Writer Wang Er quickly made a decision.

  This matter is still very meaningful, so Liu Qingshan doesn't care about it.

   Not long after, the dumb grandpa also came over, presumably it was Little Six who told him about it.

  Re-diagnosed writer Wang Er's pulse, the opinion of the dumb grandpa is basically the same as that of the little six sons, but it is more detailed.

   And also prescribed a prescription, mainly to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis and nourish the body.

  This is a long-term process that needs to be taken slowly.

   "It was a worthwhile trip, it's more gratifying than winning an award." Writer Wang Er was also in a good mood.

  The old branch secretary scowled: "Xiaoer, you mean our award is not important?"

   "Old man, I don't mean that. Come on, let's smoke and chat." Writer Wang Er went to touch the cigarette again.

   As a result, the old branch secretary coughed, which made Writer Wang Er very embarrassed: just now he vowed to quit smoking.

  Smoking cessation is indeed a big problem, both physically and more importantly psychologically.

   But in this regard, the dumb grandfather is an expert. He went out to tinker for a while, and soon came back with a small medicine bottle and handed it to Writer Wang Er.

   Then he gestured a few times, and Liu Qingshan helped translate: "My master said, before you smoke, dip some liquid medicine into the back of the filter, or rub some medicine on your tongue."

   Writer Wang Er is very addicted to cigarettes. He held it in for a long time and couldn't help it, so he said twice: "Then I will try smoking some cigarettes first."

   After speaking, he couldn't wait to take out a cigarette and put it in his mouth.

   "Wait a minute." Liu Qingshan found a matchstick, dipped it in some concoction, and dripped it on Writer Wang Er's tongue.

  Wang Er smacked his mouth, feeling that there was no smell, so he was relieved. He was really worried about the unpleasant smell that the old man would give him.

  So he lit a match, lit a cigarette, and took a good puff.

  Including the old branch secretary, the surrounding villagers all looked at him with a smile on their faces, with some gloating looks on their faces.

  (end of this chapter)

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