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Chapter 925: This is enough? (A new month, ask for a guarantee at the end of the month

  Chapter 925 Is this enough? (For the new month, ask for a guaranteed monthly pass)

  Liu Qingshan dodged the oncoming short spear, and then slapped one on the leather shield.

  With a muffled bang, the burly man with the shield fell on his back on the grass.

  Liu Qingshan snatched the leather shield in his hand, and rushed to the next aboriginal.

  On the other side, Li Tieniu was also like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, kicking several aborigines away with one kick.

   Then there were two short spears in his hand, and they danced like a whistling wind, chasing and hitting the natives.

   What I hate the most is Li Tie, with his bare hands, and the feet underneath, which are designed to greet the vitals in the crotch of the aborigines. Who told you that your thing is so bright, the target is too conspicuous.

  The aborigines were so frightened that they used shields to cover them, and then their faces were exposed. Li Tie grabbed his neck, and with an iron palm slashed at his neck, the strong aborigines lost their fighting power instantly.

   It only took a minute or two before thirty or forty strong indigenous men were brought down to the ground.

  This is the record of the three brothers Liu Qingshan.

  The natives were also in a hurry, screaming strangely, and quickly gathered together.

   I don’t know whether these guys are brave or reckless, but in short, they have no fear at all. Instead, they form a formation and beat the drums hard.

   It is obvious that the fighting spirit of these indigenous fighters is getting higher and higher.

  Liu Qingshan remembered: One year at the World Cup, there seemed to be this kind of indigenous dance performance, which seemed to be called war dance or something.

  Yes, it is the Zulu war dance.

   "Be careful!" Liu Qingshan reminded the two juniors.

  Li Tieniu was on the verge of killing, so he didn't care about these things, and charged forward again, waving his spears.

   But it was blocked by two leather shields. This time, it was obvious that the opponent's strength seemed to be enhanced, and it actually blocked Li Tieniu's attack.

   Then another shield slammed over, and the speed was a little faster, and it slapped Li Tieniu firmly, knocking his strong body back a few steps, and sat down on the grass.

   "Hey, it seems to have become more powerful, so it's fun. I really don't like to squeeze persimmons."

   After Li Tieniu got up, he became even more energetic. This guy is also the kind of player who gets more and more excited when he goes to the battlefield.

   "Ah ah ah!" Accompanied by a long howl, everyone felt a blur before their eyes, and then they saw a figure rushing towards the opponent's position extremely fast.

  Accompanied by a loud bang, looking at the group of natives again, there was a gap in the middle of the formation, and the dozen or so soldiers behind them all fell to the ground and fell to the ground.

   "Master!" Liu Qingshan and the three were overjoyed. Now they finally know the gap between themselves and the dumb grandfather.

  I saw the dumb grandfather standing quietly on the grassland, like a towering mountain, with such a stalwart body.

  The natives who were still fighting just now seemed a little discouraged. They muttered for a while, and then lowered their weapons.

  Leading a middle-aged black uncle to the dumb grandpa, he took off the long feather crown from the top of his head, and held it in front of the dumb grandpa with both hands.

  What do you mean?

  Everyone is a little confused.

   "I am Zuma, the chief of this tribe, and I welcome warriors from afar." The black uncle spoke good English.

   Is this enough?

  Members of the medical team couldn't help but be ecstatic.

  The dumb grandfather took the feather crown, and then took off a pendant from his neck, and handed it to Chief Zuma as well.

  It was a simple jade article, shaped like an eagle.

  The Chief Zuma obviously became agitated, took the jade and hung it around his neck, and then yelled again:

   "Exchanging gifts is a friend, please go to the tribe as guests."

  Doctor Zhang Hong of the medical team waved his hands again and again: "Who knows if you want to deceive us all?"

   At this moment, Liu Qingshan stepped forward. After all, he had been in Lilan before, so he knew a little about the natives.

   These guys have their own unique rules, which cannot be treated with common sense.

  Since they regard people as friends, they must be sincere, and they will never betray easily.

   After explaining to the medical team, Liu Qingshan said to Chief Zuma:

   "As friends, we are happy to visit your tribe."

  A battle ended in a peaceful way, but Li Tieniu was a little dissatisfied: "I haven't had enough fighting yet."

  Several strong Zulu men approached him, chattering about something, and there was a black guy who stretched out his hand to pinch the tendon on Li Tieniu's arm.

   "Isn't it to praise that the meat on your body is firm and chewy?" Dr. Zhang Hong was still a little skeptical.

  However, judging from the sincere and simple smiles on the faces of the aborigines, it is obvious that there is no malice, and it is probably a compliment to Li Tieniu.

   "Sanfeng, bandage your arm." Wu Tong helped Liu Qingshan tidy up his torn clothes, and then found that his arm was cut by a short spear.

  Although the wound was not deep, blood still oozes out.

   "Small injury, nothing serious." Liu Qingshan patted Wu Tong on the back as a sign of comfort. He knew that although his wife looked weak, she was actually very brave in her heart.

  The two of them experienced two shooting incidents together, and Wu Tong survived both without leaving any psychological shadow.

  Seeing that some injured natives were still lying on the ground, Liu Qingshan yelled: "Everyone, help treat them."

   This is no problem. Most of the people present are doctors, and they are all professional in doing this.

  Liu Qingshan and the others left room for their shots, and these natives are relatively strong, so they were all minor injuries.

   While straightening the dislocated arm of a **** man, Zhang Hong muttered: "Don't fight like others if you don't have the skills."

   Doctors like to complain about patients.

   After cleaning the battlefield, he set off for Zuma's tribe, but Liu Qingshan discovered that all the ox carts carrying supplies had disappeared.

   Obviously took advantage of the fight just now, and secretly drove away.

   "Karu, hurry back by bike and inform your clansmen that there are a lot of medicinal materials in those supplies, so don't eat them blindly."

  Liu Qingshan hurriedly communicated with Kalu, and this kid got on his bicycle and sped away.

  The rest of the people set off together, and after walking for more than ten miles, they finally saw a hut in front of them, which seemed to be here.

  It is indeed a thatched hut, covered with thatch, around the house, there are just a few pillars, and then weaving a circle with grass, which is so simple that it cannot be more simple.

  Many bare-bottomed kids ran over here with bare feet.

  Liu Qingshan also saw those ox carts, fortunately, everything on them was still there, while Karu was gesticulating and talking to a group of women.

   "Oh my god, close your eyes quickly, don't look at evil!" Zhang Hong yelled, and then covered his eyes with his hands.

  The people in the medical team also mostly lowered their heads, not daring to look any further.

  I saw the women beside the ox cart, and they were also very poorly dressed.

  They all wore a circle of ornaments around their necks, but their chests were uncovered, and their waists were only wrapped with a piece of leather or a circle of tassels.

   This scene had a strong visual impact on the still very conservative Chinese.

   "Old Zhang, if you want to see it, just look at it openly and take it down."

   Li Tieniu is sincere, seeing that although Zhang Hong is covering his eyes, but his fingers are spread apart, he went up and stretched.

  Zhang Hong was a little embarrassed: "It is estimated that this is the custom here. Let's be open-minded and just turn a blind eye."

  Seeing the chief leading Liu Qingshan and the others over, Little Hei Kalu wiped the sweat from his forehead vigorously, and quickly expressed his gratitude:

   "These women are too difficult to deal with, and they insist on dividing things. I almost couldn't stand it."

   Chief Zuma waved his hand domineeringly: "Boss, you lead them all back!"

   Then I saw in the crowd, a middle-aged woman agreed and led the other six women away.

   "This, these are your wives?" Zhang Hong was taken aback.

  The chief nodded proudly, it turned out to be another polygamous tribe.

  Zhang Hong looked the chief up and down, and muttered in Chinese: "I'll give you a pulse in a while, probably because of kidney deficiency."

  The others couldn't help but want to laugh too, but they noticed that those married women just covered their chests, but those who looked very young were not restrained at all.

  Ask Karu to understand. It turns out that the custom here is that unmarried women don’t need to cover up. If they are engaged or married, they will cover up to show respect for their husband’s family.

  Dr. Zhang Hong was very curious: "Are you confused in that regard?"

  After Kalu figured it out, he smiled: "It's okay, after women become adults, they have to be strictly checked to see if they are virgins, even men have to be checked."

   "How to check the man?" Everyone was a little puzzled.

  Karoo was just about to demonstrate, but seeing that there were still ladies around, he could only make gestures and said:

   "Look at the pee. If the column of urine can exceed the top of the head, it proves that you are still a virgin."

   Everyone couldn't help but look at each other: the world is so wonderful, you can't know it unless you see it.

  While they were talking, Wu Tong led the little six sons, and had already started to send greetings to the little dolls in the tribe:

  A ham sausage, a small bag of mustard, a packet of instant noodles, and finally a piece of bubble gum.

  Xiao Liuzi gave a demonstration with a smile, tore off the outer packaging of the bubble gum, chewed it in his mouth for a while, and then spit out a big bubble.

   This made those little black kids very happy, and they all followed suit, but blowing bubbles is also a technical job, and it takes time to practice.

   Soon Xiaoliuzi became one with the dolls in the tribe and got a lot of gifts: bright bird feathers, animal teeth, beautiful stones and so on.

  Wu Tong looked at them with a smile: the world of children is so simple, even if they don't understand the language, they can play together very quickly.

  Actually, the world of the aborigines is quite simple, and the adults are similar, and soon they regard Liu Qingshan and the others as the most honored guests.

  The residence of the chief is also a hut, but it is bigger.

  Everyone sat on the ground in front of the hut, and then the wives of the chief brought some fruits that everyone had never seen before to entertain the guests.

  During the chat, Liu Qingshan also understood that the Zulu people are basically divided into clans and tribes.

   And their highest commander is the Zulu king.

  Liu Qingshan also explained the purpose of coming here. Unexpectedly, Chief Zuma knew about AIDS, and said: People in their tribe are clean and clean, so they don't have this disease.

  But some tribes, because of the influence of modern society, women do not pay attention to chastity, so the situation is more serious.

   Especially in Joburg, there are more patients because there are more white people living there.

   "Where does the Zulu king live?" Liu Qingshan thinks that things are easier from the top to the bottom. As long as you get in touch with the Zulu king, you can move unimpeded in various clans or tribes.

  The chief thought for a while and said: "My father lives in Natal, which is far away from here. I will take a bullock cart and it will take three days and three nights."

  Uh, it doesn't seem too far away. I think it will take half a day to arrive by car.

  Liu Qingshan was also very happy: the Zulu king turned out to be Zuma's father, so things would be easier to handle.

  Liu Qingshan was just getting to know the situation when he saw Little Six running over, followed by a large group of bare-bottomed dolls. It seems that Little Six has now successfully become the king of kids in the tribe.

   "Brother, help me put away all these presents first, there are too many." Little Six smiled, and piled up the things in front of Liu Qingshan.

  The little dolls in the back also followed suit, and the front of Liu Qingshan was soon filled with miscellaneous things.

   "It's all a bunch of useless junk." Zhang Hong muttered, which aroused the dissatisfaction of the little six.

  The little girl puffed her cheeks: "This is a testimony of our friendship."

  OK, you are right.

  Zhang Hong still likes Xiaoliuzi very much, and nodded with a smile, admitting his mistake.

  Liu Qingshan dug out a translucent stone from the pile of things, slightly larger than his fingernail, with a black and protruding surface, like frosted glass.

  He held it up in front of Little Six and shook it: "That's right, your friendship is as pure as a diamond."

  Diamonds, no?

  The eyes of the members of the medical team widened. Zhang Hong was the first to say: "I have seen diamonds for sale in Hujiang. They are all shiny and dazzling, but they don't look like this."

  Jia Kui has been to this continent and is familiar with the situation, so he explained to everyone with a smile:

  "The diamond is like this before it is cut. This piece should be good, reaching the gem level, and has some value."

  Everyone was dumbfounded: Diamonds can be exchanged with bubble gum. I also want to do this kind of business.

  Little Six was also very happy to hear that, and approached a little black boy: "Kaka, thank you for your gift."

  Little Heihai immediately showed a mouthful of white teeth, and then stretched out his little dirty hand to Xiaoliuzi. Soon, another piece of bubble gum appeared in the palm of his hand.

  Liu Qingshan asked the chief: "Are there any diamond mines in the tribe?"

  The chief shook his head: "Kaka is my youngest daughter. She probably took it back from her grandfather to play with."

   "This thing can't be eaten or drunk. It's not very useful, but people outside seem to like it very much, especially those businessmen in Great Britain."

  Everyone looked at each other again: This is a diamond.

  Liu Qingshan smiled and nodded: That’s right, no matter how precious gemstones are, their value is actually endowed by humans. In essence, they are not much different from ordinary pebbles.

  So he asked again: "Does your father, King Zulu, produce a lot of diamonds?"

  Zuma nodded: "Father's wealth was obtained through these diamonds."

  Liu Qingshan couldn't help but feel moved: Maybe the matter of joining the DTC can be resolved.

  DTC is the abbreviation of England Diamond Trading Company, which is recognized as the largest diamond trading company in the world. Liu Qingshan still remembers the bet with Young Master Li and Mr. Zheng.

   While chatting, suddenly there was a long howl.

  Chief Zuma immediately picked up the leather shield and short spear beside him, and shouted: "Ready to fight!"

  The medical team members who had just settled down were dumbfounded again: this place is too dangerous, we want to go home.

  (end of this chapter)

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