Hello 1983

Chapter 929: Not convinced to fight

  Chapter 929 Unconvinced to fight

  Youli tribe is full of laughter, just like Chinese New Year.

   I don’t know the aboriginals here, can’t celebrate the new year?

  Those indigenous warriors carried bags of grain from the cart, as well as baskets of vegetables.

  Liu Qingshan watched cheerfully from the side: Who said that Uncle Hei would be lazy at work, isn’t this quite hard work?

  The mayor of Lance was very attentive. In addition to food and vegetables, he also sent some beef and mutton.

  And the delivery driver said: According to the mayor's instructions, fresh meat and vegetables will be delivered every day in the future.

  The natives set up a big pot and started to cook the meat. The craftsmanship of these guys was too rough, and there were several doctors in the medical team who could cook in person.

   There is only one problem that is not easy to solve: lack of spices.

   This is not a problem for Chinese medicine practitioners. I found a few herbs and threw them into the pot. After a few cauldrons were opened, the aroma filled the whole tribe.

  Xiao Liuzi asked Li Tieniu to help him get a large piece of beef for the lion.

  This guy's injury is not fully healed, obviously he can't hunt.

  The little dolls in the tribe clustered around the little six, running, jumping, and shouting.

  It was the first time they had seen such a rich food since they were born.

  Wait until dark, raise a bonfire, and a pleasant dinner begins.

  Everyone is holding a pottery bowl, the beef soup contains large chunks of beef, and one hand is holding a flatbread made of cornmeal and flour.

  Bite a piece of cake, drink a sip of soup, chew a piece of beef, that is a beautiful thing.

   "It would be even better if I could drink two taels." Zhang Hong belongs to Delong Wangshu.

  As for the patients over there, family members have already sent meals to them.

  Originally, these patients were left to fend for themselves, and they couldn’t get enough to eat every day, so they were not suitable for eating large pieces of meat.

   Soak the pancakes in broth, drink two bowls per person, so that they will be nourished slowly, and then return to normal diet after the body recovers a little.

  The aboriginals are all optimists. After eating today, regardless of tomorrow, after a full meal, they start dancing around the bonfire. Both men and women dance very boldly.

   Especially those girls who are not engaged, dancing is really pleasing to the eye.

   Fortunately, most of these doctors are middle-aged, and only Jerry and Song Yizhen's disciples are a few young people. Otherwise, they might be directly recruited by this tribe.

   Being in the open grassland, the silent starry sky, and the burning flames also aroused the primitive genes in people's hearts.

   I don't know who took the lead, but these members of the medical team gradually joined the dancers.

  Whether it will or not, I will just jump around anyway.

  Liu Qingshan also pulled Wu Tong and joined them. This is the atmosphere that a honeymoon trip should have.

  All the worries and pains dissipated in the grassland with the night wind...

  Wake up the next morning, the women in the tribe, cook and boil medicine.

  When Liu Qingshan led Li Tieniu and the veterans back from their morning exercise, they found several cars parked outside the tribe, and there were more than a dozen white people standing outside the car and looking around.

   "Hello." Liu Qingshan stepped forward to say hello, he probably guessed the origin of these people.

   Sure enough, when this group saw Liu Qingshan and the others, they all showed joy.

  One of the neatly dressed middle-aged people said: "Hello, are you from the medical team from Huaxia?"

  Liu Qingshan nodded: "Is there anything I can do to help?"

   "We have a few patients here who need help." The man expressed his willingness tactfully.

   "No problem, this is our mission here." Of course, Liu Qingshan will not push the patient away.

   These people were able to get the news so quickly, obviously they got it from the Red Cross or the mayor. Looking at their well-dressed appearances, they should all be relatively wealthy people.

   "Great, thank you so much, I'm Tommy, may I know your name?" The middle-aged man was indeed a little excited, and he was probably one of the patients.

   "I am Liu Qingshan, and my English name is Mountain." Liu Qingshan reached out to the hut, "Let's go inside and talk."

  Tommy looked a little hesitant. In their white consciousness, they simply disdain to contact the indigenous tribes.

  Liu Qingshan smiled: "Mr. Tommy, the medical team is inside."

  His meaning is obvious: either go in to see a doctor, or please leave.

  At this time, the crisp voice of Little Six came from not far away: "Brother, I'm back!"

  Afterwards, Tommy and the others saw a miraculous scene. They saw a seven or eight-year-old girl running towards this side with a mighty lion behind her.

   "Oh, get in the car and get out of this **** place."

   A white man yelled, opened the car door and got in. Then the car started and sped away. This guy's movements were very nimble.

  Liu Qingshan waved his hand towards the car: "Goodbye, a guy like you who doesn't know how to respect others, never see you again."

  The other people who wanted to get in the car were all taken aback for a moment, they looked at each other, and finally gave up the idea of ​​leaving.

  The lion seems to be under the care of a little girl, so it shouldn't hurt anyone.

   And they know that if their disease is not treated, it will be fatal.

  Xiao Liuzi ran to the front, sweat dripping down his face, as for the male lion, which did not match Liu Qingshan, it stopped tens of meters away, staring at Liu Qingshan with its yellow eyes, bared its teeth.

   "If you don't accept it, let's fight." Liu Qingshan shook his fist.

  The lion shook its brain twice, its mane danced wildly, then turned and disappeared into the grass.

  Tommy and the others all cast surprised glances at Liu Qingshan, they couldn't figure out: Where does this Mr. Mountain have the courage to face the lion.

   Soon, Liu Qingshan walked in front, followed by these white people, both men and women, and walked into the Youli tribe.

   This is the first time in the history of the Yuli tribe that white people have entered their village outside of war.

  The old chief led a group of warriors and watched these visitors vigilantly. Because of their historical origins, they all had deep hostility to each other.

  After President Mann took office, he tried his best to overthrow the apartheid system, causing hundreds of thousands of whites to flee the country.

  A large number of assets have been transferred, and a large number of elites have left, resulting in a large decline in the overall national strength of the entire country.

   Therefore, some people use this incident to criticize President Mann, but compared with the economy and wealth, racial equality is more meaningful.

   "They are also patients, and they are here to treat diseases." Liu Qingshan explained in his mouth to avoid conflicts between the two parties.

   Soon, members of the medical team came to see a doctor.

  After yesterday's actual combat, everyone became more proficient and performed their duties. They quickly took care of five men, three women, and eight patients.

  Prescribing prescriptions and taking medicines, and watching how the people in the tribe make soups and medicines, and soon learned, after all, this is not difficult.

   "Come back in three days, and change the prescription according to the situation. It will take about a month, and the condition will be completely stable." Liu Qingshan did not forget to remind him.

   These patients are naturally grateful, and Tommy also asked Liu Qingshan:

   "Mr. Mountain, thank you very much. We also heard from our friends in the United States about your medical team. I don't know how to pay for the consultation fee?"

   After being infected with AIDS, he also flew to the United States for treatment, so he knew about this major event that caused a sensation in North America.

   It's a pity that he didn't make it in time. By the time he left, the dumb grandpa and the others had already returned home.

  Tommy could only return with regret, but he never expected that this magical medical team would come to their country, it was like a dream.

  Because of understanding, Tommy knew how rare this opportunity was, so he made an appointment with his companion and rushed over early in the morning.

  Listening to him asking about the consultation fee, Liu Qingshan smiled: "We are entrusted by the International Red Cross this time to eliminate diseases, not for profit."

  When Tommy heard this, he couldn't help but feel admiration: Anyone who receives favors will be grateful if the other party doesn't ask for anything in return.

   After thinking about it, Tommy said to Liu Qingshan sincerely: "Mr. Mountain, we deeply respect the noble sentiments of the medical team."

   "However, we also feel ashamed of being favored by others, so let us do something within our own capabilities?"

  A woman next to Tommy was more straightforward: "I heard that Huaxia is also a very poor country, why don't we give the money directly, 10,000 US dollars, this is my heart."

  She took out a wad of green banknotes from her bag, and shook them at Liu Qingshan.

  Karoo's eyes were straightened when he saw it. He often travels to Joburg and knows the strong purchasing power of US dollar bills.

  The old chief is also very excited. He also knows the power of the US dollar. The most intuitive thing is that it can buy a lot of cattle and sheep.

  Liu Qingshan did not reach out to take the money, but shook his head with a smile.

  The lady was a little puzzled: "Sir, I sincerely hope that this money can help you."

  Tommy took a look, and quickly stopped the other party: "Jessica, stop talking, let's listen to what Mr. Mountain has to say."

   Although Jessica was a little puzzled, he knew that Tommy had the most energy among them, so he didn't make a sound.

   "Well, everyone can organize a special foundation to maintain the treatment of patients. After all, some patients are in poverty and unable to treat them."

  Liu Qingshan has long had this plan: "And the medicines that our medical team needs, as well as the expenses of the team members, do need a sum of money."

  He didn't hide it either, and brought the facts to the surface so that no one would make irresponsible remarks.

  Tommy couldn't help getting excited: "Okay, Mr. Mountain, this is a very meaningful thing. If possible, can I manage this foundation?"

   "Of course." Liu Qingshan looked at him with a smile, like a spring breeze.

   "Mr. Mountain, please rest assured, I will work hard to do a good job in this cause."

  Tommy has obviously regarded this matter as a great cause. He himself is suffering from illness, and he feels the great feelings of the medical team here. Tommy feels that he should also do something.

   Soon, Tommy said goodbye to Liu Qingshan: "Mr. Mountain, I will go back and prepare."

  When they drove away from the tribe, Jessica, who was in the same car, asked Tommy a little puzzled: "Why do you have to do such a laborious thing? Isn't it good to just give money?"

  Tommy shook his head: "Jessica, you don't know that Mr. Mountain. The sum of our money can't keep up with his little finger."

   "Mr. Mountain, there are several well-known companies in the United States, and they are also writers and composers. Do you think he will take a fancy to our little money?"

   Jessica covered her mouth in surprise: "Oh, look at what a stupid thing I did, Tommy, how much are you going to donate to the foundation?"

   "All of my wealth." Tommy said with a firm face.

  Jessica was surprised again. She and Tommy were lovers, so of course they knew each other's net worth.

   "Tommy, why did you do that?" Jessica knew Tommy, who used to be a **** who ate, drank and had fun.

  Tommy looked serious: "Look at that Mr. Mountain. He is a billionaire, but he is still doing such meaningful things. What reason do we have to continue wasting our lives?"

   "And, Jessica, don't you think that this is a great cause, and that we might all benefit from it, and be understood and respected."

  Tommy clenched his fists: "I have a feeling that following Mr. Mountain, our foundation will definitely become famous all over the world."

   Jessica also nodded thoughtfully: If that's the case, it seems pretty good.

  After thinking for a while, Jessica suddenly remembered something: "Tommy, the premise is that the disease in us must be effectively controlled."

   "Trust me, it will."

  Tommy took Jessica's hand and squeezed it very tightly.

   On this day, the Yuli tribe came one after another, and several groups of guests came.

   are all AIDS patients in Joburg, and they all got the news relatively early.

  After the diagnosis and treatment were completed, Liu Qingshan asked them to contact Tommy, and those who were willing to join the foundation would do so voluntarily.

   After the medical team has worked together for a period of time, and the doctors are able to make independent visits, Liu Qingshan will split up the medical team and distribute them to various cities or tribes, which will greatly improve efficiency.

  The main problem we are facing now is: the amount of Chinese herbal medicine brought by this batch is not much after all, and it is estimated that it will not take a few days.

  It will take nearly a month for the subsequent batch of medicines to arrive by sea.

  Liu Qingshan had to call Huang Xuanting, Zhang Hong and other doctors to discuss: for the time being, the number of patients should be limited, so as not to stop the medicine in time and affect the treatment.

  Huang Xuanting and others calculated, and estimated that the herbal medicines brought by this batch would be enough for one hundred and fifty patients to use for a month.

  After all the calculations, we have already seen fifty-eight patients.

   This is because most patients have not heard the news. It is estimated that the number of patients will increase sharply in the next few days.

   It seems that the flow will be limited in the next period of time.

  The main problem is that I didn't expect the situation to open up so soon after I came here.

   Everyone was sitting here studying, when they saw an old man from the tribe running over in a panic, yelling something.

  Liu Qingshan quickly looked over to Karu, and Karu stood up from the ground in a hurry: "He said that the old wizard was poisoned when he tasted the plants!"

  (end of this chapter)

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