Hello 1983

Chapter 934: What is this operation? (seeking a monthly ticket)

  Chapter 934 What kind of operation is this? (seeking a monthly ticket)


  In a movie theater on Hong Kong Island, laughter continued.

  Liu Qingshan and Wu Tong are watching a movie together, Li Tie and Li Tieniu, one in front and one behind, sitting in the front row.

  Beside Wu Tong were Huang Yueming and Chen Dongfang, and beside Liu Qingshan, sat a man wearing a peaked cap and a large pair of sunglasses covering most of his face.

   "A Xing, A Xing, this film is quite funny." Liu Qingshan poked the man in sunglasses.

   What is being screened is a tricky expert, which can be regarded as the foundational work of Master Xing's nonsensical style.

   "Boss, it's so-so, thanks to the boss's suggestion." Ah Xing still had a somewhat smug face.

  After being instructed by Liu Qingshan last year, he joined Pan Mingpai's company and began to create comedy.

   This time he completely opened up his two lines of Ren and Du, and Master Xing finally found his position.

   He made several popular and well-received films in a row, which sold well at the box office. He also became a hot star in Hong Kong Island, and he had to wear sunglasses when he went out.

  Liu Qingshan smiled and shook his head: "It has nothing to do with me, this is your own talent, continue to develop it, you will definitely become better and better."

  The film ended, and when the audience left, Liu Qingshan also got up to leave.

  Li Tieniu is addicted to watching, and he wants to watch it continuously.

   In the end, he was dragged away by Liu Qingshan, and the next one was the third level. With Wu Tong present, of course he couldn't watch this kind of movie.

   "Boss, I want to go to the mainland to film a movie, and you can help me a lot." When he got outside, Ah Xing talked about another thing.

  Liu Qingshan couldn't help blinking: "What play?"

   You know, movies on Hong Kong Island rarely go to mainland China for filming, and there have been more in the past two years.

   "It's about Journey to the West." Xingzi briefly told the storyline.

  Liu Qingshan was also happy. Isn’t this the same big talk about Westward Journey later? How can I say this film?

   Lost at the box office, but won word of mouth and popularity.

  However, in Liu Qingshan's memory, this film should have been released in 1995, and it seems a bit early to shoot it now.

  So he said in a negotiating tone: "Don't wait two years, you haven't filmed a costume drama yet, try a few first to practice your hands."

  Ah Xing thought for a while, then nodded: "I listen to the boss,; Boss, shall I treat you to supper?

   "Wow, I have a good meal for you today, hahaha.

  Liu Qingshan did not refuse, he knew that Ah Xing lived at the bottom of the society since he was a child, so his self-esteem was a bit too strong.

  Eating late-night snacks, of course, is the food stall that feels the most, with a strong atmosphere in the market, and it is also the most relaxing.

   Several people chatted while eating, very relaxed and happy.

  At this time, Chen Dongfang's cell phone rang, and after picking it up, after chatting for a few words, Chen Dongfang said to Liu Qingshan:

   "Someone from Mitsui is here. President Masao Mitsui is leading the team and said he is going to visit Longteng tomorrow."

  The corners of Liu Qingshan's mouth also curled up slightly: "What is supposed to come has finally come, I hope this time we won't be disappointed."

   "Boss, it would be best for you to take over the Columbia company, so that I can go to Hollywood to make movies in the future." Ah Xing seemed more excited than Liu Qingshan.

  Liu Qingshan also stretched out his fist and touched him: "Okay, it's a deal."

  Getting into Columbia Film Company is also an important part of Liu Qingshan's plan.

   Such a complete film company is not comparable to a small company like Hurricane Video Company.

  Most of Hurricane's current films are low-budget, and hacking is considered a big scene.

   After getting Columbia, you can let go of your fists. Those big productions that you didn't dare to touch before can be put on the agenda, such as the Pirates of the Caribbean series and so on.

  The most important thing is that they have a complete distribution channel, which is what Liu Qingshan values ​​most.

  The next morning, Liu Qingshan and his party came to Longteng Company.

  According to Chen Dongfang's intention, he directly invited the media over and forced the other party to submit.

  Although this method is not bad, but Liu Qingshan thought about it for a while, and was still a little worried that the other party would jump over the wall in a hurry, so he decided to test the limelight first.

  At nine o'clock in the morning, two Crown cars stopped at the gate of Longteng Company.

   Mitsui Ki jumped out of the car first and opened the back door. His father Masao Mitsui got out of the car, looked up at Longteng's plaque, and narrowed his eyes involuntarily.

  Two security guards at the gate walked up with their heads held high, and one of them asked in Chinese, "Is this Mr. Mitsui?"

  The other one repeated it again in English. Seeing the person nodding slightly, the security guard made a gesture to invite in, and then one of them led the way.

   Mitsui Ki, who followed behind, couldn't help but look angry: No one came to greet the dignified president of Mitsui Co., Ltd.?

   You know, when Mitsui Masao went to China a few years ago, at least the provincial leaders welcomed him.

  The security guards led a group of six or seven people into the reception room. Liu Qingshan was chatting with Chen Dongfang and others, so he stood up to greet them.

  Liu Qingshan nodded to Mitsuki and Mitsui Masaki who he knew, and then looked at Mitsui Masao quietly.

  His face did not carry the arrogance of a winner, nor the restraint of a loser, but only peace.

   "Welcome President Mitsui, everyone, please sit down." Liu Qingshan extended his hand and shook hands with Masao Mitsui.

   Although Masao Mitsui has read a lot of materials about Liu Qingshan, this is the first time he has met.

  At this moment, he suddenly felt that the information on paper really couldn't really show a person.

  The young man in front of him doesn't seem to have the sharp edge of a young man, but the peace and stability shown seems to exceed the age limit.

  This feeling is like an extremely sharp sword, which is usually hidden in the scabbard, which is ordinary.

   But once the need arises, the sharp sword will deliver a fatal blow.

  If I knew this, I shouldn't provoke such a person.

   Presumably the other party had already made up their minds before making the bet.

  Laughing at his stupid son, who still foolishly drilled in, and even himself, also drilled in, so that he fell into the dilemma he is in today.

   Masao Mitsui sighed inwardly: One wrong step, one wrong step.

  After being seated, another person brought tea.

  The meeting room is a kind of circular table, with Mitsui Masao and others sitting on one side, and Liu Qingshan and Chen Dongfang on the other side.

  Other idlers in the meeting room, etc., all avoided.

   Seeing this situation, Masao Mitsui looked at Liu Qingshan again.

  Even for someone like him who has spent half his life in shopping malls, if he is in Liu Qingshan's current position, he will inevitably be complacent.

  As the host, Liu Qingshan was the first to speak: "Mr. Mitsui, gentlemen, here is the sales record of Jade Bird mobile phone. If you still have objections, you can go to Europe to investigate in person. We can afford to wait for this little time."

  Masao Mitsui raised his palm, waved it gently, and replied in English: "No need, we admit defeat in this bet."

   Now that things are up to now, doing those small tricks will not help at all, and it will only increase laughter.

  Liu Qingshan didn't make a sound, just smiled and waited quietly.

  In the conference room, it became extremely silent.

  For the people of Mitsui Co., Ltd., this kind of quietness is simply a kind of torture.

  So Masaki Mitsui took the lead to break the silence: "Mr. Liu, our main purpose of visiting this time is to discuss how to fulfill the bet and let each other have a satisfactory result."

  The other party was the deputy general, and Chen Dongfang also said, "There is an agreement, and everything should be carried out according to the agreement, so there is no need to discuss it."

  He is not as gentle as Liu Qingshan, showing a tough stance.

   "But, this agreement is very unfair to us, isn't it?" Masaki Mitsui was about to start the bargaining mode.

  Chen Dongfang sneered: "The black and white paper was notarized at the time. If it was unfair, how could you agree to sign it? Do you think it's unfair if we become the loser?"

  A series of questions left Masaki Mitsui speechless.

  Seeing this, Mitsuiki joined the battle group angrily: "But this bet is beyond our ability to bear, so we must renegotiate."

   "What did you do earlier?" Chen Dongfang glanced at him disdainfully, "Our side, what we took out is the Earth Network, and now the market value has exceeded 5 billion;"

   "And your bargaining chip, Columbia Pictures, has a market value of only over two billion yuan. You have already taken advantage of it, what else do you want?"

   Mitsui Ki was also furious: "We, Mitsui Co., Ltd., can't fulfill the bet now, so you can do whatever you want."

  He put on a posture that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, which was also discussed in advance. The two pioneers are actually playing the role of **** stirrers.

   "In this case, we can only seek legal help." Chen Dongfang also looked unhappy.

   "Happy to accompany you." Mitsui Ki is completely broken, and you want to go.

  Chen Dongfeng sneered a few times: "If you can't fulfill the agreement, of course we will go through legal procedures."

   "But instead of going to your country to submit a legal lawsuit, we will file a lawsuit in the federal court of the United States to claim the ownership of Columbia Pictures."

  Masao Mitsui finally couldn't help it: "No, you can't do this."

  Liu Qingshan nodded to him: "Of course we can do this."

  If there is a lawsuit, Liu Qingshan will certainly not go to the island country. In that case, it is possible to get involved for several years.

  Since Columbia Pictures is registered in the United States, of course it has to go there to file a lawsuit.

   This is what Liu Qingshan discussed with Chen Dongfang a long time ago. With the **** nature of the Americans, the people there were originally not happy that the Columbia company was acquired by the island country.

   Hearing this kind of thing that can make them vent their anger, it would be strange not to be fired.

  If such a thing really happens, the reputation of the island country company will be completely stink out of the world.

   Losing again and again, Masao Mitsui was obviously aware of the serious consequences. Of course he didn't do it. He fixed his eyes on Liu Qingshan, as if he could see through Liu Qingshan's psychological bottom line through the opponent's eyes.

  Liu Qingshan still had peaceful eyes, and looked at Masao Mitsui quietly.

  Don't say you are an old devil, even if it is a tiger in the mountains or a lion on the grassland, Liu Qingshan will look at them without fear.

   "Liu Jun, there is an old saying in China, one should stay on the front line." Masao Mitsui also fell into a disadvantage in this confrontation.

  Liu Qingshan smiled slightly: "We are just fulfilling the agreement normally."

   Masao Mitsui sighed again in his heart: He finally knew the bottom line of the other party, and he was determined to win the Columbia Company.

   And this is precisely the pain they cannot bear.

  Taking a deep breath, Masao Mitsui stood up, and he was going to insist one last time: "Jun Liu, one billion dollars."

   "I'm not short of money." Liu Qingshan shook his head with a smile, and then stood up slowly: "Mr. Mitsui, we will still meet here tomorrow, so take what you want."

  There is no room for bargaining in this matter, no matter from which point of view, Liu Qingshan will not let go easily.

   "Okay, Liu Jun, I will give you an answer tomorrow."

  Masao Mitsui bowed habitually, and then walked out of the meeting room silently, his steps faltering a bit.

  When there were only two people left in the reception room, Chen Dongfang asked with some concern: "Qingshan, will they agree?"

   "There is no other choice." Liu Qingshan had a very confident smile on his face.

  Chen Dongfang also nodded slightly, and then smiled at Liu Qingshan: "Qingshan, I suggest that you turn off your mobile phone immediately, and you will disappear for a day."

  Liu Qingshan also laughed loudly: "No, just take this good opportunity to see some people clearly."

   Sure enough, as Chen Dongfang expected, Liu Qingshan's cell phone rang before the two could leave the meeting room.

   "So fast?" Liu Qingshan muttered and connected the phone.

   "Boss, do you have time to come out for dinner tonight?" Hua Tsai's affectionate voice came from the phone.

   It turned out that it wasn't for intercession, Liu Qingshan smiled and agreed: "Of course it's okay, but don't call me an outsider."

  In the past two days, the media in Hong Kong Island have been overwhelming with propaganda about Liu Qingshan and the others. It is rare to be quiet.

  But in the next time, Liu Qingshan's mobile phone is about to explode: there are calls from Hong Kong Island, the United States, and even calls from China.

  Liu Qingshan silently classified the owners of these calls into a separate category, and then recorded them in the small notebook.

  The next morning, it was still the meeting room of Longteng Company, and the two sides met again.

   It's just that today is different from yesterday. The outside of the round table, leaning against the wall, is full of media from all walks of life.

  There are local Hong Kong Island reporters, domestic Xinhua News Agency reporters, and reporters from other countries in Hong Kong.

  These reporters were of course invited by Longteng Company to witness this historic moment together.

   Masao Mitsui was not surprised when he saw this scene, it was all in his expectation.

  After leaving here yesterday, he also made a lot of attempts, using almost all his contacts.

   As for the effect, of course there is no effect.

   This was also expected, and Masao Mitsui was not too disappointed. There was only deep regret in his heart:

  If I knew today, why bother?

  After the two parties sat down, Liu Qingshan went straight to the topic: "Mr. Mitsui, how are you thinking?"

  Masao Mitsui nodded: "Admit the bet and admit defeat. We, Mitsui Co., Ltd., naturally cannot do anything that is treacherous. We are willing to fulfill the contract."

  The representatives of Liu Qingshan's side all had triumphant smiles on their faces.

   It seems too smooth, right? Liu Qingshan felt a little surprised in his heart.

  Masao Mitsui continued to say: "Jun Liu, Columbia Pictures, has a market value of 2.5 billion. Our company currently holds 75% of the shares."

   "We are willing to give up 51% of the shares we hold, and the rest will be settled in cash."

  After listening to him, the rest of Liu Qingshan's team was a little dazed: What kind of operation is this?

  (end of this chapter)

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