Hello 1983

Chapter 936: This is a good idea

  Chapter 936 This formulation is good

  Liu Qingshan and his party successfully concluded their trip on Hong Kong Island.

  This time, the harvest was full, and two gambling debts were successfully collected, which made Liu Qingshan's assets soar.

  Whether it is Jiangdong's real estate or a film company, the potential for appreciation is huge.

   It was still Liu Qingshan, Wu Tong, Li Tieniu and Li Tie, who returned by plane.

  However, this time I did not fly directly to the capital, but went to Hujiang first. After all, the land and jewelry store I won still need to be delivered.

  Out of the airport, I saw Yang Hongying leading Lin Qingqing.

  The two girls are both wearing windbreakers, and the most beautiful scenery is where they stand.

  Yang Hongying is full of heroic spirit, exuding a kind of temperament of a strong woman from all over her body; Lin Qingqing is better in appearance, and her temperament is more quiet and restrained.

  These two stand together, showing two completely different charms of women.

  Just as Liu Qingshan was about to say hello, he heard a call: "Little brother, haha, little sister-in-law, Tie Niu, Tie Zi, you are all here!"

  I saw the chubby Hu Wei running up first. The two ladies were so dazzling that they ignored his existence.

  Liu Qingshan and Hu Wei embraced each other, while Wu Tong walked towards Yang Hongying and Lin Qingqing. This was even more serious. The three women instantly attracted the attention of passers-by.

   "Old sister, Qingqing." Wu Tong hugged them, feeling extremely cordial.

  Yang Hongying patted Wu Tong's back lightly: "Why does it seem to be a little thinner? Is it too bitter in Africa?"

   "No, it's so interesting over there. Little Six and I even rescued a male lion named Simba..."

  When Wu Tong talked about what he had seen and heard in Africa, he was so excited that he couldn't stop.

  Yang Hongying nodded: It seems that the honeymoon trip is quite pleasant.

  In China, there are almost no reports on the medical team, and only the upper echelons have some information.

  However, Yang Hongying is in frequent contact with Hong Kong Island, so she knows Liu Qingshan's whereabouts very well.

   Several people got into two cars respectively. The cars were good, big imported Benz.

   After all, Uni-President Foods is now a well-known food company in China. When communicating with customers, the car is too low-grade, so it is easy to be underestimated.

  Yang Hongying has also learned to drive a long time ago, and there are two ladies sitting in her car.

   Another car, Hu Wei, was driving, and it happened to be the four brothers.

  The car shuttles through the bustling streets of Hujiang, and it is obvious that after entering the 1990s, Hujiang has also entered the fast lane of development.

  The number of cars on the street has increased significantly, and high-rise buildings can be seen everywhere. The era of change is coming soon.

   Correspondingly, the footsteps of pedestrians have become a little hurried, and the entire rhythm of the city is accelerating, constantly accelerating.

   It is no longer as leisurely as it was in the 1980s. While developing rapidly, it is destined to lose many things.

   By the time I realized it, I couldn’t find it anymore...

  The car drove directly into the unified food factory area. The scale of development here has been quite large, forming a comprehensive factory area with many factory buildings and nearly 10,000 employees busy in the factory area.

  In addition to the main instant noodles and ham sausage, it has developed a series of products such as potato chips and shrimp crackers, which are sold well all over the country.

  The facilities in the factory area are complete, commuting vehicles, canteens, dormitories, and even rest and entertainment facilities are all available.

   Compared with those joint ventures or foreign-funded enterprises, the overall conditions are not inferior.

   It was the first time for Liu Qingshan to come to this newly built comprehensive factory area, so he walked around with great interest. The factory area is a bit big, so he just took a look around.

  Yang Hongying acted as a tour guide, making introductions while walking.

  In the past few years, the company has made considerable profits, but there is no money left on the books.

  The money was used to build branch factories in various places. At the same time, a lot of advanced equipment and production lines were introduced from abroad, which also cost a lot of money.

  No input, no output, the entire unified group is growing in a **** manner.

   "Sanfeng, how is it here?"

  Yang Hongying asked Liu Qingshan, her face was shining with incomparable confidence.

   Almost all of her efforts in the past few years have been spent in this factory area, which is her greatest pride.

  Liu Qingshan shook his head: "Sister, you can't do it here."

  Hearing these words, Yang Hongying was taken aback for a moment, feeling as if she had been hit with a heavy hammer: "Sanfeng, you have a high vision and a lot of knowledge, so tell me well."

   "This factory area is too clean, I can't bear to spit on the ground."

  Liu Qingshan shook his head and said in his mouth: "There are also various facilities and systems that are too sound. I can't find any faults. Of course I feel unhappy."

  Wu Tong and Lin Qingqing who accompanied him couldn't help laughing. Unexpectedly, Liu Qingshan would also be mischievous. Maybe he is like a younger brother only when he is around the closest people.

   "Sanfeng, do you have itchy ears?" Yang Hongying raised her brows, but then she laughed again: "Forget it, let Tongtong clean you up."

   Turned around a lot, and finally came to the cafeteria. They were all from my own family, and there was no need to go to the big hotel outside.

   There are three canteens in total, and there is also a small restaurant dedicated to entertaining customers.

  Yang Hongying wanted to lead them to the small restaurant, but Liu Qingshan went straight into the big dining hall.

   It happened to be lunchtime, and there were so many workers eating. Liu Qingshan was still holding a plate, and followed the line to order a few steamed buns. The taste was not bad.

  Look at the dishes on the dining table, there are all kinds of meat and vegetables, a total of eight dishes, plus a soup, choose by yourself.

  The staple food includes rice, steamed buns and steamed buns. Overall, the food is pretty good.

  In this era when many employees go to work and still carry aluminum lunch boxes, the canteen of Tongyi Food Factory is already considered relatively high-end.

  Yang Hongying was worried that Liu Qingshan and Wu Tong would not be used to the taste of the food here, so she specially asked the Northeast chef in the kitchen to make some stews.

  In the factory area, most of the locals are locals, but there are hundreds of security and technical personnel brought by Yang Hongying, so there are special chefs from the north.

   Everyone chatted while eating. During the meal, Yang Hongying answered several calls and arranged work. It looked really busy.

   "Sister, you can't do this, you must have a special person to handle these things, such as assistants, secretaries, office directors, etc., must be equipped."

   Liu Qingshan couldn't help feeling distressed when he saw Yang Hongying couldn't stop eating.

  Yang Hongying put down her mobile phone: "They are all being cultivated slowly. We are developing too fast and have insufficient talent reserves. Now most people still look for iron jobs."

   "Quick, probably soon, old lady, you don't have to worry about manpower anymore." Liu Qingshan muttered, with a deep sigh.

  When the tide of laid-offs is surging, no one can be alone, and the whole society will usher in another huge change.

  Some people are reborn from the cocoon, and some people just sink into it. While the tide of the times is rolling forward, it also brings countless blood and tears.

  Just chatting for a few words, Yang Hongying's red blue bird phone rang again, and Liu Qingshan raised the credit with his hand: "If I knew it, I wouldn't have taken out the phone."

  Yang Hongying answered the phone with a smile, said hello, and then switched to English.

  After Yang Hongying ended the call, Liu Qingshan smiled and said: "That's amazing, my old sister, and now I'm starting to talk business with foreigners."

  Yang Hongying shook her head: "It's an investment bank in the United States, and they want to come to us to pick up a bargain."

  Liu Qingshan instantly understood that Uni-President Foods must be developing well and was valued by major foreign investment banks and wanted to invest.

   This kind of situation will not be uncommon in the future. Many large domestic companies are actually standing behind the capital of other countries.

  However, the large-scale invasion of foreign capital is something that happened after two thousand years. It seems a little early now, right?

   "Sister, which investment bank is it?" Liu Qingshan asked casually.

   "Goldman Sachs." Yang Hongying replied:

   "Sanfeng, don't worry, no matter how good the other party's conditions are, we don't care too much. Ask me to help foreigners make money, and we still make money from our own people. Go ahead and dream!"

  Goldman Sachs Group, established as early as 1869, is the world's oldest and largest investment bank.

   Obviously, the advance development of Uni-President Foods attracted the attention of Goldman Sachs.

   I remember later that they invested in Shuanghui Ham Sausage.

  Liu Qingshan nodded. He really hasn't talked with his elder sister about this issue, and he thinks it's too early. Unexpectedly, people are thinking about it now.

  However, Yang Hongying's attitude made Liu Qingshan feel very at ease. On the issue of principle, the old lady can still be clear.

  So she gave Yang Hongying a thumbs up: "This is my elder sister, women don't give way to men!"

   "Come on less." Yang Hongying rolled her eyes at her brother, she could have such confidence mainly because of Liu Qingshan at the helm.

  Whether it is the company's development strategy or funds, these major aspects have never worried her.

  Compared with those companies that suffer from financial problems, Yang Hongying feels that she is simply too happy.

  Liu Qingshan also realized that it was precisely because of the lack of funds that foreign capital came to collect wool.

   But the situation is different now, whoever dares to come back to collect the wool again, let him go back with a mess.

  Liu Qingshan is already in the instant noodle industry, clearing up the capital of the island country, and also crushing a certain master. This is the best example.

  Yang Hongying took the time to grab two mouthfuls of rice: "A few days ago, the investment bank came to our place for investigation. I heard that they also took a fancy to another company that produces ham sausage."

   "It can't be a double meeting, right?" Liu Qingshan immediately noticed it.

  However, in Liu Qingshan's memory, Shuanghui will start producing ham sausage next year, and in the original competition, it defeated Chundu and gradually became the industry leader.

   It is estimated that Uni-President’s ham sausage has been selling well in the past two years, which stimulated Shuanghui to enter this market earlier.

  Yang Hongying nodded her chin: "It's a meat joint company in Zhongzhou. It mainly produces ham sausages. The quality is also good. It's about the same as ours. It's a strong competitor."

  Liu Qingshan was also interested: "Sister, what are you going to do?"

   "Normal competition, this market is getting bigger and bigger, and our family can't afford it." Yang Hongying seems to have long planned.

   "How to compete?" Liu Qingshan asked again. Industry competition is sometimes very cruel, and it's not even you or me.

  Yang Hongying said while eating: "On the one hand, we maintain the advertising efforts on the TV station. On the other hand, we have also started to study different flavors of ham sausage, and we have achieved some results."

  Liu Qingshan nodded, these are very desirable, and belong to the confrontation on the frontal battlefield.

   I just don't know if the other party will do something wrong.

   Soon Yang Hongying's phone rang again, and she looked at everyone shyly, then connected to the phone.

   "Goldman Sachs is planning to invest in Shuanghui, yes, I understand." Yang Hongying put down the phone, her face a little unhappy.

  It is obvious that Goldman Sachs has made two-handed preparations, and has spotted two companies, Uni-President Food Company and Shuanghui.

   After the expected purpose is not achieved here, it is transferred to another company.

  It seems that the strength of the opponent is about to increase sharply, which makes Yang Hongying feel some pressure.

  However, she is not willing to admit defeat, which was fully demonstrated when she went to Jiapigou for the first time.

  Yang Hongying picked up the chopsticks again: "If the Shuanghui really has foreign investment, then we really don't need to be polite."

   "Sister, I support you. Use our national enterprise to teach those high-ranking foreign investment banks a lesson. This is not the place for them to come!"

  Liu Qingshan also firmly supports it. This kind of situation is the target of his vigorous attack.

  "National enterprise?" Yang Hongying heard such a vocabulary for the first time, and it felt very fresh.

   "That's right, it is our own enterprise of our own nation, with roots and roots, and we will build a national brand in the future."

  Liu Qingshan penetrated a little bit of thinking in this area, after all, this point will become more and more important in future competitions.

   "National brand, this is a good idea. You can mention it when you launch an advertisement next time." Yang Hongying also liked this title very much, and immediately became excited.

   Then at this time, the phone rang again.

  Liu Qingshan shook his head helplessly: "Old sister, can you still have a good meal, and you are not allowed to answer the phone after eating!"

   "Sanfeng, it seems to be your phone number." Wu Tong next to her reminded her with a smile.

  Liu Qingshan also blinked: "Hehe, let's not make an example. Let's make a rule in the future. When eating, the mobile phone is turned off."

  Everyone couldn't help but smile, Liu Qingshan connected to the mobile phone, it was Xiao Li from the United States who called, and informed Liu Qingshan to pick up the plane tomorrow.

   "You guy is not in Hollywood, how did you come to me?" Liu Qingshan asked with a smile.

   "I'm here on business, leading the crew to your country for filming." Xiao Li replied solemnly, and then immediately said with a smile:

   "Of course, by the way, you guys, you actually got Columbia Pictures, haha, I will have more ways to find female stars in the future."

   This guy is really the same as Boss Huo.

  The crew that Xiao Li mentioned is of course Forrest Gump, because in the film, there is a scene where Forrest Gump plays table tennis, that is, ping-pong diplomacy in special times.

   I don't know what the crew thinks, but Liu Qingshan is a little dissatisfied when they actually come to China to shoot: "Li, this is a waste of investors' money."

  The biggest investor is of course Liu Qingshan.

  Xiao Li's happy laughter came from the phone: "Liu, we didn't want to come, but because this is your territory, we are planning to go."

   Is it my fault? Liu Qingshan shook his head slightly, but he was still looking forward to this crew.

  The section describing Huaxia in the film is very important to him, but it is a bit short. Do you want to consider adding some drama?

  (end of this chapter)

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