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Chapter 946: An incomparably huge business opportunity (ask for a monthly ticket)

  Chapter 946 An Incomparably Huge Business Opportunity (seeking a monthly ticket)

  Liu Qingshan led the two juniors, wandering slowly in the streets of Bukit City.

  Behind them, surrounded by more than a dozen members of the Black Bear Gang, each with big arms and round waists, swaying with their arms folded, it is not a good idea at first glance.

  It caused pedestrians on the road to avoid it one after another, for fear of getting into trouble.

   "Little brother, why do I feel like those villains on TV, the kind who specialize in bullying men and women." Li Tieniu felt a little uncomfortable.

  Liu Qingshan is also helpless, his main target this time is not the Black Bear Gang, but that Comrade Sergey.

  But he didn't have a channel to contact Sergey, so he could only take the initiative to tell Sergey in this way: I'm coming.

   "Sir, let's go there and have a rest." The accompanying leader of the Black Bear Gang pointed to a very eye-catching building beside the road.

  The reason why I chose this place is because the salesperson girl here has a sweet smile.

  Liu Qingshan took a look, it turned out to be a bank, so he was a little puzzled: "Why go to the bank to rest, we don't need to handle exchange business."

  The little boss licked his lips: "This is a bank for Americans, the service attitude is very good, and you can also drink free coffee."

  Liu Qingshan also had a meaningful smile on his face: "Okay, then let's go in and have a rest."

   Unexpectedly, the United States has already stretched out its black hand.

   This is the cruelest battle, even surpassing the Great Patriotic War that year.

  Although it was an economic war without gunpowder, it caused the rapid decline of this once powerful country.

   Entering the bank, the environment is indeed very elegant, and there are sofas and coffee tables specially set up. A few boys are sitting there drinking hot coffee.

  Seeing Liu Qingshan and others coming in, a tall salesperson greeted her. She was wearing a uniform, which set off her attractive figure.

   "Welcome, gentlemen, please sit down, and I will pour coffee for everyone."

  The attitude of the salesperson is amiable, and it really feels like a spring breeze.

  The old man summed it up right: we must always be vigilant against the sugar-coated bullets of imperialism.

  Liu Qingshan drank his coffee in silence, but began to calculate rapidly in his mind. He realized that an extremely huge business opportunity was right in front of his eyes.

   It's just how to operate, but it is a big problem.

   This kind of thing obviously cannot be handed over to the Black Bear Gang, and they must support a spokesperson by themselves.

   In Liu Qingshan's mind, the shadows of Ivanov and Katyusha popped up suddenly, and these two can be considered.

   and the Black Bear Gang are at best business partners, just using each other.

  But the couple with Ivanov are friends. They should be regarded as Liu Qingshan's friends on Maozi's side, and they are trustworthy.

   It’s just this kind of poaching, Katyusha’s grandfather, the old general, I’m afraid he won’t agree?

  Things are still a bit difficult, but Liu Qingshan knows that the current chaos is the best opportunity.

  If it is managed properly, then in Russia in the future, there will no longer be only seven oligarchs, and perhaps an eighth oligarch.

  I was thinking about it, when I saw two young men wandering in. Their clothes were very worn out, and their whole bodies were also dirty. They were almost homeless.

  However, the salesperson still greeted him with a smile, said a word of welcome, and then invited him to the sofa on the other side alone, and brought coffee as usual, with two big bars attached very thoughtfully.

   "Excuse me, miss, do you accept bonds here?" After wolfing down food and drink, a young man asked.

  The so-called bond was a product of the special circumstances at that time.

  After Russia became independent, Lao Ye decided to implement privatization reforms, completely implementing the Western approach.

  This shows that he has basically been fooled and lame. The Western world has shown the most beautiful bubbles to Russian officials and people, making everyone deeply obsessed, thinking that as long as the reforms are made, a better life will beckon to them.

   So he hired Sachs, a famous economist in the United States and the founder of shock therapy, to carry out drastic reforms to the country's economy.

   Didn't you say that this was slapped on the head by a black bear? Asking the enemy to help is tantamount to leading a wolf into the house.

   Soon came up with a "500-day plan", the core content of which was to convert all the state-owned enterprises in the former Soviet Union into marketable bonds and distribute them to all the people.

  This privatization is too thorough, too thorough.

  In the beginning, these ordinary people were very happy. Everyone got bonds worth tens of thousands of rubles, which would cost more than 10,000 dollars.

  So they all cheered together: It is better to privatize!

   As a result, I took it and slowly realized that this thing is really used as money, which is equivalent to a piece of waste paper, so some people began to think about cashing it out.

  Wouldn’t it be that someone ran to the bank with the bond, hoping to convert it into banknotes.

  The pretty salesperson still had a kind attitude: "I'm sorry sir, we don't open this business for the time being."

  A look of disappointment appeared on the young man's face: "It's a 20% discount, you should accept it, right?"

   "I'm sorry, sir." The salesperson still smiled and shook his head.

  The young man was cruel again: "It's always 30% off, right?"

  Looking at this scene, Liu Qingshan also secretly shook his head: These people are still too naive!

  They still have illusions in their hearts, and they are not really aware of the greed of capital.

  These banks will definitely receive bonds. It’s just the price, so don’t have any illusions.

   Tens of thousands of bonds can be exchanged for dozens of rubles in the end. Otherwise, how did those oligarchs form?

   It is precisely by taking advantage of this huge price difference of thousands or even tens of thousands of times that the oligarchs have acquired a large amount of state-owned assets, and the ordinary people are all in vain.

  Those two young men left regretfully with the bonds in their pockets. They are still full of dreams.

  But soon, the dream will be completely shattered.

  Liu Qingshan watched coldly, he would not pity these brats, on the contrary, he was also ready to join this feast of capital.

  However, with his own strength, he is still a bit too weak, and needs to find a partner for cooperation.

  Whether it is Mrs. Huo from Hong Kong Island or Xiao Li from the United States, they can all be drawn in.

  Because this cake is too big, no one can eat it alone.

  The most serious bond depreciation should be in the next two years, so if you hurry up and plan now, there should be no problem.

  Maozi's territory is really too big. If Liu Qingshan's team can conquer the Far East and Siberia, they will be able to wake up from their dreams.

  Just the oil and gas resources contained here, there is no need to worry about eating and drinking.

   As for the future when the Great Emperor came to power and began to liquidate, it will be two thousand years later, and it is too early.

  Even if the emperor becomes the president, apart from fleeing to death, some of the oligarchs also attach themselves to the emperor, and they still live happily.

  Liu Qingshan quickly formed a complete plan: with Ivanov and Katyusha in the lead, he and his team provided financial support.

   In addition, they also need to rely on the influence of the Black Bear Gang. The big deal is to give them less sweetness.

  The key now is whether Ivanov is willing to get in the car.

   "Let's go." Liu Qingshan stood up and led people out of the bank.

  The little boss smacked his mouth, as if he was still savoring the aroma of coffee: "This foreign bank is better than the local bank."

  Liu Qingshan shook his head with a smile, and said nothing: When they start plundering wildly with a smile on their faces, I guess you won't think so.

  Walking around on the main street, Liu Qingshan felt that it was almost the same, so he went to Ivanov's shop.

  He is going to have a good talk with Ivanov. After all, this matter is of great importance and requires Ivanov's consent. .

  There was no one queuing outside the store, and many people crowded in a chaotic manner.

   This is also a very obvious change. The original orderly queuing situation can no longer be seen. This is the freedom that the people desire.

  But when freedom really came, everyone suddenly realized that it didn't seem so fragrant.

  The figure of Ivanov appeared at the door of the store. He waved his arms and shouted: "Everyone be quiet, we don't accept bonds here, cash, we only want cash!"

  That group of customers didn't care about the number of them, they were about to rush into the store screaming.

   But they soon stopped, and then began to retreat step by step.

   I saw Katyusha walking out of the store with a double-barreled shotgun in her arms, with an angry and indifferent expression on her face:

   "Get out, troublemakers must get out!"

  The customers who had no money finally dispersed, leaving the real customers, who happily walked into the store from beside Katyusha.

   There was also a guy of short stature who grinned and slipped under Katyusha's gun barrel, muttering, "Katyusha, don't go off."

   Katyusha shrugged her shoulders, and just as she was about to put away the shotgun, she heard another voice:

   "Please exchange my bond for several boxes of vodka."

  Katyusha's eyes immediately widened again, the muzzle of the gun was raised again, and then she exclaimed: "Oh, Liu, is it you!"

  The woman threw the gun to the ground, rushed towards Liu Qingshan, and hugged Liu Qingshan tightly.

  So enthusiastic?

   Liu Qingshan had no choice but to open his arms helplessly, and then looked at Ivanov: "Take care of your wife."

   Ivanov was left with a smirk, a smile, and even tears.

  Liu Qingshan also felt that his cheeks were a little wet, and quickly grabbed Katyusha's shoulders, only to see her face burst into tears.

   "You don't have to be so excited to see me, do you?"

  Liu Qingshan patted Katyusha on the back, then took out a handkerchief and wiped her face: "Look, Katyusha, your snot is all over my face!"

  He already had some hunch in his heart, so he tried to make a few jokes.

  Katyusha burst out laughing, and then looked sad again: "Liu, my grandpa, my grandpa..."

   Liu Qingshan's premonition came true, he could only pat Katyusha's shoulder lightly:

   "The survivors live in stealth, the dead are long gone, Katyusha, we still have a long way to go in the future."

  Katyusha shook her head: "I can't see the future, this country, or this nation."

   It can be seen that Katyusha was influenced by her grandfather since she was a child, and has a deep love for the country and the nation.

   But now, her grandfather has passed away, and she has become completely confused.

   Liu Qingshan turned his head and waved to the little boss: "Go back first, I'm with my friend today."

  The little boss agreed and took the people away. Then Liu Qingshan went to Ivanov at the door, patted him on the shoulder as well, and then entered the store without a word.

   There is a small rest room at the back of the store, and a few people are sitting here.

   Li Tieniu and his brother felt that the atmosphere was a bit depressing, so they didn't follow in.

  Katyusha made Liu Qingshan a cup of black tea, and then sat on the sofa side by side with Ivanov: "Liu, I am completely disappointed in this country now."

   "Katyusha, I can understand how you feel now."

  Liu Qingshan gently turned the teacup in his hand, and said slowly:

   "Instead of lamenting in disappointment, it is better to do something, use your own actions to change your own country and nation, even if it is only a little bit, it is also a kind of success for you."

  Katyusha and Ivanov fell into contemplation, and Liu Qingshan's words gave them great inspiration.

  Yeah, complaining all day won't do anything.

  Katyusha's eyes gradually became firm: "Liu, tell me, what should I do?"

  Liu Qingshan smiled: "It's very simple, each of us can only become the darling of the times if we adapt to the times we live in."

   "When you have a strong capital, you can also help your country and your fellow countrymen."

  In fact, Liu Qingshan himself is walking on such a road.

  He regards Katyusha and Ivanov as true friends, so he doesn't want to see them sink.

  Since Katyusha still has the feeling of helping the world, she should stand in a higher position in order to help more people.

   "Liu, is it like you? I'd love to." Katyusha finally showed a smile on her face. In her opinion, such a life would have meaning.

  Ivanov listened for a long time, and finally asked a question: "Liu, I know, you are our best friend, but it is already our limit to make the store like this, how should we develop in the future?"

  Liu Qingshan took a sip of tea, and then slowly explained his plan.

  Katyusha listened very carefully, her face was sometimes excited and sometimes confused.

  Finally, she couldn't help it anymore: "Liu, in this case, wouldn't I also become a capitalist, what is the difference between me and those people?"

   "Of course, because you still have a conscience, Katyusha, capital itself, there is no distinction between good and evil."

  Liu Qingshan looked at Katyusha calmly, "You can use your own capital to fight against the plundering capital from abroad, and then use your own capital to do what you want."

  Afterwards, Liu Qingshan narrated his experience, fighting against the island country, digging gold in the United States, and driving out bad capital...

   It was the first time for Katyusha and Ivanov to understand Liu Qingshan's deeds in such detail, and they were almost fascinated by what they heard.

   "Liu, I've decided, I want to be like you!"

  Katyusha jumped up excitedly from the sofa, hugged Liu Qingshan excitedly again, and kissed him **** the face.

  Liu Qingshan spread his arms helplessly again: "Ivanov, you really have to take care of your wife."

  (end of this chapter)

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