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Chapter 951: Oil it, oil it!

  Chapter 951 It's oily, it's oily!

  The nickname Li Sanjing is well-known in the domestic oil exploration industry.

  There are rumors in the industry: within the three oil wells, there must be oil, so gradually people forget his real name and call him Li Sanjing.

  But since coming to Lilan and drilling offshore, Li Sanjing has become a bit misnamed.

  Three oil wells went down, but still failed to find valuable oil layers.

  Drilled three more wells, all of which were small oil layers that were worthless.

  Lao Tzu’s nickname can be changed to Li Liujing!

  Li Sanjing's eyes were red: tens of millions were thrown into the sea like this, and he was so distressed that he almost wanted to jump into the sea.

   Several assistants couldn't hold their nerves, and began to whisper in Li Sanjing's ears:

   Those big foreign exploration companies are sure that there are no big oil fields here, why don't we stop?

  Because of the special geographical location here, many exploration ships from developed countries in Europe and the United States have drilled some oil wells, and they have come to the conclusion that the oil is poor.

  Everyone’s worry is not unreasonable. Every time an additional well is drilled, real money will be thrown in. How will you pay the employer?

  Li Mijing also hesitated. He couldn't sleep at night, holding a drawing and carefully analyzing and demonstrating it.

   Judging from various signs, this place is very close to several major oil countries in West Asia. From the perspective of geological structure, they are all very similar. It is impossible to have no oil?

  Think about the predecessors in the industry. At the beginning, China was also labeled as an oil-poor country. In the end, it was not the discovery of a large oil field in the Northeast, which was a blood transfusion for the national industry.

   Keep going!

  Li Sanjing's stubborn temper has also come up. If he gives up halfway now, then the employer's initial investment will be completely in vain, and he can't cheat anyone.

   But before doing it, you have to seek the employer's opinion. I don't know if he will take the money.

  Liu Qingshan is not here, Xiao Wu is in charge, so Li Sanjing approached Xiao Wu.

   As a result, Xiao Wu told him one thing: Liu Qingshan made a bet with others that within ten oil wells, a large oil field must be discovered, otherwise, Liu Qingshan would lose 500 million US dollars.

   This is a bet made by Liu Qingshan and Looney, headed by the fourth generation of Rockefeller, and others. Worth 500 million.

  Li Sanjing felt a lot of pressure, but he also had a temper, and told Xiao Wu on the spot: I will help Mr. Liu win 500 million US dollars.

   Not only for money, but also for our Chinese exploration team!

  After returning to the offshore operation ship, Li Sanjing continued to fight. This time, his fighting spirit was even higher.

  Because he could feel the confidence of Mr. Liu and his trust in them.

  Definitely live up to the trust!

   Hard work pays off, just the day before yesterday, the oil well they drilled spewed out black gold again.

  After preliminary detection, the reserves must exceed 50 million barrels. According to foreign standards, this is a large A-level oil field.

  And the possibility of oil fields in other places in this sea area is equally huge, that is to say, this is a big discovery worth billions or tens of billions.

  At this moment, Li Sanjing really wanted to ask his subordinates to fill him up with crude oil and drink three bowls to express his inner excitement and joy.

   Then he immediately rushed back to Rainbow Port to report the good news to his employer.

  When he was riding an off-road vehicle and found Xiao Wu on the side of the road, he immediately got off the vehicle and ran over:

   "It's oil, it's oil! We're finally getting oil!"

  Xiao Wu was also overjoyed: "Gong Li, are you really doing well?"

  Li Mijing took off his helmet and threw it on the ground: "I said, we will definitely win!"

  The winning he mentioned is not just about money, but also dignity and glory.

   "Hahaha, Qingshan, you're so lucky when you come, you really are a lucky star!"

  Xiao Wu patted Liu Qingshan on the shoulder vigorously, and then remembered to introduce: "Qingshan, this is Li Mijing and Li Gong, who are the person in charge of our exploration."

   "Li Gong, this is Liu Qingshan."

  Liu Qingshan also looked at the middle-aged man in front of him. He was not tall, but he was quite strong. Because he worked at sea all the year round, his face was weathered.

   But those eyes are extremely black and bright, darker and brighter than the crude oil emerging from the ground.

   "Gong Li, thank you for your hard work."

  Liu Qingshan reached out his hands and held Li Sanjing's big gloved hand, which was still covered with mottled black.

  Although it was the first time they met, Li Sanjing and Liu Qingshan had been friends for a long time. Looking at the handsome young man in front of him, Li Sanjing also said loudly:

   "Mr. Liu, I'm lucky you didn't disgrace your life!"

  Hahaha, the two looked at each other and laughed. At this moment, their hearts blended together.

  Li Mijing felt the trust of Liu Qingshan, while Liu Qingshan admired the other party's dedication.

  Sorrow each other, that's what I'm talking about.

  Since there was such a big happy event, Liu Qingshan and others temporarily lost their mind to visit the livestock market. Everyone got into the car and drove towards Longteng's station.

   There are snow-white houses and relatively complete public facilities, such as shops, barbershops, procurement departments, hospitals, etc., making everyone feel like they have returned to a small city in China.

   "Not bad, even the movie theater is built?"

  Looking at the building with the "People's Cinema" sign, Liu Qingshan couldn't help smiling.

  Xiao Wu was also full of pride: "Our side, now the most popular is the public facilities of the People's series, such as People's Cinema, People's Hospital, etc."

   "Then there is the signboard Friendship, which is used a lot, like Friendship Store, Friendship Veterinary Hospital."

  Everyone couldn't help laughing: Youyi Veterinary Hospital, it sounds weird, but fortunately, the veterinary hospital didn't use the signboard of "People".

   This can be regarded as having the Chinese characteristics at that time.

   Along the way, Xiao Wu explained that this city was planned by him, just like his own home.

  But there is still one thing that requires Liu Qingshan to make up his mind, Xiao Wu asked Liu Qingshan:

   "Qingshan, our place can't always be called Longteng Station, should we choose a suitable name?"

  In the past, the scale was relatively small, so forget it, but now the number of people migrating from China alone has exceeded 100,000.

  In addition, there are more than 200,000 local tribes who voluntarily joined, and the total population has exceeded the 300,000 mark. It is a bit inappropriate to call it a resident.

  Liu Qingshan smiled: "You are the master here, of course you come to name the city."

   "Hey, how about calling it the City of Friendship?" Xiao Wu obviously thought about this question, and felt that this name was the most appropriate, as it was a testimony of the friendship between the two nations.

  Liu Qingshan nodded: "That's right, but it's a bit too straightforward, why not call it Rainbow City, we already have Rainbow Port, so the city is called Rainbow City."

  When the Rainbow Port was named, Xiao Wu was there and knew the meaning, which also symbolizes the Rainbow Bridge of friendship.

  So Xiao Wu slapped his hands vigorously: "Okay, let's call it Rainbow City, haha, Qingshan, we want to build this place into the most beautiful city!"

  After finishing speaking, Xiao Wu giggled again: "Then, can I be promoted to City Lord, hehe, City Lord Wu, this name is quite domineering, better than the original Commander Wu."

  Liu Qingshan did not interrupt his imagination, this is what Xiao Wu deserves.

  Their convoy is relatively slow, mainly for sightseeing by the way.

  There are also many pedestrians on the road, whether they are yellow-skinned or dark-skinned, most of them will wave when they see Xiao Wu.

   "You guy, you are really popular here." Liu Qingshan couldn't help sighing.

  Xiao Wu also looked proud: "This is mainly due to my daughter."

  That's right, it was because he adopted Xiao Di Li that he won the local people's approval.

   "Haha, then you'd better marry another local woman, or a few more."

  Liu Qingshan is also very happy, if that's the case, it is estimated that Xiao Wu will really integrate into this society, whose uncle, who doesn't love him?

   While chatting and laughing, they came to the office of the resident, and the sign of "People's Commune" was still shining in the sun.

   You are really kind.

  Everyone has the same idea in their hearts. It is really kind to see such a title in a foreign country.

   "It's going to be replaced by Rainbow City soon." Xiao Wu even felt like changing from shotgun to cannon.

   At this time, many people poured out from the office building, headed by the old squad leader, who is now the president of the commune from the squad leader.

  Seeing Liu Qingshan, Li Tieniu and others, the old squad leader smiled and shook hands and hugged each other.

   In addition, Captain Yu Hetian, Wang Gong and others are also impressively listed.

  But these captains should be promoted to bureau chiefs soon. Isn't this level raised all at once?

   Then there are those black comrades, some are in charge of animal husbandry, some are in charge of education, and some are in charge of religious affairs, etc.

  In fact, the proportion of local people is still larger.

  The group surrounded Liu Qingshan and others, and came to a large conference room, and there were half-sized black children who brought tea and coffee and other drinks.

  Liu Qingshan looked around, and then said: "I am here this time mainly to go through the naturalization procedures, and I will become a part of this country in the future."

  The people present were stunned for a moment, and then there was warm applause.

  Especially those black faces, they were obviously excited.

  Because after being naturalized, it is equivalent to a family, which gives the locals a stronger sense of belonging.

  The old squad leader laughed and said, "Qing Shan, that's all right now, let's continue to be compatriots."

  Long Teng's resident, the number of people who changed their nationality accounted for about 1%.

   Most of them are unmarried men. Of course I understand this.

  Some of them have intermarried with local people and formed new families, which is a manifestation of integration.

  Captain Yu was on the sidelines revealing the old story: "Old squad leader, are you ashamed to say that you married Nina as a wife, do domestic daughters-in-law know?"

  Liu Qingshan couldn't help igniting the fire of gossip: I can't tell, Comrade old squad leader, is he still a big carrot?

  The old squad leader blushed slightly: "My wife is already on the way, the last time I went back to visit relatives, my wife agreed!"

  The situation in his family is quite special. After the couple got married, the wife has never been pregnant.

  Liu Qingshan waved his hand: "This kind of thing is normal, and it is considered a good thing. It can promote the continuous integration of our two sides."

  The black brothers present all had smiles on their faces, it seemed that they thought so too.

   Captain Yu muttered, "Then I'll ask for two more wives."

   "Haha, then you have to agree with your wife first." The old squad leader was a little gloating, because Captain Yu's wife is a famous little pepper.

   Seeing that the building was going to be crooked, Liu Qingshan clapped his hands quickly: "There is another piece of good news, please let Gong Li announce it."

  Li Sanjing stood up and bowed, and then said loudly: "We discovered a large oil field fifty-six nautical miles east of Rainbow Harbor and ten kilometers from the coastline!"

  The audience was stunned for a moment, and then warm applause broke out again.

  Oil represents untold wealth, this is self-evident, their life will definitely get better and better.

  Since joining the Longteng resident, there has been new development every year. The current life is simply something they never imagined before.

   And the future will be even better.

  Liu Qingshan also stood up and expressed his opinion: "Thank you Li Gong and all members of the exploration team for their dedication, but I want to make one point, money touches people's hearts, so we must go all out to keep our own wealth!"

  Everyone couldn't help but tremble, there is currently a civil war here, in other words, there is no kingly law at all.

  Now a huge piece of fat appears out of thin air, and it is estimated that many people will come running over, wanting to tear off a big bite.

   At this time, Xiao Wu once again showed the demeanor of Commander Wu: "We will increase the self-defense force to one thousand and defeat all enemies!"

  In fact, those who came to Liland were mainly veterans and militiamen, plus their families.

   There are a total of 100,000 people, no less than 2,000 of whom put down their hoes and trowels and can join the battle at any time, and they are all well-trained, not a mob.

  On land, there are several armored vehicles and two helicopters, and on the sea, there are two small warships. This is already a very powerful force in the local area.

  Liu Qingshan nodded: "These are not enough, I plan to purchase another batch of maritime weapons in the near future."

  Look, isn't this reason more and more sufficient?

   At that time, it will be logical to purchase two small warships and a few fighter jets, and then get an offshore platform.

   "Do you want to keep the discovery of the big oil field secret for the time being?" the old squad leader asked.

   "There is no need to keep it secret, and we must publicize it as soon as possible to let the whole world know that this oil field belongs to us, so it is safer."

  Liu Qingshan is also planning to collect money from Looney Rockefeller and his gang.

   And just now, another idea came to his mind: It seems that he can get a big loan with this oil field.

   Right now he is short of money, a large oil field, a mortgage of one billion two billion, is still no problem.

   Those oil tycoons across the sea from Lilan have money, and their relationship with each other is quite harmonious. Presumably they should be very happy.

   After all, with Lilan's ability, he can't afford the work of mining and transportation.

  With these reasons, of course Liu Qingshan wants to spread the news of the discovery of the oil field.

  He was also happy in his heart: Unexpectedly, if you are not careful, there will be a mine at home.

  What, you said that oil fields are not mines, so they are worth more than mines, okay?

  (end of this chapter)

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