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Chapter 954: As expected of a local tyrant! (seeking a monthly ticket)

  Chapter 954 As expected of a local tyrant! (seeking a monthly ticket)

  Liu Qingshan's fleet finally returned from the ancient city of Moga smoothly.

  In addition to the original crew, there are also dumb grandpa and little six sons on board.

  In addition, there are Ambassador Liang and the staff of the embassy, ​​as well as embassy staff from more than a dozen other countries, a total of more than 100 people.

   At the moment when the ship left the harbor, many embassy staff raised their arms and cheered loudly.

  This scene made the local tribe representatives who were also accompanying them feel a little ashamed.

  These representatives were sent by Ali and Hassan. In addition to these two tribes, there are also big tribes like Dill and more than a dozen small tribes.

  As for other tribes, Hassan and others are also actively contacting them.

  Under the temptation of huge interests, the tribes finally temporarily gave up their disputes and became unprecedentedly united.

  Even if you want to fight for interests, you have to wait until you really have interests, and then you will fight with your arms, right?

   In this way, Liu Qingshan's ship, full of people with different thoughts, finally arrived at Rainbow Harbor after sailing for a few days.

  Right now, Rainbow Port is very busy. There are cargo ships coming and going, but most of them are passenger ships.

   There are even two luxury cruise ships inside. Looking at the national flag printed on the hull, it really comes from those oil tycoons, maybe they are members of the royal family.

  Only these local tyrants have this pomp when they go out.

  Liu Qingshan is also quite satisfied: It seems that the allure of oil is really strong enough.

   This also proves from the side that these days, the old squad leader is doing a good job, at least they have invited everyone.

  On the pier, there was already a waiting car, and there were a lot of people, so besides a few off-road vehicles, there were also two buses.

  Organize people from all walks of life to get in the car immediately, leave the port, and head towards Rainbow City.

  The road signs have been changed, and the new name of Rainbow City has been uniformly adopted on the signs.

  Xiao Wu, the new city lord, was sitting in the jeep driving the road, looking very high-spirited.

  Of course he has the capital to be proud. This can be seen from the reactions of those people in the car behind.

  Whether it is the people from the embassy or the observers sent by various tribes, they all have the same thought in their hearts: Is this really the same country?

   What appeared in front of my eyes was a completely different look.

  Over the ancient city of Mojia, the air was filled with tension, but here, the air was surprisingly fresh.

  The field is also a completely different scene. The ancient city is extremely desolate, but here is full of greenery, bringing endless hope to people.

  The power plant in the distance is emitting curling smoke, and there are many tall chimneys standing outside the city. It is the industrial area of ​​Rainbow City.

   Entering the urban area, the poles and green trees on both sides of the road stand tall, and the snow-white houses are neat and tidy, looking so comfortable.

  The minaret in the distance also looks extraordinarily majestic.

  Shops on the street, customers coming in and out, a group of little black kids and little yellow kids carrying schoolbags, walking together on the side of the road.

  The real laughter that day is the best portrayal of a happy life.

   "Oh, it's hard to imagine that there is such a beautiful city in this country." Maldini from the Italian embassy let out an exaggerated cry.

  A staff member of the English embassy next to him also nodded frequently: "If the ancient city of Moga can be like this, I don't think we need to leave at all."

  The observers sent by those tribes felt a little embarrassed and flustered.

  Their emotions are the most complicated, and their feelings are deeper: it turns out that such a life can still be lived.

  Everyone has this question in their hearts: Why are there still wars?

  The convoy came to the largest hotel in Rainbow Car, and the signboard said "People's Hotel".

   Someone came out to greet them earlier, it was the old squad leader and Chen Dongfang, who were left behind.

  Little Di Li ran in the front, waving her arms and shouting "Dad, Daddy!"

   But it was not Xiao Wu's father who greeted her, but Xiao Liu.

  I saw the little six rushing over, hugging little Di Li for a few laps: "Di Li, you seem to be gaining weight again?"

   After she was put down, little Di Li rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand: "Sixth sister, am I dreaming?"

   "Haha, of course not, I deliberately ran from the southernmost tip of this continent to the northernmost tip to see you."

  Little Liuzi laughed so hard that his small eyes almost lost sight.

  The old squad leader greeted Liu Qingshan and the others, and first greeted the outsiders in English: "Welcome to Rainbow City, I believe everyone will have a good time."

  Then the old squad leader found Ambassador Liang in the crowd, and hurried up to shake hands: "Mr. Ambassador, welcome."

  Ambassador Liang also expressed a lot of emotion: "Your place is very nice, it is simply a paradise on earth."

  This feeling is of course compared with other parts of the country. If compared with the oil rich country in the north, it is still not far from the slums.

   After saying hello, the old squad leader came to Liu Qingshan: "Mr. Liu, Mr. Chen and I have invited a large number of guests, and we are just waiting for Mr. Liu to come back."

  Chen Dongfang also stayed here. He runs Longteng International Trading Company and has a wide range of people, so he is the most suitable for inviting people.

   "Okay, a gathering of heroes." Liu Qingshan knew that the next step was to throw off his arms and do something big.

  All the guests are invited to enter the hostel. Although it is incomparable with the star hotels in the metropolis, for these embassy staff who have just left the tiger's mouth, what bicycles are needed.

  In the lobby of the hotel, a large group of reporters were chatting, including some observers sent by the oil company.

   Soon someone recognized Liu Qingshan, so they cheered and surrounded him:

   "Mr. Mountain, may I ask whether the discovery of the big oil field is true?"

   "Mr. Mountain, how many crude oil reserves are there, can you tell me?"

   "Mr. Mountain..."

  Good guy, it's even more lively than a press conference.

   Originally, those embassy staff had to arrange guest rooms to rest, but after seeing this posture, they were not in a hurry, and instead began to greet reporters from their own countries.

  Everyone really praised Rainbow City: In times of crisis, righteous actions must be reported.

  The reporters also rejoiced in their hearts: there were unexpected gains.

  Ambassador Liang knew that this kind of thing is still very good for enhancing China's international influence, so he immediately communicated with those reporters.

   On Liu Qingshan's side, he never refuses to come to various questions, talking with eloquence:

   "This first oil well is just the beginning. I believe that there will be more oil fields in the sea here."

   "As for the reserves, it is conservatively estimated to be more than 100 million barrels, and we will continue to explore in the surrounding areas in the future, looking forward to greater discoveries."

  The reporters immediately went into an uproar, hundreds of millions of barrels of crude oil, at the current price, at least 20 dollars a barrel, that is billions of dollars of wealth.

  Mr. Mountain is really lucky!

  Among them, two journalists from the United States were the most excited, because they had previously reported the bet between Liu Qingshan and several oil giants.

   "Mr. Mountain, can it be understood that you have already won the bet with those gentlemen like Looney Rockefeller?"

  Liu Qingshan also did his part: "You are a reporter from the United States, right? Please tell Looney and other gentlemen that you are ready to spend 500 million U.S. dollars."

   "Of course, they can also choose to default, but in that case, they will soon receive a subpoena from the court."

   There was a chuckle around, and some reporters who didn't know the inside story quickly started to inquire.

  After learning that there was such a bet, the reporters were all happy: Mr. Mountain, you are indeed a news machine.

  If only a large oil field is discovered, ordinary people may not be interested.

  But if this incident is linked to a bet worth 500 million US dollars, then the masses will love it.

  However, what Liu Qingshan said also caused dissatisfaction among a small group of people.

  A white man with a big nose in a plaid shirt said: "Mr. Mountain, please don't be too happy before the oil reserves are proven."

   "Who are you?" Li Sanjing was a little dissatisfied. What could be wrong with the oil well that I drilled by myself?

  Big Nose said proudly: "I am Downey, the representative of Rockefeller's Persian Gulf Branch."

   It turned out to be someone from Rockefeller, no wonder.

  Li Sanjing was not too polite, Yang Yang had a thick stack of reports in his hand:

   "There is a research report of your company, which shows that there are no oil resources worth exploiting in the Liland coastal area. Excuse me, do your company's exploration teams use shovels to dig wells?"

   "You..." Downey's white skin was flushed, and he wanted to refute, but he had nothing to say.

   At this time, someone stepped forward to chime in: "I haven't seen it, who knows if you are cheating?"

  Li Sanjing looked at the white man who came out: "Who are you?"

   "I'm Stephen from Getty Oil." The man adjusted his Mediterranean hairstyle.

Li Sanjing flipped through the documents in his hand: "Hehe, including your company, almost misled us. Fortunately, our Huaxia Exploration Team has never followed blindly or superstitiously. Only in the place where you were sentenced to death, we discovered that everyone oilfield."

   "If it were me, I would have found a crack in the ground and burrowed in. How dare I stand up here?"

  Li Sanjing's mouth is bad enough, and catching these oil companies is just a blast.

  Representatives of these oil companies are usually rich and powerful. They have never suffered from such uselessness, and they will immediately take Li Sanjing to the oil well for a field inspection.

   "Just go, I have to convince you today!" Li Sanjing is also very angry, and today he vowed to make these self-righteous foreigners bow their heads.

  The reporters watched the fun and were not afraid of big things, and they all supported it.

  The entire hall was full of noise, busier than the vegetable market.

  At this time, a group of people wearing headscarves came down from upstairs. The robes and accessories on their bodies were very luxurious, and their faces exuded a kind of arrogance.

   That is the unique temperament of the oil tyrants.

  Chen Dongfang greeted in English, and then introduced Liu Qingshan: "Gentlemen, this is our Mr. Mountain from Rainbow City."

   Then he introduced the young man who was at the front of the group to Liu Qingshan: "Qingshan, this is Prince Hamed."

   "Hello, welcome to Rainbow City, I am Liu Qingshan." Liu Qingshan smiled and stepped forward to shake hands.

  Prince Hamed also smiled, put aside his arrogance temporarily, and shook hands with Liu Qingshan affectionately.

  Facing ordinary people, he has the right to be arrogant, but facing Liu Qingshan, the prince is very humble, because he knows that the person opposite also has great wealth.

   To put it bluntly, people of the same level have the same qualifications to talk to him.

  Prince Hamed and Liu Qingshan shook hands cordially: "Mr. Mountain, I have heard about you for a long time. I also use the Jade Bird mobile phone produced by your company, but I am very dissatisfied."

  Oh, Liu Qingshan blinked: "Your Highness, please give me more valuable advice."

   "Just call me Hamed."

   Hamed really took a Jade Bird mobile phone from the entourage behind him, pointed to the phone case and said:

   "At least gold should be used to make the shell of the mobile phone, and here, the blue bird logo, it's better to be inlaid with diamonds, so that it can barely be used."

   As expected of a local tyrant!

  Liu Qingshan couldn't help blinking, and nodded with a smile: "Hamed, as a friend, I will ask someone to order a mobile phone like this for you."

   "Haha, well, this is a friend." Hamed obviously wanted to make friends, and let out a burst of hearty laughter.

  Afterwards, Chen Dongfang introduced other people to Liu Qingshan, most of whom were sent by the oil countries in the Persian Gulf.

  However, when introducing a young man named Fahd, Liu Qingshan couldn't help but look solemn, because this member of the royal family from Ke Kingdom was the nephew of the late prince.

   "Mr. Fahd, please allow me to pay tribute to His Royal Highness the Prince."

  Liu Qingshan firmly grasped the opponent's hand and shook it twice.

  He has worked **** this matter, but it has not changed the final result of the matter. Liu Qingshan has always regretted it.

  This young Fahd also showed closeness to Liu Qingshan: "Mr. Mountain, my uncle told me about the friendship between you and him. You are our family and a friend forever."

  As the multinational forces expelled the Iraqi army from the country, the country has begun to rebuild. Although there are still oil wells blowing fire, the international rescue team is doing its best to put out the fire.

   Among them are the fire experts sent by Huaxia.

  The country’s foundation is still there, and the country is small, so reconstruction is not a problem at all.

  Liu Qingshan also nodded: "Long live friendship."

  He knew that this friendship was likely to last.

   At this time, Prince Hamed asked: "What was so lively just now?"

  Chen Dongfang told the general situation, and Prince Hamed also showed great interest: "Seeing is believing, everyone may wish to go and see together."

  Prince knew it well: If Rainbow City was not sure about this kind of matter, it would definitely not make such a big announcement.

  But the representatives from those oil companies in Europe and the United States are still lucky. They really don't want to be slapped in the face.

  Liu Qingshan also waved his arms proudly: "Since this is the case, then we invite you to witness together."

  (end of this chapter)

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