Hello 1983

Chapter 960: When two tigers fight, one will be injured

  Chapter 960 When two tigers fight, one must be injured

  General Vasily's house is a typical military family. The furnishings in the house are brief and edible, and everything is in order.

  The hostess is about fifty years old, amiable, she smiled and took the gift box that Liu Qingshan handed over.

  Inside the box are two Jade Bird mobile phones. This gift is not light or heavy, it can be regarded as a normal exchange, and the diamond necklace given to Vera is actually a real thank you gift.

  General Vasily was wearing civilian clothes at home, but his military temperament did not change because of this.

  He chatted with Liu Qingshan for a few words, and focused on Li Tie: "Young man with very good quality, if I were ten years younger, I would definitely learn from you."

  It seems that in the bones of soldiers, there is a heart to win.

  Liu Qingshan also intentionally asked Li Tie to show off: "General, you might as well ask your two guards to fight Brother Tie Zi."

   Oh, Vasily looked at Liu Qingshan in a little surprise, because his guards didn't show up because there were guests visiting.

  But Liu Qingshan could feel their presence, which is not easy.

   "Liu, at home, just call me uncle."

  General Vasily nodded with a smile, "Today's weather is good, very suitable for exercise."

   This is the characteristic of military families. Normally, it is impossible to do it with guests.

   Soon everyone came to the lawn outside, even the hostess and Vera followed happily.

   Obviously, they are used to this kind of thing, and it should have happened from time to time.

  General Vasily clapped his hands: "Ivan, come out and do activities with the guests."

  Two strong and strong men appeared in front of them, one was tall and strong, with a murderous look all over his body; the other was of medium build, the kind of person who looked ordinary and was difficult to attract the attention of others.

  The little pet dog raised by Vera immediately barked at the two people twice.

   This dog is very interesting, barking, while hiding behind Vera.

  Vera leaned over to comfort her puppy, and explained to Liu Qingshan with a smile: "It is very unfriendly to soldiers, except for Uncle Vasily."

   After finishing speaking, he reminded: "Be careful, Ivan and Alexei, both came out of the Siberian training camp."

  Siberia training camp, also known as Zhukov training camp, is the most prestigious training camp in the world, specializing in producing the most fierce fighters in the world.

  I saw that tall and strong man took a few steps forward. He was nearly two meters tall and stronger than Li Tieniu. If he had known earlier, he would have brought Tieniu.

   "Alexis, guard." The strong man's voice was a little hoarse, and he introduced himself very concisely.

   On Maozi’s side, there are many people named Alexei, because the name means to defend.

   By analogy, it is a bit like a name like "Weiguo" in Huaxia.

   "Li Tie!" Li Tie was even more straightforward. He also took a few steps forward and stood two meters away from Alexei.

  Although he was obviously inferior to the opponent in terms of height and body shape, Li Tie's steel-like tenacious aura was not weak at all.

  Alexis clenched his big fist, he felt threatened from the opponent.

   At this time, General Vasily ordered: "It's time to start. Today is just a friendly exchange of ideas, and there is no need to fight for life."

  As soon as the voice fell, Alexey moved. He roared, his steps were solid and steady, his pair of iron fists were as fast as the wind, and he attacked Li Tie with a set of combined punches.

   With his skill, he is more lethal than those boxers, because boxing will be restricted by some rules.

  Li Tie remained silent. He did not dodge, but stood where he was, forcibly blocking Alexei's fists and feet.

  The limbs of the two sides touched frequently, making a muffled bang bang sound, which made people feel pain in the flesh.

  Alexis's stormy attack lasted only a dozen seconds, and then he retreated sharply, looking at Li Tie in astonishment.

  In his mind, this little man would definitely use his agility to fight with him, but he never expected that the opponent completely blocked his iron fist.

  Alexai knows exactly how heavy his fist is.

   And looking at the other party's appearance, it seems that he is still able to handle it with ease.

   "Sure enough, he is a great young man." Vasily nodded slightly, and praised him, he also knew the level of his guards.

   "Amazing!" Vera clapped her hands vigorously.

  Although she praised both sides of the battle on the surface, it was obvious that she was more focused on Li Tie's side.

  Because Li Tie belongs to the weak side in terms of perception, and he was able to play evenly with Alexei.

  Aleksei also felt somewhat humiliated, bumped his fists, and rushed forward again.

   This time, Li Tie's body finally moved. Everyone felt a figure flicker in front of them, and then saw that Li Tie had turned behind Alexei.

  At this moment, the two of them were back to back, and when Alexey was about to turn around, he felt a huge force coming from his back. He couldn't help but rushed forward a few steps, and then fell down on the lawn.

  He propped up his arms on the grass, and his body bounced up quickly. Alexey turned around and put on a defensive posture. He didn't even understand how he was knocked down by the opponent.

  Onlookers know, in that short moment just now, everyone saw Li Tie's back suddenly hit Alexei's back, and then Alexey almost gnawed a grass.


  Vera couldn't help cheering and jumping. She often saw Alexey knocking down others, but this was the first time she saw someone knocking Alexey down.

  The applause this time was obviously entirely for Li Tie.

  Liu Qingshan also nodded slightly: Tiezi's Tieshan has more than 50% of the master's skill.

  The most embarrassing thing was Alexey. He let out a low growl, and was about to charge up again, but was interrupted by a cold voice:

   "Alexis, you are not his match, let me try."

   Alexei, who was like a violent bear, was instantly quiet. He never dared to disobey Ivan's words.

   That Ivan, who is like an ordinary person, no longer knows when he will appear in front of Li Tie.

  But Liu Qingshan knew that this person was not ordinary at all. From Ivan, Liu Qingshan felt a very dangerous aura.

   Li Tie obviously felt the same way, his complexion became more dignified, full of vigilance, like a cheetah ready to go.

  The two sides were facing each other at a distance of two or three meters, and neither of them took the lead.

  The momentum of each other is constantly rising, so that the few people watching the battle around feel the pressure is getting bigger and bigger.

  Wow, woof, Vera's puppy also barked twice, and then ran back to his den.

   Just when the momentum of the two sides was about to reach its peak, General Vasily said suddenly: "Okay, let's go in and have coffee together."

  Everyone felt the invisible pressure drop suddenly, and Vera even took a few breaths, and then patted her chest with her hands.

  Just now, her heart was so tense that she couldn't breathe.

   Li Tie and Ivan took two steps back at the same time, and then looked at each other with a look of sympathy in their eyes.

   Obviously, they are opponents of the same level.

   And General Vasily also clearly saw this point. When two tigers fight, one must be injured, so the general stopped in time.

  Although Liu Qingshan has great confidence in Li Tie, he doesn't want him to be injured because of this kind of competition. That Ivan is really strong, even if Li Tie can win, it will definitely be a miserable victory.

  At their level, the danger in the battle will be greater, ranging from injury to death, so it is better to give up.

   Papa papa, suddenly there was applause, which attracted everyone's attention.

  Only Liu Qingshan was unmoved, he had already discovered the few people outside the gate just now, and at a glance they were not from Maozi's side.

   "General Vasily, my old friend, do you mind my taking the liberty to visit?"

   Leading a middle-aged man with a big belly, he said hello, this guy is white and fat, his head is bald, and there is no grass, as if he is wearing an eggshell.

   "It turned out to be Mr. Hilton, welcome."

   Vasily greeted him enthusiastically, but Liu Qingshan, with his keen senses, still noticed a flash of vigilance in General Vasily's eyes.

  The duck egg shell led people into the yard, followed by three people, one was a young woman with a briefcase, probably an assistant or something.

  The other two big men, one black and one white, are very strong, and they seem to be bodyguards.

   Those who go out with bodyguards are obviously not ordinary people.

  Vassily introduced in the middle: "This is Mr. Hilton, an American economist, and this is my nephew from Mountain, Leeland."

  Hilton looked familiar, and stretched out his greasy palm to Liu Qingshan: "Mr. Mountain, I have heard about you for a long time, and I never expected to meet you here. It is a pleasure to meet you."

  Liu Qingshan shook hands with him: "I am also very honored."

  He also roughly knew the identity of this Hilton. He should be an expert invited by Comrade Woodcutter to help solve the economic difficulties.

   During this period, many experts from the United States were invited to give advice.

   The result is that whether it is the Soviet Union or Russia, they are basically cheated.

  And these guys not only came up with bad ideas, but also colluded with those big consortiums to plunder wealth wildly.

   Liu Qingshan didn't have a good impression of these guys.

  Although Maozi is a bit stupid and asked the hostile forces to help, you can't cheat people to death.

   "The competition just now was very exciting, but it just gave people a feeling that there is still more to say."

  Hilton looked at Li Tie, Ivan and the others, and then said, "How about calling me a bodyguard to help everyone?"

  While he was speaking, the white bodyguard took two steps forward and said in a deep voice, "Ivan, Alexei, long time no see."

  Ivan and Alexei put their feet together and saluted immediately: "Instructor Taylor, hello!"

   "Although you haven't improved, you haven't regressed either, which proves that you have been training hard, which is good." Taylor stretched out his hand and patted the shoulders of the two with an encouraging look.

  Hilton's greasy face showed a look of sudden realization: "Oh, so you all know each other, so there is no need to compete."

  Ivan and Alexei said in unison: "We are no match for Instructor Taylor at all!"

  In their view, this kind of thing is very normal, and there is no shame. If you can't beat it, you can't beat it. How can you become their instructor?

  Hilton was slightly disappointed, but his eyes soon fell on Li Tie: "Where is this gentleman, are you interested?"

  It seems that Li Tie is the target he really wants to attack.

  Li Tie still had a stern face, and said two words: "Yes."

   "Well, courage is commendable."

  Hilton clapped his hands a few times, and then turned to his bodyguard: "Taylor, when you make a move later, you must be careful not to hurt General Vasily's guests."

   This guy is really sinister, obviously he has no good intentions.

  Taylor was very kind to Ivan just now, because they were his former students.

  But he has no scruples about Li Tie, a smile appeared on his face: "Yes sir, I will."

  Ivan and Aleksey shuddered. They were all too familiar with this kind of smile.

   Whenever Instructor Taylor is about to strike hard, he usually has this expression. This is the nightmare of each of their students, and it has formed a conditioned reflex.

   "Instructor..." Ivan seemed to want to say something, but was stopped by Taylor's gaze.

  Alexey was more honest and tugged at Li Tie's arm: "Don't fight with the instructor."

  He had fought against Li Tie just now, and knew that Li Tie's strength must be higher than his own, but in his heart, Instructor Taylor was too terrifying.

  The corners of Li Tie's mouth twitched slightly, as if he wanted to smile back at Alexei, but he didn't seem to have the nerve to laugh at all.

   Immediately, Li Tie looked at Taylor, with a trace of enthusiasm in his eyes: "I will fight with you!"

  Taylor twisted his thick neck, which was almost on the side of his head, and made a crackling sound. His facial muscles seemed to be beating, and he said word by word:

   "I hope you will still have the courage for a while."

  The air in the entire courtyard suddenly became tense.

  Even Vera felt that the situation was not right. Li Tie and Alexei were fighting just now. Although they were nervous, there was no danger.

   Now, Vera felt a very dangerous aura. She had experienced this feeling once when she was a little girl.

   That time, she lost her father forever.

   "No, this is my home, no one is allowed to do anything!"

  Vera yelled violently, her body even began to tremble, and pointed at Taylor: "Please leave, you are not welcome here!"

   This girl who looks youthful and sunny on the surface has an untouchable taboo in her heart.

  Taylor shrugged: "I don't like women and cowards, very much."

  While speaking, his eyes still swept across Li Tie's face, and even Liu Qingshan next to him was swept away by his contemptuous eyes.

   "Oh, Vera, don't be afraid, this is your home, no one can hurt you."

  General Vasily knew the experience of this adopted daughter, so he quickly took her into his arms and comforted her softly.

  Although Liu Qingshan didn't know what kind of stimulation Vera had received, he knew that the heart disease needed to be treated with heart medicine.

   Moreover, this Taylor is too rampant. Although Liu Qingshan never uses force to suppress others, he will never be pointed at his nose and called a coward.

  So he raised his hand and hooked his fingers at Taylor: "Let me see, the instructors of the Siberia training camp, are they really capable?"

   "You?" Taylor shook his head, obviously not paying attention to Liu Qingshan at all.

  The corners of Liu Qingshan's mouth curled up slightly: "Yes, it's me."

   At this moment, Li Tie suddenly said, "Little brother, I'll come first."

  His dignity is also not allowed to be trampled on.

  Taylor let out a metal-like laugh: "You can come up one by one. Of course, I don't mind if you go together, hahaha..."

  (end of this chapter)

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