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Chapter 975: Although the tiger is old, its majesty is still there

  Chapter 975 Although the tiger is old, its glory is still there

   "Old Yang, don't be angry, don't be angry." Wu Jie leaned over to the old man, stretched out his hand and gently helped the old man stroke his back.

   While speaking, two guards rushed over, one on each side, and held Director Zhou up: "Chief, how should we deal with this person?"

   Listening to that tone, if the old man waved his hand and said "Pull it out and collapse", the two guards would immediately execute it. The armed belts on their waists were really wearing holsters.

  The old man waved his hand: "Now is a peaceful age, don't fight and kill people, let them go."

  The guards just let Director Zhou go, but their eyes were still full of vigilance.

  Director Zhou was almost scared to pee, and it took him a long time to recover, and he bowed to the old man again and again: "Old leader, I'm sorry to disturb you, we will leave now."

   "I'm not a leader, I'm just a veteran." Old man Yang's tone was still very aggressive.

  Wu Jie also quickly explained beside him: "Mr. Yang is an old Red Army soldier who participated in the Long March. After liberation, he was assigned to be in charge of security at Prince Gong's Mansion. The old man has always lived here."

  Liu Qingshan, who watched the bustle for a long time, couldn't help blinking: it's amazing, it turned out to be a nail household.

   It is reasonable to say that the back garden has been opened to the outside world, so no one is allowed to live in it, and this old comrade is obviously an exception.

"Don't tell me that the Kunming pond is shallow, and watching fish is better than Fuchun River. Brother, don't listen to me. Prince Gong's mansion will be rebuilt soon, and the back garden is also open to the public. It's noisy. Why don't you find a quiet place?" place."

  The second master went up to talk, the old man glanced at him, rolled his eyelids, and said nothing.

   Probably if it wasn't for the fact that the second master was of a similar age, he would have started yelling a long time ago.

  Wu Jie motioned to the second master, this old man Yang, he is used to living here, and it will not be easy for anyone to come.

   Young Master Li and the others hid far away, for fear of getting into trouble.

  Their team was still whispering together, probably feeling a little tricky.

   At this moment, I saw Liu Qingshan approaching the old man, seeming to be talking about something.

   Young Master Li couldn't help but feel happy: Haha, isn't this going to scold you?

  With the fiery temper of that old soldier, it is definitely not going well, so he must go up and watch the excitement.

   Seeing Liu Qingshan deflated, Young Master Li was of course elated.

   When he got close to him, he saw that old man Yang blowing his beard and staring:

   "Boy, you mean to drive me away, tell you, unless I die here!"

   Young Master Li felt so happy: Haha, Liu Qingshan, you also have today, and you also have times when people point your nose and scold you, so happy, so happy!

  Liu Qingshan still smiled: "Old man, I heard that the greatest regret of the Prime Minister was not to restore Prince Gong's Mansion. Now that you have such an opportunity, do you still have the heart to let the Prime Minister's last wish come to nothing?"

   This time, the old man didn't say anything, but frowned, staring at Liu Qingshan.

   That gaze was very frightening, with a stern and murderous look. Although the tiger is old, its majesty is still there.

  Although he didn't meet the old man's eyes directly, Young Master Li next to him was still terrified, and then took a few steps back, his heart pounding.

  Liu Qingshan is not as timid as him, he still faces it calmly, even the smile on his face remains unchanged.

   "You little doll is quite courageous, whose family are you from?"

  Old Yang's tone softened all of a sudden. People who came from that era admired the prime minister very much.

  In his opinion, Liu Qingshan must also be a general.

   Before Liu Qingshan could answer, the second master took the conversation beside him: "Brother, this kid is called Liu Qingshan, and his family is not a soldier."

   "However, Qingshan is amazing. A few days ago, I just bought an aircraft carrier from Lao Maozi. Haha, it's amazing."

   "Aircraft carrier, really?" Mr. Yang grabbed Liu Qingshan's arm violently, still very fast.

  Liu Qingshan nodded: "Old man, you can only bring it back after the limelight has passed. When the time comes, please go up and inspect it."

   "Hahaha, yes, yes!" Elder Yang laughed heartily, and then waved to the guard behind him: "Pack up your things and move."

  Both guards were stunned: Mr. Yang often talked about it, even if he died, he would be buried here, why did he change his mind today.

  Old Yang stared: "Hurry up!"

   "Yes!" The guard walked away quickly after saluting.

  Old Yang turned around, looked at Liu Qingshan again, and finally reached out and patted Liu Qingshan on the shoulder: "He is a good boy!"

   After finishing speaking, he took the ponytail and walked away, still humming:

   "The Red Army is not afraid of the difficulty of the expedition, and the thousands of rivers and mountains are just waiting..."

   Liu Qingshan also watched the old man go away. This is a respectable and lovely old soldier, with a strong military style on him.

  After Elder Yang disappeared, Wu Jie happily approached Liu Qingshan and gave a thumbs up:

   "Mr. Liu, you are still the best, we almost broke our lips, and Mr. Yang is not good at it. Today, I was persuaded by you!"

   "It's the old man who understands things, and it's not my credit." Liu Qingshan doesn't like to take credit for himself.

  And that Director Zhou also came forward with a shy face, and struck up a conversation with Liu Qingshan, and now he finally knows: this President Liu is not ordinary.

  The team continued to move forward, passed through a moon gate, and entered in front of Prince Gong's Mansion.

  It was still red and willow green just now, but this side is full of ruins and dilapidated walls, as if entering another world all of a sudden.

   "If we don't rush to repair it, it will all have to be completely demolished and rebuilt." Being in the middle, Mr. Liang felt extremely distressed.

Judging from the current scene, many buildings have been severely damaged, and even the main hall has completely collapsed, turning into a pile of rubble, and the original appearance cannot be seen at all. This will undoubtedly bring great trouble to the future reconstruction work .

Wu Jie also looked regretful: "Restore the old as before, this is Mr. Liang's idea back then, based on this, we formulated the principle that to restore the old as before is to completely restore the original appearance of Prince Gong's Mansion, which is even more difficult. "

   "It would be great if I could find the drawings from that year."

  The second master also let out a long sigh, because he also knew that this kind of extravagant hope was impossible to realize.

  Liu Qingshan thought for a while, and expressed his opinion: "Maybe we can publicize it in the newspaper and collect photos of Prince Gong's mansion back then."

   "In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, there should have been some photos. In the late Qing Dynasty, Prince Kung's Mansion often entertained foreign missionaries. There may also be photos."

  Everyone's eyes lit up, and Wu Jie was the most excited: "It's possible, very likely, but these photos must be in foreign museums or private hands, and it may be difficult to get them back."

   "It's okay to remake it. In my museum, there are people who specialize in contacting business in Europe and the United States. I ask them to pay attention."

  Liu Qingshan knows that it is really very difficult to restore the old things as before.

  Although you can invite some familiar old people to recall the general building and location, but the specific style is the most intuitive photo.

  Everyone walked and chatted, and came to a huge ruin in front, Wu Jie pointed to it and introduced: "This is the main hall of Prince Gong's mansion, the Yinluan Hall."

  I’ve heard of the Temple of the Golden Luan, but this is the first time I’ve heard of the Temple of the Silver Luan.

   Wu Jie turned into a tour guide: "It is said that when the big corrupt official lived here, he gave the hall this name. It can be seen how favored it was at that time, second only to the emperor. No wonder it was not unlucky."

   "Being a human being, you still shouldn't be too careless." The second master also sighed.

   At this time, Uncle De brought by Young Master Li asked: "Mr. Wu, how much money will be invested in rebuilding this hall?"

  For so many years, Wu Jie has spent his mind on rebuilding Prince Gong's Mansion, so he opened his mouth and said, "At the current price level, it must be a few million more. This kind of building uses very sophisticated materials, and the price is of course high."

   "Just like the beams and pillars of the hall, all of them must be made of high-quality nanmu."

  Uncle De nodded: "Mr. Wu, how much does it cost to repair the whole palace?"

  Wu Jie didn't hide anything, and he told Young Master Li's team what he told Liu Qingshan again.

   One billion Huaxia coins, the cost is indeed quite high, even for the Li family, it is a big project.

   Young Master Li, Uncle De and others studied it, and then said to Director Zhou and Wu Jie:

   "The funds for construction only account for a small part, and most of them are used for relocation, and this aspect should be led by the government."

  Wu Jie didn't say a word, he understood: this Hong Kong businessman is here to pick up cheap.

  If the government has this ability, is it still short of the repair cost of two to three hundred million? Why bother to find someone to cooperate?

  Compared to this, Liu Qingshan just agreed with all his heart, much better than Hong Kong businessmen.

  Wu Jie didn't know that Li Dashao was purely from a commercial point of view, and everything was profit-oriented;

  As for Liu Qingshan, in addition to interests, he also has a love for this land, which contains feelings.

  So emotionally speaking, Wu Jie hopes to cooperate with Liu Qingshan more.

  However, he is just a small person in charge of the management office of this scenic spot.

   Director Zhou can flatter Young Master Li: "Mr. Li, I will report this opinion to the higher authorities, and I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

  Liu Qingshan next to him didn't make a sound, just hehe in his heart.

  Everyone turned around and returned to the office again. First Young Master Li made another big move. He signaled to his subordinates, and someone took out a folder from the briefcase.

  After opening it, Young Master Li pointed to an old paper sealed inside and said:

   "Actually, we came this time and brought the title deed of Prince Gong's Mansion. Theoretically speaking, this land should belong to us."

  Even Liu Qingshan was taken aback for a moment: Could it be such a coincidence?

  So he also went up to take a look. Although he is not a professional appraiser, he just saw a similar one in his museum yesterday, which is roughly similar to this one.

  The only difference is that the one in Liu Qingshan's hand is the title deed of the back garden, while the one that Young Master Li took out is the title deed of the front yard.

   If two copies come together, it is complete.

   Young Master Li showed a smug look on his face: "Although times have changed, I heard that there are also some ancestral property return policies in the Mainland."

   "Our company, considering the country, of course will not ask for this land in vain, but since it is a cooperation, it involves the distribution of benefits. In this regard, our company hopes to get more preferential treatment."

  Wu Jie frowned: Why does this guy keep talking about conditions?

  The second master who was on the sidelines finally couldn't help it, and sneered a few times: "How much profit does this Mr. Li want?"

   Young Master Li gestured with his eyes, and Uncle De, who was sitting next to him, opened his mouth and said: "We are responsible for investment and development, of course we have to account for the majority, and 70% of the profit is our bottom line."

   "Hehe, you are really sincere. You talk about the righteousness of the country, but you have your own little calculations in your heart. It really is no profiteering."

  The second master couldn't bear it anymore, and opened his mouth in mocking mode.

  Uncle De is not easy to provoke, he glanced at the second master with contemptuous eyes: "Mr., if you have the strength, you can also join the competition."

  The second master shook his head: "I don't have that much money."

  Uncle De despises even more: If you don’t have money, be honest!

   "I don't have any money, but Qingshan has money, and I also want to cooperate in repairing Prince Gong's Mansion." The second master smiled and pushed Liu Qingshan to the front desk.

   Li Dashao and the others were all taken aback, and turned their eyes to Liu Qingshan.

  They came later than Liu Qingshan, and they didn't hear the discussion between Liu Qingshan and Wu Jie. They thought that Liu Qingshan brought his family for a stroll.

   "Brother Qingshan, do you also have this intention?" Young Master Li asked, his voice trembling a little.

  Of course he knows Liu Qingshan's strength and fully possesses this ability.

  Liu Qingshan smiled and nodded: "Brother Li, do we coincidentally?"

   Young Master Li felt a buzzing in his head, he was really frightened by Liu Qingshan, and there was a shadow in his heart.

  He wondered: Why do you always appear in the places we are looking for? Does this count as a lingering ghost?

  Uncle De is also aware of the seriousness of the problem. This project was finally finalized by his company after a detailed evaluation. It can be said that he is determined to win.

   Unexpectedly, at the beginning of the negotiation, a competitor appeared, and it was a strong opponent.

  Uncle De decided to find out the bottom line first, so he laughed a few times: "Mr. Liu's vision is really admirable. Our bottom line has been mentioned just now. What plans does Mr. Liu have, why don't you tell me?"

  His meaning is obvious, if there is no generosity from our side, then there is no need to talk about it, so as not to be ashamed.

  Liu Qingshan took a sip of tea slowly, then waved his hands: "Of course I'm not as rich and powerful as your company, so I don't care."

  Hearing what he said, Young Master Li's eyes lit up immediately: "Brother Qingshan, we are all friends, let's refer to it."

  He just wanted to see Liu Qingshan make a fool of himself, but he failed, and now he feels that he has another chance.

  Wu Jie finally couldn't hold back anymore, coughed lightly and said, "Mr. Liu and I have had a preliminary discussion just now. Mr. Liu plans to invest one billion yuan to be fully responsible for the removal and relocation work and the repair of the buildings in the palace."

   Young Master Li was taken aback for a moment, feeling a little confused, and then suddenly realized: "Haha, brother Qingshan, it must be because of the higher proportion of dividends?"

  The second master couldn't stand it anymore, and pointed forward with the flapping fan in his hand: "We are not like some people who are only interested in profit. Our standard is that the two parties share the bill 50-50."

   Young Master Li felt a fever on his face, as if someone had slapped him hard.

  He was finally a little annoyed: "But we still have the title deed of Prince Gong's Mansion. From a legal point of view, we can take it back unconditionally!"

  Liu Qingshan looked at him with a smile: "The laws of Hong Kong Island will not work here. Coincidentally, I also have the title deed of Prince Gong's Mansion in my hand."

  (end of this chapter)

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