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Chapter 988: The ball is indeed round

  Chapter 988 The ball is indeed round

   When the group returned to Chinatown, it was already afternoon.

  Liu Qingshan set up a few tables in the restaurant. This victory is indeed worth celebrating.

  At the wine table, everyone was very interested, and they had already begun to discuss the specific matters of establishing a hospital of traditional Chinese medicine.

  After discussing it, I found out that funding is a big problem.

  Whether it's building a new hospital, or buying the right real estate in a city, you can't do it without money.

   Once there is a place, there must be people, and it is necessary to hire practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine from China.

  A hospital does not have 20 or 30 doctors, so I am afraid that it will not be able to support it.

  When these Chinese medicine practitioners come to the United States, they need to solve the basic necessities of life, as well as wages and benefits, and they also need strong economic support.

   And here, the language barrier, those old gentlemen who are proficient in Chinese medicine, can't speak a foreign language.

  The more you study, the more trouble you get, and everyone gradually calms down from the excitement: Even if someone passes it, what's the use, you can't get money from your side, everything is empty talk.

  An old gentleman led by the dumb grandfather, President Guo of the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said: "I am afraid that this matter can only be implemented if the state takes the lead. After I go back, I will immediately write a report to my superiors and strive for an early implementation."

   Once things rise to the national level, there will be more things designed, and it is estimated that they will not be implemented in three to five years.

  Liu Qingshan didn't want to wait for so many years, he got up and said: "Everyone, in terms of funds, I will find a way. The personnel involved need everyone to come forward."

  In the initial stage, it cannot be fully rolled out. Liu Qingshan's plan is to select ten or eight large cities as pilot projects.

   After accumulating some experience, it is slowly expanding.

  Chairman Guo still doesn’t know much about Liu Qingshan’s strength: “Qingshan, although a traditional Chinese medicine hospital doesn’t need to prepare too much medical examination equipment, the cost is not small, you…”

Song Yizhen interjected: "Mr. Guo, you don't know me as a junior, but a business prodigy, isn't it? A few days ago, I won 500 million dollars in a bet with others. I opened several traditional Chinese medicine hospitals, or OK."

  With the current prices in the United States, real estate in big cities is not too high. Even if it is higher, a Chinese medicine hospital with 10 million US dollars is enough to toss.

  President Guo looked at Liu Qingshan in amazement. In his eyes, this young man instantly turned into a shining statuette.

   But there is another problem, that is the attribution of ownership. There are many things involved here, and it needs to be communicated and coordinated with the above.

  After all, Liu Qingshan is alone, but he can't invite so many Chinese medicine practitioners.

   In this regard, Liu Yinfeng will come forward to negotiate. As the investor, Liu Qingshan will definitely occupy the largest share.

   "How to solve the problem of language? After all, Chinese medicine practitioners pay attention to seeing, hearing and questioning, and need to consult with patients?" Another person raised a very realistic question.

  Liu Qingshan thought for a while: "We can only hire some foreign students from local cities, let's act as translators first."

  It is indeed more difficult for those old gentlemen in their fifties and sixties to learn English again.

  However, from the perspective of long-term development, as long as you can gradually master oral communication in this language environment, it is only a matter of time.

  Three days later, Liu Qingshan finally received the final decision of the hearing.

  It was almost the same as Liu Qingshan expected, and they were only allowed to conduct trials and open traditional Chinese medicine hospitals in five major cities.

   It is not easy to win this kind of right. It can be regarded as opening a breakthrough from the fortified barrier.

  Liu Qingshan discussed with the team members, and quickly selected five major cities for reporting.

  Like the Big Apple and Los Angeles, of course they are all listed, in addition to Chicago, Houston, and finally Washington.

  The whole team immediately began to tell the operation, the domestic side, to report, and to apply for overseas staff.

   It is also necessary to order various facilities, prepare medicinal materials, and so on.

   For this matter, the higher-ups are still very supportive. After the news was released, it is said that they almost broke their heads in order to compete for a place to work abroad.

   And here, Liu Qingshan also seized the time to make preparations.

  The most important thing is to choose a suitable location, preferably a ready-made building, just buy it directly.

   At this time, Xiao Zihou's ability can be seen. Lao Xiao has been traveling in major cities for these years, and he has already had his own contacts.

  Whether it is contacting local international students as translators or finding a house, they are all familiar with it.

   In this way, Liu Qingshan will be relieved, and there is only one job left for him: to pay.

   There are only five hospitals in total, and Liu Qingshan directly allocated 50 million to go down. This amount is only one-fifth of his winning bet.

  Looney and the others are good comrades who have made such great contributions to the promotion of Chinese medicine.

  Liu Qingshan pondered: If Looney and the others are so angry that their liver hurts, the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital will definitely provide them with free treatment.

   Just as everything was progressing steadily, Liu Qingshan received a call from Mr. Magician, inviting him to the windy city of Chicago.

   It is said that the owners of the NBA will gather there to discuss labor issues.

   Among them, several owners want to sell their teams, and he can build a bridge from them.

  Chicago is also one of the cities where the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine was established. Liu Qingshan originally wanted to visit it, but now is just right.

  So they brought Li Tie and Vera, President Guo and two assistants. Join the magician and fly to the Windy City together.

  The magician seems to be in very good condition now. Although he has only been treated with traditional Chinese medicine for ten days, the curative effect has not yet been fully displayed.

   But with so many successful cases, the magician is of course full of confidence.

  The plane has to fly more than half of the United States, and chatting is of course the best way to pass the time.

  It was quite interesting to hear the magician tell some NBA anecdotes, and Liu Qingshan also had a deeper understanding of this industry.

  He used to understand the NBA from the perspective of fans, but now from the perspective of players and management, there is a big difference.

  In the past two years, under the leadership of Joe Gang, the Bulls have become the hottest team at the moment. They won the championship last season, and they have the potential to create a dynasty.

  The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and the magician also belongs to the kind that is photographed on the beach.

   There is no way, this is the era of old hooligans, the trend of the times, no one can reverse it.

   When they walked out of the airport, someone picked them up. The magician was invited, and he was one of the representatives of the players union.

  This is the third largest city in the United States. Because of the influence of Lake Michigan, it is often windy in winter, so it has the nickname of the Windy City.

   Closely related to this city is May Day.

  On May 1, 1886, hundreds of thousands of workers in Chicago marched for the eight-hour working system, and finally achieved a huge victory.

   Arriving at the reserved hotel, Liu Qingshan had already booked the room and checked in smoothly.

   It happened that Lao Xiao was also in this city, so Liu Qingshan dialed his mobile phone, and after a while, Xiao Zihou led two people and rushed over excitedly.


  Xiao Zihou and Liu Qingshan hugged, and then introduced the two, one is the representative of the local overseas students, named Wang Hexiang, and the other is Mr. Lu Shuren, a well-known local Chinese businessman.

   After everyone saluted, Lu Shuren spoke first. He was nearly forty years old, wearing glasses, and said politely: "Mr. Liu, the Chinese here are all proud of you."

  Originally in the Chinese business circle, Mr. Wang An was the leader, but the old man passed away last year, so it seems that there is no leader.

   As a rising star, Liu Qingshan inherited the WANG computer brand, and created the Earth Network, and now he has taken over Columbia Pictures, and his influence has long surpassed that of Mr. Wang.

   "Mr. Lu's reputation is too high." Liu Qingshan has never been complacent, and after a few polite words, he started talking.

  Old Xiao introduced that under the introduction of Mr. Lu, he had already found three more suitable properties, and it happened that Liu Qingshan came and asked him to decide.

  Liu Qingshan looked through the three documents, and felt that the one located in the city center was the most suitable. Of course, the price was also the highest, nearly five million dollars.

   But in Liu Qingshan's eyes, this is simply too cheap.

  In fact, in the early 1990s, the real estate market here was at its lowest.

  Of course, even if the price increased later, it didn’t increase much. At the highest point, it just doubled, so it’s really not profitable to waste real estate here.

  Although he likes this place quite a lot, Liu Qingshan is still planning to ask Chairman Guo and the others to take a look. After all, these people are professionals.

   After lunch, Liu Qingshan and his party were about to leave when the magician called and said that someone was visiting.

  Liu Qingshan then asked Lao Xiao to lead Chairman Guo and the others. Anyway, he couldn’t understand anything when he went.

  Liu Qingshan lived in a suite with a small reception room outside. Not long after, a middle-aged man was led in by a magician.

  As soon as he was introduced, it turned out to be Mr. Jim, the owner of the Magic.

  Jim is a local developer and banker in Orlando. Through his hard work, the Magic officially joined the NBA family two years ago.

   That's right, the same goes for the Miami Heat, Timberwolves and Hornets, all of which were formed after the expansion.

   Sit down and chat for a while. The magician, as the middleman, cuts to the point. The owner of the Magic team intends to sell the team, and the price is not high, the asking price is only 100 million.

  Liu Qingshan remembers that when the Magic changed owners in 1991, the final team price was 85 million US dollars.

  So he smiled and said, "Mr. Jim, the price is a bit high."

  Jim shook his head with a smile: "Two years ago, when we joined the NBA, we paid a franchise fee of more than 30 million yuan, so this price is very reasonable."

  Liu Qingshan understood: It turns out that the NBA is a league that collects franchise fees, and it really does a good job.

   In fact, the price is not a problem. The most important thing is that Liu Qingshan thinks that Orlando is a bit small.

  Although next year, Orlando will select the Shark O'Pang and have the capital to compete in the league, but if the club is too small, the influence will not be enough.

   Liu Qingshan did not buy the team for the sake of appreciation, but mainly for influence.

  The two sides chatted for a while, and the preliminary contact was completed.

   Things like this, of course, cannot be accomplished overnight, and some people talk about it.

   After sending Mr. Jim away, Johnson said with a smile: "Mr. Mountain, please look at the schedule. Next, there are several club owners who want to talk to you."

   Liu Qingshan was also happy: "Am I so popular, or is it that the owners of NBA teams don't want to do it anymore, so they sell it with tears?"

  The two laughed for a while, and the magician said: "It's not that easy to run a team. It takes a lot of work, and maybe you have to put money into it."

  Anyone who can afford a team, no matter basketball or football, is rich.

   Even the rich can't handle it, the ball is indeed round.

  Liu Qingshan asked the magician again, which team owners would like to meet, and the magician listed such as the Spurs, Heat and Timberwolves.

   "Are there any teams in bigger cities?"

  Liu Qingshan is a little bit regretful. Although the Spurs are also good, they will not rise until after Shifo joins. It will have to wait for several years.

   "How about Houston, is it big enough?" The magician blinked.

  Houston, the fourth largest city in the United States, has the title of Space City, so its team is called the Rockets.

   What is most familiar to Chinese people is Dayao playing for this team.

  In Liu Qingshan’s memory, the boss Alexander, who was digging and searching, seems to have taken over the Rockets in 1995. He spent 85 million at that time, and finally sold 2.2 billion.

   And through running the team in these years, he has earned tens of billions, which can be described as a lot of money.

   Among them, Huaxia fans contributed the most.

   This guy is undoubtedly successful in business operations, but he is reluctant to invest and lacks tolerance.

   "The team in Aerospace City is barely passable."

  Liu Qingshan nodded. In fact, his favorite teams are the Big Apple and Los Angeles teams. Unfortunately, if he can’t get one, he can only settle for the next best thing.

   After all, in the next few years, the leader of Joe's gang will retire after winning three consecutive championships.

  The smile on the magician's face was even more amiable: "But I heard that their boss is currently negotiating the price with someone. It seems to be a businessman named Alexander."

  Have the two sides contacted so early?

  Liu Qingshan blinked, and felt that it was necessary to intervene, so that Alexander, the little guy, would die as soon as possible.

  So he said to the magician: "Mr. Johnson, please help me contact the boss of the Rockets."

   "Mr. Mountain made a move, it must be fine."

  The magician complimented him, of course he knew Liu Qingshan's strength.

  Casually throw down 100 million, and it is estimated that more than half of the current NBA team owners are willing to donate their teams.

  That night, in the hotel coffee shop, Liu Qingshan met with the Rockets' two bosses.

   After chatting for a while, the two sides got to the point. The second boss wanted to raise his own value:

   "Mr. Mountain, it's really not a coincidence. We are negotiating with Mr. Alexander. He is very interested in the team."

  Liu Qingshan smiled slightly: "I have never heard of this person, maybe he is a small rich man in a small city."

  The other party did not refute, because with Alexander's current net worth, in Liu Qingshan's eyes, he was considered a little rich man.

  The big boss said with a smile: "Mr. Alexander is really not generous enough. The price we gave was 98 million U.S. dollars, but he was only willing to give 90 million U.S. dollars. It's really a bit stingy."

  This kind of trick is not enough in Liu Qingshan's eyes.

  Based on his understanding of Alexander, it would be good if that stingy guy offered 70 million.

   These two bosses are obviously planning to treat Liu Qingshan as a fat sheep, to see if they can kill him.

  Liu Qingshan took a sip of coffee slowly: "I don't like going around in circles. The price is eighty-five million."

  (end of this chapter)

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