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Chapter 995: maximum heat

  Chapter 995 The biggest heat

   Chundu was the first to produce ham sausage, and its sales have always been in the leading position.

   Later, there was a double meeting, so the two sides had competition.

  The most direct and effective way to compete is naturally price wars.

  The original ham sausage with 85% meat content in Chundu has been reduced by 10%.

  In the end, the ham sausages were reversed. The starch content of Chundu’s ham sausages became 80%, and the price also became 30 cents.

  The ham sausage suddenly turned into a starch stick, and consumers naturally didn't buy it.

  Shuanghui’s side is more chicken thief. Although the meat content is also reduced, but only a part is reduced each time.

   Unlike Chundu, who is as sincere as Chundu, who drops everything at once, he gradually wins word of mouth.

   At this time, the warehouse of Chundu Meat Factory caught fire, and the pork was burnt a little.

   But it’s okay to make ham sausage, so continue to use it.

  This is going to be bad. Both sides have spies bought by the other side, so they feed the news back to the Shuanghui.

  Shuanghui immediately took advantage of the topic and released gossip, saying that it was Chundu's ham sausage, and it cooperated with the crematorium to make ham sausage from burnt human flesh.

  Ordinary people still like to spread this kind of news, and rumors are all over the sky for a while.

  Although everyone knew that this was impossible, it was a shame to eat it, so the market share of Chundu ham sausage shrank rapidly, and they were defeated in the ham sausage war, leaving Shuanghui as the only one.

  Liu Qingshan couldn't think of it, and now Shuanghui used this trick on their unified ham sausage.

  Think about when she was in Hujiang before, her elder sister Yang Hongying once rejected the investment from Goldman Sachs, and then Goldman Sachs turned to negotiate with Shuanghui, maybe it has already injected capital.

  So Liu Qingshan motioned to the eldest sister, and he turned into the microphone: "Old sister, don't worry, speak slowly."

  Hearing Liu Qingshan's voice from the phone, Yang Hongying suddenly settled down: "Sanfeng, so you're here, that's great!"

   Liu Qingshan is most concerned about the investment of Goldman Sachs. After asking, it turns out that Shuanghui has now become a joint venture, and foreign capital dominates.

   Then you don’t have to be polite, everyone depends on their means.

  Yang Hongying also told about Yuanyuan on the phone: the warehouse of their unified food factory did not burn pork.

   It's just a newly developed barbecue-flavored ham sausage, which tastes smoky, so the other party took advantage of it.

  Liu Qingshan comforted the elder sister a few words, and waited for him to think about countermeasures before contacting Yang Hongying.

  After the call ended, Liu Jinfeng also raised her brows with anger: "How can this be, there is no bottom line!"

   "Sister, business competition is so cruel sometimes, in order to defeat your opponent, you will do everything you can."

  Liu Qingshan can think about it. At this moment, it is useless to complain about those things. The key is how to find a solution.

  Liu Jinfeng also calmed down: "Sanfeng, I think we should publish a statement in the newspaper to save our reputation; and then invite Chen Xiaoer and Lao Maoer to put on a TV advertisement for our barbecue-flavored ham sausage."

  Liu Qingshan thought about it for a while, and these methods are all palliatives, not the root cause.

  The main problem now is that everyone doesn’t believe this kind of rumor, that is, when buying Uni-President ham sausage, they feel uncomfortable and naturally choose similar products from other brands.

  "Sanfeng, what do you think we should do?" Liu Jinfeng was also really anxious. Over the years, Uni-President Food has been going smoothly, which is why it has continuously defeated competitors and grown stronger.

   Unexpectedly, this time the opponent is so shameless, directly using such indiscriminate tricks.

   But you haven't had a place to sue yet, are you saying it's a fire or not?

  Liu Qingshan was also scratching his head a little bit, and in his eagerness, he had no countermeasures:

   "Sister, don't be in a hurry, let me think about it, and mobilize everyone to work together to see if there is any good way."

   Well, Liu Jinfeng nodded, and she also knew that it was useless to worry when things had come to this.

  The two sisters sat and stared at each other for a while, and then Liu Qingshan remembered the purpose of the trip, so he told Liu Jinfeng about the acquisition of the dairy factory.

   "Ask Wen Jing to come forward and discuss with the county and the dairy factory first. Anyway, it's not a matter of a day or two."

   Liu Jinfeng really didn't care about managing the dairy factory. Now Uni-President's ham sausage accounts for a large proportion of the group. If it suffers a heavy blow, it will be a heavy blow to the entire Uni-President Food Company.

   Soon, Liu Jinfeng called the management of the food factory and held an emergency meeting to discuss countermeasures.

  Liu Qingshan didn't follow along. He pondered for a long time just now, and he already had some clues, so he needed to make a call.

  After making a few calls, Liu Qingshan was completely relieved, and when he returned to the meeting room, he saw that the room was filled with smoke, and everyone was frowning and thinking hard.

   "Let's adjourn the meeting, the matter will be resolved soon." Liu Qingshan waved his hand with a smile.

  Really or not, everyone couldn't believe it, such a tricky trouble, anyway, they couldn't figure out how to break the situation.

  Liu Jinfeng is full of confidence in his younger brother: "Then let's adjourn the meeting, and everyone will take their places and do their jobs well. At this moment, nothing can go wrong!"

   "Okay!" Everyone agreed, and then dispersed with a huff.

  After the two sisters were left in the room, Liu Jinfeng asked impatiently, "Sanfeng, what can you do?"

   "Of course it's an advertisement." Liu Qingshan opened the window to let off smoke.

   Liu Jinfeng was a little dissatisfied: "I also want to advertise at the beginning."

   "Of course advertisements are different from advertisements, sister, just watch." Liu Qingshan was full of confidence.

  Liu Jinfeng knew his younger brother's ability, and said with a smile: "Anyway, the problem won't be solved by then, so I'll take you as a questioner."

  Liu Qingshan hecked twice, and was about to go home. He wanted to tell the family, and then went out to handle this matter in person, after all, it was of great importance.

  Before leaving, Liu Qingshan also carried two boxes of ham sausages into the car, one with normal flavor and one with barbecue flavor.

  He also bit into a barbecue-flavored ham sausage, chewed twice, and smacked his lips: "It tastes good."

   After driving out of the factory, Liu Qingshan went to the No. 1 Middle School again to visit the old principal.

  The bearded principal has now fully recovered and continues to fight on the education front.

  In his own words: I have died once, what else is there to be afraid of?

  Seeing Liu Qingshan, Principal Xu was also very happy, so he insisted on taking Liu Qingshan to his house for a drink or two.

  The bearded headmaster still complained: "Qingshan, it's all your fault for your yew wine, which cultivated my alcohol addiction. Now if I don't drink a glass a day, I will get hungry."

   "Principal, don't worry, there is enough drinking." Liu Qingshan was also overjoyed, went to Principal Xu's house, and threw all the eggs and ham sausages in the car.

  Aunt Wang fried four side dishes, President Xu and Liu Qingshan drank together, and there were three young students on the table.

  The living conditions of the family are relatively difficult, and then funded by the bearded principal, which is similar to Liu Qingshan's second sister back then.

  Principal Xu took a sip of wine, and then said to the three students: "Senior Qingshan, don't you need me to introduce you?"

  The three students nodded together. In the honor column of the school, there is a brief introduction of Liu Qingshan, who is the most outstanding alumnus of No. 1 Middle School.

   "Qingshan is your role model." Principal Xu began to encourage the three students of Liu Qingshan.

  The three of them all looked at Liu Qingshan with admiration in their eyes.

  Liu Qingshan also smiled and nodded towards them: "As long as you are admitted to university, if you can study abroad, then I will pay all the expenses."

  The three children were so excited that they made up their minds.

  The bearded headmaster was also very happy: "Haha, Qingshan, if that's the case, your expenses will be much more than mine, okay, who told you to be rich."

  Aunt Wang, who added vegetables, gave her husband a blank look: "There are a lot of rich people, and there are not many like Qingshan."

   "This is the student who went out of our No. 1 Middle School. Don't forget your roots. Come, Qingshan, and have another drink." Xu Dahuzi was in high spirits today.

  Liu Qingshan is also in a good mood, the old headmaster can be healthy and healthy, that is something that no amount of money can buy.

  After returning from the county, Liu Qingshan and Li Tie drove off the next day. As for Vera, she is not needed this trip, so she can stay in Jiapigou to accompany Wu Tong.

  The next day, Liu Qingshan arrived at Bincheng, a famous seaport city in Liao Province.

   Arrive at the reserved hotel. In the afternoon, the person Liu Qingshan made an appointment with finally arrived.

   The leader is Liu Qingshan's old friend Director Zhang. There are a total of more than a dozen people, all of whom are his elite team for filming.

   Liu Qingshan wanted to shoot a commercial in Bincheng, because the scene was a bit big, so he invited Director Zhang who is best at big scenes.

  After the meeting, Director Zhang also seemed very excited: "Qingshan, when shall we board the aircraft carrier?"

  During this period of time, the aircraft carrier was the biggest heat in the whole country.

   If we conduct a survey, it is estimated that more than half of the people, the biggest wish is to board the aircraft carrier and run two laps on the ship board.

  Of course, if you can take a picture, it will be even more beautiful.

   Think about it, even a great director like Director Zhang has this kind of thinking, let alone ordinary people.

  Liu Qingshan regrets it a bit now: If he had known earlier, he should not be too busy donating to the country, and specially provide tourists with tours and photos.

   It is estimated that the money from selling tickets can buy the aircraft carrier back.

  Liu Qingshan looked at Director Zhang's anxious face, and couldn't help but want to laugh: "Don't worry, there are still villains not here yet."

  The villain arrived as soon as he said it, and Xiao Wu led Xiao Di Li, and more than a dozen subordinates brought from Lilan, also hurried over from the capital.

  He didn't live at home for a few days, and he was tossed back by Liu Qingshan.

  But Xiao Wu is not annoyed at all, this time he showed his big face. After returning to Beijing with his grandfather, the treatment almost made him a national hero.

   Not to mention anything else, the door-to-door proposal almost broke the threshold.

  And the ones who can come to the door are not ordinary families, and there are even a few families whose structure is higher than that of the Wu family.

   It's a pity that Xiao Wu is used to being carefree, and he doesn't want to be a victim of political marriage anymore, so when he heard Liu Qingshan calling to invite him, he happily brought people over.

   "You bastard, you are already in your third year, you should also think about the important things in your life."

  Liu Qingshan couldn't help persuading a few words, looking at these as big as the eyes, they basically got married.

  Xiao Wu curled her lips: "I even have a daughter now, why should I be so anxious?"

   "I'm too lazy to care about you, let's talk about the business first. Those subordinates you brought back should all dress up and do their jobs."

  Liu Qingshan stopped persuading, everyone has their own way of life, as long as they are happy.

   "Do what you do?" Xiao Wu's eyes widened. Didn't this invite pirates?

   "It's for commercials, and it's not really telling them to be pirates." Liu Qingshan thinks that if you want to talk about pirates, these guys from Lilan are the most suitable.

  Xiao Wu was relieved, and called the group of people in. They were all well-dressed and well-behaved, and they didn't look like pirates at all.

  Director Zhang is also a little worried, it seems that he still has to rely on makeup.

  Xiao Wu told these subordinates about the plan, and these guys immediately opened their eyes and screamed.

  Even everyone's temperament changed instantly, becoming wild and tough.

  Director Zhang couldn't help clapping his hands: The seniors were right, the best performance is to act in your true colors!

  The rest is makeup. Of course, these pirates are the best at making those costumes and props go around.

   Like blindfolds and wooden legs, they are also essential.

   Of course, the most important thing is to have a pirate ship.

  There are quite a few fishing boats at the pier, and several of them were directly hired. With simple decoration, they will become pirate ships.

  After two days of busy work, they finally got everything in order, and everyone applied to board the aircraft carrier.

   This is Liu Qingshan, the donor of the aircraft carrier. If he is replaced by someone else, he will roll as far as he can.

  Now the aircraft carrier has been completely taken over by the military, and there are hundreds of scientific researchers working on it day and night. How can I have time to accompany you to shoot commercials?

   If you change someone, it will definitely not work.

  Liu Qingshan and his party boarded the aircraft carrier, good guy, hundreds of heavily armed soldiers guarded the ship deck, looking majestic and solemn.

   Director Zhang's eyes lit up: Okay, this scene is barely enough.

   The person who greeted Liu Qingshan was General Yang with the rank of major general. He was very polite to Liu Qingshan, after all, Liu Qingshan's status was too special.

   Everyone exchanged for a while, mainly Director Zhang talked about the idea of ​​shooting.

  Director Zhang made another modification to the script provided by Liu Qingshan, making it more imposing.

  The filming process was also very smooth. The soldiers are all the best group performers, able to carry out orders thoroughly.

  Director Zhang also assured Liu Qingshan that he would speed up the production after returning home and try to finish it in a week.

  Liu Qingshan also seized the time to contact Yang Ma and prepared to launch an advertisement at that time.

  After a lot of tossing, the National Day is already approaching.

   And just the day before the National Day, an advertisement turned out, which quickly aroused heated discussions among people.

  After the seven o'clock news, a majestic aircraft carrier appeared on the TV screen.

  On the aircraft carrier, there is a formation of fighter jets, and there is also a mighty fighter, ready to go.

   "Aircraft carrier, aircraft carrier, our country's aircraft carrier is going to sea!" The audience in front of the TV immediately became excited.

  Everyone thought it was a documentary, it was the National Day, and it was a gift for the National Day.

   "Report, the enemy is found in the sea ahead!"

"Ready to fight!"

   When the camera turned, more than a dozen pirate ships appeared in the sea, all of which were vicious-looking pirates, approaching the aircraft carrier.

   In front of the huge aircraft carrier, the small pirate boats are like little ants.

  The audience in front of the TV were all stunned: Is this a military exercise or an actual combat?

  (end of this chapter)

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