Hello Chang’an

Chapter 246: What about every other line like a mountain?

Chapter 246 Every other line is like a mountain... Where are the mountains?

Vice General Jin never missed Chang Kuo's expression. Combining his previous experience of "just come to the house to be a guest, what are you going to do?" and reasoning further, Vice General Jin felt that his general's mood at this time was probably - he had been in a coma for two days. When he opened his eyes, he saw that the guest was still at home. This meal was doomed.

But Vice General Jin tasted it carefully and felt that something was not right.

He was afraid that guests would come to his door in person because he needed to cook and entertain himself, but the general did not need to personally wash hands and make soup for Princess Xuan'an...

Moreover, the general has always been a warm and hospitable person. What is the reason for his current attitude?

It is not known why Chang Kuo wanted to get Vice Admiral Jin, but when faced with Li Tong who came to visit, Chang Kuo's attitude was impeccable. He was just right polite and kind as an elder, and he never looked cold or arrogant. Look serious.

Chang Kuo selfishly felt that Li Tong was a pretty good girl. She was born with a lovable personality and had a generous temperament. The most important thing was that she was good at speaking the language of the world, unlike some people who were yin and yang when they opened their mouths. They had to kowtow to her when they opened their mouths. Call teacher!

But Chang Kuo soon discovered that the girl's words sounded nice, but her words seemed too thick...

After Li Tong was concerned about Chang Kuo's injury, he spoke with admiration of the deeds he had heard in the past two days. He kept saying "General Chang is righteous" and "Sister Chang is brave and unparalleled". He couldn't stop talking at all, and his tone and expression were quite disturbing. There is honor.

Li Tong seemed to be able to talk about this topic for three days and three nights.

For the sake of the girl's words and his own ears, Chang Kuo changed the topic with a smile and mentioned his "dangerous" son: "...I wonder if the dog has ever caused trouble to your house?"

"It's never happened before. General Chang is too unconventional." When he mentioned Chang Sui'an, Li Tong's smile became even bigger. "Chang Langjun originally wanted to come to Hezhou together this time, but my mother said that now The main thing is to recuperate, so I persuaded him to stop."

Chang Kuo clenched his fist silently.


This is clearly house arrest!

Li Rong is a woman who always acts domineeringly without regard to the wishes of others. She used to treat him this way, and now she wants to do the same to his son!

Thinking that Chang Kuo had been informal and generous throughout his life, he was supposed to have only one son. It was not that he was reluctant to let go, but she was the only one who couldn't even think about it!

Even if he dumped his son into a manure pit, he would never make it easier for that woman!

Chang Kuo secretly determined that he would rather break the jade into pieces than destroy it.

His mind was full of thoughts about the broken jade, but Li Tong's thoughts were completely opposite to his. The two of them were in completely opposite directions.

Li Tong deliberately created a harmonious atmosphere and talked happily about the interesting things about his stay in Xuanzhou.

Chang Kuo adhered to the bottom line of "no harm will come to this girl", forcing a smile on the outside while thinking about how to get his son back.

Chang Sui Ning drank tea and watched quietly. There was no melon in his hand, but he seemed to be chewing it with relish.

Not long after, Princess Xuan'an sent someone to send a message asking Li Tong to go back.

Li Tong's scalp tightened, knowing that he was afraid of being scolded when he returned from this trip, so he hurriedly bowed and left: "Junior, come visit General Chang again when you have time."

Chang Kuo nodded with a fake smile.

Vice General Jin sent Li Tong away. Chang Suining turned to look at Chang Kuo. Chang Kuo sat up uncomfortably: "...what's wrong?"

Chang Suining blinked at him: "Does Dad have any hidden secrets?"

Chang Kuo's face turned red when he heard this: "What are you talking about!"

Chang Sui Ning was about to go down to inquire, but he heard another soldier coming to tell him that Yun Erlang was here.

When Yun Hui heard that Chang Kuo had woken up, he came to visit and express his thanks.

Yun Gui also came with him. He had been recovering from his injury for more than ten days and was only allowed to get out of bed and move around today.

As soon as the boy came in with his elder brother, he knelt down and saluted Chang Kuo and said thank you: "Yun Gui, thank you General Chang for saving me! General Chang not only saved our Yun family, but also saved the entire Hezhou. From now on, you will be the one who saved us." Yungui’s greatest benefactor!”

After saying that, he kowtowed his head.

Seeing that his younger brother had single-handedly raised the standard of thanking him, Yun Hui felt that he was not sincere if he did not kneel down, so he also knelt down and kowtowed.

Chang Kuo asked Deputy General Jin to help the two brothers up.

However, as soon as Yun Gui was pulled up, he turned around and knelt down towards Chang Suining again.

"And Mrs. Chang, my benefactor is above, please accept Yungui and pay her respects!"

In the past two days, he had heard his brother talk about the Chang family girl many times, and he knew clearly that he was saved by Mrs. Chang.

Facing his benefactor, Yun Gui kowtows his head very seriously.

Listening to his younger brother's overly sensible kowtow and looking at the girl who was half a head shorter than him, Yun Hui felt inexplicably uncomfortable. He struggled a little in his heart and was about to lift his robe and kneel down to kowtow to Chang Sui Ning. At that time, Chang Sui Ning had already supported Yungui.

Chang Kuo raised his hand in time to stop Yun Hui: "Okay, you're all injured. If you turn around, you'll smash your head!"

Yun Hui then raised his hand and bowed deeply to Chang Suining: "Ms. Chang's great kindness, Yun Hui will definitely remember it. If Yun Hui is useful in the future, Yun Hui will go through fire and water without any hesitation."

He has too much to thank the other party for.

The other party saved him more than once, and was the benefactor of his whole family. He also spared no effort to save Hezhou from fire and water.

Furthermore, he was able to kill Ji Xi to avenge his father and brother, and it was only with her help.

His promise to go through fire and water was by no means a casual statement.

He thanked him sincerely, and the girl did not refuse, but rarely said: "Then you have to work hard, or I will seriously ask for this favor from you in the future."

Upon hearing this, Yun Hui straightened up and looked up at her, nodding solemnly to her: "Don't worry, I will definitely do it."

Chang Sui Ning nodded happily.

"..." Yun Hui suddenly felt like a well-behaved and sensible student.

Seeing this scene, Deputy General Jin felt that he understood again.

He is very aware of the depth of devastation that war brings to people. Many people are as hard as steel during the war. Once the war is over, even if they win the battle, they will soon become decadent, just like letting out a tense breath and slipping instantly. Falling into the abyss of grief, life and hope are lost.

With Erlang Yun's experience, it was easy for him to embark on this path.

As a benefactor, the girl's words of repayment are to give the other person a goal to move up and forward, and to prevent him from looking back for a long time and indulging in sadness.

The girl is really smart and kind-hearted.

Vice General Jin felt very moved and was impressed by the girl again. It starts with ability and loyalty to character, that's about it.

As everyone knows, even Chang Suining himself was stunned for a moment after hearing such noble moral character.

In her opinion, kindness is not intended to be repaid, but depends on whether she needs it or not.

Yun Hui has made great contributions to the defense of Hezhou, and with the loyal souls of his father and brother in front of him, his family is full of heroes, so he naturally deserves a bright future.

There are still many things she has to do in the future. Now that we have formed a good relationship, if we can go back and forth and help each other, why not do it?

Speaking of the word "future", Yun Hui took out a fold of the memorial and handed it to Chang Kuo with both hands.

According to Princess Xuan'an's words on that day, Xu Zhengye had already retreated to Jiangning, and the battle with Hezhou was temporarily over. It was necessary to report the casualties and many details of the war to the capital and to Tianting.

"...This is a tentative draft by the junior and Peng Canjun and others. Please review it with General Chang. If there are any inaccuracies or omissions, the junior will make corrections."

Chang Kuo subconsciously said: "Let Sui Ning come and see."

In order to be more natural, he added with a smile: "Let Sui Ning watch it for me!"

Yun responded "yes" and handed the memorial to Chang Suining.

Chang Suining took it and sat down on the drum stool behind him.

She has the skeletal build of an ordinary girl. She is sitting on a short drum stool. She is holding a memorial book and reading it carefully, looking a bit well-behaved for no reason. Yun Hui was inexplicably distracted for a moment, suddenly curious about what she would look like if she put on a women's undershirt, but he couldn't imagine it at all.

Soon, he saw the girl handing the memorial back to him, and said to him with a smile: "Very good, thank you very much."

What’s good is that what he expressed here is objective and pertinent, and he has integrity, and there is no exaggeration in order to obtain more favors from the court.

Thank you because it details what she and Chang Kuo did, and also highlights Chang Kuo's difficult situation, the value of Chang Kuo's choice to send troops to rescue Hezhou, and Li Yi's actions.

Among the list of those who had contributed to the defense of the city, the names of Chang Sui Ning and Chang Kuo were also written at the top.

This shows the sincerity of Yun Hui and the Hezhou officials who participated in the drafting.

Faced with this sincerity, Chang Suining still did not refuse. When she and Chang Kuo chose to go to Hezhou, although it was not for fame and fortune, it was theirs, so there was no need to refuse.

And now she needs a "name". The word "name" can be used for many things.

The girl's words were concise and clear, and she was straightforward. Yun Hui nodded to her: "It should be so, no need to say thank you."

Seeing that Chang Kuo nodded without even looking at it, Yun Hui put away the memorial and prepared to have it delivered to the capital when he returned.

He just said, "Yun Hui is not talented. I have something else that I would like to ask General Chang for advice."

Chang Kuo motioned for him to speak.

The young man looked a little ashamed: "After the war, many things in the city needed to be decided. In the past, the affairs of the governor's office were mostly handled by the father and brother... And regarding the post-war proposals, the city officials also lacked experience. For this reason, there were different opinions and arguments, and there were noisy voices. The younger generation I don’t know how to identify feasible strategies…”

Chang Kuo understood and immediately looked at his daughter-in-law.

He said shamelessly: "Over the years, I have taught Sui Ning everything I know... If you are unsure about anything, it's the same thing to let Sui Ning help you clarify your doubts."

Thinking of what His Highness could do, Chang Kuo felt guilty but felt that the future would be glorious... This was the sense of vanity he wanted to pursue even at the risk of having his ancestral tomb bombed.

Chang Suining understood and looked at Yun Hui: "Where are we going to discuss things? If you need one more person to advise you, I can go with you."

After hearing Chang Kuo's words, Yun Hui did not question anything. He nodded and thanked him, and immediately summoned the officials to go to the front office to discuss the matter.

Chang Suining met Lady Shepherd's Purse on the way with him.

When I heard that Chang Suining was going to discuss matters with those officials, Mrs. Sheeps purse volunteered to go with her. Those officials held many civil posts and were full of vitriol. Some of them were shameless. They treated these women's soldiers, and there were actually two of them during the war and after the war. She has a face, and Mrs. Chang is a little girl after all. She has no experience in dealing with these people, so she might be bullied!

Chang Sui Ning looked at Yun Hui first, and after getting his nod, he took the man with him.

When they arrived at the meeting hall, everyone had arrived. Yun Hui invited Chang Sui Ning to sit at the head of the meeting.

There was just a sound from underneath. Lady Shepherd's Purse, who was standing next to Chang Suining, seemed to think the brazier was burning too brightly. She took off her cloak, revealing the woodcutter on her thick waist.


The cloak worked very well, and the hall was immediately much cooler.

During the entire discussion that followed, everyone was relatively more polite and accommodating than before.

But the reason why the atmosphere was relatively calm was not entirely due to the woodcutter.

At first, when they met Chang Sui Ning, everyone was still a little skeptical. They had all seen or heard about this little girl in the past few days, and they also knew that she had many suggestions for military training and defense. Even Ge Zong died due to her. Although the hands are of a girl's body, they should not be underestimated.

They were also very grateful to the girl.

But it is understandable that a girl who comes from a family of military generals is good at war-related matters. After all, she has been influenced by her eyes and ears and has been passed down from her family.

But now what they are discussing is the internal affairs of the city, which are mostly led by civil servants. How can this little girl get involved?

A benefactor returns to his benefactor, even if we are separated by rows, we are separated by mountains!

The little girl sat there and didn't interrupt at first. She occasionally drank tea, but she didn't know how much she heard.

After they all explained their opinions, the little girl spoke. She summarized what they said and extracted the points that needed to be resolved and the points that were controversial. No one was left out.

The surroundings became unconsciously quiet.

Immediately, he sorted them out one by one, discussed the problems one by one, gathered everyone's opinions, and then combined with the current situation in the city to finalize the most suitable solution.

What she said was not arbitrary and offensive, and she respected each of their opinions. Even if she rejected them, she would first affirm them, point out the merits, and then explain what was wrong.

The way he behaves is not at all like the martial artist in their stereotype.

Moreover, she seems to be very familiar with the affairs of a city, and she also understands the rules of governance, and she is not arbitrary or blindly divorced from reality. However, it is not just a matter of copying what is written on paper, but a precise and targeted approach, which shows flexibility while adhering to the rules.

After two hours of deliberation, there was almost no dispute in the hall.

There is only one doubt left in everyone's mind, every line is like a mountain... where are the mountains?

After everyone bowed and dispersed, some people walked together and talked in a low voice: "... What do you think General Chang Da's plan is for raising such a daughter?"

Now that he has been taught it, he must have thought about how to put it to use, right?

If you marry someone to support your husband and raise children, it will be a waste of resources.

For fighting? There is still some humiliation.

Everyone left talking.

Chang Sui Ning also returned to the meeting hall with Yun.

It's dark outside, most of the snow has melted, and a chill is coming over me.

The two talked while walking.

Yun Hui's eyes changed again when he looked at the girl beside him: "...If I encounter a problem, can I come back to ask you for advice?"

"It's not a question of asking for advice, and what I say may not all be right." Chang Sui Ning said: "But there are many people with many ideas, and many answers are obtained after collisions. Before I leave Hezhou, you can come to me at any time. You can come to me.”

Yun Hui was stunned and asked, "Are you and General Chang leaving?"

"Well, it should be these days."

Chang Suining turned to look at him and finally said: "Actually, you don't have to be too hesitant. Just remember that at this juncture, the situation in the city is special. All rules are dead, but the city is alive. Keep this in mind If you manage the city, Hezhou City will naturally come to life.”

Yun looked back at her and nodded in appreciation.

That night, Yun Hui kept vigil for his father and brother in the mourning hall.

Chang Kuo and Chang Sui Ning went to express their condolences and offer incense.

After the incense was served and the father and daughter were about to leave, they suddenly heard a message from the servants saying that the eldest princess of Xuan'an had arrived.

Thank you all for your monthly votes! Thanks to iwannacola for the great reward! First remember... it’s hard to pay off the debt_(:з」∠)_There are a lot of things at home this month. The child has a fever in the past two days. I can only do my best in updating. Please forgive me~

In addition, I would like to thank the book friends such as Spring Rolls Are Not Tasty, Mi Wei Dian Dian, Miaomiao Honey Water, Book Friends 20181019130233163, miffylinqin, Gu Yun LW, Xiao Yidou, I only read the books and do not leave any comments!

Thank you all for your love, good night, see you tomorrow.

(End of chapter)

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