Hello Chang’an

Chapter 250: Is there also a Hongmen Banquet? (Ask for monthly ticket)

As the wine cup and Wei Jun's drinking sound fell, the accompanying guards who were guarding outside the hall quickly rushed in with knives and murderous intent.

Chu Xing Lao Kang and more than ten people had also been on guard for a long time, and all the swords in their hands were unsheathed at this moment.

"Don't be impatient." Chang Sui Ning stood up with his sword in hand, looked at Wei Jun who was protected by his close followers, and asked: "How much benefit does Xu Zhengye promise you? My father can give you two times."

Although Chang Kuo thought that he could not bring so many benefits, he was not false at all. After all, His Highness was just bragging casually.

During the confrontation between the two sides, Wei Jun sneered and said: "What's the benefit? Unfortunately, that's not what I want! Our Wei family has been loyal to Dasheng and the Li family for generations, but now the Ming Dynasty is causing trouble and chaos, it is really intolerable! What we do is just for the sake of justice." Support His Royal Highness to ascend the throne and bring prosperity to the country!"

"The current state of Jiangnan is all thanks to Xu Zhengye. Is this what you call a clear country?" Chang Suining looked at him: "Do you really think Xu Zhengye is working for the Li family and the prince?"

"I don't know who he is working for..." Wei Jun's eyes turned cold again: "But you guys who are willing to be the empress' minions and lackeys must not be allowed to stay!"

Chang Suining understood: "I really thought you were stupid, but you weren't stupid at all."

But he was just a jackal who wanted to cause chaos in the world under the guise of being loyal to the Li family, and then take advantage of the chaos to divide the meat and eat it.

Anyone who stands in his way is the "empress' minions" who must be eliminated quickly.

Chang Kuo drew his sword: "In that case, there is nothing to say to someone like this!"

"I wanted to give you a happy one... Since you are asking for trouble before you die, you can't blame others!" Wei Jun raised his hand: "Kill them!"

The hall that was peaceful just now, with the smell of wine and the sound of music, suddenly turned into a life-threatening prison.

More killers poured in, and the hall was filled with blood.

Seeing Chang Kuo and others acting bravely and fiercely, Wei Jun even though he had the upper hand in numbers, he still felt a little uneasy. Naturally, he had heard of Chang Kuo's reputation for killing people without blinking an eye, and these people had just repelled Duke Xu's army in Hezhou, so they should not be underestimated.

Wei Jun knew very well that it would be risky to confront these people head-on, so he chose to lure Chang Kuo into the city first and try to poison them when they were not prepared.

But these people are really difficult to deal with. Even a fledgling girl is full of eyes.

He still hasn't figured out how the poisoning was exposed!

In other words... these people have always been wary of him and never believed him from beginning to end!

But no matter what, at this point, we can only fight hard!

Naturally, Chang Kuo and others would not come to the banquet alone.

Although it was inconvenient for the army to enter the inner city together, they also brought hundreds of soldiers with them.

Before entering the Governor's Mansion, Chang Suining and Chang Kuo had already secretly arranged a plan to deal with the unexpected incident. As early as Wei Jun's men rushed into the hall with their swords drawn, Chu Xing and his men had passed on the news through whistles. Got out.

At this moment, the soldiers guarding outside the governor's mansion had entered the front yard and were heading here.

Seeing that the hall was still unable to succeed, Wei Jun was so anxious that he wished he could kill Chang Kuo and his bad daughter with a knife, but he didn't dare.

He was a civil servant, and although he was not incompetent, he did not think he had the ability to fight with these generals.

Hearing the sound of fighting coming from outside the hall, his staff saw that the situation was not good and hurriedly said: "...The governor might as well go to the back hall to take shelter first!"

He lowered his voice and said, "Don't worry, sir. Even if they fight their way out of the Governor's Mansion, they still can't get out of Chuzhou City!"

It has always been a rule to entertain generals midway, and there is no rule for thousands of troops to follow the city. No matter how prepared Chang Kuo and the others were, they only brought a few hundred people with them.

So what if he found out that the wine was poisonous, these people will die without a burial tonight!

Under the protection of several close followers, Wei Jun and his staff retreated behind the screen, intending to leave first.

But not far after walking out, before he could leave through the back door, Wei Jun heard the sound of fighting behind him.

He looked back and saw someone chasing him.

The man was tall but had no weapons in his hands. He dared to chase him with his bare hands, but even so, his men couldn't stop him!

Seeing that the other party knocked down two of his guards with one punch and one kick, Wei Jun's expression changed and he started running quickly with his official robe in hand.

"Don't run away again!"

The warning coming from behind was an innocent tone that was not typical of a normal person.

The staff suddenly realized that this was probably a fool.

And he had heard that when the late Crown Prince was alive, he had a mentally retarded general under his command. Although he had a weak mind, he was extremely skilled and so fierce that even a hundred people could not get close to him.

Could it be that this is the person? !

Thinking of this, the staff panicked. When crossing the threshold in front, he accidentally tripped and fell to the ground, falling on his face and letting out a scream.

Immediately, a second, more shrill scream came out.

It was Ah Dian who was flying over and stepped on him, grabbing the back collar of Wei Jun's official robe.

Wei Jun felt a strong force behind him pull him back, and then, he seemed to be lifted up!

Wei Jun was frightened and wanted to resist, but before the resisting hand could touch the opponent, he was counterattacked by the opponent. He raised his other hand to hit the opponent, but was stopped again.

When he tried to struggle and resist again, the opponent's hand exerted force, and the pain of broken arm bones immediately made Wei Jun's pupils shrink and he screamed.

"You are so disobedient!"

It's not easy to catch people, A Dian sighed.

The staff member lying on the ground was wailing and almost crying.

A Dian glanced down and saw that he was still stepping on the other person. He was also startled and quickly moved his feet away: "I didn't mean it!"

The staff member was so painful that he wanted to cry without tears. His bones were broken as much as those of the governor!

But fortunately, the other party seemed to have no intention of harming anyone's life, and did not attack him again. Instead, he dragged his governor and left.

"...Sir!" The staff member struggled to support his upper body and tried to get up to save Wei Jun.

A guard from the Governor's Mansion came over with a knife, but was kicked away by A Dian.

Seeing the guard vomiting blood and falling to the ground, the staff member trembled and felt more pain on his body. The pain was so painful that he couldn't get up at all, so he could only lie back resigned to his fate, moaning in pain and begging for help: "...Come on, come on, hurry up. Go save the governor!"

A Dian carried Wei Jun back to the front hall and shouted loudly: "Little A Li, I caught him!"

Everyone who came to the banquet today was well prepared. Chang Suining had informed A Dian in advance - "If there is a fight at the Hongmen Banquet today, you are responsible for keeping an eye on the one with the highest hat, and you must not let him run away. "

In order to prevent himself from forgetting, A Dian repeated this sentence more than ten times until he knew it by heart.

Wei Jun's people in the hall were all shocked when they saw the governor being captured.

"Everyone stop it." Chang Suining put the tip of his sword in front of Wei Jun.

The fighting in the hall had to stop.

Seeing the girl with someone else's blood on her face moving the tip of the sword upward, and the next moment it was pointing at her throat, Wei Jun turned pale and tried his best to lean back, but was restrained by A Dian.

Pressed by the fear of death, he trembled: "...You can't kill me!"

Chang Suining looked at him: "Tell me, why not?"

Seeing this situation and hearing these words, Chu Xing's eyebrows jumped slightly.

"The city gate is closed now, you can't escape!" Wei Jun gritted his trembling teeth: "Kill me, and you will die too!"

But I heard the girl calmly ask: "Can't the city gate be opened again after it is closed? Isn't the door closed just for opening?" She said unhurriedly: "The power of city defense lies in the hands of the army. Let's do it." Li Canjun just helps us open the city gate. I had a good chat with him today, so I thought he would be willing to help us with this little help. "

The girl's words were full of innocence, and Wei Jun seemed to have heard a very funny joke: "...Ms. Chang thought that Wei was a little too stupid. How could I dare to keep a subordinate who was willing to help others deal with me at such a juncture?" ?”

Because he trusted Li Xun too much, he never trusted him. He and Xu Zhengye had no secret plans, and the other party didn't know anything about them.

He kept this person before because the time had not come yet and it was not suitable to make the court suspicious. Now that he wanted to kill Chang Kuo, he was ready to break up with the court. Naturally, there was no need to keep such a person who could do bad things. Got it!

"So, you asked someone to kill him?" Chang Suining asked.

"He is dead now!" Wei Jun looked at Chang Kuo and said firmly: "If you still want to leave Chuzhou alive, you can't kill me!"

Although this operation failed, as long as his life is saved, there is always a chance... At this moment, these people are like trapped animals, and he still has someone to rely on, so that is not considered passive!

Then Wei Jun's expression gradually calmed down.

But this calm was soon shattered.

"It's a pity that my subordinate is not dead yet. I'm afraid I will disappoint the governor."

As a voice sounded, Li Canjun, whose body was stained with blood, stepped over the threshold and walked in with a cold expression on his face.

In addition to the soldiers he brought with him, there was also Chang Ren.

Wei Jun's expression changed drastically. Li Xun was not dead?

When Li joined the army, Chang Suining no longer thought about passing the time by chatting with Wei Jun, so he put his sword back into its scabbard.

The sword at his throat was clearly gone, but the cold sweat on Wei Jun's head became thicker and thicker.

"I have controlled every part of the city. General Chang, please rest assured." Li Canjun saluted Chang Kuo with clasped fists.

Chang Kuo returned the greeting: "You have worked hard to join the army."

There were still sporadic sounds of fighting in various parts of the Governor's Mansion. It was Wei Jun's men who were resisting, but they no longer posed a threat.

The staff member who had several bones broken by Ah Dian was quickly dragged over. He collapsed to the ground, begged for mercy on his knees, and revealed all the collusion between Wei Jun and Xu Zhengye.

It was Xu Zhengye who ordered Wei Jun to stop and kill Chang Kuo in Chuzhou.

One is to take advantage of the situation to get rid of Chang Kuo's major worry, and the other is to ensure that Li Yi can reach Yangzhou smoothly without being blocked by Chang Kuo.

Li Canjun clenched his fists and looked at Wei Jun with red eyes: "...It turns out that you have secretly colluded with Xu Zhengye! So, when you used the excuse of fearing that the rebel army would attack Chuzhou and did not allow me to send troops to rescue Hezhou, you were just colluding with Xu Zhengye The inside should be coordinated with the outside, just deliberately obstructing it!"

But he really believed it, so he missed the opportunity to save his friend!

Chang Suining said: "Ah Dian, hand this person over to Li Canjun."

Rebellious thieves like this can be left to the court to deal with, or they can be killed on the spot. It is just a favor to be handed over to Li Shenjun.

Facing the enemy, Li Canjun showed no mercy and pierced Wei Jun's heart with a sword on the spot.

Wei Jun fell to the ground with his eyes widened.

When his staff saw this, they rolled their eyes and fainted with fright.

But soon he woke up again and was woken up by someone pouring tea on him.

The moment he opened his eyes, he vaguely felt that everything just now was just a nightmare, but when he opened his eyes and saw the girl standing in front of him, he suddenly became desperate.

"I have something else to ask you."

The staff hurriedly expressed their position: "The villain must tell everything he knows!"

In the midst of fear and nervousness, I heard a voice above my head asking: "Can I eat the food?"

"?" The staff hesitated for a moment and then answered cautiously: "It's stained with blood, so I'm afraid I won't be able to eat it..."

Chang Suining: "That means there is no poison in the food?"

"No!" the staff immediately replied: "...it was only in the tea!"

Chang Suining turned to Chang Ren and said, "Uncle Ren, find someone to lead the way and bring the rest of the food."

After saying that, she sat down in her original position.

Come here, your stomach will always be full.

Chu Xing looked at the bloodstains in the hall that had not yet been cleared away, and even the bodies of Wei Jun and others, and his uneasiness became magnified again.

What can he do when faced with a girl who can still sit down and eat at this time?

His general gave him the answer.

Chang Kuo: "Come here, drag all these obstructive things out!"

Then, he also sat next to his daughter and invited his subordinates to eat together.

Inside and outside the governor's office, Li Shenjun came to calm down and control, and they took advantage of this time to fill their stomachs.

Soon the food was served, and it was still hot. Chu Xing hesitated for a moment, then found a seat and started to devour it - he really hadn't had a hot meal for a long time, so he was not in a hurry to correct the girl!

When Li Canjun came back here after finishing his work, he saw a whole hall full of people huddled together eating.

Li Canjun was silent for a moment, and then ordered people to bring all the edible food in the governor's mansion.

In the end, Chang Suining asked people to pack up the rest and take them to his brothers outside the city.

Facing these people who were eating and taking food as if they were bandits entering the city, the staff with pens in their hands burst into tears - the governor called this plan to catch a turtle in a jar, but instead of catching the turtle, the people were gone and the family was gone. Empty too!

Stealing the chicken failed but lost the rice; failed to catch the turtle but ended up having his house stolen!

Seeing Chang Suining walking towards him, he quickly held the letter in his hands and smiled with difficulty: "It has been written according to Madam Chang's instructions, and it has also been stamped with the seal of the Governor... Madam Chang, please take a look. "

Chang Suining took it, looked at it carefully, and nodded.

After putting the letter into an envelope, she handed it to Li Canjun: "Thank you, Li Canjun. In the name of the Chuzhou Army, I have people working hard overnight to deliver it to Li Yi. The sooner the better."

When the sky was about to get dark, Chang Suining and others left Chuzhou, with 20,000 more Chuzhou soldiers behind them.

This was what Li Canjun promised to lend to them, and Chuzhou left 10,000 defenders in case of emergency.

Chang Suining looked back at the army behind him and sighed in his heart. With such patchwork, he finally managed to make up the number of the three armies.

The number of the three armies should be enough to scare Li Yi out of his nerves.

With a little more outsmarting, it should be almost done.

"Little Ah Li, the Hongmen Banquet is so good!" Ah Dian, who was sitting on the horse, was holding the reins in one hand and eating the buns in the other. His cheeks were bulging and he said vaguely: "You can eat it without spending any money. delicious!"

As he said that, he also looked back at the army behind him: "We can still take away so many people!"

Finally, he concluded with longing: "Is there still such a Hongmen Banquet? It would be great if it could happen every day!"

Chang Suining nodded in agreement: "Yes."

Mrs. Shepherd's Purse and others all laughed when they heard this: "Most people can't eat this Hongmen Banquet, only Mrs. Chang and General Chang!"

The warm winter sun rose, and the army hurried away.

Asking for votes at the beginning of the month! More updates tomorrow! Good night!

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