Hello Chang’an

Chapter 263: Mihito

 The news that Chang Suining wanted to compete with Coach Fang spread quickly, and the entire military camp was in a commotion.

"I have asked General Chang for permission, and General Chang actually agreed!"

"I heard that Mrs. Chang made arrogant remarks and angered Coach Fang..."

"What did you say?"

"She said that the soldiers trained by the instructors are just like dead wood... a dead tree springs back to life!"

"?" The person who heard it looked confused. This didn't sound like a curse, did it?

Another soldier corrected him: "...It's a dead tree! It's not of much use!"

"Yes, yes, this is it!"

When the soldiers heard this, they looked at each other. How could they think that these words were not just a scolding of Coach Fang? Who is the dead tree? Which one is too useless?

"..." During the Chinese New Year, the soldiers suddenly felt that the dumplings in their bowls no longer tasted good.

"...I want to see what kind of extraordinary ability this Madam Chang has when she looks down on us so much!"

"Let's go, don't eat anymore, go to the martial arts field to have a look!"

Some people were angry and put down their bowls and left, others were angry and followed them with their bowls, so some people were scolding while walking on the road, and some were eating while walking...after all, the celery and pork dumplings are so delicious!

More and more soldiers went to the martial arts field to watch, and there was a buzz of people everywhere.

"I heard it's because the coach and assistant coach want to appoint Mrs. Chang as the head coach... the people below are not convinced."

"That Mrs. Chang said that if she loses to the head coach of Fang University today, she will never mention being the head coach again!"

"... Regardless of whether she is a girl or not, Mrs. Chang is really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers! How dare she propose to compete with Coach Fang!"

That's not the way to stand out, right?

Some people also secretly speculated: "Could it be that Coach Fang was secretly bribed and threatened... to deliberately lose to Mrs. Chang to help her establish her prestige?"

"That's Coach Fang!"

As stubborn as a donkey!

"Fake things can't be true, and real things can't be fake either... Just go and see and you will know!"

They are not laymen, how can they still not distinguish between true and false?

For a while, there were all kinds of speculations, but almost everyone believed that the girl who had just turned seventeen and a few quarters of an hour could not defeat Coach Fang through legitimate means.

This idea became more and more certain after everyone came to the martial arts arena and saw the two people standing in the center of the martial arts arena with their own eyes.

From a visual perspective alone, the disparity between the two can be described as worlds apart.

In terms of body size and weight, Coach Fang could equal more than two of the little girls, not to mention that Coach Fang was the oldest and most prestigious among the seven major coaches in the army.

On the other hand, the little girl was not afraid at all. Standing there and being looked at by others, she couldn't help but give people a feeling of youthfulness and vitality.

Apart from anything else, it is really rare for this young and frivolous spirit to appear in a girl.

This kind of discussion, which is discussed in advance and in full view of the public, is different from facing the enemy on the battlefield. The situation on the battlefield is mixed and it is still possible to make a sneak attack. You can still use your young and frail body to make the opponent underestimate the enemy, so as to surprise him and attack him unprepared. What's more, you can Cooperate with your comrades to kill enemies, but this place is completely different.

She was going to face Coach Fang head-on, and Coach Fang was always cautious and calm. In such a situation, there was no reason to underestimate the enemy, and there was no way he would give her an opportunity.

In a nutshell, being able to kill Ge Zong and Li Yi does not mean that you can win over Coach Fang.

If you are young and frivolous, you will fall down!

The martial arts arena was surrounded by a tight siege.

Facing the gazes of those who were either waiting to see the fun, looking curious, sarcastic, appraising, or feeling nervous for her, Chang Sui Ning, who had already taken off his cloak and **** his ponytail more firmly, had an expression on his face. No change.

She chose to compete with Coach Fang for two reasons.

First, the other party's identity and prestige lies here. If she wants to be the chief coach, she must have the ability to overpower the top of the seven coaches, so that she can truly convince the crowd and achieve success once and for all.

Secondly, since she participated in the military training, she has met with the coach Fang Da several times, and she can feel the silent contempt and prejudice from the other side. He has never spoken to her, nor has he shown any outright dissatisfaction or questioning—

But she knew very well that this kind of silent prejudice was more difficult to eradicate than the dissatisfaction expressed openly, and it was also easier to plant hidden dangers.

Therefore, she chose to go along with the situation and anger the other party in exchange for a chance to break the stereotype head-on.

This competition has been approved by Chang Kuo, and soon the soldiers will prepare the things needed for the competition.

As the crowded crowd cleared a path, Chang Kuo and Xiao Min also came to the martial arts arena in person to watch the competition.

"See the coach, deputy coach!"

There were countless salutes everywhere, but Chang Kuo raised his hand to stop them and only looked at Chang Suining in the field.

Xiao Min seemed calm on his face, but his heart was up and down. He whispered to Chang Kuo again: "General Chang, otherwise Xiao will come forward to explain and smooth things over. You can take Madam Chang back..."

"No." Chang Kuo shook his head: "Leaving now, no matter what the name is, is equivalent to admitting defeat. Suining's actions will only be further hindered in the future."

Besides, take people back? How could a subordinate like him have such ability!

Seeing that the father was as strong as the daughter, Xiao Min could only sigh in his heart, looked at the two people in the field worriedly, and whispered: "Why did you choose this coach Fang Da..."

Chang Kuo sighed openly: "Yes..."

This man is a bit unlucky.

Hearing this sincere sigh, Yuan Xiang's heart twitched. So, even General Chang didn't believe that Mrs. Chang could win?

Yuan Xiang was worried, but he also insisted that Mrs. Chang was so smart that she would not be so impulsive and do stupid things like hitting an egg against a stone. She must have some clever tricks to win.

He tried to look to his side, and sure enough he realized something was wrong.

Xi'er is missing!

Yuan Xiang's heart was lifted, and he asked A Che in a low voice: "Where is Miss Xi'er?"

Is there something arranged secretly? He can help!

Ah Che glanced around and answered him in a low voice: "...Sister Xi'er has gone back to burn incense."


This kind of arrangement, which can only rely on metaphysics, made Yuanxiang fall into despair for a time.

Then, he quietly pulled A Dian aside to talk, and whispered coaxingly: "... General Dian, if Mrs. Chang suffers a loss on the court later, when you see me making this gesture, rush up in time to cause a scene. , interrupt this competition!"

Although this plan was not fair, in order to save Mrs. Chang's safety and reputation, she had no choice but to make this move...General A Dian was an unreasonable child in the eyes of outsiders, and he was the only one suitable to do this.

A Dian opened his eyes wide: "Why!"

"This is to prevent Mrs. Chang from being bullied..."

"No way, don't you believe that little Ah Li can win?"

When Yuanxiang didn't know how to answer, he saw A Dian stamp his feet, turn around and run back, saying unhappily: "You are too shameless, I won't play with you anymore! How could this be possible? I will tell little A Li about you later." Bad words!”

Yuan Xiang looked embarrassed: "...!"

When A Dian squeezed to Chang Kuo, who was standing at the front, someone had already loudly announced the items of this competition.

In Dasheng Military Camp, there are rules and regulations for the promotion and selection of coaches, big and small. For the sake of fairness, the competition between Chang Suining and Coach Fang followed the "three comparisons" used in the selection of coaches.

One is to compete with cavalry and shooting swords and guns, the other is to compete with military training methods, and the third is to compete with each other in fighting ability.

The first competition is a little more complicated and needs to be divided into three games, one for riding and shooting, and one for sword and gun competition. The riding shooting began. Chang Suining and Coach Fang Da jumped on the horse one after another. The torches were blowing all around, making this New Year's Eve particularly bright. The soldiers also began to cheer for help.

The ratio of big coaches is far more difficult than the selection of small coaches.

In the riding and shooting competition, a total of fifty arrow targets need to be set up along the martial arts field. The one who hits the most red hearts within a quarter of an hour wins. If the number of hits is the same, the one who returns first wins.

Sandbags, wooden stakes and other obstacles will also be set up along the way to interfere with the horses' progress, which will test the contestants' horse-controlling skills.

The martial arts arena here occupies a vast area, with a circle measuring fifteen miles. As long as there are obstacles, it would take an ordinary person at least a quarter of an hour to complete a circle with a horse. In this competition, it takes even more time. Test your shooting skills at the same time.

There are fifty archery targets, and the number of arrows in each person's quiver is also fifty. After all, each archery target has only one chance to shoot an arrow, and every arrow is related to winning or losing.

As a drum beat, Chang Suining and Coach Fang rode up together.

Instructor Fang Da glanced at the girl who was one step faster than him, riding her horse like an arrow off the string. He was slightly surprised in his eyes, and then he speeded up to keep up.

When he was standing on the martial arts field, the cold wind blew away the alcohol, and he felt a little regretful.

This regret was certainly not that he felt that he would lose to this little girl, but that as a great coach of an army, he actually had to compete in public with a little girl who was not as old as his daughter. It would be disgraceful to win.

Now it's better than riding and shooting. There is no need to fight directly for the time being and it will not hurt the opponent.

Therefore, he planned to stop continuing the next competition after winning the cavalry shooting, and just revealed the matter, so as not to let the people below and General Chang feel that he bullied the small and was aggressive.

Coach Fang Da already has a plan in mind.

But what happened next was not in his plan.

The girl was thin and looked extremely light on the horse. She drove the horse over the first obstacle. When the horse's hoof fell, she had already nocked the arrow.

She turned her upper body slightly, drew her bow and faced the direction of the target, and her lower body sat firmly on the horse's back without any sway.

It should be noted that although a thin figure has the advantage of being light, it also means that the lower limbs lack stability, but she is surprisingly stable!

Because he was in the position of a great coach, he could tell the difference at a glance, so Coach Fang couldn't hide the look of surprise in his eyes at this moment.

"call out-"

The arrow in her hand flew off the string, but her horse did not stop, and she did not even see if the arrow could hit. Instead, she turned back and smiled at him, raised the long bow in her hand, and said in a clear voice: "Master Fang, Acceptance!”

Coach Fang: "...!"

He didn't let it go!

Moreover, she looked so casually without even looking after shooting the arrow, as if she was sure that she would definitely hit the target!

The little girl is indeed arrogant. It should be noted that just because her riding skills are excellent, it does not mean that her shooting skills are also...

As Instructor Fang Da also drew his bow, he also aimed his sight in the direction of the target. However, he saw that the first arrow had already stuck in the center of the target!

His arrow had also left the string and hit the bull's-eye. The two arrows were tightly packed in the red heart, making it difficult to tell the difference.

But it was this "hard distinction" that forced Coach Fang to start looking squarely at the girl who was riding ahead of him.

The young girl rode forward and drew her bow again. Just like last time, she looked back immediately after opening the bow, without stopping to see where the arrow landed.

The horses and bows used in the competition are not those used by the contestants themselves. This is for the sake of fairness and can also more intuitively test the riding and archery skills of both parties.

There were soldiers guarding and observing along the way. The onlookers in the distance could no longer see clearly. They could only see the girl in front of them under the light of the torch. With the bow in her hand and the horse under her body, she seemed to be the most familiar companion. She used her arms to guide her. Smooth and chatty.

Those obstacles never made her feel sluggish.

And this world called the military camp, and the rules under this world, she seemed to be familiar with it. She was never afraid when faced with doubts, never doubted when faced with the rules, and never hesitated at every step ahead.

The girl riding the horse and holding the bow never hesitated, but some people started to hesitate.

Among the coaches who did not call out their names, but were obviously cheering for Coach Fang, some began to hesitate in a low voice: "Why does Coach Fang seem to be so slow?"

"What's the use of being fast? After a quarter of an hour, we still have to see who hits more targets!"

Six other great coaches also came after hearing the news. One said calmly: "Don't you still believe in Lao Fang's riding and shooting? Which one of you can beat him?"

Although it was only coach Fang Da who was competing against this girl from the Chang family today, the reputations of their coaches were also staked on this competition at this moment.

After all, this girl's arrogant words negated the training methods of all their coaches.

But at this moment, they still firmly believe that their face will never fall to the ground.

Coach Zhu: "That's right, since she 'only wants to be defeated'...then I will grant her a wish!"

"Lao Fang may not compete with her for the second time." The calm head coach carried the animal skin wine bottle, looked at the two almost invisible black figures, and said: "But winning this one is enough. ”

Next, someone said something stupid, and they burst into laughter.

But Coach Fang couldn't laugh.

He went from being one target behind, then two targets, to a full five or six target distance.

There were many obstacles along the way, but with the girl in front, it was like walking on flat ground, like entering a realm of nothing.

At this point, his advantage was only his arm strength. He had shot down seven arrow targets along the way. If he were in front, this move would definitely hinder the opponent and leave the opponent without a target to aim at. Being in a passive state would also interfere with to the other person’s emotions.

But he was behind the opponent, and even if he shot down the target, the opponent's arrow was already firmly planted on the red heart, so it was useless.

Chang Sui Ning knew her own weakness. No matter what she did, she still didn't have the strength to shoot down the target with a bow, but the opponent must have it. This was a fact and a disparity that could not be made up overnight.

Therefore, she never allowed herself to fall behind her opponent even half a step from the beginning. Since she knew where her shortcomings were, she had to hide them.

Under the attention of everyone, the two figures gradually disappeared from clarity, then returned from the darkness and became dimly visible again.

As the person rode closer and closer, everyone could tell that it was the figure of a girl.

The girl who returned first drew her bow and shot the last arrow.

This time, she carefully watched the trajectory of the final arrow.

At the same time, the onlookers could clearly see that the arrow hit the target without any deviation.

Chang Suining took the empty quiver back to the center of the starting martial arts arena, turned over and jumped off the horse with the bow in hand.

When the coaches saw this and exchanged glances, they suddenly had a bad premonition.

But these premonitions are not enough to break their determination, which stems from accumulated knowledge over time.

When the allotted time was approaching, Coach Fang also came back.

He dismounted, not looking relaxed.

Facing the questioning looks from his companions, he remained silent and did not give any reaction.

Soon, soldiers brought back the fifty archery targets one after another, placed them in front of everyone, and handed them over to the school captain in charge of the competition for counting.

4300 words, good night, see you tomorrow!

Today I would like to recommend the hilarious article "Live Debt Collection" by my good sister Ms. Apple, which will scare the whole network to tears! 》

A generation of heavenly master Jiang Ningning traveled through time and became an incense shop owner!

Looking at the original owner's account book, it's all debts? Don't be afraid! Let’s start live streaming debt collection!

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