Hello Chang’an

Chapter 296: Then try it

After finalizing the matter, Li Xian immediately sent for several Taoists who were responsible for supervising the construction of Fengxian Palace in Luoyang Palace.

These Taoists all hold official positions and are usually responsible for the construction and layout of Fengxian Palace and Feng Shui matters. The leader is called Master Dongxuan. He has many followers in Luoyang City and is very prestigious.

After Dongxuan and others left Li Xian's place, they immediately ordered an altar to be opened in the city and announced to everyone that they were going to offer sacrifices to heaven.

This sacrifice is a human sacrifice.

Before the flood, Li Xian was ordered to investigate those who colluded with Xu Zhengye in Luoyang City. In order to obtain a detailed list of internal agents, Li Xian took away 500 people who had positions under Xu Zhengye from among the captured Xu rebels. The general was escorted to Luoyang for interrogation.

Li Xian has obtained a rough list of the internal agents in Luoyang City, and has arrested many suspects. He only needs to follow the clues to find out the remaining accomplices.

The word "fellow party" has more than its superficial meaning.

In addition to the list pried out from the mouths of Xu Zhengye's confidants, Li Xian also had another list in his hand - that was secretly given to him by the chamberlain who came from the capital to deliver the order.

Many of the surnames overlapped with those found in his interrogations, but there were also many people who were not among them.

The intention of the Holy Emperor is very obvious. Since he wants to take action, he must completely remove the thorns of the dissidents in one fell swoop - no matter whether they are involved in Xu Zhengye's affairs or not.

In other words, the theory of thorough investigation of Xu Zhengye's complicity was just a name from the beginning.

And the scope of this "inventory" is by no means limited to the land of Luoyang. The empress is looking at the nobles in the entire Central Plains, especially the most prominent surname, the one that can tear apart the four major noble families whose interests are closely connected. ’s surname.

Therefore, Li Xian already knew very well who he would deal with next and how he would do it.

He no longer needed to interrogate the prisoners.

However, he soon discovered that these prisoners, who were already useless, had another use.

It was Li Xian's decision after discussion with some Luoyang officials to kill the captives of Xu's army to sacrifice to heaven.

The Dongxuan Taoist who presided over this heaven-sacrifice ceremony claimed that the flood disaster and the destruction of Fengxian Palace were all due to Xu Zhengye's heinous and sinful actions, which angered heaven. However, heaven's anger cannot be eliminated, and its anger was directed at Xu Thief. The remaining evil has not yet been eliminated!

In the name of appeasing the wrath of heaven, they led two hundred prisoners onto the altar and beheaded them.

Blood flowed down the marks of the altar runes, mixed with the rain, and stained several streets in Luoyang City red.

This move was undoubtedly bloody, and precisely because it was **** enough, it was able to shock people everywhere, and it succeeded in suppressing the rumors that were unfavorable to the empress for a while.

In order to substantiate this theory, they claimed that they would sacrifice two hundred captives to heaven every day until the wrath of heaven was appeased.

Although this move by Li Xian and others was bloody, it could not be regarded as setting a precedent. Since the founding of the Dasheng Dynasty, although there have been few human sacrifices, there has always been a practice of killing prisoners and offering sacrifices.

Although many literati in Luoyang City criticized this incident, they could only condemn one or two from the level of moral atmosphere.

The nobles in the city were already restless. In addition to changing public opinion, Li Xian's move was obviously aimed at them!

Today you can kill prisoners of war, and tomorrow you can kill them, who are also members of Xu Zhengfei's party, to sacrifice to heaven!

The gentry tribesmen were angry but uneasy, and the Xuance army was guarding and suppressing them at all levels inside and outside Luoyang City. Due to floods, many important roads were washed away. There were many literati, women and children in their tribe. Even if they wanted to escape Luoyang in time, they could not. cannot.

Under such natural disasters and man-made disasters, they have become trapped animals. The only way to save themselves now may be to seek help from the Zheng family in Xingyang!

So they decided to send a trustworthy person to secretly send a letter to Xingyang.

Li Xian also ordered a thousand soldiers under his command, accompanied by two Luoyang officials, to leave Luoyang in the rain and rush to Bianzhou.

They did not enter Bianzhou City, but went directly to the large military camp camped on higher ground outside Bianzhou City.

Knowing that the commander Xiao Min was not in the camp, the leading general and two Luoyang officials ordered the camp to quickly count the prisoners of war of the Xu army and take them all to Luoyang.

Several generals in the camp went to talk to them and inquire about the matter. They took a tough stance and only said that it was the intention of General Li Xian and that the matter was of great importance and could not be delayed.

At this moment, the rain was a little lighter. Not far away, a group of prisoners of war with chains on their feet were filling sand bags into sacks in the rain. The general under Li Xian immediately signaled to his men, drove the prisoners over, took the hemp rope, and immediately They would be counted and tied up, as if they were treated like livestock.

The remaining prisoners of war in Luoyang City could no longer "sustain" for two days, and they needed to bring these prisoners of war back as soon as possible.

"There are now more than 60,000 prisoners of war in the camp. It will take at least a whole day to count them all." Captain Bai frowned and said seriously: "And this matter is not trivial. We have to wait for the commander to discuss it face to face with several adults after he returns to the camp. These prisoners of war can be handed over later.”

The general sneered, put his hand on the scabbard at his waist, and said sternly: "It is related to the great ceremony of worshiping heaven and the destiny of the country. If there is any delay or mistake, not only will we be blamed, but you will also not be able to bear it. !”

After saying this, the prisoners of war who were being **** looked horrified.

Sacrifice to heaven?

So, are the rumors I heard yesterday true?

It's not enough to kill those people in Luoyang City, why should they all be taken away to sacrifice to heaven? !

"You...what are you doing?"

"let me go!"

As prisoners of war, they naturally could not receive preferential treatment. During these days, they were doing the hardest and most tiring jobs in the camp and eating the worst and least food. However, they knew their status and situation, and as long as they could survive, that was all.

Although it was difficult to be a prisoner of war, fortunately, General Ningyuan had spoken, so at least there was no abuse of prisoners of war in the camp, so they never thought of resisting.

When they were willing to surrender, they just wanted to survive!

But now, these people were taking them to sacrifice to heaven, and under the fear of their lives being threatened, some people began to struggle and resist.

A thin prisoner of war staggered out of the team and shouted in panic: "Captain Bai, we don't want to go to Luoyang! General Ning Yuan and Commander Xiao have personally said that if you don't kill those who surrender, you can't-"

As an arrow pierced his heart, his voice suddenly stopped and he fell into the muddy water.

The man holding the crossbow was none other than Li Xian's general.

His voice was cold and stern: "Those who dare to resist, this general will not mind killing you on the spot and offering sacrifices to heaven!"

Looking at his companion lying in the muddy water, twitching slightly, and blood pouring out of his mouth, a burly prisoner was filled with grief and anger: "Shunzi never resisted and hurt anyone! He is just timid. !”

He turned his head suddenly and looked at the general who shot his companion. He clenched his fists and broke the hemp rope: "You are going too far to bully others by going back on your word!"

"Everyone on the left and right is dead. Instead of cowardly turning into sacrifices like pigs, sheep and livestock, why don't I kill them!"

From being forcibly conquered by Xu's army to being defeated and taken prisoner, they never had a choice along the way... They thought that everything was finally over, but now they are still being killed as sacrifices for no apparent reason!

What kind of cannibalistic world is this? The man's eyes were red: "I will fight with you today!"

He was very strong and snatched the knife from a soldier with his bare hands.

And he should have some prestige among this group of prisoners of war. Seeing his move, the prisoners of war behind him immediately followed.

"Stop it all! Control them quickly!" Captain Bai said quickly.

"Pigs, sheep and livestock?" The general said sarcastically upon seeing this: "You are overestimating yourself. They are just a group of ants who overestimate their capabilities."

As he spoke, he motioned for the armored men behind him to come forward: "If you dare to resist, no one will be spared! Afterwards, their heads will be counted and taken back to Luoyang one by one!"


Seeing the burly man leading him running toward him with hatred in his eyes and a sword raised, he narrowed his eyes and raised the crossbow in his hand again, aiming at the man.

"call out!"

The sharp arrow pierced the air, but it did not come from his hand, but came from the side, piercing his arm!

His face was grim in pain, and the crossbow in his hand fell to his feet. He took two steps back, and at the same time turned around to look at where the sharp arrow came from.

"General congratulations!" The Luoyang official behind him supported him and exclaimed, looking in the direction where the sound of horse hoofs came from.

A group of people came on horseback, wearing raincoats in addition to their armor. The leader held a long bow and reined in his horse five or six steps away from them.

She turned slightly and drew her bow again, but the arrow fell to the ground.

The burly prisoner of war who rushed towards him with his sword looked at the sharp arrow that landed at his feet and couldn't help but pause.

"Whoever dares to take another step without permission will be shot to death." The voice of the girl holding the bow was not serious, but it was as cold as needle rain, making people afraid to make mistakes.

"...The great coach is back!"

"General Ningyuan!"


All of a sudden, people were shouting, and soldiers were constantly coming around to salute.

Lieutenant Bai took the opportunity to control the restless prisoners of war.

"...It turns out to be General Ning Yuan!" The general whose right arm was shot by Chang Sui Ning's arrow turned pale with pain. He stared at the man on the horse: "I dare to ask General Ning Yuan why he rashly hurt people. ?”

"It's my turn to ask you why you interfered in our military affairs without permission." The girl drove the horse and walked slowly for a few steps. The mount under her was a very tall and beautiful brown-red horse, and her eyes looked wild and untamable. , spraying white steam from his nostrils at him from time to time, looking very provocative.

The man on the horse looked down at him and the two officials: "When marching outside, military regulations must not be violated. On the premise that there are no generals in charge in our army, you will make mistakes without authorization, use swords and arrows, and shout If you are causing trouble, why not even if I use military law to kill you?"

According to this, she was merciful?

"You..." A Luoyang official pointed at her angrily: "We are here to **** these prisoners of war to Luoyang on the orders of General Li Xian!"

They brought up Li Xian's name, but saw that the girl's attitude remained the same, even more arrogant: "Why does General Li Xian come to ask for prisoners of war again? The ones he took away before were not enough for him to use for interrogation. ?"

This tone seemed to be mocking Li Xian's incompetence, which made the general whose arm was injured very angry.

He was the son of a servant of the Korean government. His first name and surname were both given by the Korean government. He was called He Shan. He had been with Li Xianshen since he was a child and was extremely loyal.

But he was somewhat afraid of Chang Suining's name, and did not want to conflict with her, so he forcibly endured the anger of being injured on his arm and explained to her that the purpose of these prisoners of war was to sacrifice to heaven, not for interrogation.

A sneer appeared in Chang Suining's eyes.

A good one sacrifices to heaven, a good one kills two hundred people every day until the wrath of heaven is appeased.

Kill two hundred people every day and keep killing. The rain will stop one day, and then it will mean that the wrath of the sky has subsided, right?

She knew that the Fengxian Palace in Luoyang City had been destroyed, and rumors spread against the Holy Emperor. Li Xian's move was to create another rumor to cover up that rumor.

In order to make the rumors he created more impactful, he chose **** methods such as prisoner sacrifice to divert the attention of the world.

At the same time, it can intimidate and suppress the Luoyang nobles and prepare public opinion for their complete elimination.

It’s indeed a good way that you can’t go wrong no matter how you look at it.

Seeing that she was silent for a moment, He Shan endured the pain and said firmly: "This matter is of great importance. Please ask General Ning Yuan to cooperate with us."

Chang Suining glanced at the prisoners of war who were under control again, with expressions that were either frightened or sad, and said: "I cannot agree to this matter. You cannot take them away."


He Shan just thought that he heard wrongly.

Most of the prisoners of war were unable to react for a while.

"I have personally promised them that those who surrender will not be killed. Although they are prisoners of war, they have their own corresponding military treatment." Chang Sui Ning said.

A Luoyang official asked in a deep voice: "Does General Ning Yuan know what crime he is guilty of for blocking the ceremony of worshiping the heaven?"

"Dare I ask who initiated this so-called ritual of worshiping the heavens?" Chang Suining glanced at him: "Is it a saint, or are you adults who are eager to escape responsibility for fear of being accused of being a supervisor and guarding the Immortal Palace?"

The official's expression changed several times: "...General Ning Yuan should know that this is the intention of General Li Xian, and General Li Xian is entrusted with the imperial edict to deal with the remaining members of the Xu family!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand in the direction of the capital and said, "Since General Li Xian was ordered to deal with the remnants of the Xu family, he can naturally take the initiative to deal with these prisoners of war!"

He brought up the title of saint, but heard the girl who still refused to dismount remind her quietly: "But, I am also ordered to wipe out the remnants of the Xu family."

"And as far as I know, General Li Xian was ordered to thoroughly investigate the remaining internal forces in Luoyang City, and I am responsible for the remnants of Xu's army everywhere."

Another Luoyang official couldn't bear it and stepped forward and asked forcefully: "What if we must take away these prisoners of war today!"

The girl looked at him with a half-smile but said, "Then let's try it."

As she spoke, the horse beneath her suddenly neighed and raised its hooves, as if it was about to step over. The official was frightened and hurriedly took two steps back. When he looked again, he saw the horse snorting at him.

The official's face was dull for a moment, and his expression was indescribable...He was actually frightened and laughed at by a horse! This is simply unreasonable!

At this time, the **** the horse was heard speaking arrogantly again.

Good night lovely people

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