Hello, Heir

Chapter 1420: Matching (14)

Si Jingyu turned back, and saw Shi's mother hesitated, her mouth rose and rose again, and then asked after half a ring: "Jing Yu, why don't you ask, what did she ask me to say?"

After hearing this, Si Jingyu's eyes flickered a few times. Although she had a good impression on Shi's mother, she never forgot it from the beginning to the end. After seeing Xinxin, she immediately gave up her daughter-in-law, please Baiji After entering the room, if Shi Jinyan insisted, I am afraid that their family is now living with Hele and Happiness, right?

Even if their mother-in-law relationship is so good, at the critical moment, her mother-in-law still has her own scale.

So, to be honest, seeing her meeting Bai Bai in private, Si Jingyu was uncomfortable, but for the marriage between her and Shi Jinyan, she was willing to pretend to be stupid.

After hearing what Mother Shi said, Si Jingyu let herself show an impeccable smile, "Mom, if you don't say it, I won't ask, if you want to say it, I'll listen."

When Mother Shi heard this, her eyes were hot again.

She knew she was eccentric, and she was shy and flustered at the moment.

She took a step forward and grabbed Si Jingyu's arm. "Jingyu, Mom is afraid of making mistakes, so Mom wants to tell you. Bai Ye said ..."


In the hospital, Dr. Li's office.

Si Jingyu and Mother Shi sat there, and Si Jingyu looked at Dr. Li.

Hearing the purpose of the two people, Dr. Li sighed. He actually came out with the matching results and wanted to say this, but Ding Mengya is his VIP patient, and the situation of Si Jingyu and Shi Jinyan, he also I knew a little bit, so hesitated, and didn't say much, but I didn't expect that at this moment, they came to the door.

He organized the language in his heart, and then he said: "In general, when this kind of thing happens, the couple will indeed choose to have a child, and the chance of matching the child of the same parent is very high, and ... If the child is not saved, there can be another child, parents ... "

The words did not finish, but the meaning in the words is obvious. If a child is gone, the parents may be sad and sad, but if there is another, it can make up for the psychological emptiness.

After hearing this, Si Jingyu paused, and then said, "What is the probability that a child can be matched successfully after a child is born?"

When the doctor heard this, she turned her eyes over Shima and shook her head. "This, I'm not sure. I can only say that the probability is slightly higher."

Si Jingyu nodded, but his heart suddenly fell down.

Bai Ye ... but it really gave her a big problem.

When she and Ms. Shi came out of the office, the hearts of both of them were heavy.

How difficult it is to find a successfully matched bone marrow from the world. After all, this is not like a blood transfusion, but a bone marrow blood test. Who will take bone marrow blood? !!

The two walked into the ward with all their hearts, and when they reached the door, Ms. Shi suddenly grabbed Si Jingyu. She looked at Si Jingyu, looked at it for a while, and sighed deeply. Jingyu, hurry up and have a child with Jin Yan. "

She just left such a sentence, she bowed her head, walked down to the hospital entrance, her back looking so lonely. The meaning of her sentence was suddenly understood by Si Jingyu.

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