Hello, Heir

Chapter 1695: Leaving the Xiao family? (6)

Obviously it was provocative, but she could be boring.

Huang Manning stomped her feet angrily, "Fei Ye! You, you are too much!"

Princess Fei didn't talk much, just stood there, staring at the cake on the ground.

The cake has been broken into eight petals and is torn apart.

It's like her heart.

Actually, she came to give him a cake. Isn't it a bit of a desire to talk to him and ask for mercy?

But what about him?

Princess Fei bowed her head down, and then heard him suddenly say, "What noisy? Annoying!"

His impatient tone made Huang Manning close his mouth immediately.

Then he stood up, looked directly at Princess Fei, and said sarcastically, "I have time to make cakes, but I ’d rather think about how it is more practical to please me in bed. Your performance on the bed is really bad , Without any taste, what can I do? "

As soon as the sentence fell, Huang Manning laughed, and the ironic smile stimulated Ye Feifei's nerves, made her clenched her fist, and looked up to Xiao Munan violently.

There was a wicked smile on his face, like a demon, which made people just want to tear his skin, but he was afraid to do it.

Ye Feifei's fist was loose, tight, and she turned her head finally, "Master, I'm leaving now."

With that said, she turned her head and left.

Her footsteps were very sloppy, and her back looked so lonely. This look made Xiao Munan feel only a pain in her heart.

He reached out and covered his heart.

When I saw her, I thought of the pose she had last night, and I thought that she was just an instrument for extracting fine-seeds.

So he couldn't help saying those unpleasant words, but when he really hurt her, he felt pained.

He didn't even know whether he was punishing her or punishing himself.

While he was sad, Huang Manning next smiled and said, "You look at the bitch-like wolf, it's shameless, master, she ..."


A violent applause suddenly rang through the gazebo.

Huang Manning bleed directly from the corner of her beating mouth, and the whole person fell aside. She turned back sharply and saw Xiao Munan's evil look in her eyes at the moment. There was also an evil smile on the corner of his mouth. What about? "

He took a step forward, approached Huang Manning, and continued to grin. "Master Ben never misses the rules of women, Huang Manning, you are too noisy, don't you want a tongue?"

Huang Manning trembled in shock, "Young, young master ..."

Xiao Munan patted his palm and ordered in a cold voice: "Go!"

In a word, everyone in the gazebo disappeared without a trace!

Even Huang Manning's legs were weak and he fell to the ground while walking out, looking extremely embarrassed.

After waiting for this group of people to go away, Xiao Munan then bowed his head and looked at the cake on the ground. His eyes suddenly became distant and gentle, as if looking at his favorite person in this world.

I didn't know how long he was watching, so he slowly stood up and immediately went out, but his pace accelerated.

No one saw where Princess Fei went, but he knew the road well, and soon found a remote corner of the villa behind him. From a distance, he saw that she was crouching and holding her knees, looking like Yes, crying.

Xiao Munan had a stature and suddenly stepped forward. He only wanted to do one thing now, and that was to hold her in his arms.

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