Manslet Manor.

Lini ran breathlessly to the small villa hidden in the woods of the manor.

After learning the whereabouts of his sister Linnet from Alecino, Lini rushed to Manslet Manor without stopping, even if he was exhausted.

Felicis Manor is located in the suburbs of Fontaine, and so is Manslet Manor. After leaving Felicis Manor, Lini did not find a carriage for him to ride, and the nobles did not lend a hand to the child.

And Alecino also chose to leave after Lini left Felicis Manor.

Lini was miserable and helpless. He wanted to save his sister so much, but the nobles he met along the way did not lend him a hand, even a little help.

Lini ran wildly in despair. He kept running, trying to run faster, but even if he ran to the bleeding throat, Lini was still some distance away from Manslet Manor.

When Linny finally arrived at Manslet Manor, it was already dawn.

Linny fell several times along the way, and as Linny kept falling, Linny was growing up quickly.

Along the way, Linny understood that human nature is evil, and in this gloomy world, the only person he can trust is his sister Linnet.

He is connected to Linnet by blood, and Linnet is the meaning of his life!

Linnet, my sister... please don't get hurt!

Linny, who was dirty all over, tried to hold on to his spirit, and he pushed open the door of the villa tremblingly.

Unexpectedly, the door of the villa was easily pushed open by Linny.

Seeing this, Linny immediately rushed into the villa.

"Linnet... Linnet! My sister, you... where are you?"

Linny screamed, his eyes red.

At this moment, he no longer had the usual calmness and confidence.

Linni searched the first floor thoroughly, but found no trace of Linnet.

So he went up to the second floor, but there was no trace of Linnet either.

Linni was desperate. The more he couldn't find Linnet, the more he worried that something had happened to Linnet.

Fortunately, Linni finally found Linnet on the third floor.


Entering the last room on the third floor, Linni saw Linnet.

Linnet curled up and hid in the arms of a man, who gently patted Linnet's back and hummed a lullaby.

Because Linni was anxious, he didn't see that in the corner of the room, there was a naked upper body, cut into pieces of Duke Manslet leaning quietly against the wall.

He fell into a baby-like sleep and slept very sweetly.

"Give Linnet back to me!"

Linni roared at the man with the backlight.

Because of the backlight, Lini couldn't see the person's face clearly, but judging from the body shape, the person should be a woman.

The person didn't care about Lini's roar, she just whispered.

"Shh~ Keep your voice down. She was very frightened, and I finally coaxed her to sleep."

The familiar voice came, coupled with the person's gentle tone, Lini's rationality unexpectedly recovered a little.

At this time, Lini took a step forward, he took out the magic prop fire from his pocket and lit it.

The dim room finally had a glimmer of light.

Lini finally saw the person sitting on the sofa in the room.

Lini didn't know why these nobles liked to put a few sofas in every room. Should I say they are worthy of being nobles? They really know how to enjoy it.

Lini knew the person on the sofa but didn't know him.

Lini had met her several times, but he never asked her name. Although he never asked, Lini knew her.

The diplomat of Zhidong, a big shot in front of the water goddess Fernina, has been going to Momang Palace to meet with Lady Fernina recently.


Is it her? Where is the Duke of Manslet?

Linnie searched for the figure of Duke of Manslet in the room, and finally saw the fragments of Duke of Manslet in the corner.

This high and mighty duke was cut into six parts, his limbs were separated, his head rolled on the ground, and his body was alone. His blood flowed all over the ground, and the expression on the rolling head was still obscene and joyful. It seemed that he was beheaded when he was about to do something bad.

Duke of Manslet in six parts!

"How cruel... but he died well! Anyone who dared to touch Linnet, even if he was torn into pieces, it would be a bargain for him!"

Linnie was frightened by the death of Duke of Manslet. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and tried to swallow the fear in his heart.

Similarly, Linny felt a little relieved because of the death of Duke Manslet.

It was this hateful guy who almost took Linnet away from him! Good thing he died!

Oh, and his cheap adoptive father, FeiBaron Lysis, he betrayed us and put Linnet in danger. I must avenge him!

"Did you kill him and save Linnet?"

Linnie looked at Arlechino. Although Arlechino looked calm at this time, the love for Linnet in her eyes could not be concealed.

Linnie could feel Arlechino's concern for Linnet, but he was still afraid of Arlechino, after all, the fragments of Duke Manslet were still there.

Linnie didn't know Arlechino. He couldn't be sure whether Arlechino would kill him and Linnet next to keep it secret, and he didn't know the purpose of Arlechino's appearance here.

Therefore, Linnie had to be wary of Arlechino.

"This world is always too unfair to children, especially orphans like you who are helpless."

Arlechino hugged Linnet and said softly.

"These nobles are high up there. They have everything since they were born, but they are not satisfied with what they have. So they set their sights on the lower class."

"However, what can the lower class have? It's nothing more than that they have nothing compared to the nobles. The most precious thing is their life and body, which are also taken away by the nobles. The nobles build their happiness on the suffering of the lower class."

"Linnie, I know your anger, your unwillingness, and what you are going to do. You want to take revenge on Baron Felicis, but have you ever thought that your current strength does not match your anger."

"The fire of revenge will only devour you. What should your sister Linnet do then?"

Alechino's questioning was like a basin of cold water poured on Linnie's head, extinguishing his anger.

"What should I do? Linnet is in danger because of Felicis. Can I, as her brother, just keep silent?"

Linnie asked unwillingly.

Hearing this, the corners of Alechino's mouth rose. She stood up from the sofa and held Linnet in her arms like a princess.

"Come with me. Hearth House will provide you with a warm home, and as a father, I will solve the difficulties for my children."

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