After six rounds, even Arachino couldn't stand such a high-intensity and high-level battle.

The power of the Red Moon was used in the duel with Scaramucci.

However, Arachino still wanted to continue the challenge.

Challenge the unshakable position of the top three.

The third place [Girl] Columbia!

"I don't understand... You are now at the end of your strength, why do you continue? You should have no reason to challenge me, it is not in your interest,"

Columbia walked down the stage slowly, she stepped in the air, and a snowflake rose under her feet.

"Now you are not my opponent even at your peak, not to mention you now... Arachino, the reward for challenging me is far less than what you pay. Can you tell me, why do you continue to insist?"

Columbia's voice was soft, she walked in front of Arachino, not caring that the other party was a challenger, but took Arachino's hand, and sent her her own power to help Arachino heal her body injuries.

"Hehe... Thank you."

Alechino chuckled and said.

"There is no reason. I just want to see where my limit is and know the gap between me and the top three."

"You seem to have known that you can stand in the fourth position?"

Columbia tilted her head and asked.

"It's just a feeling... I can't feel much breath of death from them, so they won't threaten me, but you top three are different. You are shrouded in a heavy breath of death, and this breath makes me tremble."

Alechino replied.

"So... Is this your special ability? Can you see the threat level of others?"

Columbia continued to ask.

"I don't know, I don't understand."

As he said, Alechino withdrew his hand.

"Thank you for your treatment, Columbia. Let's continue the duel."

"It seems that you are not going to stop... Although I support you very much, but... I have to let you stop here."

Columbia sighed softly, and she and Alechino distanced themselves.

Then, the battle broke out.

The sun rises very early in the winter, basically around four o'clock in Teyvat system time.

When the sun rises, this executive ranking battle is also declared over.

Except for the top three seats, the seats of other executives have changed. Alecino became the biggest dark horse, climbing from the last seat to the fourth seat.

And she continued to move up and challenged the third seat.

However, she lost, and lost quickly.

In order to prevent Alecino from experiencing pain, Columbia defeated Alecino in one move and made her unconscious.

The executives were not surprised by this ending.

After all, the status of the top three seats is almost unshakable.

In short, after the executive ranking battle ended, Alecino became the fourth executive, bringing the title of [Servant] to an unprecedented height.

At this time, the hearth house of winter.

The fire in the fireplace was burning, and Alecino sat on the sofa, holding a storybook in her hand.

"...In the end, the Rabbit Knight rescued the cursed Cat Princess and lived a happy life with her."

After reading the story, a hint of tenderness appeared on Arlechino's cold expression.

Looking at the children around her, Arlechino felt very warm.


When her eyes moved to the other three guys, Arlechino's face turned black in an instant.

"I three came here from the beginning without saying a word, what on earth do you want to do?"

"Haha, don't be angry! Of course we are here to visit you. After all, you were killed by Columbia that day, and we came to see if you have fallen into a trough, comfort you, and then look at the children."

Rosaline smiled nonchalantly, she hugged a child casually, and then pinched the other's chubby little face.

"Little Kesnov, you are fat again!"

"Hehe, no! I'm strong!"

The little boy retorted.

"What do you mean by strong? You've gained weight. You had much less flesh on your face before!"

Rosaline was playing with the child with a smile.

"Don't pay attention to her. She can't walk when she sees a child."

Sandonie silently complained about Rosaline and said to Alechino.

"We came to you because of the order of the [clown]. The foolish play is about to begin. We will return to our posts and play our roles well."

"The Queen's opportunity will usher in the most critical period. We will be sent to the other six countries to seize the power of the gods."

"It won't be so easy to meet in the future."

After Sandonie finished speaking, Columbia followed closely"The new story will be spread to Teyvat by the wind. The wind will bring the seeds of the story and make it sprout over time. The story will take root in the soil and last for a hundred years. During this period, it will experience the beating of thunder, the burning of fire, and the howling of ice." "However, nothing can stop its roots from going deep into the ground. It will flourish and be closely connected with Teyvat." After saying that, Columbia quietly waited for Alechino's answer. "...Another metaphor as always. The old man really hasn't changed at all." Alechino sighed softly, and she looked at the flames in the fireplace. The jumping sparks were reflected in the black and red cross eyes. "The changes brought by the story people are unstoppable. All we can do is push the story towards the ending we want... However, our actions may not necessarily get the desired results. We can only pray and hope that there will be traces of us left in the story..."

"Haha, you always say that [clowns] love to tell riddles, don't you do the same?"

At some point, Rosaline stopped playing with the children. She sat next to Arlechino and chuckled and joked.

"Really? Forget it, it's not important."

Arlechino raised an eyebrow, but didn't want to delve into it.

"The most urgent thing is that we should go to the palace for a gathering. Now that the executive officers have gathered, this is also the strongest moment in the history of the Fatui. The Queen's plan will also come to an end. We can't let down at this critical moment."

"Well... makes sense, let's go."

"The future will have its own development, we just need to do well in the present."


Mondstadt, next to the big tree in the wind, the long-sleeping boy woke up, and the first thing he did was to see if the wine he buried was still there.

In Liyue, a young man in exquisite clothes seemed to have a feeling and looked in the direction of Mondstadt. The girl handing out flyers next to him saw that the man was absent-minded and kicked him angrily.

Inazuma, the incarnation of thousands of thunder and lightning, still closed himself, but his followers were not in a hurry. Instead, they chatted about light novels with a pink-haired girl from Fontaine who had just met not long ago.

Xumi, the King of Grass imprisoned by his people, has glimpsed a corner of the future from the earth veins. He is waiting for the arrival of his first sage.

Fontaine... Fontaine's affairs do not need outsiders to intervene. Alechino will handle everything, even if that person is a very important part of the Ice Queen's plan.

The friendship between Zhidong and Fontaine cannot be destroyed, even Zhidong!

Nata... The situation here is unknown.

Zhidong, same as above.

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